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Malignant melanoma of the nasal cavity (Case report)

Year 2003, Volume: 9 Issue: 3-4, 99 - 103, 01.11.2003



  • Loree TR, Mullins AP, Spellman J, North JH Jr, Hicks WL Jr. Head and neck mucosal melanoma: a 32-year review. Ear Nose Throat J 1999; 78: 372-5.
  • Prasad ML, Busam KJ, Patel SG, Hoshaw-Woodard S, Shah JP, Huvos AGArch Clinicopathologic differences in malignant melanoma arising in oral squamous and sinonasal respiratory mucosa of the upper aerodigestive tract. Pathol Lab Med 2003; 127(8): 997-1002.
  • Elder D, Elenitsas R. Benign pigmented lesions and malignant melanoma. In: Histopathology of the skin: 8th ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1997; 654-77.
  • Mills SE, Fechner RE. The Nose, Paranasal Sinuses, and Nasopharynx. In: Sternberg SS, (Ed), Diagnostic Surgical Pathology. China: Lippincott Williams&Wilkins, 1999; 903- 4.
  • Kardon DE, Thompson LD. Sinonasal mucosal malignant melanoma: report of an unusual case mimicking schwan- noma. Ann Diagn Pathol 2000; 4: 303-7.
  • Thompson AC, Morgan DA, Bradley PJ. Malignant melanoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Clin Otolaryngol 1993; 18: 34-6.
  • Albertsson M, Tennvall J, Andersson T, Biorklund A, Elner A, Johansson L. Malignant melanoma of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx treated with cisplatin and accelerated hyperfractionated radiation. Melanoma Res 1992; 2: 101-4.
  • Kingdom TT, Kaplan MJ. Mucosal melanoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Head Neck 1995; 17: 184-9.
  • Jayaraj SM, Hern JD, Mochloulis G, Porter GC . Malignant melanoma arising in the frontal sinuses. J Laryngol Otol 1997; 111: 376-8.
  • Haraguchi H, Ebihara S, Saikawa M, Mashima K, Haneda T, Hirano K. Malignant tumors of the nasal cavity: review of a 60-case series. Jpn J Clin Oncol 1995; 25: 188-94.
  • Yıldız E, Eğilmez R, Düzcan E, Özbilim G, Canbay E. Baş boyun bölgesi lokalizasyonlu mukozal melanom (İki olgu sunumu). Tr J Neopl 1995; 4: 45-50.
  • Billings KR, Wang MB, Sercarz JA, Fu YS. Clinical and pathologic distinction between primary and metastatic mucosal melanoma of the head and neck. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1995; 112: 700-6.
  • Regauer S, Anderhuber W, Richtig E, Schachenreiter J, Ott A, Beham A. Primary mucosal melanomas of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. A clinicopathological analysis of 14 cases. APMIS 1998; 106: 403-10.
  • Harbo G, Grau C, Bundgaard T, Overgaard M, Elbrond O, Sogaard H, Overgaard J. Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. A clinico-pathological study of 277 patients. Acta Oncol 1997; 36: 45-50.
  • Chiu NT, Weinstock MA. Melanoma of oronasal mucosa. Population-based analysis of occurrence and mortality. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996; 122: 985-8.
  • Banerjee SS, Coyne JD, Menasce LP, Lobo CJ, Hirsch PJ. Diagnostic lessons of mucosal melanoma with osteocartila- ginous differentiation. Histopathology 1998; 33: 55-60.
  • Fernandez PL, Cardesa A, Bombi J, Palacin A, Traserra J. Malignant sinonasal epithelioid schwannoma. Case report. Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol 1993; 423: 401-5.
  • Yousem DM, Li C, Montone KT, Montgomery L, Loevner LA, Rao V, Chung TS, Kimura Y, Hayden RE, Weinstein GS. Primary malignant melanoma of the sinonasal cavity: MR imaging evaluation. Radiographics 1996; 16: 1101-10.
  • Kim SS, Han MH, Kim JE, Lee CH, Chung HW, Lee JS, Chang KH. Malignant melanoma of the sinonasal cavity: explanation of magnetic resonance signal intensities with histopathologic characteristics. Am J Otolaryngol 2000; 21: 366-78.
  • Brandwein MS, Rothstein A, Lawson W, Bodian C, Urken ML. Sinonasal melanoma. A clinicopathologic study of 25 cases and literature meta-analysis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1997; 123: 290-6.

Nazal kavite malign melanomu: (Olgu sunumu)

Year 2003, Volume: 9 Issue: 3-4, 99 - 103, 01.11.2003


Giriş: Malign melanom, nazal kavitede çok az görülen, kötü prognozlu ve nazal kavitedeki polipoid lezyonların ayırıcı tanısında düşünülmesi gereken önemli bir antitedir. Olgu sunumu: 85 yaşında kadın hasta, 3 aydır burun içindeki kitlenin son 1 ayda büyümesi, ağrı ve kanama yapması üzerine başvurmuştur. Fizik bakıda, burun içinde 4x3 cm çaplı mor renkli, frajil ve ağrılı bir kitle saptanmış ve total olarak rezeke edilmiştir. Ameliyat materyali, en büyüğü 5x1.5x1 boyutlarında, kesi yüzü gri-beyaz renkli düzensiz görünümde polipoid doku örnekleridir. Mikroskobik incelemede, yüzeyi ülsere çok katlı yassı epitel ile örtülü doku örneklerinde, yüzey epiteli altında tüm alanı kaplayan, yüzeyde değişik büyüklükde yuvalanmalar, daha derinde ise solid hücre kümeleri tarzında tümöral infiltrasyon vardır. Tümöral doku, belirgin nükleer pleomorfizm gösteren ve immun dokukimyasal olarak HMB-45 ile pozitif, sitokeratin ile negatif boyanan atipik melanositlerden oluşmuştur, mitozdan zengindir ve bazı alanlarda pigmentasyon vardır. Sonuç: Tümör dokusunun, nazal mukozayı örten skuamöz epitel ile devamlılık göstermesi, buradan köken alan primer bir malign melanomu düşündürmüştür


