A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Laboratory Based Teaching on Students' Success
Year 2019,
Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 53 - 63, 15.07.2019
Mustafa Yesılyurt
Ali Gurbetoglu
Figen Demırtas Yılmaz
The purpose of this study is
to examine the relationship between laboratory based teaching methods on
science education and student success, by using meta-analysis. This paper used
the research results which were reported from 2000 to 2012 years in Turkey
which analyzing the effects of laboratory based teaching methods on student
success. By the meta-analysis methods, one PhD dissertation, 17 Master’s theses
and 12 published articles were the main sources of this paper used to
demonstrate the influence of laboratory based teachings on science education. Thalheimer also showed that laboratory based teaching in a
significant degree affects academic success. The results demonstrate that laboratory
based teaching methods significantly influence academic success +2,8729 size.
- Acar, S. (2011). Testing the Effects of Students’ Attitude Toward the Lesson Based on Computer-Aided Teaching in the Field of Physics Chemistry Biology and Mathematics by the Method of Meta-Analysis. Master Thesis. Yuzuncu Yil University, Institute of Science, Van.
- Acisli, S. & Turgut, U. (2009). The Examination of the Influence of the Materials Generated In Compliance With 5E Learning Model on Physics Laboratory Applications. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(2): 562-593
- Akgoz, S., Ercan, I. & Kan, I. (2004). Meta Analysis. Uludag University Medical Faculty Journal, 30(2) 107-112.Altinok, M. S. (2011). Effect of Teachıng Heat and Temperature through Laboratory Method on Achıevements of 5th Grade Students, Master’s Thesıs. Ataturk University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
- Altun, A. (2009). Development of guide material for DNA extraction and electrophoresis. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Science.
- Atici, O. & Atici, T. (2004). Investigating in Biology Syllabus Topics at Photosynthesis Experiments of the Effect Student Achievement and their Diversification. Turk Journal of Science Education, 10(1): 143-166.
- Aydogdu, C. (2000). A Comparison of Chemistry Instruction Enriched with Experiments and Traditional Problem Solving Activities in Term of Chemistry Lesson. Hacettepe University Faculty of Education Journal, 19: 29-31.
- Azar, A. & Aydin Sengulec, O. (2010). Computer-Assisted and Laboratory-Assisted Teaching Methods in Physics Teaching: The Effect on Student Physics Achievement and Attitude towards Physics. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 43-50.
- Basak, A. (2002). Effect on the Success Material of the Use of Elementary School Students. M.Sc. Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Science.
- Basdas, E. (2007). The Effect of Hands-On Science Learning Method in the Education of Science in Primary School on the Science Process Skills, Academic Achievement and Motivation. M.Sc. Thesis, Celal Bayar University, Institute of Science.
- Baskurt, P. (2009). The Effects of Hands-On Science Learning Method on Students’ Academic Achievement, Retention of Knowledge and Attitudes towards Science Course in “Force and Motion” Unit. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Education Sciences.
- Bayrak, B., Kanli, U. & Kandil Ingec, S. (2007). To Compare The Effects of Computer Based Learning and The Laboratory Based Learning On Students’ Achievement Regarding Electric Circuits. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 6(1): 15-24.
- Cansoy, R. (2001). The Effect of Model and Experimental Methods to the Success of Chemistry Teaching. M.Sc. Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Science.
- Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. New York: Academic Pres.
- Coramik, M. (2012). The Effect of Teaching Magnetism Unit with Computer-Aided and Experiment-Aided Activities on 11th Grade Students’ Self-Efficacy, Metacognition, Attitude, Motivation and Conceptual Understanding. M.Sc. Thesis, Balikesir University, Institute of Science.
- Eroglu. S. (2006). The Effect of Audio–Visual Material Usage of Third Grade High School Students’ Learning Biotechnological Conception and Their Attitude. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Science.
- Erokten, S. (2010). The Evaluation of Chemistry Laboratory Experiences on Science Students’ Anxiety Levels. Hacettepe University Faculty of Education Journal, 38: 107-114.
- Guven, I. & Gurdal, A. (2000). The Effects on Learning of Experiments in Secondary Physics Lessons. National Science and Mathematics Education Congress 5th. Proceedings 116 http://www.fedu.metu.edu.tr/ufbmek-5/b_kitabi/PDF/Fizik/Bildiri/t116DD.pdf Downloaded from, web address on 15.05.2013.
