Research Article
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Year 2023, Issue: 367, 67 - 79, 21.09.2024


The initial signs of environmental approaches to literary studies began to emerge in the
United States during the 1970s. Natural elements were incorporated into literary texts
for pastoral purposes. As ecocriticism evolved theoretically, these elements started to be
integrated into methodological frameworks. Prominent literary figures contributed to
the global expansion of ecocritical approaches. The extensive use of nature-related
themes and motifs in traditional Turkish literature laid the groundwork for late modern
and post-modern works. In modern Turkish literature, themes and motifs rooted in
rural narratives transitioned into urban-focused forms in the 21st century. Literary
works often address issues arising from rapid urbanization, distorted urban settlements,
and the rapid exploitation of natural resources, occasionally taking the form of criticism
and even rebellion. Orhan Pamuk, a Nobel Prize-winning author deeply appreciative of
Istanbul's natural and historical richness, incorporates an ecocritical approach into his
novels set in Istanbul. This paper explores the dimensions of Pamuk's ecocritical
approach in "A Strangeness in My Mind" and discusses the influence and implications of
this theory on the author's narrative.


  • Anadolu-Okur, N. (2009). Essays interpreting t he writings of Novelist Orhan Pamuk: The Turkish winner of the Nobel prize in l iterature. N. Y. Lewiston: Edwin M elles.
  • Bachelard, G . ( 1996). Mekânın poetikası. (The poetics of space) Istanbul: Kesit.
  • Bayat, F. Türk şaman metinleri (Turkish shamanic texts). Istanbul: İmge.
  • Belge, M. Edebiyat üstüne yazılar (Essays onliterature).İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Berman, M. (2007). The nature of shamanism and the shamanic story. Cambridge Scholars.
  • Börü, S.- N. Nilda. (2010). The Istanbul image in the novels of: A.S. Byatt, Vanessa Mcmahon, Roddy O‘Connor, Michael Pearce and Jenny White. Konya. MA Thesis, Selçuk University.
  • Bulamur, A.N. (2011). How Istanbul‘s cultural complexities have shaped eight contemporary novelists (Byatt, Glazebrook, Atasu, Safak, Tillman, Livaneli, Kristeva, and Pamuk): Tales of Istanbul in contemporary fiction. Lewiston, N.Y: Edwin Mellen.
  • Butor, M. (1991). Roman üstüne denemeler(Essays on novel) .Trans. M. Rifat-S. Rifat, Istanbul: Düzlem. Coupe,L. (1 October 2015). Thegreenstudiesreader:Fromromanticismtoecocriticism.London:Routledge. Cruz, J. OrhanPamuk:A love forIstanbul.ElPais.1 octobr2015.
  • Çelik, F. (2015). Kafamda tuhaf bir karmaşa: Modernliğin dönüşümü, geleneğin müzeleşmesi. (A strange confusion on my mind: The transformation of modernity and the aging of tradition. Istanbul. Mesele Number 103.
  • Demirkol E, Ş. (2010). The city and its translators Istanbul metonymized and refracted in the literary narratives of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar and Orhan Pamuk in Turkish, English and French. PhD. Diss.I stanbul Boğaziçi University.
  • Doğan, Z. (2014). Orhan Pamuk edebiyatında tarih ve kimlik söylemi) Discourse on history and identity in Orhan Pamuk‘s literature).Istanbul. İthaki.
  • Eliade, M. (1971). The myth of the eternal return or cosmos and history. Princeton University.
  • Furrer, P. (June, 2000). Mekânın anlamlandırılması ve tarihsel romanda tarih bilinci (Trans: İ.Tuna), Interpretation of space and historical awareness in history novels Tarih ve Toplum Journal, p. 198, p. 27–32. Istanbul.
  • Garrard, G.(2016). Ekoeleştiri. (Ecocriticism) Istanbul. Kolektif Books.
  • Glotfelty, C. Harold Fromm. (1996). The ecocriticism reader: Landmarks in literary.USA. University of Georgia.
  • Göknar, E. (2013). Secular blasphemies. Orhan Pamuk and the Turkish novel. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kerridge, R – Neil Sammells. (998). Writing the environment. Ecocriticism and literature. London Zed Books Limited.
  • Korkmaz, F. (2015). Postmodern flâneur in Orhan Pamuk's a Strangeness in my mind: Mevlut. Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic p. 831- 844. Volume 10/12 Summer.
  • Kula, O. B. (2016). Kafamda bir tuhaflık romanında kültürel bir öge olarak bozanın anlatılaştırımı. (Narration of boza as a cultural element in a strangeness in my mind). Ankara. folklor/edebiyat journal. vol. 87. 31- 42.
  • Lepeska, D. (2015). Lost in Istanbul: Orhan Pamuk and the onslaught of urbanization. UAE. The National- Arts and Life. September 17.
  • Özdağ, U. (2005). Edebiyat ve toprak etiği (Literature and the land ethic). Ankara: Ürün.
  • Pamuk, O .(1996a). Sessiz ev (The Silent House). İstanbul: İletişim, 16th edition.
  • Pamuk, O. (1996b.) Cevdet Bey ve oğulları (Mr. Cevdet and His Sons). İletişim 10th edition, Istanbul.
  • Pamuk, O. (1997). Kara kitap (The Black Book) .23rd edition, Istanbul: İletişim
  • Pamuk, O. (1998). Benim dım kırmızı (My name is red). 3rd edition, Istanbul: İletişim.
  • Pamuk, O. (1999). Öteki renkler (Other colors). 1st edition, Istanbul: İletişim
  • Pamuk, O. (200) Kar (Snow).1st edition. Istanbul: İletişim.
  • Pamuk, O .(2003). Istanbul- Memories and city. Istanbul: YKY.
  • Pamuk, O. (2010). Manzaradan parçalar (Pieces from the view). Istanbul: (2nd Edition). İletişim.
  • Pamuk, O.(2014). Kafamda bir tuhaflık (A strangeness in my mind). Istanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Perker, Z. S. (2008). The reflections in XVIth century in the novel. My name is red: location/place”. New World Sciences Academy. Volume: 3, Number: 4 (753-762).
  • Rueckert, W. (1996). Literature and ecology. Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. p.105- 123. Eds. Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm. University of Georgia. USA.
  • Solak, C. (2012). An essay on ecocriticism: Interrelations among persons, society and environment in Behiç Ak‟ s Play, Tek kişilik şehir. Erzurum Atatürk University. Türkiyat Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi (Journal on Turcic Studies & Research) p. 47. (211-224).
  • Tillinghast R. (2016). Orhan Pamuk‟s Istanbul. The New Criterion. Vol. 35, No.1 / September.
  • Uğurlu, A.A. (2003). Orhan Pamuk romanında atmosfer (The atomsphere in Orhan Pamuk Nnvels). Master thesis. Istanbul Technical University.

