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New Approach to Control Flood and Transport of Debris Material: Shipnose Type Open Check Dam

Year 2022, Volume: 33 Issue: 6, 12847 - 12861, 01.11.2022


Flood events, which cause serious damage and loss of life in mountainous basins, are mostly caused by the transport of woody material that blocks bridges and culverts during flooding. In recent years, open check dams have begun to be built to trap woody materials. However, these structures can become blocked with woody materials in a short time, especially in large floods. So the material quickly loses its function of filtering and trapping the woody material. In this study, in order to prevent this problem, the new type of dam designed in the shape of the ship nose was compared against two different types of classical semi permeable open check dams in operation, in a laboratory. The results showed that the new type is effective against the problem of rapid clogging and overrun of woody materials. With the implementation of this structure, an important contribution could be made to reduce flood damages.


  • Anılan, T., Yüksek, Ö., Perception of Flood Risk and Mitigation: Survey Results From the Eastern Black Sea Basin, Turkey. Natural Hazard Review, 18(2): 05016006, 2017.
  • Anilan, T., Nacar, S., Kankal, M., Yuksek, O., Prediction of Maximum Annual Flood Discharges Using Artificial Neural Network Approaches. Građevinar, 72(03.), 215-224, 2020.
  • Akçalı, E., Arman H., Yağış Eşiği Bazlı Heyelan Erken Uyarı Sistem Önerisi: Trabzon İli Örneği, Teknik Dergi, 396, 6307-6332, s., 2013.
  • Akçalı, E., Kuduban, H., Efeoğlu, A., Fakraden, E.Ç., Deniz, S., Yeni Tip Taşkın Kontrol Sistemleri ve Türkiye’deki Uygulama İmkanları, 4. Ulusal Taşkın Sempozyumu, 23-25 Kasım 2016, Rize, 335-346, 2016.
  • Busnelli, M. M., Stelling, G.S., Larcher, M., Numerical Morphological Modeling of Open-Check Dams. Journal of Hydraulic Enginering, 127(2), 105-114, 2001.
  • Armanini, A., Larcher, M., Rational Criterion For Designing Opening of Slit-Check Dam. Journal of Hydraulic Enginering, 127(2), 94-104, 2001.
  • Campisano, A., Cutore, P., Modica, C., Improving the Evaluation of Slit-Check Dam Trapping Efficiency by Using a 1D Unsteady Flow Numerical Model. Journal of Hydraulic Enginering, 140(7), 04014024, 2014.
  • Catella, M., Paris, E., Solari, L., Case Study: Efficiency of Slit-Check Dams in the Mountain Region of Versilia Basin. Journal of Hydraulic Enginering, 131(3), 145-152, 2005.
  • Xie, T., Wei, F., Yang, H., Gardner, J.S., Xi, X., A Design Method for a Debris Flow Water-Sediment Separation Structure. Engineering Geology 220, 94-98, 2017.
  • Akçalı, E., Taşkın ve Sediment Kontrolünde Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar. 2. International Natural Disasters and Disaster Management Symposium Proceedings Book, 4-6 Mayıs 2018, Sakarya, Türkiye, 31-40, 2018.
  • Comiti, F., Macconi, P., Marchi, L., Arattano, M., Borga, M., Brardinoni , ... and Vischi, M., Debris Flow Monitoring and Warning System: a New Study Site in the Alps. In Work Group F Thematic Workshop on Implementation of the Floods Directive 2007/60/EC, Flash Floods and Pluvial Flooding, 2010.
  • Schwindt, S., Franca, M.J., Schleiss, A., The Influence of the Opening Width of Check Dams on Bedload Continuity of Mountain Rivers (No. CONF, pp. 1156-1160), 2016.
  • Petrus, F., Pallu, H. M. S., Thaha, M. A., Maricar, F., Experimental Study on Control of Mixed Debris Flow with the Check Dam Combination. International Journal of Civil Enginering (IJCIET), 10(10):159-166, 2019.
  • Armanini, A., Dalri, C., Larcher, M., Slit-Check Dams for Controlling Debris Flow and Mudflow. In International Symposium Disaster Mitigation of Debris Flows, Slope Failures and Landslides, Universal Academy Press, Inc (pp. 141-148), 2006.
