Tanning industry is under increasing pressure owing to the environmental polution arising from leather manufacturing processes.
Clean manufacturing processes are of vital importance in order to minimize the effects of the manufacturing process and product on the
environment. In clean manufacturing processes, the use of enzymes or enzyme aided methods instead of the traditional technologies
look promising among the new alternative technologies targeting the minimization of environmental polution. Transglutaminase
enzyme(TGase) is a transferase class enzyme which is commonly used in food manufacturing to change the functional properties of the
proteins. The most crucial characteristic feature of TGase enzyme is that the increase in the generation of cross links.In this study, the
possible use of TGase enzyme in retannage process was investigated, and the effects of TGase enzyme on the properties of the leather
and the pollution load of the process wastewaters was presented. Three different groups was formed and in the first group, the optimum
TGase proportion was determined by means of using a variety of 1, 2, and 3% TGase enyzme respectively. In the second group, during
the retannage process no filling agents were used in fatliquoring and dyeing processes. Where as in the third group a traditional
retannage method was performed. In all three groups the fatliquoring and dyeing processes were carried out by the same procedure. The
pollution load of the wastewaters, the hydrothermal stability of the leathers, color properties, tensile strength, elongation at break and
tear load and organoleptic properties were investigated for each group. The result of the study has shown that the enzyme aided
retannage method was improved the physical properties of the leathers in comparison to the other two methods employed. As for the
hydrothermal stability of the leathers; the stability was found to be higher in the samples aided by TGase enzyme. The most remarkable
result among the methods was obtained by the pollution load of the wastewaters.. It has been revealed that the use of TGase enzyme in
retannage process was reduced the demand of chemical oxygen(COD) by a rate of 47% and the total nitrogen by a rate of 50.4% in
contrast with the traditional retannage method.
1. Kanagaraj J. T., Senthilvelan R.C., Panda, S. 2015 “Eco-friendly waste management strategies for greener environment towards sustainable development in leather industry: a comprehensive review”, Journal of Cleaner Production 89, 1-17.
2. 2.Marsal, A., Cot, J., Boza, E.G., 1999 “Oxidizing unhairing process with hair recovery. Part I. Experiments on the prior hair immunization” J. Soc. Leather Technol. Chem. 83, 310-315.
3. Palanisamy T., Jonnalagadda R.R., Balachandran U.N., 2004 “Progress and recent trends in biotechnological methods for leather processing”. Trends Biotechnol. 22, 181-188.
4. Karaman D., Gülümser G., 2016, “Possibilities of Usage of Alkali Aluminosilicates as Tanning Material in Chromium-free Leather Production” Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon 26(1), 117-124.
5. 5.Jaisankar S.N., Gupta S., Lakshminarayana Y., 2010 “Waterbased anionic sulfonated melamine formaldehyde condensate oligomer as retanning agent for leather processing” J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc.105, 289-296.
6. Kanagaraj J., Senthilvelan T., Panda R.C., 2015 “Eco-friendly waste management strategies for greener environment towards sustainable development in leather industry: a comprehensive review”, Journal of Cleaner Production 89, 1-17.
7. Zhang B., Xu L., Ding K., 2011”Dyeing/cross linking property of natural iredoid to protein fibers” J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc. 106 (4), 121-126.
8. Buljan J., Kral I., 2015 “The framework for sustainable leather manufacture”, UNIDO.
9. Michael B., Michele C., Stefan R.,et all 2015 “Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Tanning of Hides and Skins, Industrial Emissions Directive” 2010/75/EU Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control.
10.Larre S, Henle T and Klostermeyer H . 1998 “Hydrated Gluten Modified by A Transglutaminase” Nuhrung 42(3/4):155-157.
11.Mizuno A, Mitsuiki M and Motoki M., 1999 “Glass Transition Temperature of Casein as Affected by Transglutaminase” Journal of Food Science,
12.Gomez-Guillen M.C, Sarabia A.I, Solas M.T., 2001 “Effect of Microbial Transglutaminase on the Functional Properties of Megrim (L. Boscii) skin
gelatin” J Sci Food Agric. 81: 665-673.
13.Sharma R, Lorenza P.C., Qvist K.B,. 2001 ”Influence of Transglutaminase treatment of Skim Milk on the Formation of Ɛ-( ƴ-glutamyl) lysine and tha
Susceptiblility of Individual Proteins Towards Crosslinking” Inter Dairy Journal, 11:785-793.