Büyülü İstanbul'a Orhan Pamuk'un Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık Romanıyla Ekoeleştirel Bir Bakış

Year 2023, Issue: 367, 67 - 79, 21.09.2024


Edebiyat çalışmalarına çevresel yaklaşımların ilk izleri 1970'lerde Amerika Birleşik
Devletleri'nde ortaya çıkmaya başladı. Doğal unsurlar edebi metinlere pastoral amaçlarla dahil
edildi. Ekokritik kuram geliştikçe, bu unsurlar yöntembilimsel çerçevelere entegre edilmeye
başlandı. Önde gelen edebi figürler, ekokritik yaklaşımların küresel yayılmasına katkıda
bulundu. Geleneksel Türk edebiyatında doğa ile ilişkilendirilen temalar ve motifler, geç
modern ve post-modern eserlerin temelini oluşturdu. Modern Türk edebiyatında, kırsal
hikâyelere kök salmış temalar ve motifler, 21. yüzyılda kentsel odaklı formlara dönüştü. Edebi
eserler genellikle hızlı kentselleşme, bozulmuş şehir yerleşimleri ve doğal kaynakların hızlı
sömürülmesinden kaynaklanan sorunları ele alırken bazen eleştiri ve hatta isyan biçimine
dönüşür. İstanbul'un doğal ve tarihi zenginliğine derin bir saygı duyan Orhan Pamuk, bu
megakentte geçen romanlarına ekokritik bir yaklaşımı dahil eder. Bu makale, Pamuk'un
"Benim Adım Kırmızı" adlı eserindeki ekokritik yaklaşımının boyutlarını irdeler ve bu
kuramın yazarın anlatısına olan etkilerini ve sonuçlarını tartışır.


