Year 2023,
, 322 - 329, 31.12.2023
Fatma Nergis
Cevza Candan
Duygu Boy
Berfin Müjde
Sena Nur Dursun
- 1. Niinimäki, K.; Peters, G.; Dahlbo, H.; Perry, P.; Rissanen, T.; Gwilt, A. 2020. The environmental price of fast fashion. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1, 189 - 200.
- 2. Amutha K. 2017. Environmental impacts of denim. In Muthu S.S. Editor (Ed.), Sustainability in Denim, Woodhead Publishing, 27-47.
- 3. Csanák E. 2014, November. Sustainable Concepts and Eco-Friendly Technologies In The Denim Industry. Proceedings of International Conference On Design and Light Industry Technologies, Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary.
- 4. Alam M.R.; Islam T.; Rahman M.; Antor M.; Rahman R.; Tamanna T.A. 2020. Sustainable denim fabric washing with post-used rubber shoe sole: An eco-friendly alternative of Pumice stone. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 13(48), 4723-4731.
- 5. Kan C.V. 2015. Washing techniques for denim jeans. In Paul R. Editor, Denim Manufacture, Finishing and Applications. UK:Woodhead Publishing, 313-353.
- 6. Khan MKR, Jintun S. 2021. Sustainability Issues of Various Denim Washing Methods. Textile & Leather Review, 4(2):96-110.
- 7. Elias K. 2015. Sustainable and Ecological Finishing Technology for Denim Jeans. The American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT) 2, 159-163.
8. Choudhury A.K.R. 2017. Environmental impacts of denim washing. In Muthu S.S Editor, Sustainability in Denim. UK:Woodhead Publishing, 27-47.
9. International Organization for Standardization. 2014. Water footprint – Principles, requirements and guidelines (ISO Standard No. 14046:2014).
- 10. Pal H.; Chatterjee K.N.; Sharma D. 2017. Water footprint of denim industry. In Muthu S.S Editor, Sustainability in Denim. UK:Woodhead Publishing, 111-122.
- 11. What is Water Footprint? Water Footprint Network. 2021,12 16 Retrieved from
- 12. International Organization for Standardization. 2006. Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - Principles and Framework (ISO Standard No. 14040:2006).
- 13. The Life Cycle of a Jean. Levi Strauss & Co. 2022, 01 03. Retrieved from
- 14. Tara H. 2015. A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Denim Jeans and a Cotton T-Shirt: The Production of Fast Fashion Essential Items From Cradle to Gate. Retrieved from
- 15. Preus S. 2022, 01 06. Do you Know How Many Liters of Water were Used to Produce the Jeans You’re Wearing? Retrieved from
- 16. How We Make Jeans With Less Water.2021, 11 19. Retrieved from
- 17. Denim technology drives eco-friendly future. 2021, 11 28. Retrieved from .
- 18. D-Clear: Breakthrough Technology in Sustainability. 2021, 11 19. Retrieved from .
- 19. Spanish fashion retailer Tendam, latest to join the Fashion Pact. 2021, 11 19. Retrieved from
- 20. Chico D.; Aldaya M.; Garrido A. 2013. A water footprint assessment of a pair of jeans: the influence of agricultural policies on the sustainability of consumer products. Journal of Cleaner Production 57, 238-248.
- 21. Vos, R.O. 2019. The spatially explicit water footprint of blue jeans: spatial methods in action for sustainable consumer products and corporate management of water. Case Stud. Environ, 3 (1), 1–14.
- 22. Zhao, M.Y.; Zhou, Y.; Meng, J.; Zheng, H.R.; Cai, Y.P.; Shan, Y.L.; Guan, D.B.; Yang, Z.F. 2021. Virtual carbon and water flows embodied in global fashion trade - a case study of denim products. J. Clean. Prod, 303, 127080.
- 23. Fidan F.S.; Aydogan E.K.; Uzal N. 2021. Multi-dimensional Sustainability Evaluation of Indigo Rope Dyeing with a life cycle approach and hesitant fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 309, 127454.
