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Year 2014, Volume: 24 Issue: 4, 356 - 362, 01.12.2014


Mobil telefonlar, televizyon gibi elektronik eşyaların yaygın olarak kullanımı sebebiyle elektromanyetik kalkanlama konusu günümüzde önem kazanmıştır. İletken tekstil yapılarının elektromanyetik kalkanlama etkisi hakkında yapılmış bir çok çalışma bulunmaktadır. Ancak bu kumaşların fiziksel özellikleri hakkında yapılmış çalışmalar çok azdır ve tekrarlı yıkamalar sonrasındaki elektromanyetik özellikleri hakkında yapılmış çalışmalara da rastlanmamıştır. Bu sebeple bu çalışmada ilk olarak iletken kumaşların bazı fiziksel özellikleri incelenecek ve daha sonra bu kumaşların yıkama sonrası elektromanyetik kalkanlama özellikleri tartışılacaktır


  • 1. Sandrolini L., Reggini U., 2009, Assesment of Electrically Conductive Textiles for Use in EMC Applications, Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC Europe, 2009 International Symposium on, 11-12 June 2009.
  • 2. Volski, V. , Vandenbosch, G. A. E. and Vasylchenko, A., 2011, A dedicated technique to measure shielding effectiveness of textiles using a two-horn antenna set-up, Journal of the Textile Institute, 102: 2, 164 — 171
  • 3. Devender, Ramasamy S.R., 1997, A Review of EMI Shielding and Suppression Materials, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, 459-466.
  • 4. Cheng, K.B., 2000, Production and Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of the Knitted Stainless steel/Polyester Fabrics, J. Text. Eng. Vol. 46, No.2, 42-52.
  • 5. Cheng, K.B., Ramakrishna, S., Lee, K.C., 2000, Development of Conductive Knitted-Fabric-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites for Electromagnetic Shielding Applications, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 13, 378-399.
  • 6. Cheng, K.B., Ramakrishna, S., Lee, K.C., 2000, Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Copper/Glass Fiber Knitted Fabric Reinforced Polypropylene Composites, Composites, Part A, 31, 1039-1045.
  • 7. Perulmaraj, R., Dasaradan, B.S., 2009, Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of Copper Core Yarn Knitted Fabrics, Indian Journal of Fibre &Textile Research, Vol.34, 149-154.
  • 8. Palamutçu, S., Özek, A., Karpuz, C., Dağ, N., 2010, Electrically Conductive Textile Surfaces And Their Electromagnetic Shielding Efficiency Measurement, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 3, 199-207.
  • 9. Soyaslan D., Çömlekçi S., Göktepe Ö., 2010, Determination of Electromagnetic Shielding Performance of Plain Knitting and 1X1 Rib Structures with Coaxial Test Fixture Relating to ASTM D4935, The Journal of The Textile Institute, Vol. 101, No.10, 890-897.
  • 10. Çeken F, Kayacan Ö, Özkurt A, Uğurlu ŞS, 2011, "The Electromagnetic Shielding Properties of Copper and Stainless Steel Knitted Fabrics", Tekstil, 60, 7, 321-328
