Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 366 - 372, 27.12.2017


Increasing environmental awareness and the high demand for alternatives to non-renewable petroleum resources have led to
extensive research focused on the concept of biomass-based bio-renewable materials. As well as constantly increasing environmental
pollution, toxicological effects of industrial waste and the reflection of decreasing natural resources, environmental friendly production
methods and the usage of biopolymers obtained from sustainable resources became an important issue in textile industry. Chitosan has
several application areas in textile industry because of its biodegradability, biocompatibility and non-toxicological effects on living organisms. With the introduction of nanotechnology into our lives, chitosan nano particles were obtained in order to take the advantages
of macro-sized chitosan more effectively. Therefore, better results could be obtained by using less amount of chitosan. Although there
are several methods to reduce the size of chitosan, ionic gelation is the most commonly used method since it is easy to apply and it does
not require the use of toxic chemicals In this study, the different forms of chitosan were applied onto the cotton fabrics by environmental
friendly methods such as plasma and sol gel technology as an alternative to conventional finishing methods. The treated fabrics were
compared in terms of their antibacterial activity, SEM, XPS and surface friction properties.


  • 1. Sahoo, D, Sahoo, S, Mohanty, P. and et al., 2009, “Chitosan: a New Versatile Bio-polymer for Various Applications”, Designed Monomers and Polymers, Vol.12, (5), pp. 377-404 2. Periayah, M.H., Halim, A.S., Saad, A.Z.M., 2016. “Chitosan: A Promising Marine Polysaccharide for Biomedical Research”, Pharmacognosy Reviews, Vol. 10(19), pp.39-42. 3. Aranaz I., Mengíbar M., Acosta, N., Heras A., 2015. “,Chitosan: A Natural Polymer With Potential Industrial Applications”, A scientific journal of Comsats – Science Vision, Vol. 21 (No. 1&2) , pp. 41-50. 4. Naebe, M., Li, M., Onur, A. , Denning, R., 2016. “Investigation of chitosan adsorption onto cotton fabric with atmospheric helium/oxygen plasma pretreatment, Cellulose, Vol. 23, pp.2129–2142. 5. "El-tahlawy K.F., El-bendary M.A., Elhendawy A.G., Hudson S.M." 2005. “The antimicrobial activity of cotton fabrics treated with different crosslinking agents and chitosan, Carbohydrate Polymers, Vol. 60, pp.421–430. 6. Enescu, D.,2008, “Use of chitosan in surface modification of textile materials”, Roum Biotechnol Lett, Vol.13, pp.4037–4048 7. Demir A., Karahan A., Özdoğan E., Öktem T., Seventekin N., 2008, “The Synergetic Effects of Alternative Methods in Wool Finishing” Fibers&Textiles in Eastern Europe, Vol 16, No 2, pp.89-94. 8. Chattopadhyay,D.P., 2001. “Cationization of cotton for low-salt or salt-free dyeing”, Indian J. Fiber Text., Vol. 26, pp.108–115. 9. Bandyopadhyay, B. N., Sheth, G. N., Moni, M. M., 1998, “Chitosan can cut salt use in reactive dyeing” International Dyer, Vol. 183, No. 11, pp. 39–42. 10. Weltrowiski, M., Masri, M.S., 1996, “Method for Treatment of Cellulose Fabrics to Improve Their Dyeability with Reactive Dyes”, US Patent 5501711. 11. Saxena,S., Iyer, V., Shaikh, A.I., Shenai,V.A., 1997, “Dyeing of cotton with lac dye”, Colourage,44 (11), pp.23–28 12. Bandyopadhyay, B.N., Pawar,N., Acharekar, S.B., Mukhopadhyay, A.K., 1999, “Development of eco-friendly preservative for textile wet processing”, In Resume of Papers,40th Joint Technological Conference of ATIRA,BTR A, SITRA, NITRA. 13. Yoo ,D.I., Shin ,Y., Kim ,K., Jang ,J.I., 1997, “Functional finishing of cotton fabrics by treatment with chitosan”, In Advances in Chitin Science, Domard ,A. ,Roberts ,G.A.F., Varum ,K.M., Eds., Jacques André Publisher: Lyon, France, Vol. II, pp.763–770. 14. Shin ,Y.; Yoo ,D.I., Jang ,J., 2001, ”Molecular weight effect on antimicrobial activity of chitosan treated cotton fabrics”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 80, pp.2495–2501. 