Research Article
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Year 2020, , 190 - 199, 30.09.2020



  • 1. Awad A, Weidlich M, Weske M. 2011. Visually specifying compliance rules and explaining their violations for business processes. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 22(1), 30-55.
  • 2. Pardanjac M, Jokić S, Stanisavljev S, Zubanov V, Tasić I, Milanov D. 2017. Preconditions for Setting up E-training for SME Textile Companies in Serbia, Chapter 3. In Katalinic, B. (Ed.), DAAAM International Scientific Book. Vienna, Austria: DAAAM International, 029-042.
  • 3. Bitkowska A. 2016. Knowledge management vs business process management in contemporary enterprises. Ekonomia i Zarzadzanie 8(2), 31-37.
  • 4. Cayoglu U, Dijkman R, Dumas M, Fettke P, García-Bañuelos L, Hake P, ... Mendling J. 2013. August. The process model matching contest 2013. In Lohmann, N, Song, M, Wohed, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Business Process Management (442-463). Beijing, China.
  • 5. Aalst W. 2013. Business process management: a comprehensive survey. ISRN Software Engineering, 1-37.
  • 6. Lambert D. M. 2010. Customer relationship management as a business process. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 25(1), 4-17.
  • 7. Bucher T, Winter R. 2010. Taxonomy of business process management approaches. In vom Brocke J., Rosemann M. (Eds.), Handbook on Business Process Management 2. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 93-114.
  • 8. Jordeva S, Tomovska E, Trajković D, Zafirova K. 2015. Current state of pre-consumer apparel waste management in Macedonia. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 23, 1(109), 13-16.
  • 9. Mladenova G. 2016. Marketing strategy of apparel and textile cluster in southwest region of Bulgaria. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica 2(320), 65-74.
  • 10. Kabukcu E. 2015. Creativity process in innovation oriented entrepreneurship: The case of Vakko. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 195, 1321-1329.
  • 11. Vinčić A. 2018. U Varaždinu održan Okrugli stol: Potreba za obrazovanjem u sektoru tekstil/odjeća/koža/obuća u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj. Tekstil: časopis za tekstilnu tehnologiju i konfekciju 67(5-6), 155-159.
  • 12. Patora-Wysocka Z. 2015. Inhibitors of restructuring change in Textile and apparel enterprises. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe 5 (113), 8-12.
  • 13. Böhnlein M, Ulbrich-vom Ende A. 2000. Business process oriented development of data warehouse structures. In Jung, R, Winter, R. (Eds.), Data Warehousing 2000. Physica, Heidelberg, 3-21.
  • 14. Gökalp E, Gökalp MO, Eren PE. 2018. Industry 4.0 Revolution in Clothing and Apparel Factories: Apparel 4.0. Içinde Industry 4, 169-183.
  • 15. Kansul DS, Karabay G. 2019. Increasing the process cycle efficiency of men’s trousers assembly line. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon 29(3), 253-262.
  • 16. Gong, Y, Janssen, M. 2012. From policy implementation to business process management: Principles for creating flexibility and agility. Government Information Quarterly 29, 61-71.
  • 17. Fantinato M, Gimenes IDS, Toledo MB. 2010. Product line in the business process management domain. Applied software product line engineering, 497-530.
  • 18. Matejaš M, Fertalj K. 2018. Building a BPM Application in an SOA-Based Legacy Environment. Computer Science and Information Systems 16(1), 45-74.
  • 19. Hassler M. 2003. The global clothing production system: commodity chains and business networks. Global networks 3(4), 513-531.
  • 20. Urošević S, Dobrosavljević A. 2019. Conditions of development of small and medium enterprises in clothing industry, In Mihajlović, I. (Ed.), Monography: How to prevent SMEs failure (Actions based on comparative analysis in Višegrad countries and Serbia), University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Engineering Management Department (EMD), 583 - 627.
  • 21. Kokeza G, Urošević S. 2018. Strateški pravci razvoja tekstilne i odevne industrije u Republici Srbiji, Tekstilna industrija 66(4), 69-78.
