Writing Rules


Turkish Folklore Research Journal is a scientific/academic international double-blind peer-reviewed journal published twice a year. Articles to be submitted to the journal (bibliography, notes, etc. all) should be 8000 words. Book reviews should not exceed 2000 words. Turkish articles should have 150-250 words Turkish Abstract; English Abstract/Abstract of at least 250 words; English articles should have 150-250 words English and Turkish Abstract, and each article should have at least 5 keywords. The abstract/abstract does not contain citations, quotations or citations; the aim of the research, the method, information about the data and the results obtained / contribution made are stated.

Main body:

This is the main part of the paper and is usually divided into different sub, numbered sections to clearly show the reader the content to be covered. It includes the methodology used to conduct the research, results, analysis and discussion. An original article contains in-depth information and analysis of existing research. The author(s) should present evidence or cite evidence that supports the conclusions reached in the article.


Methods were used to collect the data; the qualitative or quantitative nature of the data should be made clear. Other options may include questionnaires, interviews or field research. In theory, a clear methodology should allow others to replicate and evaluate the original research. Methodological explanations in the main text should be limited. Repeating known, common systematics may lead to rejection of the paper.


This section may include the data collected, tables, graphs and figures, and a summary of the results.


In this section, the author focuses on discussing the results of the research conducted in relation to the research question. In general, this section will include how the results relate to the question posed and the implications of these results.


The conclusion should bring everything together and reinforce the author's point of view. The results should be presented in a logical order. In general, this will be in order of importance, not in the order in which the research was carried out.


This section contains a list of all sources cited by the author in the paper. The latest research and publications on the subject should be seen, cited where necessary, and included in the References. This section contains an alphabetical list of all references cited by the author in the article. References not mentioned in the main text are not included. References should be organised in accordance with APA 7 (American Pscychological Association) standards

Article structure and process:

After registering to the Article Tracking System on the journal website, the text is uploaded with the ‘Submit Article’ button. There are no author identities in the main text. In a separate file, the identities of the author(s), title, institutional e-mail address, ORCID ID; if necessary, only the name, decision number and date of the ethics committee should be included (Board decision document should be attached) and, if any, the project number, supporting institution and project name; in studies with multiple authors, the level of participation of the authors in the study (their positions in the tasks of determining the study subject, research design, data collection, data analysis and reporting of the study); the declaration of conflict of interest and the names of the person or institution thanked, if any, should not be included in the ‘full text’ file in which the article is written. This information should be included in the file titled Author Information.

Last Update Time: 9/23/24, 12:21:05 PM

The journal is published twice a year in January and July. The language of DOI-registered articles in TFA, which is an open access journal with double-blind referee system, is Turkish and English. Manuscripts edited according to the rules and principles of the journal are submitted through our related page in dergipark. For this and similar issues, please write to info@turkfolklorarastirmalari.com or tfadergisi@gmail.com.
The articles with DOI tags in the open access journal, edited according to APA 7 system, are published free of charge in the double-blind referee system. The management of the Association/Journal is not responsible for the articles in any way; all responsibilities belong to the authors. The author(s) of the articles requiring an Ethics Committee decision must include the required report in the manuscript submission. In the submission of the article, the authors submit the Publication Declaration Form stating that they assume all the responsibilities of the work, that the work has not been published elsewhere, and that it has not been sent to other publication organs for publication. As an open access journal, authors own the copyrights of their products. Authors are not paid any fee. They can partially use their works in different places by citing TFA as a source and publish their translations in full text. 

Address : Turkish Folklore Research Society - Kyrenia / TRNC (Turkish Folklore Research Society - Kyrenia / TRNC)
Phone :0542 888 80 35
Email: info@turkfolklorarastirmalari.com ---- tfadergisi@gmail.com