- Karaca, A., Ulucinar, S. & Cansaran, A. (2006). Indication of Problems in Laboratories in Science Education. Ministry of National Education, National Education Journal, 170: 250-256. http://dhgm.meb.gov.tr/yayimlar/dergiler/Milli_Egitim_Dergisi/170/170/aysun%20karaca.pdf Downloaded from, web address on 15.05.2013.
- Karasoy, D. & Ata, N. (2008). Meta-Analysis of Survival Data. Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal (E-Journal), 3 (2): 211-218.
- Kara, F. (2010). Investigation of the Influence of the Experimental Practices on the Teaching of Diffusion and Diffusion Related Concepts in Science Education. M.Sc. Thesis, Ondokuz Mayis University, Institute of Science.
- Kaya, S. & Kavcar, N. (2002). A Study on the Development Lens Subject of Curriculum of Secondary School Physics Course. National Science and Mathematics Education Congress 5th. Proceedings 121. http://www.fedu.metu.edu.tr/ufbmek-5/b_kitabi/PDF/Fizik/Bildiri/t121DD.pdf Downloaded from web address on 15.05.2013.
- Kaya, M. F. (2013). Tendencies In Geography Education: A Meta-Analysis Study On Graduate Theses Up To 2012. Marmara Journal of Geography, 27: 282-313.
- Kinay, E. (2012). A Meta Analysis on the Predictive Validity Studies of University Entrance Examinations. M.Sc. Thesis, Ankara University, Institute of Education Sciences.
- Kozcu, N. (2006). The Effects of Laboratory Method on Students’ Success, Recalling Level and Affective Characteristics in Primary School Science Education. M.Sc. Thesis, Mugla University, Institute of Science.
- Maras, T. (2008). Effect of laboratory method on 4th grade elementary school students academic achievement in science and technology while teaching skeletal and muscular system topic. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Education Sciences.
- Onder, K. (2007). The Unit of “Reproduction, Growing and Development in Animates” That Takes Place in the Program of the Science and Technology Lesson of 6th Grade Students in Primary School, Laboratory Method’s Effects on Students’ Success. M.Sc. Thesis, Selcuk University, Institute of Science.
- Onel. S. (2007). Sexual and asexual reproduction application of the developed teaching its subject according to the experimental method and comparison of its impacts on the students success according to the conventional teaching. M.Sc. Thesis, Balikesir University, Institute of Science.
- Ozdemirli Capar, G. (2011). The Effect of Cooperative Learning Method up on Mathematical Achievement and Attitude: A Meta-Analysis of Findings. M.Sc. Thesis, Cukurova University, Institute of Social Sciences.
- Ozturk, G. (2007). The Effect of Students’ Experimental Studies Using Hands-On Materials on Their Attitudes to Science and Their Learning of The Concept of Force – Energy. M.Sc. Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Education Sciences.
- Ozyalcin Oskay, O., Erdem, E. & Yilmaz, A. (2008). A Study about the Effects of Chemistry Laboratory Applications on Students' Attitudes towards Chemistry and Achievement. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 8(27) 222-321.
- Rosenberg, M., Adams, D. & Gurevitch, J. (2000). MetaWin Statistical Software for Meta-Analysis Version 2.0. Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates Inc.
- Saglam, M. & Yuksel, I. (2007). Meta-Analysis And Meta-Evaluation Methods in Program Evaluation. Dumlupinar University, Journal of Social Sciences. (18): 175-189.
- Sahin, M. C. (2005). The Effectiveness of Web-based Distance Education: A Meta Analysis. Master Thesis. Cukurova University, Institute of Social Sciences.
- Selek, N., Turkmen, L. & Yalcin, M. (2003). The Degree of Achievement of Primary School 4th And 5th Grade Science Experiments: As a Sample of Afyon Province. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Social Sciences 5(2): 103-121.
- Soslu, O. (2010). Investigation of the Effect on Student Achievement in Physics Teaching Laboratory Method. Ph.D. Thesis, Ataturk University, Institute of Science.
- Soslu, O., Dilber, R. & Duzgun, B. (2011). Investigation of the Effect on Elementary Mathematics Department Student Achievement in Physics Teaching Laboratory Method. Erzincan Faculty of Education Journal, 13 (2): 57-69.
- Sulun, Y., Evren, A. & Sulun, A. (2009). The Effect of the Usage of V-Diagrams on the Students Success in Biology Laboratory. Erzincan Faculty of Education Journal. 11 (2): 85-98.
- Temel Aslan, S. (2004). The effect of laboratory supported education method upon the conceptions of solubility of the first year high school students. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Science.
