Research Article
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Year 2024, , 434 - 447, 30.12.2024



  • 1. Özen MS, Akalın M. 2012. Weaving Technology, Marmara University, Istanbul 1st edition: Generation Printing, 698 pp.
  • 2. Kadolph SJ. 2007. Textiles, Iowa State University, Tenth Edition: Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 496 pp.
  • 3. Erdogan S. 2008. Comparison of Velvets from Past to Present in terms of Fabric Structure. Marmara University, Institute of Fine Arts, Master Thesis, Istanbul, 172 pp.
  • 4. Adanur S. 2001. Handbook of Weaving, Auburn University, Alabama, U.S.A: Department of Textile Engineering, 437 pp.
  • 5. Yıldıran S. 2012. Preparation of Jacquard Velvet Upholstery Fabric from Design to Manufacturing and Tests. Haliç University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, Istanbul, 172 pp.
  • 6. Şeber, B. 2003. Fabric Structure Information Two Layer Fabric Knitting. Istanbul: Birsen Publishing House, 137 pp.
  • 7. Mansour M, Peter RL. 1973. Comparison of physical properties of fabrics woven from open end and ring spun yarns. Textile Research Journal 43(3), 154-166.
  • 8. Önder E, Kalaoğlu F, Özipek B. 2003. Influence of varying structural parameters on the properties of 50/50 wool/polyester blended fabrics Textile Research Journal 73(11), 980-984.
  • 9. Aniş P, Eren HA. 2003. Dyeing of polyester cotton blends: Applications and new approaches, Journal of Uludağ University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture 8(1), 131-139.
  • 10. Yeşil Y. 2010. Estimation of Color Values in Melange Fiber Blends by Developing a New Algorithm. Çukurova University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, PhD Thesis, Adana, 273 pp.
  • 11. Akgün, M, Alpay HR, Becerir B. 2012. Evaluation of the relationships between fabric structural parameters and reflectance values. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture 17(1), 93-106.
  • 12. Yanq Y, Li S. 2002. One-step dyeing of polyester/cotton with disperse/reactive dyes. Textile Chemist and Colorist & American Dyestuff Reporter 32(3), 38-45.
  • 13. De Giorgi MR, Cadani E, Marıcca D, Ve Pires A. 2000. Dyeing of polyester fibers with disperse dyes in supercritical CO2, Dyes and Pigments 45,75-79.
  • 14. Mangut M. 2006. Investigation of Changes in Surface Color Properties of 100% Polyester and 100% Cotton Woven Fabrics after Repeated Washing and Ironing Processes, Uludağ University, Institute of Science, PhD Thesis, Bursa, 333 pp.
  • 15. Alpay HR, Becerir B, Akgün M. 2005. Assessing reflectance and color differences of cotton fabrics after abrassion. Textile Research Journal 75(4), 357-361.
  • 16. Aniş P. 2005. Textile Pretreatment. Alpha Bookstore, Bursa, 224 pp.
  • 17. Kaswell ER. 1953. Textile Fibers, Yarns and Fabrics, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, Newyork. 552 pp.
  • 18. Özcan, Y. 1978. Textile Fiber and Dyeing Technique, Fatih Publishing House, İstanbul, 600 pp.
  • 19. Perkins WS. 1996. Textile Coloration and Finishing. Carolina Academic Pres, North Carolina, 240 pp.
  • 20. Trotman ER. 1975. Dyeing and Chemical Tecnology of Textile Fibres, Charles, Griffin and Company Limited, 709 pp.
  • 21. Tayyar AE, Sarı F, Yağız İ. 2011. The effects of structural parameters on the wear resistance of shirting fabrics Textile and Engineer 18 (84), 23-26.
  • 22. Can Y, Kırtay E. 2009. Investigation of yarn properties affecting the abrasion resistance of cotton plain fabrics. Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of the Institute of Science 13 (3), 297-304.
  • 23. Koç E, Zervent B, Atay A. 2004. Investigation of the parameters affecting the pile strength of warp velvet fabrics. Textile Technology Journal 103(1), 179-189.
  • 24. Kaynak HK, Topalbekiroğlu M. 2008. Influence of fabric pattern on the abrasion resistance property of woven fabrics. Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe 16 (1-66), 54-56.
  • 25. Kadem FD, Oğulata RT. 2014. Investigation of the effect of fabric construction on pilling and abrasion in yarn-dyed cotton fabrics. Çukurova University Journal of Engineering and Architecture Faculty 29(1), 89-97.
  • 26. Kumpikaite E, Ragaisiene A, Barburski M. 2010. Comparable analysis of the end-use properties of woven fabrics with fancy yarns. Part II: Abrasion resistance and mass. Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe 18(4-81), 43-45.
  • 27. Levy MJ, King RR. 1980. Pile upholstery fabrics construction characteristic and abrasion resistance. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics (4), 167-177.
  • 28. Dilsiz D. 2001. The effect of certain weaving factors on raw woven fabric performances and their degree of influence. Master Thesis, Çukurova University Institute of Science and Technology, Adana, 103 pp.
  • 29. Erici E. 2018. Investigation of wear properties of fabrics woven in different weaves with different yarns. Master's thesis, Uludag University Institute of Science and Technology, Bursa, 49 pp.
  • 30. Babaarslan O, İlhan İ. 2005. An experimantal study on the effect of pile length on the abrasion resistance of chenille fabric. Journal of Textile Institute 96(3), 193-197
  • 31. Ülkü S, Örtlek HG, Ömeroğlu S. 2003. The effect of chenille yarn properties on the abrasion resistance of upholstery fabrics. Fibres and Textiles 11:3(42), 38–41.
  • 32. Kaynak HK, Topalbekiroğlu M. 2007. Investigation of the effects of tissue type on abrasion and pilling resistance in woven fabrics. Textile and Apparel 17(1), 40-44.
  • 33. Sarıduman S. 2005. An Investigation on the Properties of Various Weft Cord Velvet Fabrics Produced Industrially. Çukurova University, Institute of Science and Technology, Master Thesis, Adana, 169 pp.
  • 34. Erem AD. 2006. Investigation of Chenille Yarn Parameters Affecting Usage Performance and Abrasion Resistance of Upholstery Fabrics. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Master Thesis, Istanbul, 89 pp.
  • 35. Özdemir Ö, Çeven EK. 2004. Influence of chenille yarn manufacturing parameters on yarn and upholstery fabric abrasion resistance. Textile Research Journal 74(6), 515-520.
  • 36. Kalaoglu F, Demir E. 2001. Chenille yarn properties and performance of chenille upholstery fabrics. Textile Asia (3), 37-40.
  • 37. Şekerden F. 2011. The effect of pile height and weight on water absorbency, abrasion and pilling resistance of terry woven fabrics. Electronic Journal of Textile Technologies 5(2), 18-25.
  • 38. Mokrzycki WS, Tatol M. 2011. Colour difference ∆E- A survey. Faculty of Mathematics and ınformatics University of Warmia and Mazury, Sloneczna 54, Olsztyn, Poland, 28 p.

