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Significance of 1,25-Dihydroxy vitamine D3 and its receptors in human cancers

Year 2000, Volume: 6 Issue: 1-2, - , 01.05.2000



  • Haussier lvlFl. vitamin D receptors: Nature and lunction. Ann Hev Nutr 1995; ö: SET-562.
  • Pike JW. Intraceılular receptors mediate the biologic action of 1.25-dihidroxyvitamin D3. Nutr Fley 1995: 431:9}: ısı-tea.
  • Berger U. Wilson P. McClelland HA. Colston K. Haussier MH. Pike JW. and Cocmbes FIC. lrnmunocytochemical detection of 1.25fdlhydroııyvitamin D receptors in normal human tissues. J Clin End and Matt: 1989: ene): eer-613.
  • Liu L. Ng lvl. Iacopino AM. Dunn ST. Hughes MR. Bourdeau JE. Vitamin D receptor gene expression in mammalian kidney. .J Am Soc Nephrol 1994: ölö]: 1251-1259.
  • &. Milde F'. Hauser U. Simon T. Mall G. Ernst V. Haussler MH. Frosch P. and Ftauterberg EW. Expression ol 1.25— dihydroayvltamin Da receptors in normal and psorlatlc skin. The J Inv Derm 1991; 91712}: ESD-ESS.
  • ?. Zineb Ft. Zhor B. Odile W. end Martha RR. Distinct. tissue- spacitic regulation oi vitamin D receptor in the Intestine. kidney and skin by dietary calcium and vitamin D. Endocrinol 1999; metal]; 1544-1552.
  • El. Reinhardt TA. and Horst Ft. Parathyroid hormone down- regulates 1.25wdihydroxyyitamln D receptors ıvoaı and von messenger ribonuclelc acid in vitro and blocks homologous up-regulation ot von in vivo. Endocrinol 1990: terra); 942-943.
  • Flanders WD. Prostate cancer epidemiology. Prostate ‘. 5: 621-529. to. Schwartz GG. and Hulka SS. Is vitarnln D deficiency a risk factor tor prostate cancer? {Hypothesis}. Anticancer Hes : 19: HUT-1312. ?? M.Ü. Şahin ve arlt.
  • L Taylor JA. Hinronen A. Watson M. Pittman G. Mohier JL. ano Bell DA. Association of prostate cancer with vitamin D Biutt SE. McDonnell TJ. Poiek TC. Weigel NL. Calcitriol— induced apoptosis in LNCaP calls is blocked by overexpression of Bol—2. Endocnnoi 2999: 141{1}:1D-?.
  • Berger U. McClelland FIA. Wilson P. Greene GL. Haussler MH. Pike JW. Colston it. Easton D. and Coombas BC. Curran JE. vaughan T. Lee FtA. Weinstein SB. Morrison NA. Griffiths LFi. Association oi A vitamin D receptor SD. Mehta FiFl. Bretescu L. Graves JM. Green A. Mehta FtG. Differentiation of human breast carcinoma cells by a novel Mangelsdorf DJ. KoeŞlar HP. Donaldson CA. Pike JW. anti Hausslar H. 1.25-oihydroxyvitamin lag-induced differentia- tion in a human promyalocytic leukemia celi line {HL-ED}: Receptor-mediated maturation to macrophage-like cells. J Cell Biol 1994: 99: 391-399.
  • Frovvedinl DM. Tsoultas CD. Deltas LJ. Manotagae SC. 25-dliıydroxyvitamin D3 receptors in human leukocytes. Soience1993;221: 1191-1193. so: x
  • J Cancer 1999: sere): ?EGJEE. vitamin D analog: 1alpha-hyoroltytrltamin DS. Int J Dncol : 1911]: esra.
  • HicI-tish T. Cunningham D. Colston K. Millar BC. Sandie J. Mackey AG. Soukep M. and Sloane J. The attest ot 1.25— dihydroxyvitamin D3 on lymphoma cell lines and expression ot vitamin D receptor in lymphoma. Elr J Cancer 1993; BB: EGE-B?R.
  • Evans SST. Houghton AM. Schumaltar L. Brenner ev. Buras FiFt. Davaodi F. Haute BJ. and Shabahang M. i..?S—Di'hidroRsiviiamin 5'3 ve reseptdiiennin insan kanserierindeki yen' '5. Higashimoto Y. Dhata lvl. Nishio K. lvramoto Y. Fujimoto H. Uetani K. Suruda T. Nakamura T. Funasal-to lvl. and Saijo S?. Sato T. Takusagavva K. Asco N. and Konno K. Effect of HTS-hvdroxvvitamin Dg on metastasis oi rat ascites hepatoma K—231. Br J Cancer 1554; 5i]: 123-125.
  • BEL Suzuki S. Tel-renoshita S. Furukawa H. Tsuchlva a. Antineoplaslic activity of 1.25[DH]ED3 and its analogue 22- E}. Miller CW. Morosetti Ft. Campbell MJ. Mendoza S. and Koeşler HP. Integrttv of the 1.25»dihv'dro'xvvitamin Da receptor in bone. lung. and other cancers. Moi Garci- nogenesis 122?; 12: 254-251
  • Dokoh S. Donaldson CA. and Haussler Fl. Influence of 25—dihvdroxvvitamin D3 on cultured osteoglnic sarcoma cells: Correlation with the of 1.25-dihvdrosvvitamin DB receptor. Cancer Hes 1234: 44: 2103-2122.
  • Lefitovritz ES. Ganand CF. Sunlight. vitamin D. and ovarian cancer mortality rates in US women. Int J Epidemiol 1994:
  • Yudoh lt. lvlatsul H. Tsu] H. Effects of 1.25ndihvdroxvvl- temin D3 on tumor cell invasion to the extracellular matrix ln human ilbrosarcoma HT1tlBtl cells and its correlation with iaminln. Tumor Biol 129?: 13: ESQ-Ta. Yaaışrna Adresi : Prof. Dr Ziya KIHKALI Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi. Üroloji Anabilim Dalı. inciraltı—İzmir Fax : D 232 E?? TF4 ?? e—mail:

1,25-Dihidroksi vitamin D3 ve reseptörlerinin insan kanserindeki yeri

Year 2000, Volume: 6 Issue: 1-2, - , 01.05.2000


Kanser. çağımızda mortalite ve morbiditenin önde gelen nedenlerinden birisidir. Kanserlerin çoğunun gelişiminde lil-EU yıllık bir dönem vardır ve bu dönem önleyici sağaltım için yeterli bir süreçtir. Güncel olarak bir çok çalışmada vitamin Üg'Ül'l çeşitli kanserlerin oluşumunun ve ilerlemesinin önlenmesinde etkili olduğu gösterilmiştir. Buna karşın vitamin Dg'ün kanser sağaltımında standard olarak kullanılabilmesi için daha çok araştırmaya gereksinim vardır. Bu çalışmada. konu ile ilgili güncel kaynakların ışığında. vitamin Da ve vitamin D reseptörünün (VDF ) kanser gelişimindeki önleyici etkileri örneklerle açıklanmıştır


  • Haussier lvlFl. vitamin D receptors: Nature and lunction. Ann Hev Nutr 1995; ö: SET-562.
  • Pike JW. Intraceılular receptors mediate the biologic action of 1.25-dihidroxyvitamin D3. Nutr Fley 1995: 431:9}: ısı-tea.
  • Berger U. Wilson P. McClelland HA. Colston K. Haussier MH. Pike JW. and Cocmbes FIC. lrnmunocytochemical detection of 1.25fdlhydroııyvitamin D receptors in normal human tissues. J Clin End and Matt: 1989: ene): eer-613.
  • Liu L. Ng lvl. Iacopino AM. Dunn ST. Hughes MR. Bourdeau JE. Vitamin D receptor gene expression in mammalian kidney. .J Am Soc Nephrol 1994: ölö]: 1251-1259.
  • &. Milde F'. Hauser U. Simon T. Mall G. Ernst V. Haussler MH. Frosch P. and Ftauterberg EW. Expression ol 1.25— dihydroayvltamin Da receptors in normal and psorlatlc skin. The J Inv Derm 1991; 91712}: ESD-ESS.
  • ?. Zineb Ft. Zhor B. Odile W. end Martha RR. Distinct. tissue- spacitic regulation oi vitamin D receptor in the Intestine. kidney and skin by dietary calcium and vitamin D. Endocrinol 1999; metal]; 1544-1552.
  • El. Reinhardt TA. and Horst Ft. Parathyroid hormone down- regulates 1.25wdihydroxyyitamln D receptors ıvoaı and von messenger ribonuclelc acid in vitro and blocks homologous up-regulation ot von in vivo. Endocrinol 1990: terra); 942-943.
  • Flanders WD. Prostate cancer epidemiology. Prostate ‘. 5: 621-529. to. Schwartz GG. and Hulka SS. Is vitarnln D deficiency a risk factor tor prostate cancer? {Hypothesis}. Anticancer Hes : 19: HUT-1312. ?? M.Ü. Şahin ve arlt.
  • L Taylor JA. Hinronen A. Watson M. Pittman G. Mohier JL. ano Bell DA. Association of prostate cancer with vitamin D Biutt SE. McDonnell TJ. Poiek TC. Weigel NL. Calcitriol— induced apoptosis in LNCaP calls is blocked by overexpression of Bol—2. Endocnnoi 2999: 141{1}:1D-?.
  • Berger U. McClelland FIA. Wilson P. Greene GL. Haussler MH. Pike JW. Colston it. Easton D. and Coombas BC. Curran JE. vaughan T. Lee FtA. Weinstein SB. Morrison NA. Griffiths LFi. Association oi A vitamin D receptor SD. Mehta FiFl. Bretescu L. Graves JM. Green A. Mehta FtG. Differentiation of human breast carcinoma cells by a novel Mangelsdorf DJ. KoeŞlar HP. Donaldson CA. Pike JW. anti Hausslar H. 1.25-oihydroxyvitamin lag-induced differentia- tion in a human promyalocytic leukemia celi line {HL-ED}: Receptor-mediated maturation to macrophage-like cells. J Cell Biol 1994: 99: 391-399.
  • Frovvedinl DM. Tsoultas CD. Deltas LJ. Manotagae SC. 25-dliıydroxyvitamin D3 receptors in human leukocytes. Soience1993;221: 1191-1193. so: x
  • J Cancer 1999: sere): ?EGJEE. vitamin D analog: 1alpha-hyoroltytrltamin DS. Int J Dncol : 1911]: esra.
  • HicI-tish T. Cunningham D. Colston K. Millar BC. Sandie J. Mackey AG. Soukep M. and Sloane J. The attest ot 1.25— dihydroxyvitamin D3 on lymphoma cell lines and expression ot vitamin D receptor in lymphoma. Elr J Cancer 1993; BB: EGE-B?R.
  • Evans SST. Houghton AM. Schumaltar L. Brenner ev. Buras FiFt. Davaodi F. Haute BJ. and Shabahang M. i..?S—Di'hidroRsiviiamin 5'3 ve reseptdiiennin insan kanserierindeki yen' '5. Higashimoto Y. Dhata lvl. Nishio K. lvramoto Y. Fujimoto H. Uetani K. Suruda T. Nakamura T. Funasal-to lvl. and Saijo S?. Sato T. Takusagavva K. Asco N. and Konno K. Effect of HTS-hvdroxvvitamin Dg on metastasis oi rat ascites hepatoma K—231. Br J Cancer 1554; 5i]: 123-125.
  • BEL Suzuki S. Tel-renoshita S. Furukawa H. Tsuchlva a. Antineoplaslic activity of 1.25[DH]ED3 and its analogue 22- E}. Miller CW. Morosetti Ft. Campbell MJ. Mendoza S. and Koeşler HP. Integrttv of the 1.25»dihv'dro'xvvitamin Da receptor in bone. lung. and other cancers. Moi Garci- nogenesis 122?; 12: 254-251
  • Dokoh S. Donaldson CA. and Haussler Fl. Influence of 25—dihvdroxvvitamin D3 on cultured osteoglnic sarcoma cells: Correlation with the of 1.25-dihvdrosvvitamin DB receptor. Cancer Hes 1234: 44: 2103-2122.
  • Lefitovritz ES. Ganand CF. Sunlight. vitamin D. and ovarian cancer mortality rates in US women. Int J Epidemiol 1994:
  • Yudoh lt. lvlatsul H. Tsu] H. Effects of 1.25ndihvdroxvvl- temin D3 on tumor cell invasion to the extracellular matrix ln human ilbrosarcoma HT1tlBtl cells and its correlation with iaminln. Tumor Biol 129?: 13: ESQ-Ta. Yaaışrna Adresi : Prof. Dr Ziya KIHKALI Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi. Üroloji Anabilim Dalı. inciraltı—İzmir Fax : D 232 E?? TF4 ?? e—mail:
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