- Telli, A.,Yildirim, H. I., Sensoy, O. & Yalcin, N. (2002). A Study on the Effect of Use of Experimental Method in Teaching the Topic of Simple Machines on 7th Grade Primary School Students Achievement. Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education Journal, 24 (3): 291-305.
- Tezcan, H. & Aslan, S. (2007). Effect of the Laboratory Supported Method on the Understanding of Solutions Subject of High School Pupils. Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education Journal, 27 (3): 65-81.
- Tezcan, H. & Bilgin, E. (2004). Affects of Laboratory Method and Other Factors on the Student Success in the Teaching of the Solvation Subject at the High Schools. Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education Journal, 24 (3): 175-191.
- Thalheimer, W. & Cook, S. (2002). How to Calculate Effect Size from Published Research: A Simplified Spreadsheet., http://www.worklearning.com/white_papers/effect_sizes/Effect_Sizes_Spreadsheet, downloaded from web address on 13.02.2011.
- Topcu, P. (2009). The Effect of Gender on Computer Attitudes: A Meta Analysis. Master Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.Uzun. G. (2007). The effect of the guide materials in getting the biology teachers to comprehend the difference between bacteria and yeast in laboratories. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
- Yalcin, P., Yigit, D., Sulun, A., Bal, D. A., Bastug, A. & Aktas, M. (2002). The Effects of Using Visual Materials on Learning the Unit; ‘Defining Matter’. Kastamonu Education Journal, 11 (1): 115-120.
- Yesilyurt, M. (2010). Meta Analysis of The Computer Assisted Studies in Science and Mathematics: A Sample Of Turkey. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9 (1) 123-131.
- Yesilyurt, M. (2011). Meta-Analysis of Computer Assisted Studies in Physics: a Sample of Turkey. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B, 3 (2): 173-182. Yildiz, E., Aydogdu, B., Akpinar, E. & Ergin, O. (2007). Attitudes of Primary School Science Teachers towards Science Experiments. Bogazici University Journal of Education, 24 (2): 71-86.
- Yildiz, N. (2010). The Effect of Experiment Applications on the Success, Attitude and Scientific Process Abilities of the Students in the Solution of the Learning Scenarios Based on Problems in Science Education. Master Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Laboratory Based Teaching on Students' Success
Year 2019,
Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 53 - 63, 15.07.2019
Mustafa Yesılyurt
Ali Gurbetoglu
Figen Demırtas Yılmaz
purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between laboratory based
teaching methods on science education and student success, by using
meta-analysis. This paper used the research results which were reported from
2000 to 2012 years in Turkey which analyzing the effects of laboratory based
teaching methods on student success. By the meta-analysis methods, one PhD
dissertation, 17 Master’s theses and 12 published articles were the main sources
of this paper used to demonstrate the influence of laboratory based teachings
on science education. Thalheimer also showed that laboratory based teaching in a significant degree
affects academic success. The results demonstrate that laboratory based
teaching methods significantly influence academic success +2,8729 size.
- Acar, S. (2011). Testing the Effects of Students’ Attitude Toward the Lesson Based on Computer-Aided Teaching in the Field of Physics Chemistry Biology and Mathematics by the Method of Meta-Analysis. Master Thesis. Yuzuncu Yil University, Institute of Science, Van.
- Acisli, S. & Turgut, U. (2009). The Examination of the Influence of the Materials Generated In Compliance With 5E Learning Model on Physics Laboratory Applications. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(2): 562-593
- Akgoz, S., Ercan, I. & Kan, I. (2004). Meta Analysis. Uludag University Medical Faculty Journal, 30(2) 107-112.Altinok, M. S. (2011). Effect of Teachıng Heat and Temperature through Laboratory Method on Achıevements of 5th Grade Students, Master’s Thesıs. Ataturk University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
- Altun, A. (2009). Development of guide material for DNA extraction and electrophoresis. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Science.
- Atici, O. & Atici, T. (2004). Investigating in Biology Syllabus Topics at Photosynthesis Experiments of the Effect Student Achievement and their Diversification. Turk Journal of Science Education, 10(1): 143-166.
- Aydogdu, C. (2000). A Comparison of Chemistry Instruction Enriched with Experiments and Traditional Problem Solving Activities in Term of Chemistry Lesson. Hacettepe University Faculty of Education Journal, 19: 29-31.
- Azar, A. & Aydin Sengulec, O. (2010). Computer-Assisted and Laboratory-Assisted Teaching Methods in Physics Teaching: The Effect on Student Physics Achievement and Attitude towards Physics. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 43-50.