The Effect of Production Parameters Of Face to face Warp Velvet Fabric on Abrasion Resistance and Colour Properties.

Year 2024, , 434 - 447, 30.12.2024


Nowadays, velvet fabrics are widely used in upper clothing, curtains and especially upholsteries. One of the most important problems encountered in them is the distancing of the piles from the surface of the fabric and the other is discoloration over time. In addition to the fabric properties, yarn and fiber properties also affect this situation.

In this article, the effect of fabric abrasion on the production parameters was investigated in face to face warp velvet fabrics. The abrasion resistance of 100% cotton (10, 15, and 20 thousand rpm (rotation per minute)) and 100% polyester (30, 45, and 60 thousand rpm (rotation per minute)) velvet fabrics has been tested. The fabrics were produced using 3 different weft yarn counts (150, 300, and 450 deniers for polyester and 6, 12, and 20 Ne for cotton), 3 different weft densities (20, 22, and 24 picks/cm for polyester and 11, 13, and 15 picks/cm for cotton), 3 different pile heights (2, 3, and 4 cm) and two different pile connection types (V and W), and the abrasion of the fabrics was tested with a Martindale device. The results were analyzed.

In addition, The effects of production parameters on fabric color were investigated in face to face warp velvet fabrics. Cotton fabrics were dyed with reactive blue, yellow and red, while polyester fabrics were dyed with disperse blue, yellow and red. Color properties and gloss have been tested and the results were analyzed.
According to the test results, the increase in weft yarn count (increasing denier/decreasing Ne) causes an increase in abrasion resistance, while the increase in pile height reduces the abrasion resistance. The W bonded fabrics were found to be more resistant to abrasion than the V bonded fabrics. The color properties of the fabrics produced were tested in spectrophotometer test devices and the effects of production parameters were analyzed. It was determined that deep colors such as blue and red have an effect on color properties, while light colors such as raw fabric and yellow velvet fabric do not have a significant effect. It was also detected that raw and yellow velvet fabrics have more gloss than blue and red velvet fabrics.