  • 22. Rajput D, Kakde M, Chandurkar P, Raichurkar PP. 2018. Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity of Garment Industry by Using Different Techniques. International Journal on Textile Engineering and Processes 4(1), 5-8.
  • 23. Şen Kılıç A. 2019. Comparison of Cad and Manual System Efficiency In Pre-Production Preparation Process. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon 29 (1), 67-77.
  • 24. Jain D, Jain P. 2012. November. Sustainable Business Practices–Enablers & Barriers in the Indian Apparel Industry. In Conference proceeding of the National conference on Paradigm for Sustainable Business: People, Planet and Profit held at DOMS, IIT Roorkee.
  • 25. Goodman E, Rosner D. 2011. May. From garments to gardens: negotiating material relationships online and'by hand'. In Tan D (Ed.), Proceedings of the CHI’11: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vancouver, Canada: Association for Computing Machinery, New York, United States, 2257-2266.
  • 26. Cole J, Czachor S. 2014. Professional sewing techniques for designers. A&C Black.
  • 27. Urošević S, Cvijanović JM, Đorđević D. 2008. Unapređenje obrazovnog nivoa zaposlenih u tekstilnoj industriji Srbije. Industrija 36(3), 79-105.
  • 28. Lee JS, Jirousek C. 2015. The development of design ideas in the early apparel design process: a pilot study. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 8(2), 151-161.
  • 29. Kucera D, Tejani S. 2014. Feminization, defeminization, and structural change in manufacturing. World Development 64, 569-582.
  • 30. Stefanović V, Urošević S, Mladenović-Ranisavljević I, Stojilković P. 2019. Multi-criteria ranking of workplaces from the aspect of risk assessment in the production processes in which women are employed. Safety science 116, 116-126.
  • 31. Dallas I, Wynn MT. 2014. Business process management in small business: a case study. In Devos J, et al. (Eds.), Information Systems for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 25-46.
  • 32. Chong S. 2014. Business process management for SMEs: an exploratory study of implementation factors for the Australian wine industry. Journal of Information Systems and Small Business 1(1-2), 41-58.
  • 33. Škrinjar R, Trkman P. 2013. Increasing process orientation with business process management: Critical practices’. International Journal of Information Management 33(1), 48-60.
  • 34. Glavan LM, Vukšić VB. 2017. Examining the impact of business process orientation on organizational performance: the case of Croatia. Croatian Operational Research Review 8(1), 137-165.
  • 35. Vugec DS, Vukšić VB, Glavan LM. 2017. Social Business Process Management and Business Process Management Maturity. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering 11(5), 1122-1126.
  • 36. Rosemann M., de Bruin T. 2005. Application of a holistic model for determining BPM maturity. BP Trends 2, 1-21.
  • 37. Karagiannis D. 2012. June. Business process management: A holistic management approach. In Mayr HC, Kop C, Liddle S, Ginige A. (Eds.) Information Systems: Methods, Models, and Applications. UNISCON 2012. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 137. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1-12.
  • 38. Seethamraju R. 2012. Business process management: a missing link in business education. Business Process Management Journal 18(3), 532-547.
  • 39. Börner R, Moormann J, Wang M. 2012. Staff training for business process improvement: The benefit of role-plays in the case of KreditSim. Journal of Workplace Learning 24(3), 200-225.
  • 40. Paul-Majumder P, Begum, A. 2000. The gender imbalances in the export oriented garment industry in Bangladesh (Working Paper Series No. 12). Washington, DC: World Bank, Development Research Group/Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network.
  • 41. Hossain MA, Tisdell CA. 2005. Closing the gender gap in Bangladesh: inequality in education, employment and earnings. International Journal of Social Economics 32(5), 439-453.
  • 42. Đorđević D, Urošević S, Cvijanović JM. 2010. Uloga klastera u unapređivanju konkuretnosti tekstilne i odevne industrije u Republici Srbiji. Industrija 38(2), 177-198.