- Basak, A. (2002). Effect on the Success Material of the Use of Elementary School Students. M.Sc. Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Science.
- Basdas, E. (2007). The Effect of Hands-On Science Learning Method in the Education of Science in Primary School on the Science Process Skills, Academic Achievement and Motivation. M.Sc. Thesis, Celal Bayar University, Institute of Science.
- Baskurt, P. (2009). The Effects of Hands-On Science Learning Method on Students’ Academic Achievement, Retention of Knowledge and Attitudes towards Science Course in “Force and Motion” Unit. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Education Sciences.
- Bayrak, B., Kanli, U. & Kandil Ingec, S. (2007). To Compare The Effects of Computer Based Learning and The Laboratory Based Learning On Students’ Achievement Regarding Electric Circuits. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 6(1): 15-24.
- Cansoy, R. (2001). The Effect of Model and Experimental Methods to the Success of Chemistry Teaching. M.Sc. Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Science.
- Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. New York: Academic Pres.
- Coramik, M. (2012). The Effect of Teaching Magnetism Unit with Computer-Aided and Experiment-Aided Activities on 11th Grade Students’ Self-Efficacy, Metacognition, Attitude, Motivation and Conceptual Understanding. M.Sc. Thesis, Balikesir University, Institute of Science.
- Eroglu. S. (2006). The Effect of Audio–Visual Material Usage of Third Grade High School Students’ Learning Biotechnological Conception and Their Attitude. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Science.
- Erokten, S. (2010). The Evaluation of Chemistry Laboratory Experiences on Science Students’ Anxiety Levels. Hacettepe University Faculty of Education Journal, 38: 107-114.
- Guven, I. & Gurdal, A. (2000). The Effects on Learning of Experiments in Secondary Physics Lessons. National Science and Mathematics Education Congress 5th. Proceedings 116 http://www.fedu.metu.edu.tr/ufbmek-5/b_kitabi/PDF/Fizik/Bildiri/t116DD.pdf Downloaded from, web address on 15.05.2013.
- Karaca, A., Ulucinar, S. & Cansaran, A. (2006). Indication of Problems in Laboratories in Science Education. Ministry of National Education, National Education Journal, 170: 250-256. http://dhgm.meb.gov.tr/yayimlar/dergiler/Milli_Egitim_Dergisi/170/170/aysun%20karaca.pdf Downloaded from, web address on 15.05.2013.
- Karasoy, D. & Ata, N. (2008). Meta-Analysis of Survival Data. Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal (E-Journal), 3 (2): 211-218.
- Kara, F. (2010). Investigation of the Influence of the Experimental Practices on the Teaching of Diffusion and Diffusion Related Concepts in Science Education. M.Sc. Thesis, Ondokuz Mayis University, Institute of Science.
- Kaya, S. & Kavcar, N. (2002). A Study on the Development Lens Subject of Curriculum of Secondary School Physics Course. National Science and Mathematics Education Congress 5th. Proceedings 121. http://www.fedu.metu.edu.tr/ufbmek-5/b_kitabi/PDF/Fizik/Bildiri/t121DD.pdf Downloaded from web address on 15.05.2013.
- Kaya, M. F. (2013). Tendencies In Geography Education: A Meta-Analysis Study On Graduate Theses Up To 2012. Marmara Journal of Geography, 27: 282-313.
- Kinay, E. (2012). A Meta Analysis on the Predictive Validity Studies of University Entrance Examinations. M.Sc. Thesis, Ankara University, Institute of Education Sciences.
- Kozcu, N. (2006). The Effects of Laboratory Method on Students’ Success, Recalling Level and Affective Characteristics in Primary School Science Education. M.Sc. Thesis, Mugla University, Institute of Science.
- Maras, T. (2008). Effect of laboratory method on 4th grade elementary school students academic achievement in science and technology while teaching skeletal and muscular system topic. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Education Sciences.
- Onder, K. (2007). The Unit of “Reproduction, Growing and Development in Animates” That Takes Place in the Program of the Science and Technology Lesson of 6th Grade Students in Primary School, Laboratory Method’s Effects on Students’ Success. M.Sc. Thesis, Selcuk University, Institute of Science.
- Onel. S. (2007). Sexual and asexual reproduction application of the developed teaching its subject according to the experimental method and comparison of its impacts on the students success according to the conventional teaching. M.Sc. Thesis, Balikesir University, Institute of Science.