M.oğuz Şahin This is me

A. Emre Canda This is me

M.uğur Mungan This is me

Ziya Kırkalı This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000 Volume: 6 Issue: 1-2


APA Şahin, M., Canda, A. E., Mungan, M., Kırkalı, Z. (2000). 1,25-Dihidroksi vitamin D3 ve reseptörlerinin insan kanserindeki yeri. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, 6(1-2).
AMA Şahin M, Canda AE, Mungan M, Kırkalı Z. 1,25-Dihidroksi vitamin D3 ve reseptörlerinin insan kanserindeki yeri. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. May 2000;6(1-2).
Chicago Şahin, M.oğuz, A. Emre Canda, M.uğur Mungan, and Ziya Kırkalı. “1,25-Dihidroksi Vitamin D3 Ve reseptörlerinin Insan Kanserindeki Yeri”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 6, no. 1-2 (May 2000).
EndNote Şahin M, Canda AE, Mungan M, Kırkalı Z (May 1, 2000) 1,25-Dihidroksi vitamin D3 ve reseptörlerinin insan kanserindeki yeri. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 6 1-2
IEEE M. Şahin, A. E. Canda, M. Mungan, and Z. Kırkalı, “1,25-Dihidroksi vitamin D3 ve reseptörlerinin insan kanserindeki yeri”, Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1-2, 2000.
ISNAD Şahin, M.oğuz et al. “1,25-Dihidroksi Vitamin D3 Ve reseptörlerinin Insan Kanserindeki Yeri”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 6/1-2 (May 2000).
JAMA Şahin M, Canda AE, Mungan M, Kırkalı Z. 1,25-Dihidroksi vitamin D3 ve reseptörlerinin insan kanserindeki yeri. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 2000;6.
MLA Şahin, M.oğuz et al. “1,25-Dihidroksi Vitamin D3 Ve reseptörlerinin Insan Kanserindeki Yeri”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1-2, 2000.
Vancouver Şahin M, Canda AE, Mungan M, Kırkalı Z. 1,25-Dihidroksi vitamin D3 ve reseptörlerinin insan kanserindeki yeri. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 2000;6(1-2).