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Year 2011, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 58 - 64, 01.06.2011


İBu araştırma, eğrilmiş ipliklerin, parlayan bir pigment olan Speciallux TPLL-9E Sarı-Yeşil (Special Chem, Italya) ile teknolojik olarak basit ve pahalı olmayan emdirme yöntemine göre boyanması prosedürü üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Çalışmada, ipliğin 1 kg’ı için 50 ve 150 g pigment içeren pigment konsantrasyonu ile çalışılmış, 2 bağlayıcı madde, Elastil Transparent FG (Mnerva, İtalya), Padding Binder FM/N (Minerva/İtalya) ve bunların karışımları, kullanılmıştır. Emdirme yöntemi ile kaplanan ipliklerin numaraları Nm 125/1 ve Nm 20/1 olup, pamuk ve poliesterin karışımdaki oranları 50/50 ve 67/33’tür. Parlaklık ölçümleri, yıkanmamış, 1 kez yıkanmış ve 5 kez yıkanmış ipliklere yapılmıştır. Bazı durumlarda, 500 mcd/m2 değerlerine varan yüksek parlaklık seviyesi ölçülmüş, bu değer 1 yıkama sonrasında çok az düşmüş, 5 yıkama sonrasında ise 230 mcd/m2’ye düşmüştür. Beklentilere uygun şekilde, parlaklık, zamanla katlanarak azalmakta, ancak iplikler 12 saat sonra bile karanlıkta fark edilebilmektedir


  • 1) Özdoğan, E., Demіr, A. and Seventekіn, N., 2006, “Lotus effect”, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, Vol. 16 (1), pp: 287–290.
  • 2) Waeber, P., Klaus, A., Marte, W. and Meyer, U., 2006, “Finishing of textile fibers, tissues and fabrics”, US Patent 7,056,845 B2, 8 p.
  • 3) Hastings, J. W., 1996, “Chemistries and colors of bioluminescent reactions: a review”, Gene, vol. 173, pp: 5–11.
  • 4) McQuarrie, D. A. and Simon, J. D., 1997, “Physical Chemistry”, University Science Books, pp: 592–620.
  • 5) Dreyfus, H., 1936, “Treatment of textile or other materials”, US Patent 2,033,976.
  • 6) Wadley, H. E., 1957, “Process of producing phosphorescent yarn”, US Patent 2,787,558.
  • 7) Wadley, H. E., 1958, “Luminous pile fabric floor covering”, US Patent 2,838,762.
  • 8) Barle, N., 2003, “Pigmenti v premaznih sredstvih”, In: Jeler, S. and Kumar, M. (eds.) Interdisciplinarnost barve, 2. del, Društvo koloristov Slovenije, Maribor, pp: 311–312.
  • 9) Murayama, Y. et al., 1994, “Phosphorescent phosphor”, US Patent 5,424,006.
  • 10) Quon, J. S., 1986, “Yarn product with combined fluorescent-phosphorescent appearance and method”, US Patent 4,623,579.
  • 11) Owens, W., 1994, “Process for producing phosphorescent yarn and yarn produced by the process”, US Patent 5,321,069.
  • 12) Kang, K. J., 2004, “Process of making a phosphorescent fiber”, US Patent 6,692,667 B.
  • 13) Technical documentation Minerva S.p.A., Minerprint, Code 73009.
  • 14) Gorenšek, M., Sever, M., Debeljak, F., Rijavec, T., Bizjak M. and Bračko, S., 2006, “Pametne tekstilije za zavese I. del: Impregnirno barvanje poliestrne preje s fosforescenčnimi pigmenti”, Tekstilec, Vol: 49 (10–12), pp: 201–206.
  • 15) Gorenšek, M., Bizjak, G., Sever, M., Debelak, F., Rijavec, T., Bizjak, M., Bračko, S., 2007, “Smart textiles for curtains with attractive appearance”, In: Simončič, B., Hladnik, A., Đorđević, D. (eds.). Zbornik prispevkov. Ljubljana: Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za tekstilstvo, pp: 94–100.
  • 16) ISO 105-C01, “Textiles – Tests for colour fastness – Part C01: Colour fastness to washing: Test 1”, 4th edition, 1989.
  • 17) Pourdeyhimi, B., Little, T.J., 2003, “Photoluminescent fibers & fabrics with high luminence and enhanced mechanical properties”, WO 03/0022794 A1.


