Articles that have not been published before or that are not yet under evaluation in another journal for publication and that are approved by each author are accepted to Tevilat for evaluation.
The Editor-in-Chief evaluates articles regardless of the authors' ethnicity, gender, nationality, religious beliefs, and political philosophy. It ensures that the articles submitted for publication undergo a fair double-blind peer-review.
Selected articles are sent to at least two national/international referees for evaluation.
Preliminary Review and Plagiarism Screening
The study is reviewed by the editör or preliminary examiner for compliance with journal publication principles, academic writing rules and ISNAD Citation System, and is screened for plagiarism using the Turnitin or iThenticate program. The plagiarism similarity rate is required to be less than 25%.
Field Editor Review
The study, which has passed the Preliminary Review and Plagiarism Screening phase, is examined by the relevant field editor in terms of problematic and academic language-style. This process is completed in a maximum of 10 days.
Referee Process
The study, which has passed the review of the field editor, is submitted to the evaluation of at least two referees who have a doctoral thesis, book, article or other papers on the subject. The arbitration process is carried out in secrecy within the framework of the double-blind arbitration practice. The referee is requested to either state his opinion and opinion about the work he has examined on the text or justify it with a minimum 150-word explanation on the online referee form. If the author does not agree with the referee's opinions, he is given the right to object and defend his opinions. Provides mutual communication between the field editor, author and referee, while maintaining confidentiality. If both of the referee reports are positive, the study is submitted to the Editorial Board with a proposal to evaluate its publication. If one of the two referees has a negative opinion, the study is sent to a third referee. Studies can be published with the positive decision of at least two referees. translated articles; It is sent to language and related field experts to be evaluated in terms of conformity with the original, appropriate use of field concepts and language. Translations in which experts have negative opinions are not published.
Correction Stage
If the referees want correction in the text they have examined, the relevant reports are sent to the author and he is asked to correct his work. It is requested that the correction be completed within a maximum of 10 days. The author presents his corrections to the field editor by specifying them in red.
Editor Control
The editor checks whether the author has made the requested corrections in the text. If deemed necessary, the manuscripts that have passed the referee process are sent to the Turkish Language Editor for review. This process is completed in a maximum of 10 days.
English Language Check
The works that pass the Turkish language control are reviewed by the English Language Editor and if necessary, corrections are requested from the author. The control process is completed within a maximum of 10 days.
Editorial Board Review
The articles that pass technical, academic and linguistic reviews are examined by the Editorial Board and the final publication status is decided. In case of objection from the members, the Board decides by majority of votes.
Final Reading (Redaction)
Studies that are decided to be published by the Editorial Board are sent for final reading.
Typesetting and Layout Phase
Articles are proofread, typeset and edited and made ready for publication. The completed works are published after the final reading process.