Bu makale TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenen 217M738 nolu P1001 projesindeki çalışmalardan elde edilen sonuçlardan hazırlanmıştır. Yazarlar destekleri için TÜBİTAK' a teşekkür ederler.
(Research pesented in this paper was produced from the results of a project supported by TUBITAK (Project no: 217M738). The author(s) express their sincere thanks to TUBITAK for the support.)
1. Abjadi NR, Soltani J, Askari J, Arab Markadeh GR. 2009. Nonlinear sliding-mode control of a multi-motor web-winding system without tension sensor, IET Control Theory Appl. 3(4), 419-427.
2. Baumgart MD, Pao Y. 2004, December. Robust control of tape transport systems with no tension sensor. 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (4342-4349). Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas.
3. Baumgart MD, Pao LY. 2007. Robust control of nonlinear tape transport systems with and without tension sensors, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control. 129(1), 41-55.
4. Carrasco R, Valenzuela MA. 2006. Tension control of a two-drum winder using paper tension estimation, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 42(2), 618-628.
5. Cheng CW, Hsiao CH, Chuang CC, Chen KC, Tseng WP. 2005, July. Observer-based tension feedback control of direct drive web transport system. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (745-750). Taipei, Taiwan.
6. Dong CH, Woon JB, Yoon CL, Sang H, Hyuk JL, Seok HN, Han KK, Jae YP, Suuk GL, Du HC. 2006,May. Proceeding of SPIE, Gyongsan, Korea.
7. Glaoui H, Hazzab A, Bouchiba B, Bousserhane IK. 2013, Modeling and simulation multi motors web winding system, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 4(2), 110- 115.
8. Hou H, Wang Z, Nian X, Shang J. 2015, July. Proceedings of the 34th Chinese Control Conference. Hangzhou, China.
9. Hou H, Nian X, Shang J, Xu S, Peng Z. 2016, July. Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, Chengdu, China.
10. Jeftenić BI, Bebić MZ. 2010. Realization of rewinder with a reduced number of sensors. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 57(8), 2797-2806.
11. Lynch AF, Bortoff SA, Röbenack K. 2004. Nonlinear tension observers for web machines. Automatica. 40(9), 1517-1524.
12.Tham TTH, Xuyen HQ, Vinh Q. 2019. Tension Sensorless Control For Web Transport Systems. SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.6(10), 9-14.
13. Valenzuela MA, Bentley JM, Lorenz RD. 2003. Sensorless tension control in paper machines. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 39(2), 294-303.
14. Valenzuela NR, Carrasco R, Sbarbaro D. 2008. Robust sheet tension estimation for paper winders. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 44(6), 1937-1949.
15. Wang Z, Nan H, Shi T, Geng Q, Xia C. 2018, No-Tension Sensor Closed-Loop Control Method with Adaptive PI Parameters for Two-Motor Winding System. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2018, 14 pages.
16. Zhong H, Pao LY. 2009, June. Regulating web tension in tape systems with time-varying radii. American Control Conference (198-203). St. Louis, MO, USA.
Experimental Investigation of Sensorless Tension Control System for Textile Processes
Sensorless tension control system is investigated for textile processes and machines in this paper. A prototype unit unit was designed and manufactured for this aim. Prototype unit consisted of winding and unwinding warp beams driven by a servomotor and an induction motor. Warp tension was measured by load cells for evaluating the sensorless tension control system performance. Diameters of winding and unwinding warp beams were measured by laser sensors. Wound warp length was measured by an incremental encoder fitted to the shaft of a cylinder rotated by warp yarns. Number of beam rotations of warp beams were measured by separate inductive switches. A software program was developed in LabVIEW to implemet sensorless tension control algorithms and record the performance data. Results showed that the desired tension can be kept constant within 5% deviation limits by the servomotor torque control.
1. Abjadi NR, Soltani J, Askari J, Arab Markadeh GR. 2009. Nonlinear sliding-mode control of a multi-motor web-winding system without tension sensor, IET Control Theory Appl. 3(4), 419-427.
2. Baumgart MD, Pao Y. 2004, December. Robust control of tape transport systems with no tension sensor. 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (4342-4349). Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas.
3. Baumgart MD, Pao LY. 2007. Robust control of nonlinear tape transport systems with and without tension sensors, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control. 129(1), 41-55.
4. Carrasco R, Valenzuela MA. 2006. Tension control of a two-drum winder using paper tension estimation, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 42(2), 618-628.
5. Cheng CW, Hsiao CH, Chuang CC, Chen KC, Tseng WP. 2005, July. Observer-based tension feedback control of direct drive web transport system. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (745-750). Taipei, Taiwan.
6. Dong CH, Woon JB, Yoon CL, Sang H, Hyuk JL, Seok HN, Han KK, Jae YP, Suuk GL, Du HC. 2006,May. Proceeding of SPIE, Gyongsan, Korea.
7. Glaoui H, Hazzab A, Bouchiba B, Bousserhane IK. 2013, Modeling and simulation multi motors web winding system, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 4(2), 110- 115.
8. Hou H, Wang Z, Nian X, Shang J. 2015, July. Proceedings of the 34th Chinese Control Conference. Hangzhou, China.
9. Hou H, Nian X, Shang J, Xu S, Peng Z. 2016, July. Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, Chengdu, China.
10. Jeftenić BI, Bebić MZ. 2010. Realization of rewinder with a reduced number of sensors. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 57(8), 2797-2806.
11. Lynch AF, Bortoff SA, Röbenack K. 2004. Nonlinear tension observers for web machines. Automatica. 40(9), 1517-1524.
12.Tham TTH, Xuyen HQ, Vinh Q. 2019. Tension Sensorless Control For Web Transport Systems. SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.6(10), 9-14.
13. Valenzuela MA, Bentley JM, Lorenz RD. 2003. Sensorless tension control in paper machines. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 39(2), 294-303.
14. Valenzuela NR, Carrasco R, Sbarbaro D. 2008. Robust sheet tension estimation for paper winders. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 44(6), 1937-1949.
15. Wang Z, Nan H, Shi T, Geng Q, Xia C. 2018, No-Tension Sensor Closed-Loop Control Method with Adaptive PI Parameters for Two-Motor Winding System. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2018, 14 pages.
16. Zhong H, Pao LY. 2009, June. Regulating web tension in tape systems with time-varying radii. American Control Conference (198-203). St. Louis, MO, USA.
Eren, R., Bayraktar, İ., & Sadoun, M. Y. (2023). Experimental Investigation of Sensorless Tension Control System for Textile Processes. Textile and Apparel, 33(2), 125-134. https://doi.org/10.32710/tekstilvekonfeksiyon.1084536
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