  • 43. Srivastava NA, Chatterjii A. 2014. Skills requirement analysis at the production floor in ready-made garment industry. Asian journal of management sciences & education 3(1), 23-34.
  • 44. Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Andersen CH, Jay K, Persson R, Aagaard P, Andersen, LL. 2013. Participatory ergonomic intervention versus strength training on chronic pain and work disability in slaughterhouse workers: study protocol for a single-blind, randomized controlled trial. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 14(1), 67.
  • 45. Nemeša I. 2019. Organizacija radnih procesa u krojačnici uz pomoć automatizovanih sistema menadžmenta, Tekstilna industrija 67(2), 45-49.
  • 46. De Jong JP, Den Hartog DN. 2007. How leaders influence employees' innovative behaviour. European Journal of innovation management 10(1), 41-64.
  • 47. Seidel S, Shortland K, Elzinga D. 2010. Managing creativity-intensive processes: learning from film and visual effects production. In vom Brocke J, Rosemann M. (Eds.), Handbook on Business Process Management 2, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 515-538.
  • 48. Malinova M, Mendling J. 2018. Identifying do’s and don’ts using the integrated business process management framework. Business Process Management Journal 24(4), 882-899.
  • 49. Berg M, Toussaint P. 2003. The mantra of modeling and the forgotten powers of paper: a sociotechnical view on the development of process-oriented ICT in health care. International journal of medical informatics 69(2-3), 223-234.
  • 50. Kueng P. 2000. Process performance measurement system: a tool to support process-based organizations. Total Quality Management 11(1), 67-85.
  • 51. Reichert M, Weber B. 2012. Enabling flexibility in process-aware information systems: challenges, methods, technologies. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • 52. Arrigo E. 2018. Customer Relationships and Supply Chain Management in the Fast Fashion Industry. In Lee I (Ed.), Diverse Methods in Customer Relationship Marketing and Management. IGI Global, 1-16.
  • 53. Conger S. 2015. Six sigma and business process management. In Rosemann M (Ed.), Handbook on Business Process Management 1. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 127-146. 54. Alam I, Perry C. 2002. A customer-oriented new service development process. Journal of services Marketing 16(6), 515-534.
  • 55. Melcher J. 2014. Process measurement in business process management: Theoretical framework and analysis of several aspects. KIT Scientific Publishing.
  • 56. Irani N, Hanzaee KH. 2011. The effects of variety-seeking buying tendency and price sensitivity on utilitarian and hedonic value in apparel shopping satisfaction. International Journal of Marketing Studies 3(3), 89.
  • 57. Parrish ED, Cassill NL, Oxenham W. 2006. Niche market strategy in the textile and apparel industry. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal 10(4), 420-432.
  • 58. Kaulio MA. 1998. Customer, consumer and user involvement in product development: A framework and a review of selected methods. Total quality management 9(1), 141-149.
  • 59. Mijoska M, Levkov N. 2015. May. Business process orientation construct analysis in companies in the Republic of Macedonia. In Biljanović P, et al. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 38th International Convention on Information and Communication, Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2015 (1829-1834). Opatija, Croatia.
  • 60. Eicker S, Kochbeck J, Schuler PM. 2008. May. Employee competencies for business process management. In Abramowicz W (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Business Information Systems, BIS 2008 (251-262). Innsbruck, Austria.
  • 61. Bourne M, Mills J, Wilcox M, Neely A, Platts K. 2000. Designing, implementing and updating performance measurement systems. International journal of operations & production management 20(7), 754-771.
  • 62. Amaratunga D, Baldry D, Sarshar M. 2001. Process improvement through performance measurement: the balanced scorecard methodology, Work study 50(5), 179-189.
  • 63. Weske M. (2012). Business process management architectures. In Weske M (Ed.), Business Process Management. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 333-371.
  • 64. Dobrosavljević AU, Urošević SM. 2019. Evaluation of orientation on performances and process improvements in manufacturing organizations. Tehnika 74(2), 287-294.
