Aim & Scope

Turkish Folklore Research is an open access, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high quality research in the fields of folklore, anthropology and literature, as well as other social sciences connected with these core areas. The articles published by the journal aim to represent important developments for specialists in each field.

We are committed to providing an efficient service for both authors and readers. Our team of independent editors makes fast and fair publication decisions. Rapid dissemination of accepted articles to a wide readership and relevant circles is ensured by a continuous online publication programme.

The journal includes research and compilation articles in the fields of folklore, anthropology, literature and other social sciences related to these branches, translations, valuation articles related to the fields, new approaches, evaluations on important commemorations and celebrations, book reviews, symposiums, panels, etc. reports and evaluations on field studies, and comments, introductions and impressions on folkloric events and phenomena. The journal is published 2 issues a year in January and July. Publication language: Turkish and English.

Areas of article acceptance:

Folklore | Anthropology | Literature | Folklore | Anthropology | Literature


Turkish Folklore Research Association - TRNC

Period Months
January July
Last Update Time: 9/23/24, 12:18:20 PM

The journal is published twice a year in January and July. The language of DOI-registered articles in TFA, which is an open access journal with double-blind referee system, is Turkish and English. Manuscripts edited according to the rules and principles of the journal are submitted through our related page in dergipark. For this and similar issues, please write to or
The articles with DOI tags in the open access journal, edited according to APA 7 system, are published free of charge in the double-blind referee system. The management of the Association/Journal is not responsible for the articles in any way; all responsibilities belong to the authors. The author(s) of the articles requiring an Ethics Committee decision must include the required report in the manuscript submission. In the submission of the article, the authors submit the Publication Declaration Form stating that they assume all the responsibilities of the work, that the work has not been published elsewhere, and that it has not been sent to other publication organs for publication. As an open access journal, authors own the copyrights of their products. Authors are not paid any fee. They can partially use their works in different places by citing TFA as a source and publish their translations in full text. 

Address : Turkish Folklore Research Society - Kyrenia / TRNC (Turkish Folklore Research Society - Kyrenia / TRNC)
Phone :0542 888 80 35
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