In the research the effect of computer aided instruction on student attitudes towards the lesson in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics has been searched. In this research, studies which were made between 2002 – 2011 years in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics education, and which include the comparison the effect of computer aided instruction on student attitudes with traditional methods, have been merged together. Fifty six appropriate studies for criteria’s were chosen and combined with the meta analysis method for 142 Master of Science and PhD thesis, and 45 articles. At the conclusion of the research, it data supply review that, computer aided instruction has a more effective influence in a positive way on the attitude of the students towards lesson in comparison with the traditional method in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics education.
AbuSeileek A.F. (2012). The effect of computer-assisted cooperative learning methods and group size on the EFL learners’ achievement in communication skills. Computers & Education 58(1) 231–239.
Acar, S. (2011). Testing the Effects of Students’ Attitude Toward the Lesson Based on Computer-Aided Teaching in the Field of Physics Chemistry Biology and Mathematics by the Method of Meta-Analysis. Master Thesis. Yuzuncu Yil University, Institute of Science, Van.
Akbulut, Y., Uysal, Ö., Odabasi, H. F.& Kuzu, A. (2008). Influence of gender, program of study and PC experience on unethical computer using behaviors of Turkish undergraduate students. Computers & Education 51(2) 485–492.
Akcay, H., Tuysuz, C., Feyzioglu, B. (2003). Effect of the Computer Based Science Teaching on Students’ Success and Attitude: Mole Concept and Avagadro's Number. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology –TOJET ISSN: 1303-6521 Volume:2(2).
Akcay, H., Feyzioglu, B. Tuysuz, C. & Ucar, V. (2007). Effect of the Computer Based Chemistry Teaching on Students’ Success and Attitude: Radyoactivity. Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Journal of Educational Faculty, 22: 98-106.
Akcay, H. ,Tuysuz, C. , Fevzioglu, B. , Oguz, B. (2008). Effect of Computer Aided and Computer Assisted Chemistry Instruction on Students’ Attitudes and Success. Mersin University, Journal of Educational Faculty, 4(2) 169-181.
Akgun, O. E. (2005). The Effects of Demonstration Experiments Performed in Computer Aided Science Laboratories, on Students’ Success and Manner of Science. Yüzüncü Yıl University Elektronik Journal of Educational Faculty, 2(1).
Akpinar, E. (2006). Computer Assisted Instruction in Constructing of Abstract Concepts in Science Teaching: “The Unit Electricity in Our Life”. Ph. D. Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Aksoy, Y. (2007). The Effect of Computer Algebra Systems on the Teaching of Derivative Concept. Ph. D. Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Aktumen, M, Kacar A. (2008). Effects of Computer Algebra Systems on Attitutes towards Mathematics. Hacettepe University, Journal of Educational Faculty, (35) 13-26
Altunay, Y. A. (2006). The Effects of the Material that are Prepared as Concept Map by Computer Environment to Success of Primary School Students in Science Lesson. Master Thesis. Selcuk University, Natural and Applied Institute of Science.
Arslan, A. (2008). The Effects of Web Supported Instruction and Use of Instructional Materials on Students’ Mathematics Anxieties, Attitudes and Achievements. Ph. D. Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Baki, A. & Birgin, O. (2004). Reflections of Using Computer-Based Portfolios as an Alternative Assessment Tools: A Case Study. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology TOJET, 3(3): 11.
Balaman, F. (2010). Investigate the Effect of Hybrid Learning Model on Students’ Success, Manner and Motivation in Science and Technology Lesson. Master Thesis. Mustafa Kemal University, Institute of Social Sciences.
Barutcu, A. K. (2010). The Effects of Using Dynamic Geometry Software in Teaching Euclidean Geometry on 11th year Students’ Attitudes towards Geometry and Academical Success. Master Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Basaran, B. (2005). Effect of the Computer Based Physics Education on Students’ Success and Attitude. Master Thesis. Dicle University, Institute of Science.
Budak, S. (2010). The Effect of Computer Aided Instruction in Polygons on 6th year Students, Their Academical Success and Attitudes towards Computer Aided Geometry. Master Thesis. Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Science.
