Research Article
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Investigation of Flame Retardant Effects of Resins on the Flammability of Leather

Year 2021, , 3 - 9, 31.03.2021


Natural leather products, which are by-products of the meat industry, are used because of their high air vapor permeability and elegant appearance compared to synthetic leather. The production of flame retardant leather is important for some leather types such as motorcyclist jackets, flight or automotive upholstery leathers, military boots. It is frequently mentioned in the literature that resinous chemicals create flame retardant effects in textile materials due to their nitrogen content. Urea, melamine and dicyandiamide resins are always used in the traditional retanning process of cattle leathers. It has been investigated which of these resins has the highest flame retardant effect on the leather. In the study, 2%, 3% and 4% ratios were studied for these three resins; flame resistance of the leathers were investigated by LOI and TGA analysis. The study also examined the chemical effects of resins on the leather surface with FTIR and SEM analyses.

Supporting Institution

Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa

Project Number



  • 1. Açikel S.M., 2018b, “Development of Commercial Flame Retardant in Upholstery Leathers by Boron Derivatives”, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, Vol:28(4), pp:319-323.
  • 2. Soderstrome, G; Marklund, S, 2002: PBCDD and PBCDF from incineration of waste-containing Brominated flame retardants. ES & T, Vol. 36.
  • 3. Law, R; Allchin, C, Levels and trends of Brominated Flame Retardants in the European Environment, 2006, Chemosphere Vol. 64.
  • 4. Rakotomalala M., Wagner S., Döring M., Recent Developments in Halogen Free Flame Retardants for Epoxy Resins for Electrical and Electronic Applications. Materials 2010, 3, 4300–4327
  • 5. Adams G., Smart Eco-design Checklist, For manufacturers of Printed Wiring Boards, Asia Eco-Design Electronics (AEDE), October 2006.
  • 6. Andrae, A. (2005), Significance of intermediate production processes in life cycle assessment of electronic products assessed using a generic compact model, Journal of Cleaner Production 13, 2005, 1269–1279.
  • 7. NHXMH and NHMH cable.” SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. SP Report 2005:45.
  • 8. Bergendahl S.M., Lichtenvort K., Johansson G., Zackrisson M., Nyyssönen J., Environmental and economic implications of a shift to halogen-free printed wiring boards, Circuit World, 2005.)
  • 9. Lewin, M.; Brozek, J.; Martens, M.; “The system polyamide/ sulfamate/dipentaerythritol: flame retardancy and chemical reactions”; Polymers for Advanced Technologies (2002), 13(10–12), 1091–1102
  • 10. Sommer R., Comparison of RoHS Legislations Around the World, ROHS and WEEE Specialists International Technical Bulletin, 2006.
  • 11. COST Action MP1105 "FLARETEX: Sustainable flame retardancy for textiles and related materials based on nanoparticles substituting conventional chemicals”, Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Textile Related Products, Polymers, Special Issue, 2016
  • 12. Açikel S.M., Çelik C., Gültek A.S., Aslan A., 2017, “The Flame Retardant Effect of Tributyl Phosphate 0n The Leathers”, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, Vol:6, pp:44-48.
  • 13. Klatt M., 2014, Nitrogen-based Flame Retardants, Non-Halogenated Flame Retardant Handbook, Wiley,
  • 14. Zhua, H. and Xu, S., 2018, “Preparation and fire behavior of rigid polyurethane foams synthesized from modified urea–melamine–formaldehyde resins”, Royal Society Chemistry Advances, Vol:8, pp:17879-17887.
  • 15. Chen, X., Afreen, S., Yu, X., Dong, C., and Kong, Q., 2019, Modified melamine-formaldehyde resins improve tensile strength along with antifouling and flame retardancy in impregnation of cellulose paper, Royal Society Chemistry Advances, Vol:63, pp:6788–36795
  • 16. Gaan, S., Sun, G., Hutches, K., Engelhard, M.H., 2008, “ Effect of nitrogen additives on flame retardant action of tributyl phosphate: Phosphorusenitrogen synergism, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol:93, pp:99-108.
  • 17. Gao, M., Yang, SS., 2010, “A Novel Intumescent Flame-Retardant Epoxy Resins System, journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol:115,pp: 2346–2351.
  • 18. Zhang, P., Xu, P., Fan, H., Zhang, Z. and Chen, Y., 2018, “Phosphorus-nitrogen Flame Retardant Waterborne Polyurethane/Graphene Nanocomposite for Leather Retanning”, Journal of The American Leather Chemists Association, Vol:113(5), pp:142-150.
  • 19. Hedberga Y. S., Lidén C., Wallinde I. O., Correlation between bulk- and surface chemistry of Cr-tanned leather and the release of Cr(III) and Cr(VI), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 280 (2014) 654–661
  • 20. Gültek A.S., Açıkel S.M., Çelik C., Investigation of Flame Retardant Properties of Leather with Nitrogen Based Resins, Scientific Research Projects Coordination
Year 2021, , 3 - 9, 31.03.2021