  • 1. Özen MS, Akalın M. 2012. Weaving Technology, Marmara University, Istanbul 1st edition: Generation Printing, 698 pp.
  • 2. Kadolph SJ. 2007. Textiles, Iowa State University, Tenth Edition: Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 496 pp.
  • 3. Erdogan S. 2008. Comparison of Velvets from Past to Present in terms of Fabric Structure. Marmara University, Institute of Fine Arts, Master Thesis, Istanbul, 172 pp.
  • 4. Adanur S. 2001. Handbook of Weaving, Auburn University, Alabama, U.S.A: Department of Textile Engineering, 437 pp.
  • 5. Yıldıran S. 2012. Preparation of Jacquard Velvet Upholstery Fabric from Design to Manufacturing and Tests. Haliç University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, Istanbul, 172 pp.
  • 6. Şeber, B. 2003. Fabric Structure Information Two Layer Fabric Knitting. Istanbul: Birsen Publishing House, 137 pp.
  • 7. Mansour M, Peter RL. 1973. Comparison of physical properties of fabrics woven from open end and ring spun yarns. Textile Research Journal 43(3), 154-166.
  • 8. Önder E, Kalaoğlu F, Özipek B. 2003. Influence of varying structural parameters on the properties of 50/50 wool/polyester blended fabrics Textile Research Journal 73(11), 980-984.
  • 9. Aniş P, Eren HA. 2003. Dyeing of polyester cotton blends: Applications and new approaches, Journal of Uludağ University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture 8(1), 131-139.
  • 10. Yeşil Y. 2010. Estimation of Color Values in Melange Fiber Blends by Developing a New Algorithm. Çukurova University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, PhD Thesis, Adana, 273 pp.
  • 11. Akgün, M, Alpay HR, Becerir B. 2012. Evaluation of the relationships between fabric structural parameters and reflectance values. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture 17(1), 93-106.
  • 12. Yanq Y, Li S. 2002. One-step dyeing of polyester/cotton with disperse/reactive dyes. Textile Chemist and Colorist & American Dyestuff Reporter 32(3), 38-45.
  • 13. De Giorgi MR, Cadani E, Marıcca D, Ve Pires A. 2000. Dyeing of polyester fibers with disperse dyes in supercritical CO2, Dyes and Pigments 45,75-79.
  • 14. Mangut M. 2006. Investigation of Changes in Surface Color Properties of 100% Polyester and 100% Cotton Woven Fabrics after Repeated Washing and Ironing Processes, Uludağ University, Institute of Science, PhD Thesis, Bursa, 333 pp.
  • 15. Alpay HR, Becerir B, Akgün M. 2005. Assessing reflectance and color differences of cotton fabrics after abrassion. Textile Research Journal 75(4), 357-361.
  • 16. Aniş P. 2005. Textile Pretreatment. Alpha Bookstore, Bursa, 224 pp.
  • 17. Kaswell ER. 1953. Textile Fibers, Yarns and Fabrics, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, Newyork. 552 pp.
  • 18. Özcan, Y. 1978. Textile Fiber and Dyeing Technique, Fatih Publishing House, İstanbul, 600 pp.
  • 19. Perkins WS. 1996. Textile Coloration and Finishing. Carolina Academic Pres, North Carolina, 240 pp.
  • 20. Trotman ER. 1975. Dyeing and Chemical Tecnology of Textile Fibres, Charles, Griffin and Company Limited, 709 pp.
  • 21. Tayyar AE, Sarı F, Yağız İ. 2011. The effects of structural parameters on the wear resistance of shirting fabrics Textile and Engineer 18 (84), 23-26.
  • 22. Can Y, Kırtay E. 2009. Investigation of yarn properties affecting the abrasion resistance of cotton plain fabrics. Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of the Institute of Science 13 (3), 297-304.