  • 65. Min S, Roath AS, Daugherty PJ, Genchev SE, Chen H, Arndt AD, Glenn Richey R. 2005. Supply chain collaboration: what's happening?. The international journal of logistics management 16(2), 237-256.
  • 66. Legner C, Wende K. 2007. June. The challenges of inter-organizational business process design-a research agenda. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2007, (106-118). St Gallen, Switzerland.
  • 67. McCormack K, Willems J, Van den Bergh J, Deschoolmeester D, Willaert P, Indihar Štemberger M, ... Bosilj Vuksic V. 2009. A global investigation of key turning points in business process maturity. Business Process Management Journal 15(5), 792-815.
  • 68. Lin SH, Moore MA, Kincade DH, Avery C. 2002. Dimensions of apparel manufacturing strategy and production management. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology 14(1), 46-60.
  • 69. Chang JF. 2016. Business process management systems: strategy and implementation. Auerbach Publications.
  • 70. Lambert DM, García‐Dastugue SJ, Croxton KL. 2005. An evaluation of process‐oriented supply chain management frameworks. Journal of business Logistics 26(1), 25-51.
  • 71. Cavallo B, D'Apuzzo L. 2009. A general unified framework for pairwise comparison matrices in multicriterial methods. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 24(4), 377-398.
  • 72. Fedrizzi M, Brunelli M. 2010. On the priority vector associated with a reciprocal relation and a pairwise comparison matrix. Soft Computing 14(6), 639-645.
  • 73. Franek J, Kresta A. 2014. Judgment scales and consistency measure in AHP. Procedia Economics and Finance 12, 164-173.
  • 74. Chakraborty S, Zavadskas EK. 2014. Applications of WASPAS method in manufacturing decision making. Informatica 25(1), 1-20.
  • 75. Stanujkić D, Karabašević D. 2018. An extension of the WASPAS method for decision-making problems with intuitionistic fuzzy numbers: A case of website evaluation. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications 1(1), 29-39.
  • 76. Gawlik R. 2019. Ranking of company performance indicators for managerial decision making purposes with application of the Delphi method. Studia i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania i Administracji Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach "Miscellanea Oeconomicae" , 1 (23), 177-188.
  • 77. Boukili A, Fri M, El Hammoumi M, Belmajdoub F. 2016. Elaboration of a new method in the science of decision. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Researc 7(4), 1334-1338.
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  • 79. Stojanović M, Regodić D. 2017. The Significance of the Integrated Multicriteria ABC-XYZ Method for the Inventory Management Process. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 14(5), 29-48.
  • 80. Dunford R, Su Q, Tamang E. 2014. The Pareto Principle. The Plymouth Student Scientist 7(1), 140-148.


Year 2020, , 190 - 199, 30.09.2020


The research is approached with the assumption that business process management (BPM), as well as other management practices, is subject to a specific adoption manner by taking certain steps and activities as a priority in accordance with the characteristics of the industry. The apparel industry is considered to be particularly specific because it has labor-intensive and creative character, it is necessary to acquire certain professional knowledge and skills, the female labor force is dominant, and that micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are present in the largest number. Based on the experts' evaluation of specifics importance, activities that influence the adoption of BPM practice are ranked. Weighting coefficients of specifics were obtained based on the application of a pairwise comparison matrix, while prioritization of activities was performed using the WASPAS method, whereby the priority of defining process roles and responsibilities is determined. The Pareto diagram gives a situational presentation of results.


  • 1. Awad A, Weidlich M, Weske M. 2011. Visually specifying compliance rules and explaining their violations for business processes. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 22(1), 30-55.
  • 2. Pardanjac M, Jokić S, Stanisavljev S, Zubanov V, Tasić I, Milanov D. 2017. Preconditions for Setting up E-training for SME Textile Companies in Serbia, Chapter 3. In Katalinic, B. (Ed.), DAAAM International Scientific Book. Vienna, Austria: DAAAM International, 029-042.