  • Maricar, F., Hashimoto, H., A Comparison of Wood-Sediment-Water Mixture Flows at a Closed Type and an Open Type of Check Dams in Mountain Rivers. In River Flow 2014 Conf. Proc (pp. 711-716), 2014.
  • Piton, G., Recking, A., Design of Sediment Traps with Open Check Dams. I: Hydraulic and Deposition Processes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(2), 04015045, 2016.
  • Yuan, D., Liu, J., You, Y., Zhang, G., Wang, D., Lin, Z., Experimental Study on the Performance Characteristics of Viscous Debris Flows with a Grid-Type Dam for Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation. Bulletin Engineering of Geologic Environment 78(8), 5763-5774, 2019.
  • Sun, H., You, Y., Li, J. F., Experimental Study on Characteristics of Trapping and Regulating Sediment with an Open-Type Check Dam in Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation. Journal of Material Sciences, 15(9), 2001-2012, 2018.
  • Takahashi, T., Nakagawa, H., Harada, T., Yamashiki, Y., Routing Debris Flows with Particle Segregation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 118(11), 1490-1507, 1992.
  • Hui-Pang, LIEN., Design of Slit Dams for Controlling Stony Debris Flows. International Journal of Sediment Research, 18(1), 74-87, 2003.
  • Armanini, A., Dalri, C., Larcher, M., Slit-Check Dams for Controlling Debris Flow and Mudflow. In International Symposium Disaster Mitigation of Debris Flows, Slope Failures and Landslides, Universal Academy Press, Inc (pp. 141-148), 2006.
  • Shrestha, B. B., Nakagawa, H., Kawaike, K., Baba, Y., Numerical Simulation on Debris-Flow Deposition and Erosion Processes Upstream of a Check Dam with Experimental Verification. Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals, 51(B):613-624, 2008.
  • Itoh, T., Horiuchi, S., Mizuyama, T., Kaitsuka, K., Hydraulic Model Tests for Evaluating Sediment Control Function with a Grid-Type Sabo Dam in Mountainous Torrents. International Journal of Sediment Research, 28(4), 511-522, 2013.
  • Shima, J., Moriyama, H., Kokuryo, H., Ishikawa, N., Mizuyama, T., Prevention and Mitigation of Debris Flow Hazards by Using Steel Open-Type Sabo Dams. International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 9(3), 135-144, 2016.
  • Castillo VM, Mosch WM, García CC, Barberá GG, Cano JN, López-Bermúdez F (2007) Effectiveness and geomorphological impacts of check dams for soil erosion control in a semiarid Mediterranean catchment: El Cárcavo (Murcia, Spain). Catena, 70(3), 416-427.
  • Shrestha, B. B., Nakagawa, H., Kawaike, K., Baba, Y., Zhang, H., Driftwood Deposition from Debris Flows at Slit-Check Dams and Fans. Natural Hazards, 61(2), 577-602, 2012.
  • Li, S., You, Y., Chen, X., Liu, J., Chen, J., Regulation Effectiveness of a Window-Check Dam on Debris Flows. Engineering Geology, 253, 205-213, 2019.
  • Hashimoto, H., Hashimura, K., Nagano, H., Maricar, F., Experimental Investigation into Flow Behavior of Wood-Sediment-Water Mixture at a Grid Type of Open Check Dam. International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 9(4), 188-193, 2016.
  • Meninno, S., Canelas, R. B., Cardoso, A. H., Coupling Check Dams with Large Wood Retention Structures in Clean Water. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 1-16, 2019.
  • Rossi, G., Armanini, A., Experimental Analysis of Open Check Dams and Protection Bars Against Debris Flows and Driftwood. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 1-20, 2019.
  • Piton, G., Recking, A. Design of Sediment Traps with Open Check Dams. II: Woody Debris. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(2), 04015046, 2016
  • Tateishi, R., Horiguchi, T., Sonoda, Y., Ishikawa, N. Experimental Study of the Woody Debris Trapping Efficiency of a Steel Pipe, Open Sabo Dam. International Journal of Sediment Research, 35(5), 431-443, 2020.
  • Zhou, G. G., Hu, H. S., Song, D., Zhao, T., Chen, X. Q. Experimental Study on the Regulation Function of Slit Dam Against Debris Flows. Landslides, 16(1), 75-90, 2019.

Taşkın ve Rüsubat Kontrolünde Yeni Öneri: Gemiburnu Tip Geçirgen Bent

Year 2022, Volume: 33 Issue: 6, 12847 - 12861, 01.11.2022


Dağlık havzalarda ciddi hasarlara ve can kaybına neden olan taşkın olayları, büyük ölçüde taşkın sırasında köprü ve menfezleri tıkayan odunsu malzemenin taşınmasıyla meydana gelmektedir. Son yıllarda, odunsu malzemeleri tuzaklamak üzere geçirgen tersip bentleri inşa edilmeye başlanmıştır. Ancak, bu yapılar özellikle büyük taşkınlarda odunsu malzemelerle kısa sürede tıkanabilmekte, bu nedenle malzeme filtreleme ve odunsu materyali tuzaklama işlevini hızla kaybetmektedir. Bu çalışmada, bu sorunun önlenmesi adına gemiburnu şeklinde tasarlanmış yeni tip bent, işletme halindeki iki farklı tipteki klasik yarı geçirgen tersip bendi ile laboratuvar ortamında karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar yeni tipin hızlı tıkanma ve üstten aşma sorununa karşı etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu yapının uygulanmasıyla taşkın zararlarının azaltılması adına önemli bir katkı sağlanmış olacaktır.