Buyukozturk, S. (2009). Quantitive Research Methods. Research Symposium by Mustafa Kemal University Institute of Social Sciences. April 25, 2009, Antakya.Camnalbur, M. (2008). A Meta-Analysis for the Effectiveness of Computer Based Education. Master Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Can, S. (2008). Web-Based Instruction in Science Teaching. Master Thesis. Celal Bayar University, Institute of Science.
Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power Analysis for The Behavioral Sciences. New York: Academic Pres.
Camli, H. (2009). Effect of Computer Based Mind Mapping Technique on Fifth Grade Students’ Academic Achievements in Science and Technology Lessons and Attitudes towards Science and Computers. Master Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Science.
Cankaya, S., Karamete, A. (2008). The Effects of Educational Computer Games on Students’ Attitudes towards Mathematics Course and Educational Computer Games. Mersin University, Journal of Educational Faculty, 4 (2) 115-127.
Celik, E. (2006). The Effect of Computer-Assisted Humor on the Students’ Academic Achivement and Attitudes towards Physics Course. Master Thesis. Ankara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Celik, V. & Yesilyurt, E. (2013). Attitudes to technology, perceived computer self-efficacy and computer anxiety as predictors of computer supported education. Computers & Education 60(1) 148–158.
Cetin, O. , Gunay, Y. (2010). The Effect of Web-based Teaching in Science Education on Students’ Academical Success and Manners. Cukurova University, Journal of Educational Faculty, 3(38) 19-34.
Cetinkaya, M. & Tas, E. (2011). Investigation of Effectiveness of Web Supported Concept Maps and Semantic Features Analyses on Classification of Living Things. Dicle University Ziya Gokalp Journal of Educational Faculty, (16) 180-195.
Cilenti, K. (1998). Education and Instructional Technology, Kadioglu of Printing House, Ankara.
Comek, A. (2009). The Effect of Using Internet Efficiently and Learning Styles on Prospective Teachers’ Academic Achievement and Attitudes. Ph. D. Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Demirdag, B. (2007). Computer Aided Teaching Material Development Related to Energy on Chemical Reactions. Master Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Demirel, D. (2005). Meta Analysis Applications in Clinic Studies. Master Thesis. Ondokuz Mayis University, Institute of Science.
Demirkan, S. N. (2006). Teaching the “ Discovering the Space” Subject of 6 th Class of Primary Education Using Interactive Video. Master Thesis. Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science.
Deniz, L. (1992). Computer Assisted Education Project: Stages, critique, recommendations. Marmara University, Ataturk Educational Faculty, Journal of Educational Science, (4) 45-58.
Dervis, N. (2009). The Effect of the Computer-Assisted Science and Tecnology Instruction to Students’ Success, Science Attitudes and Scientific Thinking Skills in Effecting Our Life Magnetism Unit. Master Thesis. Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Science.
Ergene, T. (2003). The Effectiveness of Reduce Test Anxiety Programs: A Meta Analysis. VII. National Phsychologica Counseling and Guidance Congress. 09-11 July, Malatya: Inonu University.
Ergorun, O. (2010). The Effect of Science Teaching on Student Success and Attitudes. Master Thesis. Yeditepe University, Institute of Social Sciences.
Goncu, H. (2006). The Effect of Computer Aided Lesson Presentations, which are Prepared Chemical Reactions in the 2nd Year Highschool, on Concept Teaching and Students’ Attitudes towards Chemistry. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Guler, M. H. ve Saglam, N. (2002). The Effects of the Computer Aided Instruction and Worksheets on the Students' Biology Achievement and Their Attitudes toward Computer. Hacettepe University, Journal of Educational Faculty, (23) 117-126.
Gürbüz, R. & Birgin, O. (2012). The effect of computer-assisted teaching on remedying misconceptions: The case of the subject “probability”. Computers & Education 58(3) 931–941.
Hancer, A. H. Yalcin, N. (2007). The Effects of ‘Computer Based Learning Based Upon Constructivist Approach in Science Education’ on Attitudes toward Computers. Kastamonu Journal of Educational Faculty. 15(2) 549-560.
Hangul, T. (2010). The Effect of the Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) on Student Attitude in Mathematics Teaching of Primary School 8th Class and Views of Students towards CAI. Master Thesis. Balikesir University, Institute of Science.
Hannefin, M.S. Peck, K. L. (1988). The Design, Development, and Evaluation of Instructional Software. New York: Macmillan.