15. Shin ,Y., Yoo ,D.I,; Min ,K., 1999, “Antimicrobial finishing of polypropylene nonwoven fabric by treatment with chitosan oligomer”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,74,pp.2911–2916. 16. Shin,Y., Yoo, D.I., 1995, “Use of chitosan to improve dyeability of DP finished cotton (I)”, J. Korean Fiber Soc.,32 (5), pp.520–526 17. Bahmani, S.A., East, G.C., Holme, I., 2000, “The application of chitosan in pigment printing”, J. Soc. Dyers Colour, 116, pp.94–99. 18. Şahan G., DEMİR A., 2016, “A Green Application of Nano Sized Chitosan In Textile Finishing”, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 26(4), pp.10-15. 19. Vellingiri, K., Ramachandran, T., Senthilkumar, M., 2013.”Eco-friendly Application of Nano Chitosan in Antimicrobial Coatings in the Textile Industry”, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Vo. 5, No.5, pp. 519-529. 20. Tomasino, C., Cuomo, J.J., Smith, C.B., 1995, “Plasma treatment of textiles”, Journal of Industrial Textiles, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 115-21; 21. Vellingiri, K., Ramachandran, T., Senthilkumar, P., 2014, “Functional characteristics of textile fabrics by plasma-nano treatment, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology”, Vol.26, No. 6, pp. 456-479. 22. Zemljiĉ, L.F.,Perŝin, Z., Stenius, P, 2009, “Improvement of Chitosan Adsorption onto Cellulosic Fabrics by Plasma Treatment”, Biomacromolecules, Vol.10, No.5, pp 1181–1187. 23. Hao, L., Wang, R., Fang, K., Cai, Y., 2017, “The modification of cotton substrate using chitosan for improving its dyeability towards anionic microencapsulated nano-pigment particles, particles”, Industrial Crops and Products Vol.95, pp. 348–356 24. Sahan, G., Demir, A, Gökçe, Y., 2016, “Improving certain properties of wool fibers by applying chitosan nanoparticles and atmospheric plasma treatment”, Fibers and Polymers, Vol. 17, No. 7,pp. 1007-1012. 25. Lima, M., Hes, L., Vasconcelos, R., 2005, Martins J, 2005, “Frictorq, accessing fabric friction with a novel fabric surface tester”, AUTEX Research Journal, 5(4), pp. 194–201 26. Zheng, L. Y., Zhu, J, F., 2003, “Study on antimicrobial activity of chitosan with different molecular weights”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 54(4), pp.527–530. 27. H. A. Karahan and E. Özdogan, 2008, “Improvements of Surface Functionality of Cotton Fibers by Atmospheric Plasma Treatment”, Fibers and Polymers, Vol.9, No.1, pp.21-26 28. Arık, B., Demir, A., Özdoğan, E.,Gülümser, T., 2011,"Effects of Novel Antibacterial Chemicals On Low Temperature Plasma Functionalized Cotton Surface" Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, Vol. 4, pp. 356-363. 29. Naebe, M., Li, Q., Onur, A., Denning R., 2016, “Investigation of chitosan adsorption onto cotton fabric with atmospheric helium/oxygen plasma pretreatment”, Cellulose, 23(3), pp.1–14. 30. Wang, M. She, Y., Xiao, Z. Hu J., Zhou, R.and Zhang, J., 2014, “The green adsorption of chitosan tripolyphosphate nanoparticles on cotton fiber surfaces”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 101(1), pp.812–818. 31. Kovac, J., 2011, “Surface Characterization Of Polymers By XPS And SIMS Techniques, Materials and technology, (45) 3, pp.191–197. 32. Maachou, H., Genet, M.J., Aliouche, D., Dupont-Gillain, CC., Rouxhet, PG., 2013, “XPS analysis of chitosan-hydroxyapatite biomaterials: from elements to compounds”, Surface Interface Analysis, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp.1088–1097. 33. Abidi, N.,Hequet, E.,Tarimala, S., L. Dai,L., 2007, Cotton fabric surface modification for improved UV radiation protection using sol–gel process, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 104, 111–117 34. Pakdel, E., Daoud, W.A., Afrin, T., Sun, E., Wang, X., 2017, Enhanced antimicrobial coating on cotton and its impact on UV protection and physical characteristics, Cellulose, Vol.24, pp 4003–4015.