- Ozdemirli Capar, G. (2011). The Effect of Cooperative Learning Method up on Mathematical Achievement and Attitude: A Meta-Analysis of Findings. M.Sc. Thesis, Cukurova University, Institute of Social Sciences.
- Ozturk, G. (2007). The Effect of Students’ Experimental Studies Using Hands-On Materials on Their Attitudes to Science and Their Learning of The Concept of Force – Energy. M.Sc. Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Education Sciences.
- Ozyalcin Oskay, O., Erdem, E. & Yilmaz, A. (2008). A Study about the Effects of Chemistry Laboratory Applications on Students' Attitudes towards Chemistry and Achievement. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 8(27) 222-321.
- Rosenberg, M., Adams, D. & Gurevitch, J. (2000). MetaWin Statistical Software for Meta-Analysis Version 2.0. Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates Inc.
- Saglam, M. & Yuksel, I. (2007). Meta-Analysis And Meta-Evaluation Methods in Program Evaluation. Dumlupinar University, Journal of Social Sciences. (18): 175-189.
- Sahin, M. C. (2005). The Effectiveness of Web-based Distance Education: A Meta Analysis. Master Thesis. Cukurova University, Institute of Social Sciences.
- Selek, N., Turkmen, L. & Yalcin, M. (2003). The Degree of Achievement of Primary School 4th And 5th Grade Science Experiments: As a Sample of Afyon Province. Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Social Sciences 5(2): 103-121.
- Soslu, O. (2010). Investigation of the Effect on Student Achievement in Physics Teaching Laboratory Method. Ph.D. Thesis, Ataturk University, Institute of Science.
- Soslu, O., Dilber, R. & Duzgun, B. (2011). Investigation of the Effect on Elementary Mathematics Department Student Achievement in Physics Teaching Laboratory Method. Erzincan Faculty of Education Journal, 13 (2): 57-69.
- Sulun, Y., Evren, A. & Sulun, A. (2009). The Effect of the Usage of V-Diagrams on the Students Success in Biology Laboratory. Erzincan Faculty of Education Journal. 11 (2): 85-98.
- Temel Aslan, S. (2004). The effect of laboratory supported education method upon the conceptions of solubility of the first year high school students. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Science.
- Telli, A.,Yildirim, H. I., Sensoy, O. & Yalcin, N. (2002). A Study on the Effect of Use of Experimental Method in Teaching the Topic of Simple Machines on 7th Grade Primary School Students Achievement. Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education Journal, 24 (3): 291-305.
- Tezcan, H. & Aslan, S. (2007). Effect of the Laboratory Supported Method on the Understanding of Solutions Subject of High School Pupils. Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education Journal, 27 (3): 65-81.
- Tezcan, H. & Bilgin, E. (2004). Affects of Laboratory Method and Other Factors on the Student Success in the Teaching of the Solvation Subject at the High Schools. Gazi University, Gazi Faculty of Education Journal, 24 (3): 175-191.
- Thalheimer, W. & Cook, S. (2002). How to Calculate Effect Size from Published Research: A Simplified Spreadsheet., http://www.worklearning.com/white_papers/effect_sizes/Effect_Sizes_Spreadsheet, downloaded from web address on 13.02.2011.
- Topcu, P. (2009). The Effect of Gender on Computer Attitudes: A Meta Analysis. Master Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.Uzun. G. (2007). The effect of the guide materials in getting the biology teachers to comprehend the difference between bacteria and yeast in laboratories. Master Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
- Yalcin, P., Yigit, D., Sulun, A., Bal, D. A., Bastug, A. & Aktas, M. (2002). The Effects of Using Visual Materials on Learning the Unit; ‘Defining Matter’. Kastamonu Education Journal, 11 (1): 115-120.
- Yesilyurt, M. (2010). Meta Analysis of The Computer Assisted Studies in Science and Mathematics: A Sample Of Turkey. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9 (1) 123-131.
- Yesilyurt, M. (2011). Meta-Analysis of Computer Assisted Studies in Physics: a Sample of Turkey. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B, 3 (2): 173-182. Yildiz, E., Aydogdu, B., Akpinar, E. & Ergin, O. (2007). Attitudes of Primary School Science Teachers towards Science Experiments. Bogazici University Journal of Education, 24 (2): 71-86.
- Yildiz, N. (2010). The Effect of Experiment Applications on the Success, Attitude and Scientific Process Abilities of the Students in the Solution of the Learning Scenarios Based on Problems in Science Education. Master Thesis. Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences.