Research Article
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Econometric Evidence on the Impact of Political Risk in Emerging Markets from the Perspective of Developing Countries

Year 2025, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 217 - 241, 21.02.2025


In terms of international capital flows acting as fixed capital investments and portfolio investments, the stability of the political environment in the country where the investment is evaluated is an important factor for the investment decision. The intense occurrence of many political risk factors, such as political chaos, terrorism, civil war, corruption, bribery, and a lack of institutional governance, in underdeveloped and developing countries also brings with it economic and financial instability. In this context, the study aims to obtain empirical evidence on the effects of the political stability on the stock market from the perspective of developing countries. In the study covering the period 1996-2021, analyses were made within the framework of simultaneous panel quantile regression (S-PQR) and two-stage dynamic panel data regression method. According to the simultaneous quantile regression results, the effect of political stability on the stock market is heterogeneous. Except for the fourth and fifth quantile levels, political stability has a negative impact on the stock market in developing countries, and this effect can be confirmed at low quantile levels. In addition, dynamic panel regression analysis results show that political stability negatively affects the stock market. In this context, it can be said that stock market investors in developing countries act on the principle of risk-return tradeoff.


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  • Amah, P.N. (2024). Non-monotonicity of risk-expected return trade-off in pricing of equity securities: The case of premium board of Nigerian Stock Exchange. IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation, 2(1), 43-59.
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Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Politik Riskin Pay Senedi Piyasalarına Yansımalarına Yönelik Ekonometrik Kanıtlar

Year 2025, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 217 - 241, 21.02.2025


Sabit sermaye yatırımları ve/veya portföy yatırımları olarak hareket eden uluslararası sermaye akımları için yatırımın değerlendirildiği ülkenin siyasi ortamının ve alt unsurlarının istikrarı yatırım kararı için önemli bir faktördür. Siyasi kaos, terörizm, iç savaş, yolsuzluk, rüşvet ve kurumsal yönetişim eksikliği gibi çok sayıda politik risk unsurunun az gelişmiş ve/veya gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yoğun biçimde yaşanıyor olması beraberinde ekonomik ve finansal istikrarsızlığı da getirmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı gelişmekte olan ülkeler perspektifinden politik istikrarın pay senedi piyasası üzerindeki etkilerine yönelik ampirik kanıtlara ulaşmaktır. 1996-2021 dönemini kapsayan çalışmada eş anlı panel kantil regresyon analizi ve iki aşamalı dinamik panel veri regresyon yöntemi çerçevesinde analizler yapılmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen ana sonuca göre politik istikrarın gelişmekte olan ülkelerde pay senedi piyasasını negatif yönde etkilemesi söz konusudur. Bu sonuç gelişmekte olan ülkelerde borsa yatırımcılarının risk-getiri dengesi (risk-return tradeoff) prensibi ile hareket ettikleri şeklinde açıklanabilir.

Ethical Statement

Makalenin tüm süreçlerinde TESAM’ın araştırma ve yayın etiği ilkelerine uygun olarak hareket edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada herhangi bir potansiyel çıkar çatışması bulunmamaktadır.

Supporting Institution





  • Akram, A. (2020). Investigating the impact of political stability, trade liberalization, and investment incentives on the fdi inflows in Pakistan. South Asian Review of Business and Administrative Studies, 2(1), 15-34.
  • Alemany, N., Arago, V. ve Salvador, E. (2023). The time-varying risk–return trade-off and its explanatory and predictive factors. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 68, 1-36.
  • Ali, R. ve Khan, R. E. A. (2018). Socioeconomic stability and variability in stock market prices: A case study of Karachi Stock Exchange. Asian Journal of Economic Modelling, 6(4), 428-440.
  • Amah, P.N. (2024). Non-monotonicity of risk-expected return trade-off in pricing of equity securities: The case of premium board of Nigerian Stock Exchange. IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation, 2(1), 43-59.
  • Asteriou, D. ve Sarantidis, A. (2016). Political instability and stock market returns: Evidence from OECD countries. Economics and Business Letters, 5(4), 113-124.
  • Athari, S. A., Alola, U. V., Ghasemi, M. ve Alola, A. A. (2021). The (un)sticky role of exchange and inflation rate in tourism development: Insight from the low and high political risk destinations. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(12), 1670-1685.
  • Banday, U.J. ve Kocoglu, M. (2023). Modelling simultaneous relationships between human development, energy, and environment: Fresh evidence from panel quantile regression. J Knowl Econ 14, 1559-1581.
  • Barroso, P. ve Maio, P. (2024). The risk–return tradeoff among equity factors. Journal of Empirical Finance, 78, 1-22.
  • Barry, C, M. ve DiGiuseppe, M, (2019), Transparency, risk, and fdi. Political Research Quarterly, 72(1), 132-146.
  • Bechtel, M. M. (2009), The political sources of systematic investment risk: Lessons from a consensus democracy. The Journal of Politics, 71(2), 661-677.
  • Behera, J. ve Mishra, A.K. (2020). Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth in G7 countries: evidence from panel autoregressive distributed lag (P-ARDL) model. Int Econ Econ Policy 17, 241–258.
  • Bouraoui, T. ve Hammami, H, (2017). Does political instability affect exchange rates in Arab spring countries?. Applied Economics, 49(55), 5627-5637.
  • Chau, F., Deesomsaka, R. ve Wang, J, (2014). Political uncertainty and stock market volatility in the Middle East and North African (MENA) countries. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 28, 1-19.
  • Chaudhry, S, M., Ahmed, R., Shafiullah, M. ve Huynh, T. L. D. (2020). The impact of carbon emissions on country risk: Evidence from the G7 economies. Journal of Environmental Management, 265, 110533.
  • Cheng, C., Ren, X., Dong, K., Dong, X. ve Wang, Z. (2021). How does technological innovation mitigate CO2 emissions in OECD countries? Heterogeneous analysis using panel quantile regression. Journal of Environmental Management, 280, 111818.
  • Chiu, Y-B. ve Lee, C-C. (2020). Effects of financial development on energy consumption: The role of country risks. Energy Economics, 90, 104833.
  • Çakmak, N. ve Gözen, M. (2021). An analysis of systematic risk factors associated with renewable energy support mechanism applied in Turkey. Journal of Business Innovation and Governance, 4(1), 57- 81.
  • Çam, A. V. (2014). Politik riskin firma değeri ile ilişkisi: İMKB’ye kayıtlı firmalar üzerinde bir uygulama. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 15(1), 109-122.
  • Dauda, L., Long, X., Mensah, C. N., Salman, M., Boamah, K. B., Ampon-Wireko, S. ve Dogbe, C. S. K. (2021). Innovation, trade openness and CO2 emissions in selected countries in Africa. J. Clean. Prod. 281, 125143.
  • Doğan, E. ve Afşar, A. (2021). Politik ve jeopolitik riskler hisse senedi piyasalarını nasıl etkiler: Yükselen piyasa ekonomilerinden ampirik kanıtlar. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 16(3), 688-704.
  • Dong, K., Dong, X., Jiang, Q. ve Zhao, J. (2021). Valuing the greenhouse effect of political risks: The global case. Applied Economics, 53(31), 3604-3618.
  • Eduardsen, J. ve Marinova, S. (2020). Internationalisation and risk: Literature review, integrative framework and research agenda. International Business Review, 29, 101688.
  • Fagersten, B. (2015). Political risk and the commercial sector- aligning theory and practice. Risk Management, 17(1), 23-39.
  • Fiorillo, P., Meles, A., Pellegrino, L. ve Verdoliva, V. (2024). Geopolitical risk and stock price crash risk: The mitigating role of ESG performance. International Review of Financial Analysis, 91, 102958.
  • Giambona, E., Grham, J. R. ve Harvey, C. (2017). The Management of political risk. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(4), 523-533.
  • Girard, E. ve Omran, M. (2007). What are the risks when investing in thin emerging equity markets: Evidence from the Arab world. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 17(1), 102-123.
  • Guo, Y., Li., Li, Y. ve You, W. (2021). The roles of political risk and crude oil in stock market based on quantile cointegration approach: A comparative study in China and US. Energy Economics, 97, 105198.
  • Günay, S. (2016). Is political risk still an issue for Turkish stock market?. Borsa Istanbul Review, 16(1), 21-31.
  • Hanon, W. ve Wang, E. (2020). Comparing the impact of political ınstability and terrorism on ınbound tourism demand in Syria before and after the political crisis in 2011. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(6), 651-661.
  • Hatır, Y. ve Kartal, C. (2019). Politik risk endeksinin Borsa İstanbul hisse senedi getirileri üzerine etkisi: Sektörel bir uygulama. Turkish Studies Economics, Finance, Politics, 14(4), 1275-1292.
  • Hira, I. (2017). Relationship among political instability, stock market returns and stock market volatility. Studies in Business and Economics, 12(2),70-99.
  • Hoque, M. E. ve Zaidi, M. A. S. (2020). Global and country-specific geopolitical risk uncertainty and stock return of fragile emerging economies. Borsa Istanbul Review, 20(3), 197-213.
  • Huang, T., Wu, F., Yu, J. ve Zhang, B. (2015a). Political risk and dividend policy: Evidence from international political crises. Journal of International Business Studies, 46, 574-595.
  • Hussain, J., Khan, A. ve Zhou, K. (2020b). The impact of natural resource depletion on energy use and co2 emission in belt & road initiative countries: A cross-country analysis. Energy, 199, 117409.
  • Hussain, J., Zhou, K., Guo, S. ve Khan, A. (2020a). Investment risk and natural resource potential in “belt & road initiative countries: A multi-criteria decision-making approach. Science of the Total Environment, 723, 137981.
  • Iltas, Y. (2020). Farklı risk türleri ve borsa endeksi arasındaki ilişki: Türkiye için nedensellik testleri. Business and Economics Research Journal, 11(2), 371-384.
  • İlarslan, K. ve Yıldız, M. (2022). Yenilenebilir enerji yatırımlarının finansal belirleyicileri üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir analiz: Asya-Pasifik ve Latin Amerika ülkeleri. bmij, 10(4), 1397-1415.
  • Jamil, K., Liu, D., Gul, R. F., Hussain, Z., Mohsin, M., Qin, G. ve Khan, F. U. (2022). Do remittance and renewable energy affect CO2 emissions? An empirical evidence from selected G-20 countries. Energy & Environment, 33(5), 916-932.
  • Jenkins, H., Alshareef, E. ve Mohamad, A. (2023). The impact of corruption on commercial banks' credit risk: Evidence from a panel quantile regression. Int J Fin Econ., 28, 1364-1375.
  • Jiang, H., Dong, X., Jiang, Q. ve Dong, K. (2020). What drives China's natural gas consumption? Analysis of national and regional estimates. Energy Economics, 87, 104744.
  • Jiang, W. ve Martek, I. (2021). Political risk analysis of foreign direct investment into the energy sector of developing countries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 302, 127023.
  • Jimenez, A., Lee, J. Y. ve Ordenana, X. (2021). Introduction: fdi and institutional quality: New insights and future perspectives from emerging and advanced economies. Sustainability, 13, 4413.
  • Karpuz, E., Koç, Y. D. ve Demir, O. (2023). The impact of political elections on financial markets as political risk factor: A case study of the 2023 Turkey presidential elections. Turkish Research Journal of Academic Social Science, 6(2), 139-146.
  • Kaya, A., Güngör, B. ve Özçomak, M. S. (2014). Politik risk yatırımcının dikkate alması gereken bir risk midir? Borsa İstanbul örneği. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), 74-87.
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There are 78 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economic Theory (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Kenan İlarslan 0000-0002-5097-7552

Publication Date February 21, 2025
Submission Date January 19, 2024
Acceptance Date February 10, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA İlarslan, K. (2025). Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Politik Riskin Pay Senedi Piyasalarına Yansımalarına Yönelik Ekonometrik Kanıtlar. TESAM Akademi Dergisi, 12(1), 217-241.
AMA İlarslan K. Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Politik Riskin Pay Senedi Piyasalarına Yansımalarına Yönelik Ekonometrik Kanıtlar. TESAM Akademi Dergisi. February 2025;12(1):217-241. doi:10.30626/tesamakademi.1422381
Chicago İlarslan, Kenan. “Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Politik Riskin Pay Senedi Piyasalarına Yansımalarına Yönelik Ekonometrik Kanıtlar”. TESAM Akademi Dergisi 12, no. 1 (February 2025): 217-41.
EndNote İlarslan K (February 1, 2025) Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Politik Riskin Pay Senedi Piyasalarına Yansımalarına Yönelik Ekonometrik Kanıtlar. TESAM Akademi Dergisi 12 1 217–241.
IEEE K. İlarslan, “Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Politik Riskin Pay Senedi Piyasalarına Yansımalarına Yönelik Ekonometrik Kanıtlar”, TESAM Akademi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 217–241, 2025, doi: 10.30626/tesamakademi.1422381.
ISNAD İlarslan, Kenan. “Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Politik Riskin Pay Senedi Piyasalarına Yansımalarına Yönelik Ekonometrik Kanıtlar”. TESAM Akademi Dergisi 12/1 (February 2025), 217-241.
JAMA İlarslan K. Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Politik Riskin Pay Senedi Piyasalarına Yansımalarına Yönelik Ekonometrik Kanıtlar. TESAM Akademi Dergisi. 2025;12:217–241.
MLA İlarslan, Kenan. “Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Politik Riskin Pay Senedi Piyasalarına Yansımalarına Yönelik Ekonometrik Kanıtlar”. TESAM Akademi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, 2025, pp. 217-41, doi:10.30626/tesamakademi.1422381.
Vancouver İlarslan K. Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Politik Riskin Pay Senedi Piyasalarına Yansımalarına Yönelik Ekonometrik Kanıtlar. TESAM Akademi Dergisi. 2025;12(1):217-41.