Year 2017, Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 366 - 372, 27.12.2017


Artan çevre bilinci ve yenilenemeyen petrol kaynaklarına alternatiflerine olan yüksek talep, biyokütle esaslı biyolojik olarak
yenilenebilir maddeler kavramına odaklanan kapsamlı araştırmalara yol açmaktadır. Bunun yanısıra artan çevre kirliliği, endüstriyel
atıkların toksikolojik etkileri ve azalan doğal kaynakların yansıması, çevre dostu üretim yöntemleri ve sürdürülebilir kaynaklardan elde
edilen biyopolimerlerin kullanımı tekstil endüstrisinde önemli bir konudur. Canlılara karşı toksik olmayan, biyobozunur ve
biyouyumluluğa sahip olan kitosan tekstil endüstrisinde geniş kullanım alanı bulmuştur. Nanoteknolojinin hayatımıza girmesiyle birlikte
kitosandan daha etkin bir şekilde yararlanmak için boyutu küçültülerek daha az miktarda kullanarak daha etkili sonuçlar veren
nanokitosan elde edilmiştir. Kitosanın boyutunu küçültmek için birçok yöntem kullanılmasına rağmen iyonik jelleşme yöntemi kolay
olması ve toksik kimyasal madde kullanımı gerektirmemesi nedeniyle en çok kullanılan yöntemdir. Bu çalışmada, geleneksel terbiye
yöntemlerine alternatif olarak plazma ve sol jel teknolojisi gibi çevreye duyarlı yöntemlerle pamuklu kumaşlara farklı türde kitosan
uygulanmıştır. İşlem gören kumaşların antibakteriyel aktivite, SEM, XPS ve yüzey sürtünme özellikleri açısından karşılaştırılmıştır.


