Theoretical Article
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Year 2021, , 106 - 120, 29.12.2021


Bu makale, çevre koruma kuruluşlarında performansı artıran insan kaynaklarının geliştirilmesinin öneminin kapsamını ve şeklini belirlemektedir. (İnsan kaynaklarının geliştirilmesi) uygulamasının bireysel ve kurumsal performans üzerinde önemli ve doğrudan bir etkisi olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu bulgu, bir çalışanın kuruluşun başarısında önemli ve kilit rol oynayabileceği fikrine dayanmaktadır (Garavan, 2007). (İnsan kaynaklarının geliştirilmesi) önemli bir katkı sağlayabilmesi için süreç odaklı yaklaşımdan ve yönetsel yaklaşımdan uzaklaşıp daha stratejik bir yaklaşıma dönüştürmesi ve böylece çalışanların enerji gelişiminde başarılı bir liderlik rolü üstlenmesi gerekmektedir (Gold et al, 2011). Oysa insan kaynaklarının geliştirilmesi, örgütlerde sürekli öğrenme ve gelişimden sorumlu olan profesyonellerin, İK gelişimine yönelik iş gereksinimlerini ve faaliyetleri bir dizi önemli örgütsel uygulama olarak düşünmelerini gerektirmektedir. Karşılığında, bu terk ve daha düşük değer operasyonel “eğitim ve geliştirme” faaliyetleri uzak ve karşılığında kurumsal ve bireysel gelişim hizmet stratejik rolleri çeşitli gerçekleştirmek için yetkinliklerini geliştirmek için daha fazla zaman ve fırsat vererek hareket gerektirir. Aslında bu çalışma fikri, araştırmacının on dört yıldır çevre kurumlarındaki uygulamaları ve birçok çevre projesine katılımı ve 2004'ten 2014'e kadar araştırmacının Çevre Koruma kurulu'ndaki kamu sektöründeki deneyiminin yanı sıra Greenpeace Organizasyonundaki çalışmaları ve bu konudaki devamlılığı ile kristalleşmiştir. günümüze kadar. Araştırmacı, bu yıllar boyunca çevre koruma alanında sürdürdüğü sürekli artış ve tecrübe birikimi sırasında olduğu gibi, bu hayati ve hassas konunun akademik bir çalışma olarak incelenmesinin çok gerekli olduğuna inanmaktadır. İnsan kaynakları “gelişme” çok önemli bir kağıt buldu. Çevre koruma kurumlarının hedeflerine ulaşma imkanı, performanslarında sürekli güçlenmeye ihtiyaç duyar ve bu da “insan kaynaklarının geliştirilmesi” yoluyla yapılır. "Çevre koruma" faaliyetlerindeki "insan kaynakları” nın “eğitim ve geliştirmeye” devam etmesi ve yeterli finansmana ve ileri teknolojinin katılımına ihtiyaç duymasının yanı sıra insan kaynakları personelini güçlendirmesi ve motive etmesi gerekmektedir.


  • Abdi, S.; Azizpour, M. (2013) “Surveying the Relationship Between H.R. Strategies & Employees Work Ethic in Iran’s media”: Arab. J. Bus. Manag. Rev. (2013), 2, 129. 4.
  • Al-Arkoubi, K., McCourt, W. (2004). “The politics of Human Resources Mentanage”: Waiting for Godot in the Moroccan Civil Service. The International Journal of “Human Resource Management”, 15(9), 978-995. Angeles, CA: CEO. Lee, M. (2007). Human resource development from a holistic perspective. Advances in Developing Human Resources 9, no. 1: 97–110.
  • Becker, B. E., and Huselid, M. A. (2009). Strategic Human Resources Management: A. Wilkinson, N. A. Bacon, T. Redman, and S. Snell-Eds. the sage hand book of H. R.M. (pp. 351-376). “London”: Sage
  • Bierema, L. (2009)., Critiquing H.R.D. dominant masculine rationality & evaluating its impact. H.R.D. Review 8, 68–96. Boudreau,
  • Coleman, R.; Barrie, G. (1998) Ways to Be a Better Manager], 2nd ed.; Gower Publishing Company: Aldershot, UK, 1998; p. 156.
  • Dvoˇráková, Z. (2007) [Management of Human Resources]; C.H. Beck: Munich, Germany, 2007; p. 512. 40. Ehnert, I. (2014). Paradox as a Lens for Theorizing “Human Resource Management Sustainable”. In Sustainability and Human Resource Management; Springer: Berlin, Germany, 2014; pp. 249–273.
  • Fenwick, T., and L. Bierema. (2008). “Corporate Social Responsibility”: Issues for Human Resource Development Professionals. International Journal of Training & Development 12, 24–36.
  • Garavan, T. N. (2007). A Strategic Perspective on Human Resource Development. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 9(1), 11-30.
  • Goerner, S.J., R.G. Dyck, and D. Lagerroos. 2008. The New Science of Sustainability: Building a Foundation for Great Change. Chapel Hill, NC: Triangle Center for Complex Systems.
  • Gomes, D.P. & Cardoso, F. (2003), Human Resource Management. Yogyakarta, Indonesia - Penerbit Andi. www.managementdynamics.
  • Gray, K.C., & Herr, E.L. (1998), Workforce education - The basics. Needham Heights- MA: A Viacom Company. › program
  • Hill Rosemary and Stewart Jim (2000), "human resource development in small organizations", journal of european industrial training, 105-119
  • Hinrichsen, Don. 1987 “Our Common Future”: A Reader's Guide. “The 'Brundtland Report' Explained”. London: Earthscan Ltd.
  • Iqbal, M.Z.; Arif, M.I.; Abbas, F. (2011).Human resources study. Int. Educ. Stud. (2011), 4, 215 Johnson, E.K (2000). The human resource management practice in New Zealand: best practicestrategic? Asia Pac. J. Hum. Resour. 2000, 38, 71–83.
  • Ketola, T. (2000). Responsible leadership. Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Manag. 2010, 17, 123–124. [CrossRef] 32.
  • Li Jian. About Green (2002) Human Resource Management[J].Chinese Foreign Entrepreneurs, - 2009, (08):51-53.
  • Lynham, S.A. (2002). Quantitative Research and Theory Building: Dubin’s Method. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 4(3), 242-276. doi: 10.1177/15222302004003003.
  • Mandip G. Green (2012) Human Resources Management: People Management Commitment to “environmental sustainability Journal of Recent Sciences”, ISSN J. Research, 2012, 2277:2502.
  • Marsick, V., & Watkins, K. (1990). (Facılıtatıng Learnıng In Organızatıons) - Making Learning Count. aldershot, UK: Gower.
  • Rao, T. (1985). Integrated Human Resource Development System. developing human resources. San Diego, CA: University Associates.
  • Richard A. Swanson & Elwood F. Holton, (2001). Foundations of human resource development, Berrett-Koehiler Publishers, Inc. San Francisco. 2001.
  • Schuler, R.S.; MacMillan,, I.C. (1984). Gaining competitive advantage through human resource management practices. Hum. Resour. Manag. (1984), 23, 241–255.
  • Senyucel, Z. (2008). Human Resource Management in the Twenty one Century/ Book Boon: London, UK, 2009. 3.
  • Seyfarth, J. (2008). Human resource leadership for effective schools (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Swanson, R. A., & Holton, E. F., (2009)., foundations of “HRD” (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA/ Berrett-Koehler
  • Swanson, R.A., & Holton, E.F. (2001). foundations of human resource development. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.
  • Torrington, D., & Hall, L. (2007). Personnel Management: A New Approach. London, UK: Prentice-Hall International.
  • Torrington, D., L. Hall, and S. Taylor, (2007). Human resource management. 2007: Prentice Hall.
  • Truss, C.; Mankin, D.; Kelliher, C. (2012).strategic human resource management: Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2012. 5.
  • United Nations (1987), Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future, pp.33. 10.
  • Valaskova, K.; Kliestik, T.; Kovacova, M. (2018).Financial Management Risks in Slovak Projects Using “Regression Analysis”. Oeconom. Copernic. 2018, 9.
  • World Commission on Envir. and Develop. (1987). “our common future”. New York/ Press of University of Oxford, 1987.
  • Yuchtman, E., & Seashore, S. (1967). A System Resource Approach to Organizational Effectiveness. American Sociological Review, 32(6), 891-903. doi: 10.2307/2092843