14. Piersma S.R, Pijpekamp A, Wijgaards G., 2002 “Quantitation and Localisation of (in vitro) Transglutaminase-catalysed Glutamine Hydroxylation
Using Mass Spectrometry” Enyme and Microbial Technology, 30:266-272.
15. Kurt Ş., Zorba Ö., 2004 “Transglutaminaz ve Proteinlerin Modifikasyonununda Kullanımı (Transglutaminase and its use for protein Modification” Gıda 29
(5), 357-364.
16.Ando H., Adachi M., Umeda K., et al. 1989 “ Purification and characteristics of a novel transglutaminase derived from, microorganisms” Agricultural
and Biological Chemistry, 53(10), 2613–2617.
17.Motoki M., Seguro K., 1998 “Transglutaminase and its use for food processing” Trends in Food Science & Technology, 9(5), 204–210.
18.Yokoyama K., Nio N., Kikuchi Y., 2004 “Properties and applications of microbial transglutaminase” Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 64(4), 447–454.
19.Zhu, Y., Rinzema, A., Tramper, J., et al., 1995 “Microbial transglutaminase: A review of its production and application in food processing” Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 44(3–4), 277–282.
20.Aalami, M., & Leelavathi, K. (2008). Effect of microbial transglutaminase on spaghetti quality. Journal of Food Science, 73(5), C306–C312.
21.Celis, F.T., 2009 “Efeito da reticulação induzida pela transglutaminase e o glutaraldeido sobre as propriedades das microparticulas obtidas por coacervação complexa. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
22.Dube, M., Schäfer, C., Neidhart, S., et al., 2007 “Texturisation and modification of vegetable proteins for food applications using microbial transglutaminase” European Food Research and Technology, 225(2), 287–299.
23.Lorenzen, P.C., 2007 “Effects of varying time/temperature-conditions of preheating and enzymatic cross-linking on techno-functional properties of reconstituted dairy ingredients” Food Research International, 40(6), 700–708.
24. GasparA.L.G, Pedroso de Góes-Favoni S., 2015 “Action of microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) in the modification of food proteins: A review”, Food Chemistry 171, 315–322.
25.Kuraishi C., Yamazaki K., and Susa Y., 2001 “Transglutaminase: Its Utilization in the Food Industry” Food Reviews International, 17(2):221-246.
26. Collinghan, R, Clara, S., Li, X., Parry, J. and Griffin, M. 2004 “Transglutaminases as tanning agents for the leather industry, JALCA, 99(7), pp.293-302.
27.TS EN ISO 2418, 2006 “Chemical, physical and mechanical and fastness tests-Sampling location” Turkish Standard Institute (TSE), Ankara, Turkey.
28. TS EN ISO 2419, 2006 “Physical and mechanical tests-Sample preparation and conditioning” Turkish Standard Institute (TSE), Ankara, Turkey.
29. ISO 3377-2: 2002 “Part 2: Double edge tear. International Organization for Standardization”, Geneva.
30. ISO 3376: 2011 “Determination of tensile strength and percentage extension. International Organization for Standardization”, Geneva.
31. ISO 3380: 2002 “Determination of shrinkage temperature. International Organization for Standardization”, Geneva.
32. Zengin, A.C.A., Crudu, M., Maier, S.S., et al., 2012 “Eco-leather: Chromium-free Leather Production using Titanium, Oligomeric Melamine Formaldehyde Resin, and Resorcinol Tanning Agents and the Properties of the Resulting Leathers” Ekoloji, 21(82), 17-25.
