Farklı özelliklere sahip iki farklı kumaşın birlikte örülmesi ve ayrı bir yapı ile birleştirilmesi ile sandviç kumaşlar çeşitli kullanım alanlarına hitap etmektedir. Yüksek sıkıştırılabilirlik dayanımı ve sönümleme yeteneği, yüksek hava geçirgenliği ve nefes alabilirlik, yüksek izolasyon, ısı dengeleme yeteneği ve iyi yüzey dayanımı, bu kumaşların ayakkabı üretiminde kullanımını mümkün kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ayakkabı astarı olarak tasarlanmış düz örme sandviç kumaşların ve interlok kumaşların fiziksel ve ısıl konfor özellikleri incelenmiştir. Pamuk, Pamuk/Bambu, Pamuk/A tipi karışımlı iplik, Pamuk/B tipi karışımlı iplik (Nm 20/1) interlok ve düz örme sandviç kumaşların üretiminde kullanılmıştır. Sandviç kumaşların üretiminde bağlantı ipliği olarak poliamid (Nm 20/1) ipliği kullanılmıştır. Ayakkabı astarı için en uygun materyal ve kumaş yapılarını belirlemek için kumaşların uzama yeteneği, sürtünme katsayısı, su buharı geçirgenliği, hava geçirgenliği ve ısıl konfor özellikleri incelenmiştir
4. Maciejewski, M L, Reiber, G E, Smith, D G, Wallace, C, Hayes, S, Boyko, E J. (2004), “Effectiveness of Diabetic Therapeutic Footwear in Preventing Reulceration”, Diabetes Care, 27, 1774-1782.
5. Marmaralı A., Kadoğlu H., Oğlakcıoğlu N., Çelik P., Blaga M., Ursache M., Loghin C., “Thermal comfort properties of some new yarns generation knitted fabrics”, In: Proceedings of the AUTEX 2009 World Textile Conference, 26–28 May 2009.
6. Onofrei E., Rocha A.M., Catarino A., “The influence of knitted fabrics’ structure on the thermal and moisture management properties”, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 6(4), 2011, 10-22.
7. Liu, Y.P.and Hu, H., (2011), Compression property and air permeability of weft-knitted spacer fabrics, Journal of the Textile Institute, Vol. 102 (4), pp. 366- 372.
8. Crina, B., Blaga, M., Luminata, V. and Mishra, R., (2013), Comfort Properties of Functional Weft Knitted Spacer Fabrics, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 23(3), 220-227.
13. ISO/TR 20882:2007, Footwear -- Performance requirements for components for footwear -- Lining and insocks.
14. Malureanu G., Mihai A., (2003), “Bazele proiectarii incaltamintei”, Publisher Performantica, Iasi.
15. Joanne, Y., Sun-Pui, Ng; (2008), Study of three-dimensional spacer fabrics: Physical and mechanical properties, Elsevier- Journal of materials processing technology, No. 206, pp. 359–364.
16. Ogulata R. T., Mavruz S.; (2010), Investigation of Porosity and Air Permeability Values of Plain Knitted Fabrics. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, Vol. 18, No. 5 (82) pp. 71-75.
17. Abhijit Majumdar, Samrat Mukhopadhyay, Ravindra Yadav, (2010), Thermal properties of knitted fabrics made from cotton and regenerated bamboo cellulosic fibres, Elsevier- International Journal of Thermal Sciences No. 49, pp. 2042-2048.
18. Snezana, B., S., Dusan P., Goran B. P., (2008), Thermal properties of textile fabrics made of natural and regenerated cellulose fibers, Elsevier- Polymer Testing, No. 27, pp. 41–48.
19. Das B, Das A, Kothari V, Fanguiero R, Araujo M, (2009), Moisture Flow through Blended Fabrics - Effect of Hydrophilicity, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics Vol. 4(4), pp. 20-28 . 20. Erdumlu, N. and Ozipek B, Investigation of Regenerated Bamboo Fibre and Yarn Characteristics, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe.VoL.16: pp43- 47,2008.
21. Saravanan, K. and Prakash, C., Bamboo Fibres & Their Application in Textiles .The Indian Textile Journal Vol.5, pp502-525,2007.
22. Kandi, I., Das, K.N., Mahish, S.S., Thermo-Physiological Comfort Properties of P/B Blended Suiting Fabric, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 12, December 2013]
23. Hes, L., Thermal Comfort Properties of Textile Fabrics in Wet State, In “Proceedings of XI. International İzmir Textile and Apparel Symposium”, Turkey, (2007).
24. Ozcelik G,, Çay A., Kirtay E., (2007), A Study of the Thermal Properties of Textured Knitted Fabrics, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe,Vol. 15, No. 1 (60).
25. Semnani D., Hasani H., Behtaj S., Ghorbani E., (2011), Surface Roughness Measurement of Weft Knitted Fabrics Using Image Processing, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, Vol. 19, No. 3 (86) pp. 55-59.