  • 3. Bitkowska A. 2016. Knowledge management vs business process management in contemporary enterprises. Ekonomia i Zarzadzanie 8(2), 31-37.
  • 4. Cayoglu U, Dijkman R, Dumas M, Fettke P, García-Bañuelos L, Hake P, ... Mendling J. 2013. August. The process model matching contest 2013. In Lohmann, N, Song, M, Wohed, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Business Process Management (442-463). Beijing, China.
  • 5. Aalst W. 2013. Business process management: a comprehensive survey. ISRN Software Engineering, 1-37.
  • 6. Lambert D. M. 2010. Customer relationship management as a business process. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 25(1), 4-17.
  • 7. Bucher T, Winter R. 2010. Taxonomy of business process management approaches. In vom Brocke J., Rosemann M. (Eds.), Handbook on Business Process Management 2. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 93-114.
  • 8. Jordeva S, Tomovska E, Trajković D, Zafirova K. 2015. Current state of pre-consumer apparel waste management in Macedonia. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 23, 1(109), 13-16.
  • 9. Mladenova G. 2016. Marketing strategy of apparel and textile cluster in southwest region of Bulgaria. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica 2(320), 65-74.
  • 10. Kabukcu E. 2015. Creativity process in innovation oriented entrepreneurship: The case of Vakko. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 195, 1321-1329.
  • 11. Vinčić A. 2018. U Varaždinu održan Okrugli stol: Potreba za obrazovanjem u sektoru tekstil/odjeća/koža/obuća u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj. Tekstil: časopis za tekstilnu tehnologiju i konfekciju 67(5-6), 155-159.
  • 12. Patora-Wysocka Z. 2015. Inhibitors of restructuring change in Textile and apparel enterprises. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe 5 (113), 8-12.
  • 13. Böhnlein M, Ulbrich-vom Ende A. 2000. Business process oriented development of data warehouse structures. In Jung, R, Winter, R. (Eds.), Data Warehousing 2000. Physica, Heidelberg, 3-21.
  • 14. Gökalp E, Gökalp MO, Eren PE. 2018. Industry 4.0 Revolution in Clothing and Apparel Factories: Apparel 4.0. Içinde Industry 4, 169-183.
  • 15. Kansul DS, Karabay G. 2019. Increasing the process cycle efficiency of men’s trousers assembly line. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon 29(3), 253-262.
  • 16. Gong, Y, Janssen, M. 2012. From policy implementation to business process management: Principles for creating flexibility and agility. Government Information Quarterly 29, 61-71.
  • 17. Fantinato M, Gimenes IDS, Toledo MB. 2010. Product line in the business process management domain. Applied software product line engineering, 497-530.
  • 18. Matejaš M, Fertalj K. 2018. Building a BPM Application in an SOA-Based Legacy Environment. Computer Science and Information Systems 16(1), 45-74.
  • 19. Hassler M. 2003. The global clothing production system: commodity chains and business networks. Global networks 3(4), 513-531.
  • 20. Urošević S, Dobrosavljević A. 2019. Conditions of development of small and medium enterprises in clothing industry, In Mihajlović, I. (Ed.), Monography: How to prevent SMEs failure (Actions based on comparative analysis in Višegrad countries and Serbia), University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Engineering Management Department (EMD), 583 - 627.
  • 21. Kokeza G, Urošević S. 2018. Strateški pravci razvoja tekstilne i odevne industrije u Republici Srbiji, Tekstilna industrija 66(4), 69-78.
  • 22. Rajput D, Kakde M, Chandurkar P, Raichurkar PP. 2018. Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity of Garment Industry by Using Different Techniques. International Journal on Textile Engineering and Processes 4(1), 5-8.
  • 23. Şen Kılıç A. 2019. Comparison of Cad and Manual System Efficiency In Pre-Production Preparation Process. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon 29 (1), 67-77.
  • 24. Jain D, Jain P. 2012. November. Sustainable Business Practices–Enablers & Barriers in the Indian Apparel Industry. In Conference proceeding of the National conference on Paradigm for Sustainable Business: People, Planet and Profit held at DOMS, IIT Roorkee.