Helvaci, B. T. (2010). The Effect of Computer Aided Instruction on 6th year Students’ Academical Success and Attitudes towards Polygons Subject in Maths. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Hirca, N. Calik, M. & Seven S. (2011). Effects of Guide Materials Based on 5E Model on Students’ Conceptual Change and Their Attitudes towards Physics: A Case for ‘Work, Power and Energy’ Unit. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 8(1) 139-152.
Hunter, J.E. Schmidt, F.L. (1990). Methods of Meta-Analysis: Correcting Error and Bias in Research Findings. London: Sage Publications.
Kahraman, O. (2007). Effect of the computer assisted instruction on student’s attitude and achievement on thephysics topic of the 7th grade science lesson. Master Thesis. Pamukkale University, Institute of Science
Kara, Y. (2007). The Effect of Teaching Aimed Computer Softwares on Students’ Achievements, Misconceptions and Attitudes towards Biology on the Issue of Mitotic and Meiotic Division. Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Journal of Educational Faculty (21) 49-57.
Kara, Y. (2009). The Effect of Tutorial Software Used Computer Assisted Learning Method on Student Achievement, Misconceptions, and Attitudes. Gazi University, Gazi Journal of Educational Faculty, 29(3) 651-672.
Karademir, E. (2009). The Effect of Computer Aided Instruction on Students’ Academical Success in Electricity Subject of Science and Technology Lesson, Scientific Process Skills and Their Attitudes. Master Thesis. Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Science.
Kutluer, S. (2008). Computer Aided Material Developing Related to Molecular Geometry, Hybridization and Polarity of Molecules. PhD Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Educational Sciences
Olgun, A. (2006). The Effect of the Computer-Assisted Science Instruction to Students Science Attitudes, Metacognitions and Their Success. Master Thesis. Osmangazi University, Institute of Science.
Oruc, M. (1993). Relationship between Secondary School Students’ Attitudes towards Science and Success. Expertise in Science Thesis. Hacettepe University, Institute of Science.
Ogut, H. Altun, A. A. Sulak, S. A. & Kocer, H. E. 2004. E-Learning with Computer Aided, Internet Accesible Interactive Learning CD. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET, 3(1):10.
Oner, T. A. (2009). The Effect of Technology Aided Instruction in 7th Year Algebra Teaching on Students’ Attitudes and Continuance. Master Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Ozcan, S. (2008). Effect of Training Manager’s Gender and İnservice Education on Their Mission: A Meta Analytic Effect Analysis. PhD Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Ozdogan, E. (2008). The Effect of Cooperative Learning Method on Students’ Success and Attitudes towards 4th Year Mathematics Teaching: Computer Aided Cooperative Learning and Cluster-Assisted İndividualization Technique. Master Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Social Sciences.
Ozel, S. F. (2008). Effects of computer supported education materials students' attidutes and succes. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Ozkan, F. (2010). 6th Year Students’ Academical Success, Self-efficacy Perception of the Computer, Their Attitudes towards Computer and Science in Web Aided Science and Technology Lesson. Master Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Science.
Ozkok, E. (2010). The Effect of the Teaching Software Which is prepared with Gagne’s Teaching Model on the Students’ Academic Success Rate in Mathemetics Subject on Square Rooted Numbers Topic and Students’ Attitudes at The Eighth Grade in Primary School. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Pektas, M. (2008). The influence of constructivist approach and computer assisted instruction in biology teaching on the students’ achievements and attitudes. PhD. Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Pilli, O. (2008). The Effect of Computer Aided Teaching on 4th Year Students’ Success, Attitudes and Continuance in Mathematics. Master Thesis. METU Institute of Science.
Poyraz, S. (2008). The Effect of Computer Aided Teaching on 7th Year Students’ Spatial Thinking Skills and Their Attitudes towards Mathematics, Technology and Geometry. Master Thesis. METU Institute of Science.
Renshaw, C. E, & Taylor, H. A. (2000). The educational effectiveness of computer based instruction. Computers and Geosciences, 26(6) 677-682.Rosenberg, M., Adams, D., Gurevitch, J. (2000). MetaWin Statistical Software for Meta-Analysis Version 2.0. Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates Inc.