Year 2015,
Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 111 - 118, 01.12.2015
The versatility of spacer fabrics includes the ability to knit two entirely different fabrics having different properties and connect them to form a unique structure. Their characteristics like excellent compression elasticity and cushioning, high breathability and air permeability, high thermal insulation and temperature regulation, surface resistance make them concept of study for footwear area. This paper aims to investigate the physical and thermal comfort attributes of flat knitted spacer and interlock fabrics designed for shoe linings. Cotton, Cotton/Bamboo, Cotton/Type A blended yarn and Cotton/Type B blended yarn (20/1 Nm) were used for the production of interlock and flat knitted spacer fabrics. In the production of spacer fabrics, polyamide (20/1 Nm) yarn was used as spacer yarn. Characteristics like fabric extensibility, friction coefficient, water vapour permeability, air permeability and thermal comfort properties of the fabrics were investigated, in order to select the most suitable materials and fabric structures for footwear linings
4. Maciejewski, M L, Reiber, G E, Smith, D G, Wallace, C, Hayes, S, Boyko, E J. (2004), “Effectiveness of Diabetic Therapeutic Footwear in Preventing Reulceration”, Diabetes Care, 27, 1774-1782.
5. Marmaralı A., Kadoğlu H., Oğlakcıoğlu N., Çelik P., Blaga M., Ursache M., Loghin C., “Thermal comfort properties of some new yarns generation knitted fabrics”, In: Proceedings of the AUTEX 2009 World Textile Conference, 26–28 May 2009.
6. Onofrei E., Rocha A.M., Catarino A., “The influence of knitted fabrics’ structure on the thermal and moisture management properties”, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 6(4), 2011, 10-22.
7. Liu, Y.P.and Hu, H., (2011), Compression property and air permeability of weft-knitted spacer fabrics, Journal of the Textile Institute, Vol. 102 (4), pp. 366- 372.
8. Crina, B., Blaga, M., Luminata, V. and Mishra, R., (2013), Comfort Properties of Functional Weft Knitted Spacer Fabrics, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 23(3), 220-227.
13. ISO/TR 20882:2007, Footwear -- Performance requirements for components for footwear -- Lining and insocks.
14. Malureanu G., Mihai A., (2003), “Bazele proiectarii incaltamintei”, Publisher Performantica, Iasi.
15. Joanne, Y., Sun-Pui, Ng; (2008), Study of three-dimensional spacer fabrics: Physical and mechanical properties, Elsevier- Journal of materials processing technology, No. 206, pp. 359–364.
16. Ogulata R. T., Mavruz S.; (2010), Investigation of Porosity and Air Permeability Values of Plain Knitted Fabrics. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, Vol. 18, No. 5 (82) pp. 71-75.
17. Abhijit Majumdar, Samrat Mukhopadhyay, Ravindra Yadav, (2010), Thermal properties of knitted fabrics made from cotton and regenerated bamboo cellulosic fibres, Elsevier- International Journal of Thermal Sciences No. 49, pp. 2042-2048.
18. Snezana, B., S., Dusan P., Goran B. P., (2008), Thermal properties of textile fabrics made of natural and regenerated cellulose fibers, Elsevier- Polymer Testing, No. 27, pp. 41–48.
19. Das B, Das A, Kothari V, Fanguiero R, Araujo M, (2009), Moisture Flow through Blended Fabrics - Effect of Hydrophilicity, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics Vol. 4(4), pp. 20-28 . 20. Erdumlu, N. and Ozipek B, Investigation of Regenerated Bamboo Fibre and Yarn Characteristics, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe.VoL.16: pp43- 47,2008.
21. Saravanan, K. and Prakash, C., Bamboo Fibres & Their Application in Textiles .The Indian Textile Journal Vol.5, pp502-525,2007.
22. Kandi, I., Das, K.N., Mahish, S.S., Thermo-Physiological Comfort Properties of P/B Blended Suiting Fabric, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 12, December 2013]
23. Hes, L., Thermal Comfort Properties of Textile Fabrics in Wet State, In “Proceedings of XI. International İzmir Textile and Apparel Symposium”, Turkey, (2007).
24. Ozcelik G,, Çay A., Kirtay E., (2007), A Study of the Thermal Properties of Textured Knitted Fabrics, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe,Vol. 15, No. 1 (60).
25. Semnani D., Hasani H., Behtaj S., Ghorbani E., (2011), Surface Roughness Measurement of Weft Knitted Fabrics Using Image Processing, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, Vol. 19, No. 3 (86) pp. 55-59.
Blaga, M., Cıobanu, A. R., Marmaralı, A., Ertekin, G., et al. (2015). INVESTIGATION OF THE PHYSICAL AND THERMAL COMFORT CHARACTERISTICS OF KNITTED FABRICS USED FOR SHOE LININGS. Textile and Apparel, 25(2), 111-118.
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