  • 23. Koç E, Zervent B, Atay A. 2004. Investigation of the parameters affecting the pile strength of warp velvet fabrics. Textile Technology Journal 103(1), 179-189.
  • 24. Kaynak HK, Topalbekiroğlu M. 2008. Influence of fabric pattern on the abrasion resistance property of woven fabrics. Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe 16 (1-66), 54-56.
  • 25. Kadem FD, Oğulata RT. 2014. Investigation of the effect of fabric construction on pilling and abrasion in yarn-dyed cotton fabrics. Çukurova University Journal of Engineering and Architecture Faculty 29(1), 89-97.
  • 26. Kumpikaite E, Ragaisiene A, Barburski M. 2010. Comparable analysis of the end-use properties of woven fabrics with fancy yarns. Part II: Abrasion resistance and mass. Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe 18(4-81), 43-45.
  • 27. Levy MJ, King RR. 1980. Pile upholstery fabrics construction characteristic and abrasion resistance. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics (4), 167-177.
  • 28. Dilsiz D. 2001. The effect of certain weaving factors on raw woven fabric performances and their degree of influence. Master Thesis, Çukurova University Institute of Science and Technology, Adana, 103 pp.
  • 29. Erici E. 2018. Investigation of wear properties of fabrics woven in different weaves with different yarns. Master's thesis, Uludag University Institute of Science and Technology, Bursa, 49 pp.
  • 30. Babaarslan O, İlhan İ. 2005. An experimantal study on the effect of pile length on the abrasion resistance of chenille fabric. Journal of Textile Institute 96(3), 193-197
  • 31. Ülkü S, Örtlek HG, Ömeroğlu S. 2003. The effect of chenille yarn properties on the abrasion resistance of upholstery fabrics. Fibres and Textiles 11:3(42), 38–41.
  • 32. Kaynak HK, Topalbekiroğlu M. 2007. Investigation of the effects of tissue type on abrasion and pilling resistance in woven fabrics. Textile and Apparel 17(1), 40-44.
  • 33. Sarıduman S. 2005. An Investigation on the Properties of Various Weft Cord Velvet Fabrics Produced Industrially. Çukurova University, Institute of Science and Technology, Master Thesis, Adana, 169 pp.
  • 34. Erem AD. 2006. Investigation of Chenille Yarn Parameters Affecting Usage Performance and Abrasion Resistance of Upholstery Fabrics. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Master Thesis, Istanbul, 89 pp.
  • 35. Özdemir Ö, Çeven EK. 2004. Influence of chenille yarn manufacturing parameters on yarn and upholstery fabric abrasion resistance. Textile Research Journal 74(6), 515-520.
  • 36. Kalaoglu F, Demir E. 2001. Chenille yarn properties and performance of chenille upholstery fabrics. Textile Asia (3), 37-40.
  • 37. Şekerden F. 2011. The effect of pile height and weight on water absorbency, abrasion and pilling resistance of terry woven fabrics. Electronic Journal of Textile Technologies 5(2), 18-25.
  • 38. Mokrzycki WS, Tatol M. 2011. Colour difference ∆E- A survey. Faculty of Mathematics and ınformatics University of Warmia and Mazury, Sloneczna 54, Olsztyn, Poland, 28 p.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Wearable Materials
Journal Section Articles

Yunus Emre Kayserili 0000-0002-5230-3439

Early Pub Date January 1, 2025
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date May 23, 2023
Acceptance Date May 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kayserili, Y. E. (2024). The Effect of Production Parameters Of Face to face Warp Velvet Fabric on Abrasion Resistance and Colour Properties. Textile and Apparel, 34(4), 434-447.

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