Saricayir, H. (2007). The Effect of Computer Aided and Laboratory Based Instruction in Chemical Reactions Balance on Students’ Success, Recall Level and Attitudes. Master Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Sirabasi, A. (2006). Comparison, the Effect of Computer Aided Instruction on Highschool Students’ Learning Success in Acid-Base&pH, Attitudes towards Chemistry, of the Traditional Method. Master Thesis. Gazi University. Institute of Educational Sciences.
Sulak, S. A. (2002). The Effect of computer assisted education in mathematic course with respect to students achivement and attitude. Master Thesis. Selcuk University, Institute of Science.
Sahin, M. C. (2005). The Effectiveness of Web-based Distance Education: A Meta Analysis. Master Thesis. Cukurova University, Institute of Social Sciences.
Tavukcu, F. (2008). The Effect of Computer Assisted Learning Environment in Science Education on The Success, Science Process Skills and Attitudes Towards Computer Use of Students. Master Thesis. Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Institute of Social Sciences.
Tekmen, S. (2006). The Effects of the Computer Based Education to the Intelligence of the Students to Their Attitudes towards the Lesson and to its Lastingness in Physics Course. Master Thesis. Abant Izzet Baysal University, Institute of Social Sciences.
Thalheimer, W., Cook, S. (2002). How to Calculate Effect Size from Published Research: A Simplified Spreadsheet. Downloaded from,, web address on 13.02.2011.
Timmers, C.F., van den Broek, J. B. & van den Berg, S. M. (2013) Motivational beliefs, student effort, and feedback behaviour in computer-based formative assessment. Computers & Education 60(1) 25–31.
Topcu, P. (2009). The Effect of Gender on Computer Attitudes: A Meta Analysis. Master Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Tural, H. (2005). The effects of teaching mathematics in elementary school by games and activities on achievement and attitude. Master Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Journal of Educational Science.
Tuysuz, C., Aydin, H. (2007). Effect of the Web Based Learning on Primary School Students’ Attitudes. Pamukkale University, Journal of Educational Faculty 2(22) 73-84.
Usun, S. (2004). Fundamentals of Computer Aided Education, Ankara: Nobel publishing.
Uygun, M. (2008). Investigation of the Effects of an Educational Software on 4th Grade Primary School Students’ Attitudes towards Mathematics and Their Achieve. Master Thesis. Abant Izzet Baysal University, Institute of Social Sciences.
Yesilyurt, S. & Gul, S. (2011). The Effect of Computer Aided Instruction on 4th year Students’ Academical Success and Attitudes towards Science and Technology Lesson. e-International Educational Researches Journal, 1(2) 30-43.
Yesilyurt, S. & Kara, Y. (2007). The Investigation of the Effects of Tutorials on Students’ Achievements, Misconceptions and Attitudes towards Biology. Ondokuz Mayis University, Journal of Educational Faculty (23) 75-84.
Yesilyurt, M. (2010). Meta Analysis Of The Computer Asisted Studies in Science And Mathematics: A Sample Of Turkey. The Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Techonology, 9(1) 123-131.
Yesilyurt, M. (2011). Meta Analysis of The Computer Asisted Studies in Physics: A Sample of Turkey. Energy Education Science And Techonology Part B: Social And Educational Studies. 3(2) 173-182.
Yesilyurt, M. (2012). The meta-analysis of the studies measuring the effect of the concept map technique on the success, Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 4(1): 31-42
Yildiz, N. C. (2002). Meta Analysis to Evaluation the Data. Master Thesis Marmara University, Institute of Science.
Yildiz, Z. (2009). The Effect of Computer Assisted Instruction Related With the Surface Area and Volume of Geometrical Objects onto the Achievement and the Attitude of Eight Grade Primary School Students. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Zaman, S. (2006). The evaluation of computer-based biology teaching material for the topic of mitosis and meiosis. Master Thesis. Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science.
The Meta Analysis of the Effect of Computer Aided Instruction on Student Attitudes in Science and Mathematics
Year 2019,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 57 - 69, 15.04.2019
In the research the effect of computer aided instruction on student attitudes towards the lesson in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics has been searched. In this research, studies which were made between 2002 – 2011 years in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics education, and which include the comparison the effect of computer aided instruction on student attitudes with traditional methods, have been merged together. Fifty six appropriate studies for criteria’s were chosen and combined with the meta analysis method for 142 Master of Science and PhD thesis, and 45 articles. At the conclusion of the research, it data supply review that, computer aided instruction has a more effective influence in a positive way on the attitude of the students towards lesson in comparison with the traditional method in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics education.