  • Anadolu-Okur, N. (2009). Essays interpreting t he writings of Novelist Orhan Pamuk: The Turkish winner of the Nobel prize in l iterature. N. Y. Lewiston: Edwin M elles.
  • Bachelard, G . ( 1996). Mekânın poetikası. (The poetics of space) Istanbul: Kesit.
  • Bayat, F. Türk şaman metinleri (Turkish shamanic texts). Istanbul: İmge.
  • Belge, M. Edebiyat üstüne yazılar (Essays onliterature).İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Berman, M. (2007). The nature of shamanism and the shamanic story. Cambridge Scholars.
  • Börü, S.- N. Nilda. (2010). The Istanbul image in the novels of: A.S. Byatt, Vanessa Mcmahon, Roddy O‘Connor, Michael Pearce and Jenny White. Konya. MA Thesis, Selçuk University.
  • Bulamur, A.N. (2011). How Istanbul‘s cultural complexities have shaped eight contemporary novelists (Byatt, Glazebrook, Atasu, Safak, Tillman, Livaneli, Kristeva, and Pamuk): Tales of Istanbul in contemporary fiction. Lewiston, N.Y: Edwin Mellen.
  • Butor, M. (1991). Roman üstüne denemeler(Essays on novel) .Trans. M. Rifat-S. Rifat, Istanbul: Düzlem. Coupe,L. (1 October 2015). Thegreenstudiesreader:Fromromanticismtoecocriticism.London:Routledge. Cruz, J. OrhanPamuk:A love forIstanbul.ElPais.1 octobr2015.
  • Çelik, F. (2015). Kafamda tuhaf bir karmaşa: Modernliğin dönüşümü, geleneğin müzeleşmesi. (A strange confusion on my mind: The transformation of modernity and the aging of tradition. Istanbul. Mesele Number 103.
  • Demirkol E, Ş. (2010). The city and its translators Istanbul metonymized and refracted in the literary narratives of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar and Orhan Pamuk in Turkish, English and French. PhD. Diss.I stanbul Boğaziçi University.
  • Doğan, Z. (2014). Orhan Pamuk edebiyatında tarih ve kimlik söylemi) Discourse on history and identity in Orhan Pamuk‘s literature).Istanbul. İthaki.
  • Eliade, M. (1971). The myth of the eternal return or cosmos and history. Princeton University.
  • Furrer, P. (June, 2000). Mekânın anlamlandırılması ve tarihsel romanda tarih bilinci (Trans: İ.Tuna), Interpretation of space and historical awareness in history novels Tarih ve Toplum Journal, p. 198, p. 27–32. Istanbul.
  • Garrard, G.(2016). Ekoeleştiri. (Ecocriticism) Istanbul. Kolektif Books.
  • Glotfelty, C. Harold Fromm. (1996). The ecocriticism reader: Landmarks in literary.USA. University of Georgia.
  • Göknar, E. (2013). Secular blasphemies. Orhan Pamuk and the Turkish novel. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kerridge, R – Neil Sammells. (998). Writing the environment. Ecocriticism and literature. London Zed Books Limited.
  • Korkmaz, F. (2015). Postmodern flâneur in Orhan Pamuk's a Strangeness in my mind: Mevlut. Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic p. 831- 844. Volume 10/12 Summer.
  • Kula, O. B. (2016). Kafamda bir tuhaflık romanında kültürel bir öge olarak bozanın anlatılaştırımı. (Narration of boza as a cultural element in a strangeness in my mind). Ankara. folklor/edebiyat journal. vol. 87. 31- 42.
  • Lepeska, D. (2015). Lost in Istanbul: Orhan Pamuk and the onslaught of urbanization. UAE. The National- Arts and Life. September 17.
  • Özdağ, U. (2005). Edebiyat ve toprak etiği (Literature and the land ethic). Ankara: Ürün.
  • Pamuk, O .(1996a). Sessiz ev (The Silent House). İstanbul: İletişim, 16th edition.
  • Pamuk, O. (1996b.) Cevdet Bey ve oğulları (Mr. Cevdet and His Sons). İletişim 10th edition, Istanbul.
  • Pamuk, O. (1997). Kara kitap (The Black Book) .23rd edition, Istanbul: İletişim
  • Pamuk, O. (1998). Benim dım kırmızı (My name is red). 3rd edition, Istanbul: İletişim.
  • Pamuk, O. (1999). Öteki renkler (Other colors). 1st edition, Istanbul: İletişim
  • Pamuk, O. (200) Kar (Snow).1st edition. Istanbul: İletişim.
  • Pamuk, O .(2003). Istanbul- Memories and city. Istanbul: YKY.
  • Pamuk, O. (2010). Manzaradan parçalar (Pieces from the view). Istanbul: (2nd Edition). İletişim.
  • Pamuk, O.(2014). Kafamda bir tuhaflık (A strangeness in my mind). Istanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Perker, Z. S. (2008). The reflections in XVIth century in the novel. My name is red: location/place”. New World Sciences Academy. Volume: 3, Number: 4 (753-762).
  • Rueckert, W. (1996). Literature and ecology. Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. p.105- 123. Eds. Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm. University of Georgia. USA.
  • Solak, C. (2012). An essay on ecocriticism: Interrelations among persons, society and environment in Behiç Ak‟ s Play, Tek kişilik şehir. Erzurum Atatürk University. Türkiyat Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi (Journal on Turcic Studies & Research) p. 47. (211-224).
  • Tillinghast R. (2016). Orhan Pamuk‟s Istanbul. The New Criterion. Vol. 35, No.1 / September.
  • Uğurlu, A.A. (2003). Orhan Pamuk romanında atmosfer (The atomsphere in Orhan Pamuk Nnvels). Master thesis. Istanbul Technical University.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Turkish Folklore in the Türkiye Field, Turkish Folklore (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Metin Karadağ

Publication Date September 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 367



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