33. Zengin,, G., Tekin, Y.E., Zengin, A.C.A., 2016 “Saraciyelik Derilerde Yağlayıcı Akrilik Polimerin Yaşlanma Üzerine Etkisi” Tekstil ve Mühendis , Available online: 31 Mart 2016
Year 2017,
Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 316 - 323, 30.09.2017
Deri sektörü, deri üretim işlemlerinden kaynaklanan çevre kirliliği nedeniyle artan bir baskı altındadır. Üretimin ve ürünün çevreye
olan etkisini en aza indirmek açısından temiz üretim yöntemleri büyük önem taşımaktadır. Temiz üretim süreçlerinde, geleneksel
teknolojilerin yerine enzimlerin kullanımı veya enzim destekli yöntemler, çevre kirliliğini azaltmak açısından yeni alternatif teknolojiler
arasında umut vaad etmektedir. Transglutaminaz (TGase) enzimi, gıda sistemlerinde, proteinlerinin fonksiyonel özelliklerini değiştirmek
için yaygın olarak kullanılan transferaz sınıfı bir enzimdir. TGase enziminin en önemli özelliği çapraz bağ oluşumunu arttırmasıdır. Bu
çalışmada, deri üretimi sırasında, retenaj işleminde TGase enziminden yararlanma olanakları araştırılarak, TGase kullanımının, deri
özellikleri ve proses atıksularının kirlilik yükü üzerine etkisi ortaya konulmuştur. Araştırmada üç farklı grup oluşturulmuştur. Birinci
grupta; %1, %2 ve %3 olmak üzere farklı oranlarda TGase enzimi kullanılarak optimum TGase enzimi oranı tespit edilmiştir. İkinci
grupta; retenaj işleminde yağlama ve boyama işlemi dışında hiçbir dolgu maddesi kullanılmamıştır. Üçüncü grupta ise; geleneksel bir
retenaj yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Tüm gruplarda yağlama ve boyama işlemleri aynı şekilde yapılmıştır. Her bir yöntemde ortaya çıkan
atıksuların kirlilik yükü ile derilerin hidrotermal stabilitesi, renk özellikleri, çekme dayanımı ve uzama, yırtılma yükü dayanımı ve
organoleptik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Çalışma sonuçları; enzim destekli retenaj yönteminin derilerin fiziksel özelliklerini diğer ikiyönteme göre iyileştirdiğini göstermiştir. Derilerin hidrotermal stabilitesi ise, TGase kullanılan örneklerde diğer deri örneklerine göre
daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Yöntemler arasında en çarpıcı sonuç ise, proses sonucu oluşan atıksu kirlilik yükünde elde edilmiştir; retenaj
işleminde TGase kullanımın kimyasal oksijen ihtiyacını geleneksel retenaj yöntemine göre yaklaşık %47, toplam azot miktarının ise;
%50,4 oranında azalttığı ortaya konmuştur.
1. Kanagaraj J. T., Senthilvelan R.C., Panda, S. 2015 “Eco-friendly waste management strategies for greener environment towards sustainable development in leather industry: a comprehensive review”, Journal of Cleaner Production 89, 1-17.
2. 2.Marsal, A., Cot, J., Boza, E.G., 1999 “Oxidizing unhairing process with hair recovery. Part I. Experiments on the prior hair immunization” J. Soc. Leather Technol. Chem. 83, 310-315.
3. Palanisamy T., Jonnalagadda R.R., Balachandran U.N., 2004 “Progress and recent trends in biotechnological methods for leather processing”. Trends Biotechnol. 22, 181-188.
4. Karaman D., Gülümser G., 2016, “Possibilities of Usage of Alkali Aluminosilicates as Tanning Material in Chromium-free Leather Production” Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon 26(1), 117-124.
5. 5.Jaisankar S.N., Gupta S., Lakshminarayana Y., 2010 “Waterbased anionic sulfonated melamine formaldehyde condensate oligomer as retanning agent for leather processing” J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc.105, 289-296.
6. Kanagaraj J., Senthilvelan T., Panda R.C., 2015 “Eco-friendly waste management strategies for greener environment towards sustainable development in leather industry: a comprehensive review”, Journal of Cleaner Production 89, 1-17.
7. Zhang B., Xu L., Ding K., 2011”Dyeing/cross linking property of natural iredoid to protein fibers” J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc. 106 (4), 121-126.
8. Buljan J., Kral I., 2015 “The framework for sustainable leather manufacture”, UNIDO.
9. Michael B., Michele C., Stefan R.,et all 2015 “Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Tanning of Hides and Skins, Industrial Emissions Directive” 2010/75/EU Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control.
10.Larre S, Henle T and Klostermeyer H . 1998 “Hydrated Gluten Modified by A Transglutaminase” Nuhrung 42(3/4):155-157.
11.Mizuno A, Mitsuiki M and Motoki M., 1999 “Glass Transition Temperature of Casein as Affected by Transglutaminase” Journal of Food Science,
12.Gomez-Guillen M.C, Sarabia A.I, Solas M.T., 2001 “Effect of Microbial Transglutaminase on the Functional Properties of Megrim (L. Boscii) skin
gelatin” J Sci Food Agric. 81: 665-673.