Year 2011, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 58 - 64, 01.06.2011


The research focuses on the technologically plain and inexpensive procedure of impregnation dyeing of spun yarn with photoluminescent pigment Speciallux TPLL-9E Yellow-Green (Special Chem, Italy). The pigment concentration was 50 and 150 g of pigment per kilogram of yarn and two binding agents were used, i.e. Elastil Transparent FG (Minerva, Italy) and Padding Binder FM/N (Minerva, Italy), as well as a mixture of both. The impregnated coating was conducted on yarns with linear density Nm 125/1 and Nm 20/1, where the mixture ratio of cotton/polyester was 50/50 and 67/33. The luminance measurements were made on the unwashed, once washed and five times washed yarns. In some cases, a high luminance level of yarns up to 500 mcd/m2 was measured, which decreased only slightly after one wash, and after five washes, it dropped to 230 mcd/m2. In accordance with the expectations, the luminescence decreased exponentially with time; however, the yarns could still be noticed in the darkness even after 12 hours


  • 1) Özdoğan, E., Demіr, A. and Seventekіn, N., 2006, “Lotus effect”, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, Vol. 16 (1), pp: 287–290.
  • 2) Waeber, P., Klaus, A., Marte, W. and Meyer, U., 2006, “Finishing of textile fibers, tissues and fabrics”, US Patent 7,056,845 B2, 8 p.
  • 3) Hastings, J. W., 1996, “Chemistries and colors of bioluminescent reactions: a review”, Gene, vol. 173, pp: 5–11.
  • 4) McQuarrie, D. A. and Simon, J. D., 1997, “Physical Chemistry”, University Science Books, pp: 592–620.
  • 5) Dreyfus, H., 1936, “Treatment of textile or other materials”, US Patent 2,033,976.
  • 6) Wadley, H. E., 1957, “Process of producing phosphorescent yarn”, US Patent 2,787,558.
  • 7) Wadley, H. E., 1958, “Luminous pile fabric floor covering”, US Patent 2,838,762.
  • 8) Barle, N., 2003, “Pigmenti v premaznih sredstvih”, In: Jeler, S. and Kumar, M. (eds.) Interdisciplinarnost barve, 2. del, Društvo koloristov Slovenije, Maribor, pp: 311–312.
  • 9) Murayama, Y. et al., 1994, “Phosphorescent phosphor”, US Patent 5,424,006.
  • 10) Quon, J. S., 1986, “Yarn product with combined fluorescent-phosphorescent appearance and method”, US Patent 4,623,579.
  • 11) Owens, W., 1994, “Process for producing phosphorescent yarn and yarn produced by the process”, US Patent 5,321,069.
  • 12) Kang, K. J., 2004, “Process of making a phosphorescent fiber”, US Patent 6,692,667 B.
  • 13) Technical documentation Minerva S.p.A., Minerprint, Code 73009.
  • 14) Gorenšek, M., Sever, M., Debeljak, F., Rijavec, T., Bizjak M. and Bračko, S., 2006, “Pametne tekstilije za zavese I. del: Impregnirno barvanje poliestrne preje s fosforescenčnimi pigmenti”, Tekstilec, Vol: 49 (10–12), pp: 201–206.
  • 15) Gorenšek, M., Bizjak, G., Sever, M., Debelak, F., Rijavec, T., Bizjak, M., Bračko, S., 2007, “Smart textiles for curtains with attractive appearance”, In: Simončič, B., Hladnik, A., Đorđević, D. (eds.). Zbornik prispevkov. Ljubljana: Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za tekstilstvo, pp: 94–100.
  • 16) ISO 105-C01, “Textiles – Tests for colour fastness – Part C01: Colour fastness to washing: Test 1”, 4th edition, 1989.
  • 17) Pourdeyhimi, B., Little, T.J., 2003, “Photoluminescent fibers & fabrics with high luminence and enhanced mechanical properties”, WO 03/0022794 A1.
There are 17 citations in total.


Other ID JA88DH48KP
Journal Section Articles

Sabina Bračko This is me

Tatjana Rıjavec This is me

Grega Bızjak This is me

Marija GorenŠek This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2011
Submission Date June 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 21 Issue: 1


APA Bračko, S., Rıjavec, T., Bızjak, G., GorenŠek, M. (2011). IMPREGNATION DYEING OF COTTON/POLYESTER SPUN YARN MIXTURE WITH PHOTOLUMINESCENT PIGMENTS. Textile and Apparel, 21(1), 58-64.

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