  • 1. Sahoo, D, Sahoo, S, Mohanty, P. and et al., 2009, “Chitosan: a New Versatile Bio-polymer for Various Applications”, Designed Monomers and Polymers, Vol.12, (5), pp. 377-404 2. Periayah, M.H., Halim, A.S., Saad, A.Z.M., 2016. “Chitosan: A Promising Marine Polysaccharide for Biomedical Research”, Pharmacognosy Reviews, Vol. 10(19), pp.39-42. 3. Aranaz I., Mengíbar M., Acosta, N., Heras A., 2015. “,Chitosan: A Natural Polymer With Potential Industrial Applications”, A scientific journal of Comsats – Science Vision, Vol. 21 (No. 1&2) , pp. 41-50. 4. Naebe, M., Li, M., Onur, A. , Denning, R., 2016. “Investigation of chitosan adsorption onto cotton fabric with atmospheric helium/oxygen plasma pretreatment, Cellulose, Vol. 23, pp.2129–2142. 5. "El-tahlawy K.F., El-bendary M.A., Elhendawy A.G., Hudson S.M." 2005. “The antimicrobial activity of cotton fabrics treated with different crosslinking agents and chitosan, Carbohydrate Polymers, Vol. 60, pp.421–430. 6. Enescu, D.,2008, “Use of chitosan in surface modification of textile materials”, Roum Biotechnol Lett, Vol.13, pp.4037–4048 7. Demir A., Karahan A., Özdoğan E., Öktem T., Seventekin N., 2008, “The Synergetic Effects of Alternative Methods in Wool Finishing” Fibers&Textiles in Eastern Europe, Vol 16, No 2, pp.89-94. 8. Chattopadhyay,D.P., 2001. “Cationization of cotton for low-salt or salt-free dyeing”, Indian J. Fiber Text., Vol. 26, pp.108–115. 9. Bandyopadhyay, B. N., Sheth, G. N., Moni, M. M., 1998, “Chitosan can cut salt use in reactive dyeing” International Dyer, Vol. 183, No. 11, pp. 39–42. 10. Weltrowiski, M., Masri, M.S., 1996, “Method for Treatment of Cellulose Fabrics to Improve Their Dyeability with Reactive Dyes”, US Patent 5501711. 11. Saxena,S., Iyer, V., Shaikh, A.I., Shenai,V.A., 1997, “Dyeing of cotton with lac dye”, Colourage,44 (11), pp.23–28 12. Bandyopadhyay, B.N., Pawar,N., Acharekar, S.B., Mukhopadhyay, A.K., 1999, “Development of eco-friendly preservative for textile wet processing”, In Resume of Papers,40th Joint Technological Conference of ATIRA,BTR A, SITRA, NITRA. 13. Yoo ,D.I., Shin ,Y., Kim ,K., Jang ,J.I., 1997, “Functional finishing of cotton fabrics by treatment with chitosan”, In Advances in Chitin Science, Domard ,A. ,Roberts ,G.A.F., Varum ,K.M., Eds., Jacques André Publisher: Lyon, France, Vol. II, pp.763–770. 14. Shin ,Y.; Yoo ,D.I., Jang ,J., 2001, ”Molecular weight effect on antimicrobial activity of chitosan treated cotton fabrics”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 80, pp.2495–2501. 15. Shin ,Y., Yoo ,D.I,; Min ,K., 1999, “Antimicrobial finishing of polypropylene nonwoven fabric by treatment with chitosan oligomer”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,74,pp.2911–2916. 16. Shin,Y., Yoo, D.I., 1995, “Use of chitosan to improve dyeability of DP finished cotton (I)”, J. Korean Fiber Soc.,32 (5), pp.520–526 17. Bahmani, S.A., East, G.C., Holme, I., 2000, “The application of chitosan in pigment printing”, J. Soc. Dyers Colour, 116, pp.94–99. 18. Şahan G., DEMİR A., 2016, “A Green Application of Nano Sized Chitosan In Textile Finishing”, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 26(4), pp.10-15. 19. Vellingiri, K., Ramachandran, T., Senthilkumar, M., 2013.”Eco-friendly Application of Nano Chitosan in Antimicrobial Coatings in the Textile Industry”, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Vo. 5, No.5, pp. 519-529. 20. Tomasino, C., Cuomo, J.J., Smith, C.B., 1995, “Plasma treatment of textiles”, Journal of Industrial Textiles, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 115-21; 21. Vellingiri, K., Ramachandran, T., Senthilkumar, P., 2014, “Functional characteristics of textile fabrics by plasma-nano treatment, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology”, Vol.26, No. 6, pp. 456-479. 22. Zemljiĉ, L.F.,Perŝin, Z., Stenius, P, 2009, “Improvement of Chitosan Adsorption onto Cellulosic Fabrics by Plasma Treatment”, Biomacromolecules, Vol.10, No.5, pp 1181–1187. 23. Hao, L., Wang, R., Fang, K., Cai, Y., 2017, “The modification of cotton substrate using chitosan for improving its dyeability towards anionic microencapsulated nano-pigment particles, particles”, Industrial Crops and Products Vol.95, pp. 348–356 24. Sahan, G., Demir, A, Gökçe, Y., 2016, “Improving certain properties of wool fibers by applying chitosan nanoparticles and atmospheric plasma treatment”, Fibers and Polymers, Vol. 17, No. 7,pp. 1007-1012. 25. Lima, M., Hes, L., Vasconcelos, R., 2005, Martins J, 2005, “Frictorq, accessing fabric friction with a novel fabric surface tester”, AUTEX Research Journal, 5(4), pp. 194–201 26. Zheng, L. Y., Zhu, J, F., 2003, “Study on antimicrobial activity of chitosan with different molecular weights”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 54(4), pp.527–530. 27. H. A. Karahan and E. Özdogan, 2008, “Improvements of Surface Functionality of Cotton Fibers by Atmospheric Plasma Treatment”, Fibers and Polymers, Vol.9, No.1, pp.21-26 28. Arık, B., Demir, A., Özdoğan, E.,Gülümser, T., 2011,"Effects of Novel Antibacterial Chemicals On Low Temperature Plasma Functionalized Cotton Surface" Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, Vol. 4, pp. 356-363. 29. Naebe, M., Li, Q., Onur, A., Denning R., 2016, “Investigation of chitosan adsorption onto cotton fabric with atmospheric helium/oxygen plasma pretreatment”, Cellulose, 23(3), pp.1–14. 30. Wang, M. She, Y., Xiao, Z. Hu J., Zhou, R.and Zhang, J., 2014, “The green adsorption of chitosan tripolyphosphate nanoparticles on cotton fiber surfaces”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 101(1), pp.812–818. 31. Kovac, J., 2011, “Surface Characterization Of Polymers By XPS And SIMS Techniques, Materials and technology, (45) 3, pp.191–197. 32. Maachou, H., Genet, M.J., Aliouche, D., Dupont-Gillain, CC., Rouxhet, PG., 2013, “XPS analysis of chitosan-hydroxyapatite biomaterials: from elements to compounds”, Surface Interface Analysis, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp.1088–1097. 33. Abidi, N.,Hequet, E.,Tarimala, S., L. Dai,L., 2007, Cotton fabric surface modification for improved UV radiation protection using sol–gel process, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 104, 111–117 34. Pakdel, E., Daoud, W.A., Afrin, T., Sun, E., Wang, X., 2017, Enhanced antimicrobial coating on cotton and its impact on UV protection and physical characteristics, Cellulose, Vol.24, pp 4003–4015.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Merve Türemen This is me

Aslı Demir This is me

Publication Date December 27, 2017
Submission Date August 3, 2017
Acceptance Date October 17, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 27 Issue: 4


APA Türemen, M., & Demir, A. (2017). ANALYSIS OF BIOPOLYMER APPLICATION ON COTTON FABRICS BY DIFFERENT METHODS. Textile and Apparel, 27(4), 366-372.

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