  • 11. Örtlek HG, Kılıç G, Okyay G and Bilgin S., 2011, Electromagnetic shielding characteristics of different fabrics knitted from yarns containing stainless steel wire. Industria Textila; 62(6): 304–308
  • 12. Örtlek HG, Cünesoğlu C, Okyay G and Türkoğlu Y., 2012, Investigation of electromagnetic shielding and comfort properties of single jersey fabrics knitted from hybrid yarns containing metal wire. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon; 22(2): 90–101.
  • 13. Çeken F, Kayacan Ö, Özkurt A, Uğurlu ŞS, 2012, The electromagnetic shielding properties of some conductive knitted fabrics produced on single or double needle bed of a flat knitting machine, Journal of The Textile Institute, 103:9, 968-979
  • 14. Ortlek HG, Alpyildiz T and Kilic G, 2013, Determination of electromagnetic shielding performance of hybrid yarn knitted fabrics with anechoic chamber method Textile Research Journal 83(1) 90–99
  • 15. Bedeloglu A, 2013, Electrical, electromagnetic shielding, and some physical properties of hybrid yarnbased knitted fabrics, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 104:11, 1247-1257
  • 16. Hwang P, Chen A, Lou C and Lin Ji, 2013, Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness and functions of stainless steel/bamboo charcoal conductive fabrics Journal of Industrial Textiles, published online 5 September 2013, DOI: 10.1177/1528083713502995
  • 17. Tezel S, Kavusturan Y, Vandenbosch G AE, Volski V, 2014, Comparison of electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of conductive single jersey fabrics with coaxial transmission line and free space measurement techniques Textile Research Journal, Vol. 84(5) 461–476
  • 18. Wieckowski, T.W., Janukiewicz, J.M., 2006, Methods for evaluating the shielding effectiveness of textiles, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, January/December, Vol. 14, No.5 (59)
  • 19. David V., Vremera E., Salceanu A., Nica I., Baltag O., 2007, On the characterization of electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of materials, 15th IMEKO TC4 Symposium on Novelties in Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, 19-21 September 2007, Romania
  • 20. Mezarcıöz S, Ogulata RT, 2010, Optimization of Air Permeability of Interlock Knitted Fabrics Using Different Experimental Design, 7th International Conference - TEXSCI 2010 September 6-8, Liberec, Czech Republic
  • 21. Mavruz S, Ogulata RT, 2011,Investigation of air permeability of single jersey fabrics with different relaxation states, The Journal of The Textile Institute Vol. 102, No. 1, January 2011, 57–64
  • 22. Marmaralı, AB, 2003, Dimensional and physical properties of cotton/spandex single jersey fabrics, Textile research journal 73 (1), 11-14
  • 23. Ukponmwan, J.O., Mukhopadhyay A., Chatterjee K. N., 1998, Pilling, Textile Progress, 28, 3, 1-57
  • 24. Ceken F., Kayacan O., Erdogan U.H., 2008, "Effect of stitch density and washing process on pilling behavior of plain knitted regenerated cellulose fabrics", Melliand International, 3, Vol: 14, 168.


