Review Process and Guide (Old)

TEVİLAT Journal is an international, scientific, academic, refereed, and thematic journal published by Selçuk University Faculty of Islamic Sciences as two issues per year, in June and December.

The journal publishes academic articles on the following topics:

Arts & Humanities:
Religion (Theology; History of Religion; Hadith; Islamic Law; Islamic Sects; Kalam; Recitation of the Qur'an and Qiraat; Sufism; Tafsir; Islamic Studies (Other))
Art (Turkish-Islamic Arts History; Marbling; Carpet, Rug and Textiles; Architectural; Ceramic-Glass Design; Fine-Arts in Turkish Islamic Art; Line in Turkish Islamic Art)
History (History of Islam; Political and Civilization History of Islam; History of Muslim Turkish Countries and Societies; History of Ottoman Minorities; Ottoman Central Organization; Ottoman Field Service)
History & Philosophy of Science
Philosophy (Philosophy of Religion; Philosophy of Islam; Turkish Islamic Intellectuality; Turkish and Islamic Intellectual History; Intellectual History of Ottoman)
Literature (Turkish Islamic Literature)
Music (Religious Music; Turkish Music)
Social Sciences:
Archaeology (Turkish-Islamic Archeology in the Middle Ages; Archeology of Islam)
Business & Economics (Islamic Economy; History of Ottoman Socio-Economy; Islamic Finance; Islamic Microfinance)
Cultural Studies (Ottoman Culture and Art; Ottoman Society; Ottoman Institutions and Civilization (Other))
Education & Educational Research (Religion Curriculum and Pedagogy; History of Ottoman Education)
Government & Law (Law and Religion)
Linguistics (Arabic Language and Rhetoric)
Psychology (Psychology of Religion)
Sociology (Sociology of Religion)

In the articles to be sent; It is required to be an original article that will fill a gap in the field or to be a review that evaluates previously published studies and reveals new and remarkable opinions on this subject.
Our journal uses a double-sided blind refereeing system in which the identities of reviews and authors are kept confidential against each other. For this, the names of the referees are not published. Authors and reviews should strive to keep their identities confidential. For this purpose, people such as authors, editors, reviews who send files to the system should pay attention to the following points about the text and files. Authors should delete the places that mention names and institutions in the text. Including side texts in the page footer notes etc. Personal information is also written into the file information while Microsoft documents are stored. Therefore, either this personal information must be found in the document properties and deleted, or the document must be re-saved in such a way that it does not contain personal information in the following order.
The Editorial Board examines the works submitted to the journal primarily in terms of publication principles, journal scope, scientific content, and form. (Click here for TEVİLAT writing rules.

Review Process
Assistant Editor and Field Editor are appointed by the Editor for the works that have passed the preliminary examination. The Field Editor sends the work to at least 2 reviews for evaluation.
In order for the work to be accepted to the journal, it must receive a positive evaluation from 2 reviews. If necessary, the third review may also be asked to contribute to the evaluation process. When one of the reviews makes a rejection decision, it is one of the publication principles of the journal to send it to the third review.

Review Guide
Considering that TEVİLAT Journal aims to publish original and important articles, we ask the referees to help us evaluate the article applications we receive.
Below is the article evaluation process, how to become a reviewer and how to write a good review. We also have arbitration terms and conditions based on the COPE Principles, which provide more information on how to conduct objective and constructive arbitration.

Selection of Reviews
The reviews are selected from among the experts who have a doctoral degree in the field of science to which the article is related and who have publications. The information of the experts working in Turkish universities is accessed from the YÖK Academic website and the information of the experts abroad is accessed from Publons.
Duties and Responsibilities of Reviews
1) Objectivity: Reviews should be conducted objectively. Reviewers should be aware of any personal bias they may have and should take this into account when reviewing an article. The arbitrator must clearly state his or her supportive considerations of his or her decision.
2) Contribution to Editorial Decision: Peer review assists the editor in making editorial decisions and provides the author with the opportunity to improve the article. In this respect, a referee who feels inadequate to review an article or who thinks that he / she cannot complete the review in a short time should not accept the invitation to referee.
3) Confidentiality: All articles that reach the journal for review should be kept confidential. Reviews should not share reviews or information about the article with anyone or communicate directly with the authors. The information contained in the study should not be used by a review in his / her own research without the express written permission of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
4) Sensitivity to Research and Publication Ethics Violations: Reviews should be careful about possible ethical issues in the article and report them to the editor.
5) Conflict of Interest: Reviewers should not agree to review an article that has possible conflicts of interest arising from their relationship with the authors or the institutions to which the articles are affiliated.

6) Request for Citation to Reviewer: If a reviewer recommends that an author include citations to the work of the reviewer (or their associates), this should be for actual scientific reasons, not for the purpose of increasing the number of citations of the reviewer or increasing the visibility of their work.
7) Reviewers should report to the editor if they notice any copyright infringement and plagiarism.

Price Policy
Reviews are not paid any fee for review/evaluation procedures. For more details click here.

Conducting a Review
The evaluations of the referees should be objective. During the review process, the reviews are expected to make their evaluations by considering the following points.
• Does the article contain any new and important information?
• Does the abstract clearly and properly describe the content of the article?
• Is the method defined in a complete and understandable way?
• Are the comments made and the conclusions reached substantiated by the findings?
• Are other studies in the field adequately referenced?
• Is the language quality adequate?
• Do the abstract and key words accurately reflect the content of the article?

The referee is requested to justify his/her opinion and opinion about the work he/she has reviewed either in the text or with an explanation of at least 150 words on the online referee form.

Last Update Time: 7/7/24, 1:11:10 PM