  • 25. Goodman E, Rosner D. 2011. May. From garments to gardens: negotiating material relationships online and'by hand'. In Tan D (Ed.), Proceedings of the CHI’11: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vancouver, Canada: Association for Computing Machinery, New York, United States, 2257-2266.
  • 26. Cole J, Czachor S. 2014. Professional sewing techniques for designers. A&C Black.
  • 27. Urošević S, Cvijanović JM, Đorđević D. 2008. Unapređenje obrazovnog nivoa zaposlenih u tekstilnoj industriji Srbije. Industrija 36(3), 79-105.
  • 28. Lee JS, Jirousek C. 2015. The development of design ideas in the early apparel design process: a pilot study. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 8(2), 151-161.
  • 29. Kucera D, Tejani S. 2014. Feminization, defeminization, and structural change in manufacturing. World Development 64, 569-582.
  • 30. Stefanović V, Urošević S, Mladenović-Ranisavljević I, Stojilković P. 2019. Multi-criteria ranking of workplaces from the aspect of risk assessment in the production processes in which women are employed. Safety science 116, 116-126.
  • 31. Dallas I, Wynn MT. 2014. Business process management in small business: a case study. In Devos J, et al. (Eds.), Information Systems for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 25-46.
  • 32. Chong S. 2014. Business process management for SMEs: an exploratory study of implementation factors for the Australian wine industry. Journal of Information Systems and Small Business 1(1-2), 41-58.
  • 33. Škrinjar R, Trkman P. 2013. Increasing process orientation with business process management: Critical practices’. International Journal of Information Management 33(1), 48-60.
  • 34. Glavan LM, Vukšić VB. 2017. Examining the impact of business process orientation on organizational performance: the case of Croatia. Croatian Operational Research Review 8(1), 137-165.
  • 35. Vugec DS, Vukšić VB, Glavan LM. 2017. Social Business Process Management and Business Process Management Maturity. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering 11(5), 1122-1126.
  • 36. Rosemann M., de Bruin T. 2005. Application of a holistic model for determining BPM maturity. BP Trends 2, 1-21.
  • 37. Karagiannis D. 2012. June. Business process management: A holistic management approach. In Mayr HC, Kop C, Liddle S, Ginige A. (Eds.) Information Systems: Methods, Models, and Applications. UNISCON 2012. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 137. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1-12.
  • 38. Seethamraju R. 2012. Business process management: a missing link in business education. Business Process Management Journal 18(3), 532-547.
  • 39. Börner R, Moormann J, Wang M. 2012. Staff training for business process improvement: The benefit of role-plays in the case of KreditSim. Journal of Workplace Learning 24(3), 200-225.
  • 40. Paul-Majumder P, Begum, A. 2000. The gender imbalances in the export oriented garment industry in Bangladesh (Working Paper Series No. 12). Washington, DC: World Bank, Development Research Group/Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network.
  • 41. Hossain MA, Tisdell CA. 2005. Closing the gender gap in Bangladesh: inequality in education, employment and earnings. International Journal of Social Economics 32(5), 439-453.
  • 42. Đorđević D, Urošević S, Cvijanović JM. 2010. Uloga klastera u unapređivanju konkuretnosti tekstilne i odevne industrije u Republici Srbiji. Industrija 38(2), 177-198.
  • 43. Srivastava NA, Chatterjii A. 2014. Skills requirement analysis at the production floor in ready-made garment industry. Asian journal of management sciences & education 3(1), 23-34.
  • 44. Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Andersen CH, Jay K, Persson R, Aagaard P, Andersen, LL. 2013. Participatory ergonomic intervention versus strength training on chronic pain and work disability in slaughterhouse workers: study protocol for a single-blind, randomized controlled trial. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 14(1), 67.
  • 45. Nemeša I. 2019. Organizacija radnih procesa u krojačnici uz pomoć automatizovanih sistema menadžmenta, Tekstilna industrija 67(2), 45-49.