Year 2021, , 106 - 120, 29.12.2021


The aim of this study is to determine the importance of development of human resource in enhancing performance in environmental protection institutions. There is a growing recognition that correct human resource development practices can have a direct impact on both individual and organizational performance. This result is based on the idea that the employee can play an important role in the success of the organization (Garavan, 2007). For human resource development to contribute for enhancing of performance, it needs to move away from the process-oriented approach and the managerial approach and change it to a more development approach, thus taking a leadership role in the development of individuals (Gold et al, 2011). Human resource development requires that professionals, responsible in organizations for learning and development, think about the requirements, and functional activities of human resource development as a set of important organizational practices. This, therefore, requires abandoning and moving away from more operational and low-value training and development activities, and in return giving more time to develop competencies to perform a variety of important roles. The idea of this study originated from the researcher's practice in environmental institutions for a period of thirteen years, his participation in many environmental projects, and his work experience from 2004 to 2014 in Salam Green. During the continuous accumulation of experience, and expertise throughout these years working in the field of environmental protection, the researcher thought it was necessary to study this sensitive subject as an academic study. The study found that the development of human resources is vital and very important, as the possibility of environmental institutions to achieve their goals needs to be strengthened in their performance, and this is only possible through the development of their human resources. Human resources in the field of environmental protection requires training, continuous development, financing, participation of advanced technology, promotion and motivation of human resources personnel.