Year 2014, Volume: 24 Issue: 4, 356 - 362, 01.12.2014


Nowadays electromagnetic shielding is getting more importance due to the widely usage of electronics such as mobile phones, televisions etc. There are many studies on the electromagnetic shielding effects of the conductive textile structures. However there are no researches on the shielding effect of the fabrics after washing cycles and also there are no researches on the physical properties of these fabrics. For this reason, firstly some physical properties of conductive fabrics used for electromagnetic shielding is studied in this study. Furthermore, shielding properties of the fabrics after washing cycles are discussed


  • 1. Sandrolini L., Reggini U., 2009, Assesment of Electrically Conductive Textiles for Use in EMC Applications, Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC Europe, 2009 International Symposium on, 11-12 June 2009.
  • 2. Volski, V. , Vandenbosch, G. A. E. and Vasylchenko, A., 2011, A dedicated technique to measure shielding effectiveness of textiles using a two-horn antenna set-up, Journal of the Textile Institute, 102: 2, 164 — 171
  • 3. Devender, Ramasamy S.R., 1997, A Review of EMI Shielding and Suppression Materials, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, 459-466.
  • 4. Cheng, K.B., 2000, Production and Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of the Knitted Stainless steel/Polyester Fabrics, J. Text. Eng. Vol. 46, No.2, 42-52.
  • 5. Cheng, K.B., Ramakrishna, S., Lee, K.C., 2000, Development of Conductive Knitted-Fabric-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites for Electromagnetic Shielding Applications, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 13, 378-399.
  • 6. Cheng, K.B., Ramakrishna, S., Lee, K.C., 2000, Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Copper/Glass Fiber Knitted Fabric Reinforced Polypropylene Composites, Composites, Part A, 31, 1039-1045.
  • 7. Perulmaraj, R., Dasaradan, B.S., 2009, Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of Copper Core Yarn Knitted Fabrics, Indian Journal of Fibre &Textile Research, Vol.34, 149-154.
  • 8. Palamutçu, S., Özek, A., Karpuz, C., Dağ, N., 2010, Electrically Conductive Textile Surfaces And Their Electromagnetic Shielding Efficiency Measurement, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 3, 199-207.
  • 9. Soyaslan D., Çömlekçi S., Göktepe Ö., 2010, Determination of Electromagnetic Shielding Performance of Plain Knitting and 1X1 Rib Structures with Coaxial Test Fixture Relating to ASTM D4935, The Journal of The Textile Institute, Vol. 101, No.10, 890-897.
  • 10. Çeken F, Kayacan Ö, Özkurt A, Uğurlu ŞS, 2011, "The Electromagnetic Shielding Properties of Copper and Stainless Steel Knitted Fabrics", Tekstil, 60, 7, 321-328
  • 11. Örtlek HG, Kılıç G, Okyay G and Bilgin S., 2011, Electromagnetic shielding characteristics of different fabrics knitted from yarns containing stainless steel wire. Industria Textila; 62(6): 304–308
  • 12. Örtlek HG, Cünesoğlu C, Okyay G and Türkoğlu Y., 2012, Investigation of electromagnetic shielding and comfort properties of single jersey fabrics knitted from hybrid yarns containing metal wire. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon; 22(2): 90–101.
  • 13. Çeken F, Kayacan Ö, Özkurt A, Uğurlu ŞS, 2012, The electromagnetic shielding properties of some conductive knitted fabrics produced on single or double needle bed of a flat knitting machine, Journal of The Textile Institute, 103:9, 968-979
  • 14. Ortlek HG, Alpyildiz T and Kilic G, 2013, Determination of electromagnetic shielding performance of hybrid yarn knitted fabrics with anechoic chamber method Textile Research Journal 83(1) 90–99
  • 15. Bedeloglu A, 2013, Electrical, electromagnetic shielding, and some physical properties of hybrid yarnbased knitted fabrics, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 104:11, 1247-1257
  • 16. Hwang P, Chen A, Lou C and Lin Ji, 2013, Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness and functions of stainless steel/bamboo charcoal conductive fabrics Journal of Industrial Textiles, published online 5 September 2013, DOI: 10.1177/1528083713502995
  • 17. Tezel S, Kavusturan Y, Vandenbosch G AE, Volski V, 2014, Comparison of electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of conductive single jersey fabrics with coaxial transmission line and free space measurement techniques Textile Research Journal, Vol. 84(5) 461–476
  • 18. Wieckowski, T.W., Janukiewicz, J.M., 2006, Methods for evaluating the shielding effectiveness of textiles, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, January/December, Vol. 14, No.5 (59)
  • 19. David V., Vremera E., Salceanu A., Nica I., Baltag O., 2007, On the characterization of electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of materials, 15th IMEKO TC4 Symposium on Novelties in Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, 19-21 September 2007, Romania
  • 20. Mezarcıöz S, Ogulata RT, 2010, Optimization of Air Permeability of Interlock Knitted Fabrics Using Different Experimental Design, 7th International Conference - TEXSCI 2010 September 6-8, Liberec, Czech Republic
  • 21. Mavruz S, Ogulata RT, 2011,Investigation of air permeability of single jersey fabrics with different relaxation states, The Journal of The Textile Institute Vol. 102, No. 1, January 2011, 57–64
  • 22. Marmaralı, AB, 2003, Dimensional and physical properties of cotton/spandex single jersey fabrics, Textile research journal 73 (1), 11-14
  • 23. Ukponmwan, J.O., Mukhopadhyay A., Chatterjee K. N., 1998, Pilling, Textile Progress, 28, 3, 1-57
  • 24. Ceken F., Kayacan O., Erdogan U.H., 2008, "Effect of stitch density and washing process on pilling behavior of plain knitted regenerated cellulose fabrics", Melliand International, 3, Vol: 14, 168.
There are 24 citations in total.


Other ID JA88ZP68HB
Journal Section Articles

Özlem Kayacan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2014
Submission Date December 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 24 Issue: 4



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