The Journal of Primary Education aims to be a medium for international and interdisciplinary original scientific studies, to produce qualified discussions about education, and to contribute to shaping policies related to education in Turkey. For this reason, the studies to be published are expected to provide new and original contributions to the discussions on education and technical competence. Thus, it is aimed to contribute to the formation of an accumulation of the people and institutions who will take advantage of working in the field of education in Turkey.
Journal of Primary Education is a peer-reviewed academic journal on preschool and primary school education. In this context, the journal publishes quality studies with research findings and designs of national and international importance in all up-to-date subjects. The journal prioritizes studies with robust theoretical frameworks, critically associating the relevant literature with the subject, well-structured research design and analysis, and recommendations and results for national and international advanced research and policy implementations. The journal includes theoretical studies that deal with education and provide practical expansions to the subject. Original research, experimental and clinical studies, policy analyses, and case reports from different disciplines are published in this context.
A) The studies that Primary Education prioritizes are as follows:
A1) Establishing the connection between theory and practice and supporting teacher training processes,
A2) Examining in depth the development, management, and supervision issues in education,
A3) Transferring the voices (thoughts) of students, parents, teachers, and administrators in natural education environments to well-designed studies,
A4) Evaluating local policies, programs, and innovations from an international perspective,
A5) Helping to develop new education models, measurement tools, and interdisciplinary research designs,
A6) Combining learning environments with technology,
A7) Multidisciplinary (interdisciplinary) and transdisciplinary (above-disciplinary) studies (such as STEM),
A8) Developing educational measurement tools and testing their usefulness at the same time,
A9) Including technology integration that helps develop educational practices,
A10) Developing a new theoretical or applied educational model and evaluating this model,
A11) Supporting the professional development processes of teachers.
*Studies with the above characteristics but at least one of the following characteristics will not be included in the peer review process.
B) Primary Education excludes the following studies from its scope:
B1) Studies focusing on a simple conceptual framework,
B2) Studies conducted with incorrect methodology,
B3) Simple quantitative studies conducted with only one independent variable (for example, the effect of variable x on variable y),
B4) Simple qualitative or quantitative studies conducted with only one data collection tool (for example, analyses conducted only according to demographic variables, only through interviews or scales),
B5) Studies based only on the opinions of participants,
B6) Quantitative studies not conducted with a sufficient number of samples (For such studies, accepted formulas in the literature should be taken into consideration, and a minimum sample size limit should be determined depending on the universe.),
B7) Attitudes, behaviors, etc., formed by university students towards a course they take. studies measuring their characteristics,
B8) Local studies outside the scope of international topics (For example, studies only focusing on simple (non-international, local) scale development and adaptation),
B9) Studies outside the focus of educational sciences or primary education (Engineering education studies within the scope of STEM education can be accepted according to the editorial opinion. If the disciplines in question are addressed within the education framework, they may fit the journal's scope. For example, studies developing history education models and applied with students are included in the scope of the journal.),
B10) Studies conducted with weak scientific methods, low validity and reliability (For example, studies that do not conduct content analysis even though content analysis is mentioned, studies with weak quantitative/qualitative data analysis),
B11) Studies whose place and importance are not clearly explained (For example, studies whose contribution to the literature on the relevant subject, theoretical place, and infrastructure of the study are not presented in a qualified manner).