  • Abdi, S.; Azizpour, M. (2013) “Surveying the Relationship Between H.R. Strategies & Employees Work Ethic in Iran’s media”: Arab. J. Bus. Manag. Rev. (2013), 2, 129. 4.
  • Al-Arkoubi, K., McCourt, W. (2004). “The politics of Human Resources Mentanage”: Waiting for Godot in the Moroccan Civil Service. The International Journal of “Human Resource Management”, 15(9), 978-995. Angeles, CA: CEO. Lee, M. (2007). Human resource development from a holistic perspective. Advances in Developing Human Resources 9, no. 1: 97–110.
  • Becker, B. E., and Huselid, M. A. (2009). Strategic Human Resources Management: A. Wilkinson, N. A. Bacon, T. Redman, and S. Snell-Eds. the sage hand book of H. R.M. (pp. 351-376). “London”: Sage
  • Bierema, L. (2009)., Critiquing H.R.D. dominant masculine rationality & evaluating its impact. H.R.D. Review 8, 68–96. Boudreau,
  • Coleman, R.; Barrie, G. (1998) Ways to Be a Better Manager], 2nd ed.; Gower Publishing Company: Aldershot, UK, 1998; p. 156.
  • Dvoˇráková, Z. (2007) [Management of Human Resources]; C.H. Beck: Munich, Germany, 2007; p. 512. 40. Ehnert, I. (2014). Paradox as a Lens for Theorizing “Human Resource Management Sustainable”. In Sustainability and Human Resource Management; Springer: Berlin, Germany, 2014; pp. 249–273.
  • Fenwick, T., and L. Bierema. (2008). “Corporate Social Responsibility”: Issues for Human Resource Development Professionals. International Journal of Training & Development 12, 24–36.
  • Garavan, T. N. (2007). A Strategic Perspective on Human Resource Development. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 9(1), 11-30.
  • Goerner, S.J., R.G. Dyck, and D. Lagerroos. 2008. The New Science of Sustainability: Building a Foundation for Great Change. Chapel Hill, NC: Triangle Center for Complex Systems.
  • Gomes, D.P. & Cardoso, F. (2003), Human Resource Management. Yogyakarta, Indonesia - Penerbit Andi. www.managementdynamics.
  • Gray, K.C., & Herr, E.L. (1998), Workforce education - The basics. Needham Heights- MA: A Viacom Company. › program
  • Hill Rosemary and Stewart Jim (2000), "human resource development in small organizations", journal of european industrial training, 105-119
  • Hinrichsen, Don. 1987 “Our Common Future”: A Reader's Guide. “The 'Brundtland Report' Explained”. London: Earthscan Ltd.
  • Iqbal, M.Z.; Arif, M.I.; Abbas, F. (2011).Human resources study. Int. Educ. Stud. (2011), 4, 215 Johnson, E.K (2000). The human resource management practice in New Zealand: best practicestrategic? Asia Pac. J. Hum. Resour. 2000, 38, 71–83.
  • Ketola, T. (2000). Responsible leadership. Corp. Soc. Responsib. Environ. Manag. 2010, 17, 123–124. [CrossRef] 32.
  • Li Jian. About Green (2002) Human Resource Management[J].Chinese Foreign Entrepreneurs, - 2009, (08):51-53.
  • Lynham, S.A. (2002). Quantitative Research and Theory Building: Dubin’s Method. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 4(3), 242-276. doi: 10.1177/15222302004003003.
  • Mandip G. Green (2012) Human Resources Management: People Management Commitment to “environmental sustainability Journal of Recent Sciences”, ISSN J. Research, 2012, 2277:2502.
  • Marsick, V., & Watkins, K. (1990). (Facılıtatıng Learnıng In Organızatıons) - Making Learning Count. aldershot, UK: Gower.
  • Rao, T. (1985). Integrated Human Resource Development System. developing human resources. San Diego, CA: University Associates.
  • Richard A. Swanson & Elwood F. Holton, (2001). Foundations of human resource development, Berrett-Koehiler Publishers, Inc. San Francisco. 2001.
  • Schuler, R.S.; MacMillan,, I.C. (1984). Gaining competitive advantage through human resource management practices. Hum. Resour. Manag. (1984), 23, 241–255.
  • Senyucel, Z. (2008). Human Resource Management in the Twenty one Century/ Book Boon: London, UK, 2009. 3.
  • Seyfarth, J. (2008). Human resource leadership for effective schools (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Swanson, R. A., & Holton, E. F., (2009)., foundations of “HRD” (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA/ Berrett-Koehler
  • Swanson, R.A., & Holton, E.F. (2001). foundations of human resource development. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.
  • Torrington, D., & Hall, L. (2007). Personnel Management: A New Approach. London, UK: Prentice-Hall International.
  • Torrington, D., L. Hall, and S. Taylor, (2007). Human resource management. 2007: Prentice Hall.
  • Truss, C.; Mankin, D.; Kelliher, C. (2012).strategic human resource management: Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2012. 5.
  • United Nations (1987), Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future, pp.33. 10.
  • Valaskova, K.; Kliestik, T.; Kovacova, M. (2018).Financial Management Risks in Slovak Projects Using “Regression Analysis”. Oeconom. Copernic. 2018, 9.
  • World Commission on Envir. and Develop. (1987). “our common future”. New York/ Press of University of Oxford, 1987.
  • Yuchtman, E., & Seashore, S. (1967). A System Resource Approach to Organizational Effectiveness. American Sociological Review, 32(6), 891-903. doi: 10.2307/2092843
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Review

Heresh Sabr Mohammed This is me

Abdulkadir Gümüş 0000-0002-6069-8776

Publication Date December 29, 2021
Submission Date November 28, 2021
Acceptance Date December 22, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021




Turkish Business Journal

       ISSN: 2717-848X