  • Anılan, T., Yüksek, Ö., Perception of Flood Risk and Mitigation: Survey Results From the Eastern Black Sea Basin, Turkey. Natural Hazard Review, 18(2): 05016006, 2017.
  • Anilan, T., Nacar, S., Kankal, M., Yuksek, O., Prediction of Maximum Annual Flood Discharges Using Artificial Neural Network Approaches. Građevinar, 72(03.), 215-224, 2020.
  • Akçalı, E., Arman H., Yağış Eşiği Bazlı Heyelan Erken Uyarı Sistem Önerisi: Trabzon İli Örneği, Teknik Dergi, 396, 6307-6332, s., 2013.
  • Akçalı, E., Kuduban, H., Efeoğlu, A., Fakraden, E.Ç., Deniz, S., Yeni Tip Taşkın Kontrol Sistemleri ve Türkiye’deki Uygulama İmkanları, 4. Ulusal Taşkın Sempozyumu, 23-25 Kasım 2016, Rize, 335-346, 2016.
  • Busnelli, M. M., Stelling, G.S., Larcher, M., Numerical Morphological Modeling of Open-Check Dams. Journal of Hydraulic Enginering, 127(2), 105-114, 2001.
  • Armanini, A., Larcher, M., Rational Criterion For Designing Opening of Slit-Check Dam. Journal of Hydraulic Enginering, 127(2), 94-104, 2001.
  • Campisano, A., Cutore, P., Modica, C., Improving the Evaluation of Slit-Check Dam Trapping Efficiency by Using a 1D Unsteady Flow Numerical Model. Journal of Hydraulic Enginering, 140(7), 04014024, 2014.
  • Catella, M., Paris, E., Solari, L., Case Study: Efficiency of Slit-Check Dams in the Mountain Region of Versilia Basin. Journal of Hydraulic Enginering, 131(3), 145-152, 2005.
  • Xie, T., Wei, F., Yang, H., Gardner, J.S., Xi, X., A Design Method for a Debris Flow Water-Sediment Separation Structure. Engineering Geology 220, 94-98, 2017.
  • Akçalı, E., Taşkın ve Sediment Kontrolünde Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar. 2. International Natural Disasters and Disaster Management Symposium Proceedings Book, 4-6 Mayıs 2018, Sakarya, Türkiye, 31-40, 2018.
  • Comiti, F., Macconi, P., Marchi, L., Arattano, M., Borga, M., Brardinoni , ... and Vischi, M., Debris Flow Monitoring and Warning System: a New Study Site in the Alps. In Work Group F Thematic Workshop on Implementation of the Floods Directive 2007/60/EC, Flash Floods and Pluvial Flooding, 2010.
  • Schwindt, S., Franca, M.J., Schleiss, A., The Influence of the Opening Width of Check Dams on Bedload Continuity of Mountain Rivers (No. CONF, pp. 1156-1160), 2016.
  • Petrus, F., Pallu, H. M. S., Thaha, M. A., Maricar, F., Experimental Study on Control of Mixed Debris Flow with the Check Dam Combination. International Journal of Civil Enginering (IJCIET), 10(10):159-166, 2019.
  • Armanini, A., Dalri, C., Larcher, M., Slit-Check Dams for Controlling Debris Flow and Mudflow. In International Symposium Disaster Mitigation of Debris Flows, Slope Failures and Landslides, Universal Academy Press, Inc (pp. 141-148), 2006.
  • Maricar, F., Hashimoto, H., A Comparison of Wood-Sediment-Water Mixture Flows at a Closed Type and an Open Type of Check Dams in Mountain Rivers. In River Flow 2014 Conf. Proc (pp. 711-716), 2014.
  • Piton, G., Recking, A., Design of Sediment Traps with Open Check Dams. I: Hydraulic and Deposition Processes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(2), 04015045, 2016.
  • Yuan, D., Liu, J., You, Y., Zhang, G., Wang, D., Lin, Z., Experimental Study on the Performance Characteristics of Viscous Debris Flows with a Grid-Type Dam for Debris Flow Hazards Mitigation. Bulletin Engineering of Geologic Environment 78(8), 5763-5774, 2019.
  • Sun, H., You, Y., Li, J. F., Experimental Study on Characteristics of Trapping and Regulating Sediment with an Open-Type Check Dam in Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation. Journal of Material Sciences, 15(9), 2001-2012, 2018.
  • Takahashi, T., Nakagawa, H., Harada, T., Yamashiki, Y., Routing Debris Flows with Particle Segregation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 118(11), 1490-1507, 1992.
  • Hui-Pang, LIEN., Design of Slit Dams for Controlling Stony Debris Flows. International Journal of Sediment Research, 18(1), 74-87, 2003.
  • Armanini, A., Dalri, C., Larcher, M., Slit-Check Dams for Controlling Debris Flow and Mudflow. In International Symposium Disaster Mitigation of Debris Flows, Slope Failures and Landslides, Universal Academy Press, Inc (pp. 141-148), 2006.
  • Shrestha, B. B., Nakagawa, H., Kawaike, K., Baba, Y., Numerical Simulation on Debris-Flow Deposition and Erosion Processes Upstream of a Check Dam with Experimental Verification. Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals, 51(B):613-624, 2008.
  • Itoh, T., Horiuchi, S., Mizuyama, T., Kaitsuka, K., Hydraulic Model Tests for Evaluating Sediment Control Function with a Grid-Type Sabo Dam in Mountainous Torrents. International Journal of Sediment Research, 28(4), 511-522, 2013.
  • Shima, J., Moriyama, H., Kokuryo, H., Ishikawa, N., Mizuyama, T., Prevention and Mitigation of Debris Flow Hazards by Using Steel Open-Type Sabo Dams. International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 9(3), 135-144, 2016.
  • Castillo VM, Mosch WM, García CC, Barberá GG, Cano JN, López-Bermúdez F (2007) Effectiveness and geomorphological impacts of check dams for soil erosion control in a semiarid Mediterranean catchment: El Cárcavo (Murcia, Spain). Catena, 70(3), 416-427.
  • Shrestha, B. B., Nakagawa, H., Kawaike, K., Baba, Y., Zhang, H., Driftwood Deposition from Debris Flows at Slit-Check Dams and Fans. Natural Hazards, 61(2), 577-602, 2012.
  • Li, S., You, Y., Chen, X., Liu, J., Chen, J., Regulation Effectiveness of a Window-Check Dam on Debris Flows. Engineering Geology, 253, 205-213, 2019.
  • Hashimoto, H., Hashimura, K., Nagano, H., Maricar, F., Experimental Investigation into Flow Behavior of Wood-Sediment-Water Mixture at a Grid Type of Open Check Dam. International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 9(4), 188-193, 2016.
  • Meninno, S., Canelas, R. B., Cardoso, A. H., Coupling Check Dams with Large Wood Retention Structures in Clean Water. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 1-16, 2019.
  • Rossi, G., Armanini, A., Experimental Analysis of Open Check Dams and Protection Bars Against Debris Flows and Driftwood. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 1-20, 2019.
  • Piton, G., Recking, A. Design of Sediment Traps with Open Check Dams. II: Woody Debris. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(2), 04015046, 2016
  • Tateishi, R., Horiguchi, T., Sonoda, Y., Ishikawa, N. Experimental Study of the Woody Debris Trapping Efficiency of a Steel Pipe, Open Sabo Dam. International Journal of Sediment Research, 35(5), 431-443, 2020.
  • Zhou, G. G., Hu, H. S., Song, D., Zhao, T., Chen, X. Q. Experimental Study on the Regulation Function of Slit Dam Against Debris Flows. Landslides, 16(1), 75-90, 2019.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Civil Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Emre Akçalı 0000-0002-4825-7265