AbuSeileek A.F. (2012). The effect of computer-assisted cooperative learning methods and group size on the EFL learners’ achievement in communication skills. Computers & Education 58(1) 231–239.
Acar, S. (2011). Testing the Effects of Students’ Attitude Toward the Lesson Based on Computer-Aided Teaching in the Field of Physics Chemistry Biology and Mathematics by the Method of Meta-Analysis. Master Thesis. Yuzuncu Yil University, Institute of Science, Van.
Akbulut, Y., Uysal, Ö., Odabasi, H. F.& Kuzu, A. (2008). Influence of gender, program of study and PC experience on unethical computer using behaviors of Turkish undergraduate students. Computers & Education 51(2) 485–492.
Akcay, H., Tuysuz, C., Feyzioglu, B. (2003). Effect of the Computer Based Science Teaching on Students’ Success and Attitude: Mole Concept and Avagadro's Number. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology –TOJET ISSN: 1303-6521 Volume:2(2).
Akcay, H., Feyzioglu, B. Tuysuz, C. & Ucar, V. (2007). Effect of the Computer Based Chemistry Teaching on Students’ Success and Attitude: Radyoactivity. Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Journal of Educational Faculty, 22: 98-106.
Akcay, H. ,Tuysuz, C. , Fevzioglu, B. , Oguz, B. (2008). Effect of Computer Aided and Computer Assisted Chemistry Instruction on Students’ Attitudes and Success. Mersin University, Journal of Educational Faculty, 4(2) 169-181.
Akgun, O. E. (2005). The Effects of Demonstration Experiments Performed in Computer Aided Science Laboratories, on Students’ Success and Manner of Science. Yüzüncü Yıl University Elektronik Journal of Educational Faculty, 2(1).
Akpinar, E. (2006). Computer Assisted Instruction in Constructing of Abstract Concepts in Science Teaching: “The Unit Electricity in Our Life”. Ph. D. Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Aksoy, Y. (2007). The Effect of Computer Algebra Systems on the Teaching of Derivative Concept. Ph. D. Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Aktumen, M, Kacar A. (2008). Effects of Computer Algebra Systems on Attitutes towards Mathematics. Hacettepe University, Journal of Educational Faculty, (35) 13-26
Altunay, Y. A. (2006). The Effects of the Material that are Prepared as Concept Map by Computer Environment to Success of Primary School Students in Science Lesson. Master Thesis. Selcuk University, Natural and Applied Institute of Science.
Arslan, A. (2008). The Effects of Web Supported Instruction and Use of Instructional Materials on Students’ Mathematics Anxieties, Attitudes and Achievements. Ph. D. Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Baki, A. & Birgin, O. (2004). Reflections of Using Computer-Based Portfolios as an Alternative Assessment Tools: A Case Study. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology TOJET, 3(3): 11.
Balaman, F. (2010). Investigate the Effect of Hybrid Learning Model on Students’ Success, Manner and Motivation in Science and Technology Lesson. Master Thesis. Mustafa Kemal University, Institute of Social Sciences.
Barutcu, A. K. (2010). The Effects of Using Dynamic Geometry Software in Teaching Euclidean Geometry on 11th year Students’ Attitudes towards Geometry and Academical Success. Master Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Basaran, B. (2005). Effect of the Computer Based Physics Education on Students’ Success and Attitude. Master Thesis. Dicle University, Institute of Science.
Budak, S. (2010). The Effect of Computer Aided Instruction in Polygons on 6th year Students, Their Academical Success and Attitudes towards Computer Aided Geometry. Master Thesis. Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Science.
Buyukozturk, S. (2009). Quantitive Research Methods. Research Symposium by Mustafa Kemal University Institute of Social Sciences. April 25, 2009, Antakya.Camnalbur, M. (2008). A Meta-Analysis for the Effectiveness of Computer Based Education. Master Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Can, S. (2008). Web-Based Instruction in Science Teaching. Master Thesis. Celal Bayar University, Institute of Science.
Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power Analysis for The Behavioral Sciences. New York: Academic Pres.
Camli, H. (2009). Effect of Computer Based Mind Mapping Technique on Fifth Grade Students’ Academic Achievements in Science and Technology Lessons and Attitudes towards Science and Computers. Master Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Science.