  • Loree TR, Mullins AP, Spellman J, North JH Jr, Hicks WL Jr. Head and neck mucosal melanoma: a 32-year review. Ear Nose Throat J 1999; 78: 372-5.
  • Prasad ML, Busam KJ, Patel SG, Hoshaw-Woodard S, Shah JP, Huvos AGArch Clinicopathologic differences in malignant melanoma arising in oral squamous and sinonasal respiratory mucosa of the upper aerodigestive tract. Pathol Lab Med 2003; 127(8): 997-1002.
  • Elder D, Elenitsas R. Benign pigmented lesions and malignant melanoma. In: Histopathology of the skin: 8th ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1997; 654-77.
  • Mills SE, Fechner RE. The Nose, Paranasal Sinuses, and Nasopharynx. In: Sternberg SS, (Ed), Diagnostic Surgical Pathology. China: Lippincott Williams&Wilkins, 1999; 903- 4.
  • Kardon DE, Thompson LD. Sinonasal mucosal malignant melanoma: report of an unusual case mimicking schwan- noma. Ann Diagn Pathol 2000; 4: 303-7.
  • Thompson AC, Morgan DA, Bradley PJ. Malignant melanoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Clin Otolaryngol 1993; 18: 34-6.
  • Albertsson M, Tennvall J, Andersson T, Biorklund A, Elner A, Johansson L. Malignant melanoma of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx treated with cisplatin and accelerated hyperfractionated radiation. Melanoma Res 1992; 2: 101-4.
  • Kingdom TT, Kaplan MJ. Mucosal melanoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Head Neck 1995; 17: 184-9.
  • Jayaraj SM, Hern JD, Mochloulis G, Porter GC . Malignant melanoma arising in the frontal sinuses. J Laryngol Otol 1997; 111: 376-8.
  • Haraguchi H, Ebihara S, Saikawa M, Mashima K, Haneda T, Hirano K. Malignant tumors of the nasal cavity: review of a 60-case series. Jpn J Clin Oncol 1995; 25: 188-94.
  • Yıldız E, Eğilmez R, Düzcan E, Özbilim G, Canbay E. Baş boyun bölgesi lokalizasyonlu mukozal melanom (İki olgu sunumu). Tr J Neopl 1995; 4: 45-50.
  • Billings KR, Wang MB, Sercarz JA, Fu YS. Clinical and pathologic distinction between primary and metastatic mucosal melanoma of the head and neck. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1995; 112: 700-6.
  • Regauer S, Anderhuber W, Richtig E, Schachenreiter J, Ott A, Beham A. Primary mucosal melanomas of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. A clinicopathological analysis of 14 cases. APMIS 1998; 106: 403-10.
  • Harbo G, Grau C, Bundgaard T, Overgaard M, Elbrond O, Sogaard H, Overgaard J. Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. A clinico-pathological study of 277 patients. Acta Oncol 1997; 36: 45-50.
  • Chiu NT, Weinstock MA. Melanoma of oronasal mucosa. Population-based analysis of occurrence and mortality. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996; 122: 985-8.
  • Banerjee SS, Coyne JD, Menasce LP, Lobo CJ, Hirsch PJ. Diagnostic lessons of mucosal melanoma with osteocartila- ginous differentiation. Histopathology 1998; 33: 55-60.
  • Fernandez PL, Cardesa A, Bombi J, Palacin A, Traserra J. Malignant sinonasal epithelioid schwannoma. Case report. Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol 1993; 423: 401-5.
  • Yousem DM, Li C, Montone KT, Montgomery L, Loevner LA, Rao V, Chung TS, Kimura Y, Hayden RE, Weinstein GS. Primary malignant melanoma of the sinonasal cavity: MR imaging evaluation. Radiographics 1996; 16: 1101-10.
  • Kim SS, Han MH, Kim JE, Lee CH, Chung HW, Lee JS, Chang KH. Malignant melanoma of the sinonasal cavity: explanation of magnetic resonance signal intensities with histopathologic characteristics. Am J Otolaryngol 2000; 21: 366-78.
  • Brandwein MS, Rothstein A, Lawson W, Bodian C, Urken ML. Sinonasal melanoma. A clinicopathologic study of 25 cases and literature meta-analysis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1997; 123: 290-6.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

M. Akbulut This is me

C. Kelten This is me

C.O. Kara This is me

S.E. Düzcan This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Volume: 9 Issue: 3-4


APA Akbulut, M., Kelten, C., Kara, C., Düzcan, S. (2003). Nazal kavite malign melanomu: (Olgu sunumu). Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, 9(3-4), 99-103.
AMA Akbulut M, Kelten C, Kara C, Düzcan S. Nazal kavite malign melanomu: (Olgu sunumu). Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. November 2003;9(3-4):99-103.
Chicago Akbulut, M., C. Kelten, C.O. Kara, and S.E. Düzcan. “Nazal Kavite Malign Melanomu: (Olgu Sunumu)”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 9, no. 3-4 (November 2003): 99-103.
EndNote Akbulut M, Kelten C, Kara C, Düzcan S (November 1, 2003) Nazal kavite malign melanomu: (Olgu sunumu). Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 9 3-4 99–103.
IEEE M. Akbulut, C. Kelten, C. Kara, and S. Düzcan, “Nazal kavite malign melanomu: (Olgu sunumu)”, Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 3-4, pp. 99–103, 2003.
ISNAD Akbulut, M. et al. “Nazal Kavite Malign Melanomu: (Olgu Sunumu)”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi 9/3-4 (November 2003), 99-103.
JAMA Akbulut M, Kelten C, Kara C, Düzcan S. Nazal kavite malign melanomu: (Olgu sunumu). Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 2003;9:99–103.
MLA Akbulut, M. et al. “Nazal Kavite Malign Melanomu: (Olgu Sunumu)”. Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 3-4, 2003, pp. 99-103.
Vancouver Akbulut M, Kelten C, Kara C, Düzcan S. Nazal kavite malign melanomu: (Olgu sunumu). Türkiye Ekopatoloji Dergisi. 2003;9(3-4):99-103.