Project Number



  • 1. Açikel S.M., 2018b, “Development of Commercial Flame Retardant in Upholstery Leathers by Boron Derivatives”, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, Vol:28(4), pp:319-323.
  • 2. Soderstrome, G; Marklund, S, 2002: PBCDD and PBCDF from incineration of waste-containing Brominated flame retardants. ES & T, Vol. 36.
  • 3. Law, R; Allchin, C, Levels and trends of Brominated Flame Retardants in the European Environment, 2006, Chemosphere Vol. 64.
  • 4. Rakotomalala M., Wagner S., Döring M., Recent Developments in Halogen Free Flame Retardants for Epoxy Resins for Electrical and Electronic Applications. Materials 2010, 3, 4300–4327
  • 5. Adams G., Smart Eco-design Checklist, For manufacturers of Printed Wiring Boards, Asia Eco-Design Electronics (AEDE), October 2006.
  • 6. Andrae, A. (2005), Significance of intermediate production processes in life cycle assessment of electronic products assessed using a generic compact model, Journal of Cleaner Production 13, 2005, 1269–1279.
  • 7. NHXMH and NHMH cable.” SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. SP Report 2005:45.
  • 8. Bergendahl S.M., Lichtenvort K., Johansson G., Zackrisson M., Nyyssönen J., Environmental and economic implications of a shift to halogen-free printed wiring boards, Circuit World, 2005.)
  • 9. Lewin, M.; Brozek, J.; Martens, M.; “The system polyamide/ sulfamate/dipentaerythritol: flame retardancy and chemical reactions”; Polymers for Advanced Technologies (2002), 13(10–12), 1091–1102
  • 10. Sommer R., Comparison of RoHS Legislations Around the World, ROHS and WEEE Specialists International Technical Bulletin, 2006.
  • 11. COST Action MP1105 "FLARETEX: Sustainable flame retardancy for textiles and related materials based on nanoparticles substituting conventional chemicals”, Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Textile Related Products, Polymers, Special Issue, 2016
  • 12. Açikel S.M., Çelik C., Gültek A.S., Aslan A., 2017, “The Flame Retardant Effect of Tributyl Phosphate 0n The Leathers”, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, Vol:6, pp:44-48.
  • 13. Klatt M., 2014, Nitrogen-based Flame Retardants, Non-Halogenated Flame Retardant Handbook, Wiley,
  • 14. Zhua, H. and Xu, S., 2018, “Preparation and fire behavior of rigid polyurethane foams synthesized from modified urea–melamine–formaldehyde resins”, Royal Society Chemistry Advances, Vol:8, pp:17879-17887.
  • 15. Chen, X., Afreen, S., Yu, X., Dong, C., and Kong, Q., 2019, Modified melamine-formaldehyde resins improve tensile strength along with antifouling and flame retardancy in impregnation of cellulose paper, Royal Society Chemistry Advances, Vol:63, pp:6788–36795
  • 16. Gaan, S., Sun, G., Hutches, K., Engelhard, M.H., 2008, “ Effect of nitrogen additives on flame retardant action of tributyl phosphate: Phosphorusenitrogen synergism, Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol:93, pp:99-108.
  • 17. Gao, M., Yang, SS., 2010, “A Novel Intumescent Flame-Retardant Epoxy Resins System, journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol:115,pp: 2346–2351.
  • 18. Zhang, P., Xu, P., Fan, H., Zhang, Z. and Chen, Y., 2018, “Phosphorus-nitrogen Flame Retardant Waterborne Polyurethane/Graphene Nanocomposite for Leather Retanning”, Journal of The American Leather Chemists Association, Vol:113(5), pp:142-150.
  • 19. Hedberga Y. S., Lidén C., Wallinde I. O., Correlation between bulk- and surface chemistry of Cr-tanned leather and the release of Cr(III) and Cr(VI), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 280 (2014) 654–661
  • 20. Gültek A.S., Açıkel S.M., Çelik C., Investigation of Flame Retardant Properties of Leather with Nitrogen Based Resins, Scientific Research Projects Coordination
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Wearable Materials
Journal Section Articles

Ali Serdar Gültek 0000-0003-2869-086X

Cem Çelik 0000-0003-3905-050X

Safiye Meriç Açıkel 0000-0002-7299-9955

Project Number FBA-2019-31251
Publication Date March 31, 2021
Submission Date January 13, 2020
Acceptance Date July 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Gültek, A. S., Çelik, C., & Açıkel, S. M. (2021). Investigation of Flame Retardant Effects of Resins on the Flammability of Leather. Textile and Apparel, 31(1), 3-9.

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