Cankaya, S., Karamete, A. (2008). The Effects of Educational Computer Games on Students’ Attitudes towards Mathematics Course and Educational Computer Games. Mersin University, Journal of Educational Faculty, 4 (2) 115-127.
Celik, E. (2006). The Effect of Computer-Assisted Humor on the Students’ Academic Achivement and Attitudes towards Physics Course. Master Thesis. Ankara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Celik, V. & Yesilyurt, E. (2013). Attitudes to technology, perceived computer self-efficacy and computer anxiety as predictors of computer supported education. Computers & Education 60(1) 148–158.
Cetin, O. , Gunay, Y. (2010). The Effect of Web-based Teaching in Science Education on Students’ Academical Success and Manners. Cukurova University, Journal of Educational Faculty, 3(38) 19-34.
Cetinkaya, M. & Tas, E. (2011). Investigation of Effectiveness of Web Supported Concept Maps and Semantic Features Analyses on Classification of Living Things. Dicle University Ziya Gokalp Journal of Educational Faculty, (16) 180-195.
Cilenti, K. (1998). Education and Instructional Technology, Kadioglu of Printing House, Ankara.
Comek, A. (2009). The Effect of Using Internet Efficiently and Learning Styles on Prospective Teachers’ Academic Achievement and Attitudes. Ph. D. Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Demirdag, B. (2007). Computer Aided Teaching Material Development Related to Energy on Chemical Reactions. Master Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Demirel, D. (2005). Meta Analysis Applications in Clinic Studies. Master Thesis. Ondokuz Mayis University, Institute of Science.
Demirkan, S. N. (2006). Teaching the “ Discovering the Space” Subject of 6 th Class of Primary Education Using Interactive Video. Master Thesis. Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science.
Deniz, L. (1992). Computer Assisted Education Project: Stages, critique, recommendations. Marmara University, Ataturk Educational Faculty, Journal of Educational Science, (4) 45-58.
Dervis, N. (2009). The Effect of the Computer-Assisted Science and Tecnology Instruction to Students’ Success, Science Attitudes and Scientific Thinking Skills in Effecting Our Life Magnetism Unit. Master Thesis. Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Science.
Ergene, T. (2003). The Effectiveness of Reduce Test Anxiety Programs: A Meta Analysis. VII. National Phsychologica Counseling and Guidance Congress. 09-11 July, Malatya: Inonu University.
Ergorun, O. (2010). The Effect of Science Teaching on Student Success and Attitudes. Master Thesis. Yeditepe University, Institute of Social Sciences.
Goncu, H. (2006). The Effect of Computer Aided Lesson Presentations, which are Prepared Chemical Reactions in the 2nd Year Highschool, on Concept Teaching and Students’ Attitudes towards Chemistry. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Guler, M. H. ve Saglam, N. (2002). The Effects of the Computer Aided Instruction and Worksheets on the Students' Biology Achievement and Their Attitudes toward Computer. Hacettepe University, Journal of Educational Faculty, (23) 117-126.
Gürbüz, R. & Birgin, O. (2012). The effect of computer-assisted teaching on remedying misconceptions: The case of the subject “probability”. Computers & Education 58(3) 931–941.
Hancer, A. H. Yalcin, N. (2007). The Effects of ‘Computer Based Learning Based Upon Constructivist Approach in Science Education’ on Attitudes toward Computers. Kastamonu Journal of Educational Faculty. 15(2) 549-560.
Hangul, T. (2010). The Effect of the Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) on Student Attitude in Mathematics Teaching of Primary School 8th Class and Views of Students towards CAI. Master Thesis. Balikesir University, Institute of Science.
Hannefin, M.S. Peck, K. L. (1988). The Design, Development, and Evaluation of Instructional Software. New York: Macmillan.
Helvaci, B. T. (2010). The Effect of Computer Aided Instruction on 6th year Students’ Academical Success and Attitudes towards Polygons Subject in Maths. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Hirca, N. Calik, M. & Seven S. (2011). Effects of Guide Materials Based on 5E Model on Students’ Conceptual Change and Their Attitudes towards Physics: A Case for ‘Work, Power and Energy’ Unit. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 8(1) 139-152.
Hunter, J.E. Schmidt, F.L. (1990). Methods of Meta-Analysis: Correcting Error and Bias in Research Findings. London: Sage Publications.