- 24. Fidan F.S.; Aydogan E.K.; Uzal N. 2021. An integrated life cycle assessment approach for denim fabric production using recycled cotton fibers and combined heat and powerplant. Journal of Cleaner Production, 287 125439.
- 25. Hoekstra, A. Y.; Chapagain, A. K.; Mekonnen, M. M.; Aldaya, M. M. 2021, 11 19. The water footprint assessment manual: Setting the global standard. Waterfootprint Network. Retrieved from
- 26. CML-IA baseline methodology (version 3.05). The Netherlands; Leiden University. 2021, 12 13. Retrieved from
- 27. SimaPro database manual – Methods library. 2021, 09 11. Retrieved from
- 28. Franke, N.; Hoekstra, A. Y.; Boyacioglu, 2013. H. Grey water footprint accounting: Tier 1 supporting guidelines. Delft, the Nethelands: Unesco-IHE Institute dor Water Education, (Value of Water Research Report; 65).
- 29. Yönetmelik, Su Kirliliği Kontrolü. T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı. 2021, 12 25. Retrieved from
- 30. Kummu M.; Guillaume J.H.A.; de Moel H.; Eisner S. Flörke M.; Porkka M.; Siebert S.; Veldkamp T.I.E.; Ward P.J. 2016. The World’s Road to Water Scarcity: Shortage and Stress in the 20th Century and Pathways towards Sustainability. Sci. Rep. 6, 1–16.
Water Conscious Blue Jeans Washing Process: A Case Study of Turkey
Year 2023,
, 322 - 329, 31.12.2023
Fatma Nergis
Cevza Candan
Duygu Boy
Berfin Müjde
Sena Nur Dursun
Washed denim garments represent a popular field of fashion design, and environmental effects of denim washing are being increasingly explored since the process has adverse impacts on the environment due to its chemical discharge and other pollutant emissions that affect water sup-plies. As one of the biggest suppliers of denim apparel manufacturing worldwide, Turkey has also faced problems of high water consumption and pollution. To reveal the pressure on the envi-ronment caused by the denim washing sub- sector in particular, the water related environmental negative impacts in the industry need to not only be quantified, but also reduced. Accordingly, the study was conducted to develop a sustainable washing process for blue jeans for a medium scaled, commercial denim apparel washing plant. The results showed that the sustainable washing approach displayed superior performance with 36% lower grey water footprint (GWF), lower environmental impact in all categories, 28% lower overall energy demand, 50% lower natural gas and 36% lower direct water resource consumption with similar garment quality and washing effect attained.
- 1. Niinimäki, K.; Peters, G.; Dahlbo, H.; Perry, P.; Rissanen, T.; Gwilt, A. 2020. The environmental price of fast fashion. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1, 189 - 200.
- 2. Amutha K. 2017. Environmental impacts of denim. In Muthu S.S. Editor (Ed.), Sustainability in Denim, Woodhead Publishing, 27-47.
- 3. Csanák E. 2014, November. Sustainable Concepts and Eco-Friendly Technologies In The Denim Industry. Proceedings of International Conference On Design and Light Industry Technologies, Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary.
- 4. Alam M.R.; Islam T.; Rahman M.; Antor M.; Rahman R.; Tamanna T.A. 2020. Sustainable denim fabric washing with post-used rubber shoe sole: An eco-friendly alternative of Pumice stone. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 13(48), 4723-4731.
- 5. Kan C.V. 2015. Washing techniques for denim jeans. In Paul R. Editor, Denim Manufacture, Finishing and Applications. UK:Woodhead Publishing, 313-353.
- 6. Khan MKR, Jintun S. 2021. Sustainability Issues of Various Denim Washing Methods. Textile & Leather Review, 4(2):96-110.
- 7. Elias K. 2015. Sustainable and Ecological Finishing Technology for Denim Jeans. The American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT) 2, 159-163.