13.Sharma R, Lorenza P.C., Qvist K.B,. 2001 ”Influence of Transglutaminase treatment of Skim Milk on the Formation of Ɛ-( ƴ-glutamyl) lysine and tha
Susceptiblility of Individual Proteins Towards Crosslinking” Inter Dairy Journal, 11:785-793.
14. Piersma S.R, Pijpekamp A, Wijgaards G., 2002 “Quantitation and Localisation of (in vitro) Transglutaminase-catalysed Glutamine Hydroxylation
Using Mass Spectrometry” Enyme and Microbial Technology, 30:266-272.
15. Kurt Ş., Zorba Ö., 2004 “Transglutaminaz ve Proteinlerin Modifikasyonununda Kullanımı (Transglutaminase and its use for protein Modification” Gıda 29
(5), 357-364.
16.Ando H., Adachi M., Umeda K., et al. 1989 “ Purification and characteristics of a novel transglutaminase derived from, microorganisms” Agricultural
and Biological Chemistry, 53(10), 2613–2617.
17.Motoki M., Seguro K., 1998 “Transglutaminase and its use for food processing” Trends in Food Science & Technology, 9(5), 204–210.
18.Yokoyama K., Nio N., Kikuchi Y., 2004 “Properties and applications of microbial transglutaminase” Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 64(4), 447–454.
19.Zhu, Y., Rinzema, A., Tramper, J., et al., 1995 “Microbial transglutaminase: A review of its production and application in food processing” Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 44(3–4), 277–282.
20.Aalami, M., & Leelavathi, K. (2008). Effect of microbial transglutaminase on spaghetti quality. Journal of Food Science, 73(5), C306–C312.
21.Celis, F.T., 2009 “Efeito da reticulação induzida pela transglutaminase e o glutaraldeido sobre as propriedades das microparticulas obtidas por coacervação complexa. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
22.Dube, M., Schäfer, C., Neidhart, S., et al., 2007 “Texturisation and modification of vegetable proteins for food applications using microbial transglutaminase” European Food Research and Technology, 225(2), 287–299.
23.Lorenzen, P.C., 2007 “Effects of varying time/temperature-conditions of preheating and enzymatic cross-linking on techno-functional properties of reconstituted dairy ingredients” Food Research International, 40(6), 700–708.
24. GasparA.L.G, Pedroso de Góes-Favoni S., 2015 “Action of microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) in the modification of food proteins: A review”, Food Chemistry 171, 315–322.
25.Kuraishi C., Yamazaki K., and Susa Y., 2001 “Transglutaminase: Its Utilization in the Food Industry” Food Reviews International, 17(2):221-246.
26. Collinghan, R, Clara, S., Li, X., Parry, J. and Griffin, M. 2004 “Transglutaminases as tanning agents for the leather industry, JALCA, 99(7), pp.293-302.
27.TS EN ISO 2418, 2006 “Chemical, physical and mechanical and fastness tests-Sampling location” Turkish Standard Institute (TSE), Ankara, Turkey.
28. TS EN ISO 2419, 2006 “Physical and mechanical tests-Sample preparation and conditioning” Turkish Standard Institute (TSE), Ankara, Turkey.
29. ISO 3377-2: 2002 “Part 2: Double edge tear. International Organization for Standardization”, Geneva.
30. ISO 3376: 2011 “Determination of tensile strength and percentage extension. International Organization for Standardization”, Geneva.
31. ISO 3380: 2002 “Determination of shrinkage temperature. International Organization for Standardization”, Geneva.
32. Zengin, A.C.A., Crudu, M., Maier, S.S., et al., 2012 “Eco-leather: Chromium-free Leather Production using Titanium, Oligomeric Melamine Formaldehyde Resin, and Resorcinol Tanning Agents and the Properties of the Resulting Leathers” Ekoloji, 21(82), 17-25.
33. Zengin,, G., Tekin, Y.E., Zengin, A.C.A., 2016 “Saraciyelik Derilerde Yağlayıcı Akrilik Polimerin Yaşlanma Üzerine Etkisi” Tekstil ve Mühendis , Available online: 31 Mart 2016
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