  • 46. De Jong JP, Den Hartog DN. 2007. How leaders influence employees' innovative behaviour. European Journal of innovation management 10(1), 41-64.
  • 47. Seidel S, Shortland K, Elzinga D. 2010. Managing creativity-intensive processes: learning from film and visual effects production. In vom Brocke J, Rosemann M. (Eds.), Handbook on Business Process Management 2, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 515-538.
  • 48. Malinova M, Mendling J. 2018. Identifying do’s and don’ts using the integrated business process management framework. Business Process Management Journal 24(4), 882-899.
  • 49. Berg M, Toussaint P. 2003. The mantra of modeling and the forgotten powers of paper: a sociotechnical view on the development of process-oriented ICT in health care. International journal of medical informatics 69(2-3), 223-234.
  • 50. Kueng P. 2000. Process performance measurement system: a tool to support process-based organizations. Total Quality Management 11(1), 67-85.
  • 51. Reichert M, Weber B. 2012. Enabling flexibility in process-aware information systems: challenges, methods, technologies. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • 52. Arrigo E. 2018. Customer Relationships and Supply Chain Management in the Fast Fashion Industry. In Lee I (Ed.), Diverse Methods in Customer Relationship Marketing and Management. IGI Global, 1-16.
  • 53. Conger S. 2015. Six sigma and business process management. In Rosemann M (Ed.), Handbook on Business Process Management 1. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 127-146. 54. Alam I, Perry C. 2002. A customer-oriented new service development process. Journal of services Marketing 16(6), 515-534.
  • 55. Melcher J. 2014. Process measurement in business process management: Theoretical framework and analysis of several aspects. KIT Scientific Publishing.
  • 56. Irani N, Hanzaee KH. 2011. The effects of variety-seeking buying tendency and price sensitivity on utilitarian and hedonic value in apparel shopping satisfaction. International Journal of Marketing Studies 3(3), 89.
  • 57. Parrish ED, Cassill NL, Oxenham W. 2006. Niche market strategy in the textile and apparel industry. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal 10(4), 420-432.
  • 58. Kaulio MA. 1998. Customer, consumer and user involvement in product development: A framework and a review of selected methods. Total quality management 9(1), 141-149.
  • 59. Mijoska M, Levkov N. 2015. May. Business process orientation construct analysis in companies in the Republic of Macedonia. In Biljanović P, et al. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 38th International Convention on Information and Communication, Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2015 (1829-1834). Opatija, Croatia.
  • 60. Eicker S, Kochbeck J, Schuler PM. 2008. May. Employee competencies for business process management. In Abramowicz W (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Business Information Systems, BIS 2008 (251-262). Innsbruck, Austria.
  • 61. Bourne M, Mills J, Wilcox M, Neely A, Platts K. 2000. Designing, implementing and updating performance measurement systems. International journal of operations & production management 20(7), 754-771.
  • 62. Amaratunga D, Baldry D, Sarshar M. 2001. Process improvement through performance measurement: the balanced scorecard methodology, Work study 50(5), 179-189.
  • 63. Weske M. (2012). Business process management architectures. In Weske M (Ed.), Business Process Management. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 333-371.
  • 64. Dobrosavljević AU, Urošević SM. 2019. Evaluation of orientation on performances and process improvements in manufacturing organizations. Tehnika 74(2), 287-294.
  • 65. Min S, Roath AS, Daugherty PJ, Genchev SE, Chen H, Arndt AD, Glenn Richey R. 2005. Supply chain collaboration: what's happening?. The international journal of logistics management 16(2), 237-256.
  • 66. Legner C, Wende K. 2007. June. The challenges of inter-organizational business process design-a research agenda. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2007, (106-118). St Gallen, Switzerland.
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There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Wearable Materials
Journal Section Articles

Andrea Dobrosavljević

Snežana Urošević 0000-0002-6647-0449

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Submission Date January 8, 2020
Acceptance Date June 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020



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