Kahraman, O. (2007). Effect of the computer assisted instruction on student’s attitude and achievement on thephysics topic of the 7th grade science lesson. Master Thesis. Pamukkale University, Institute of Science
Kara, Y. (2007). The Effect of Teaching Aimed Computer Softwares on Students’ Achievements, Misconceptions and Attitudes towards Biology on the Issue of Mitotic and Meiotic Division. Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Journal of Educational Faculty (21) 49-57.
Kara, Y. (2009). The Effect of Tutorial Software Used Computer Assisted Learning Method on Student Achievement, Misconceptions, and Attitudes. Gazi University, Gazi Journal of Educational Faculty, 29(3) 651-672.
Karademir, E. (2009). The Effect of Computer Aided Instruction on Students’ Academical Success in Electricity Subject of Science and Technology Lesson, Scientific Process Skills and Their Attitudes. Master Thesis. Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Science.
Kutluer, S. (2008). Computer Aided Material Developing Related to Molecular Geometry, Hybridization and Polarity of Molecules. PhD Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Educational Sciences
Olgun, A. (2006). The Effect of the Computer-Assisted Science Instruction to Students Science Attitudes, Metacognitions and Their Success. Master Thesis. Osmangazi University, Institute of Science.
Oruc, M. (1993). Relationship between Secondary School Students’ Attitudes towards Science and Success. Expertise in Science Thesis. Hacettepe University, Institute of Science.
Ogut, H. Altun, A. A. Sulak, S. A. & Kocer, H. E. 2004. E-Learning with Computer Aided, Internet Accesible Interactive Learning CD. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET, 3(1):10.
Oner, T. A. (2009). The Effect of Technology Aided Instruction in 7th Year Algebra Teaching on Students’ Attitudes and Continuance. Master Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Ozcan, S. (2008). Effect of Training Manager’s Gender and İnservice Education on Their Mission: A Meta Analytic Effect Analysis. PhD Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Ozdogan, E. (2008). The Effect of Cooperative Learning Method on Students’ Success and Attitudes towards 4th Year Mathematics Teaching: Computer Aided Cooperative Learning and Cluster-Assisted İndividualization Technique. Master Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Social Sciences.
Ozel, S. F. (2008). Effects of computer supported education materials students' attidutes and succes. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Ozkan, F. (2010). 6th Year Students’ Academical Success, Self-efficacy Perception of the Computer, Their Attitudes towards Computer and Science in Web Aided Science and Technology Lesson. Master Thesis. Ege University, Institute of Science.
Ozkok, E. (2010). The Effect of the Teaching Software Which is prepared with Gagne’s Teaching Model on the Students’ Academic Success Rate in Mathemetics Subject on Square Rooted Numbers Topic and Students’ Attitudes at The Eighth Grade in Primary School. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Pektas, M. (2008). The influence of constructivist approach and computer assisted instruction in biology teaching on the students’ achievements and attitudes. PhD. Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Pilli, O. (2008). The Effect of Computer Aided Teaching on 4th Year Students’ Success, Attitudes and Continuance in Mathematics. Master Thesis. METU Institute of Science.
Poyraz, S. (2008). The Effect of Computer Aided Teaching on 7th Year Students’ Spatial Thinking Skills and Their Attitudes towards Mathematics, Technology and Geometry. Master Thesis. METU Institute of Science.
Renshaw, C. E, & Taylor, H. A. (2000). The educational effectiveness of computer based instruction. Computers and Geosciences, 26(6) 677-682.Rosenberg, M., Adams, D., Gurevitch, J. (2000). MetaWin Statistical Software for Meta-Analysis Version 2.0. Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates Inc.
Saricayir, H. (2007). The Effect of Computer Aided and Laboratory Based Instruction in Chemical Reactions Balance on Students’ Success, Recall Level and Attitudes. Master Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
Sirabasi, A. (2006). Comparison, the Effect of Computer Aided Instruction on Highschool Students’ Learning Success in Acid-Base&pH, Attitudes towards Chemistry, of the Traditional Method. Master Thesis. Gazi University. Institute of Educational Sciences.
Sulak, S. A. (2002). The Effect of computer assisted education in mathematic course with respect to students achivement and attitude. Master Thesis. Selcuk University, Institute of Science.
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