8. Choudhury A.K.R. 2017. Environmental impacts of denim washing. In Muthu S.S Editor, Sustainability in Denim. UK:Woodhead Publishing, 27-47.
9. International Organization for Standardization. 2014. Water footprint – Principles, requirements and guidelines (ISO Standard No. 14046:2014).
- 10. Pal H.; Chatterjee K.N.; Sharma D. 2017. Water footprint of denim industry. In Muthu S.S Editor, Sustainability in Denim. UK:Woodhead Publishing, 111-122.
- 11. What is Water Footprint? Water Footprint Network. 2021,12 16 Retrieved from
- 12. International Organization for Standardization. 2006. Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - Principles and Framework (ISO Standard No. 14040:2006).
- 13. The Life Cycle of a Jean. Levi Strauss & Co. 2022, 01 03. Retrieved from
- 14. Tara H. 2015. A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Denim Jeans and a Cotton T-Shirt: The Production of Fast Fashion Essential Items From Cradle to Gate. Retrieved from
- 15. Preus S. 2022, 01 06. Do you Know How Many Liters of Water were Used to Produce the Jeans You’re Wearing? Retrieved from
- 16. How We Make Jeans With Less Water.2021, 11 19. Retrieved from
- 17. Denim technology drives eco-friendly future. 2021, 11 28. Retrieved from .
- 18. D-Clear: Breakthrough Technology in Sustainability. 2021, 11 19. Retrieved from .
- 19. Spanish fashion retailer Tendam, latest to join the Fashion Pact. 2021, 11 19. Retrieved from
- 20. Chico D.; Aldaya M.; Garrido A. 2013. A water footprint assessment of a pair of jeans: the influence of agricultural policies on the sustainability of consumer products. Journal of Cleaner Production 57, 238-248.
- 21. Vos, R.O. 2019. The spatially explicit water footprint of blue jeans: spatial methods in action for sustainable consumer products and corporate management of water. Case Stud. Environ, 3 (1), 1–14.
- 22. Zhao, M.Y.; Zhou, Y.; Meng, J.; Zheng, H.R.; Cai, Y.P.; Shan, Y.L.; Guan, D.B.; Yang, Z.F. 2021. Virtual carbon and water flows embodied in global fashion trade - a case study of denim products. J. Clean. Prod, 303, 127080.
- 23. Fidan F.S.; Aydogan E.K.; Uzal N. 2021. Multi-dimensional Sustainability Evaluation of Indigo Rope Dyeing with a life cycle approach and hesitant fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 309, 127454.
- 24. Fidan F.S.; Aydogan E.K.; Uzal N. 2021. An integrated life cycle assessment approach for denim fabric production using recycled cotton fibers and combined heat and powerplant. Journal of Cleaner Production, 287 125439.
- 25. Hoekstra, A. Y.; Chapagain, A. K.; Mekonnen, M. M.; Aldaya, M. M. 2021, 11 19. The water footprint assessment manual: Setting the global standard. Waterfootprint Network. Retrieved from
- 26. CML-IA baseline methodology (version 3.05). The Netherlands; Leiden University. 2021, 12 13. Retrieved from
- 27. SimaPro database manual – Methods library. 2021, 09 11. Retrieved from
- 28. Franke, N.; Hoekstra, A. Y.; Boyacioglu, 2013. H. Grey water footprint accounting: Tier 1 supporting guidelines. Delft, the Nethelands: Unesco-IHE Institute dor Water Education, (Value of Water Research Report; 65).
- 29. Yönetmelik, Su Kirliliği Kontrolü. T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı. 2021, 12 25. Retrieved from
- 30. Kummu M.; Guillaume J.H.A.; de Moel H.; Eisner S. Flörke M.; Porkka M.; Siebert S.; Veldkamp T.I.E.; Ward P.J. 2016. The World’s Road to Water Scarcity: Shortage and Stress in the 20th Century and Pathways towards Sustainability. Sci. Rep. 6, 1–16.