Publication Date November 1, 2022
Submission Date February 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 33 Issue: 6


APA Akçalı, E. (2022). Taşkın ve Rüsubat Kontrolünde Yeni Öneri: Gemiburnu Tip Geçirgen Bent. Teknik Dergi, 33(6), 12847-12861.
AMA Akçalı E. Taşkın ve Rüsubat Kontrolünde Yeni Öneri: Gemiburnu Tip Geçirgen Bent. Teknik Dergi. November 2022;33(6):12847-12861. doi:10.18400/tekderg.880224
Chicago Akçalı, Emre. “Taşkın Ve Rüsubat Kontrolünde Yeni Öneri: Gemiburnu Tip Geçirgen Bent”. Teknik Dergi 33, no. 6 (November 2022): 12847-61.
EndNote Akçalı E (November 1, 2022) Taşkın ve Rüsubat Kontrolünde Yeni Öneri: Gemiburnu Tip Geçirgen Bent. Teknik Dergi 33 6 12847–12861.
IEEE E. Akçalı, “Taşkın ve Rüsubat Kontrolünde Yeni Öneri: Gemiburnu Tip Geçirgen Bent”, Teknik Dergi, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 12847–12861, 2022, doi: 10.18400/tekderg.880224.
ISNAD Akçalı, Emre. “Taşkın Ve Rüsubat Kontrolünde Yeni Öneri: Gemiburnu Tip Geçirgen Bent”. Teknik Dergi 33/6 (November 2022), 12847-12861.
JAMA Akçalı E. Taşkın ve Rüsubat Kontrolünde Yeni Öneri: Gemiburnu Tip Geçirgen Bent. Teknik Dergi. 2022;33:12847–12861.
MLA Akçalı, Emre. “Taşkın Ve Rüsubat Kontrolünde Yeni Öneri: Gemiburnu Tip Geçirgen Bent”. Teknik Dergi, vol. 33, no. 6, 2022, pp. 12847-61, doi:10.18400/tekderg.880224.
Vancouver Akçalı E. Taşkın ve Rüsubat Kontrolünde Yeni Öneri: Gemiburnu Tip Geçirgen Bent. Teknik Dergi. 2022;33(6):12847-61.