Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 34 - 41, 15.08.2016


Amaç: Bu çalışma gövde çalışma aracı (GÇA) ve gövde ekstansörleri için geleneksel egzersizlerin (GEGE)
aynı paternde uygulanması sırasında multifidus ve erector spinae kas aktiviteleri arasında bir fark olup
olmadığını tespit etmek ve sırasıyla GÇA ve GEGE ile uygulanan programın ardından gruplar arasında
ağırlık aktarmada postüral değişiklikleri araştırmak amacıyla planlanmıştır.

Yöntemler: Çalışmaya yaş ortalaması 24.5±3.7yıl olan 20 sağlıklı erkek katılmıştır. İlk gün tüm katılım-
cılar GÇA ve GEGE egzersizlerini yaparken kas EMG aktiviteleri kaydedilmiştir. Ertesi gün katılımcılar iki
gruba ayrılmıştır. GÇA (n=10) ve GEGE grubu (n=10) 5 kez çalışmışlardır. Vücut ağırlık dağılımı eğitim
sürecinden önce ve sonra ölçülmüştür.

Sonuçlar: Toplam GÇA ve GEGE çalışma sonuçları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulun-
muştur (p=0,00). Her iki grupta da çalışma öncesi ve sonrası iki bacağın ağırlık dağılımları arasında
anlamlı bir fark bulunmamasına rağmen, GEGE grubundan daha fazla olduğu göze çarpan, GÇA grubunda
her iki bacak için değerlerin standart sapma ve frekanslarında anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur (p=0.00).

Tartışma: Sonuç olarak, GEGE ile karşılaştırıldığında GÇA çalışmasının daha az kas aktivitesi, dolayısıyla
daha az enerji tüketimi gerektirdiği ve aynı sürede daha iyi sonuç durumuna ulaştırdığı görünmektedir.
GÇA çalışmasının gövde ağırlık dağılımı üzerine etkisini açıkça ortaya çıkarabilmek için ileriki çalışmalar
da daha fazla katılımcıya ihtiyaç olduğu düşünülmüştür. Ayrıca geriatrik veya nörolojik bozukluğu olanlar
gibi diğer popülasyonlarda bu alanda yeni çalışmaların planlanması önerilmektedir. 


  • 1. Ridder E, van Oosterwijck JO, Vleeming A, Vanderstraeten GG, Danneels LA. Posterior muscle chain activity during various ex- tension exercises: An observational study. BMC Musculoskel Dis. 2013;14(1):1-11.
  • 2. Hibbs AE, Thompson KG, French D, Wrigley A, Spears I. Optimi- zing performance by improving core stability and core strength. Sports Med. 2008;38(12):995–1008.
  • 3. Young W, Rath DA. Enhancing foot velocity in football kicking: The role of strength training. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25:561– 6.
  • 4. Durall CJ, Udermann BE, Johansen DR, Gibson B, Reineke DM, Reuteman P. The effects of preseason trunk muscle training on low-back pain occurrence in women collegiate gymnasts. J Strength Cond Res. 2009;23(2):86–92.
  • 5. Imai A, Kaneoka K, Okubo Y, Shiina I, Tatsumuna M, Izumi S, et al. Trunk muscle activity during lumbar stabilization exercises on both a stable and unstable surface. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2010;40(6):369-75.
  • 6. Axler CT, McGill SM. Low back loads over a variety of abdominal exercises: Searching for the safest abdominal challenge. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1997;29(6):804-11.
  • 7. Butcher SJ, Craven BR, Chilibeck PD, Spink KS, Grona SL, Spri- gings EJ. The effect of trunk stability training on vertical takeoff velocity. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007;37(5):223-31.
  • 8. Leetun DT, Ireland ML, Willson JD, Ballantyne BT, Davis IM. Core stability measures as risk factors for lower extremity injury in athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004;36(6):926-34.
  • 9. O’Sullivan PB, Phyty GD, Twomey LT, Allison GT. Evaluation of specific stabilizing exercise in the treatment of chronic low back pain with radiologic diagnosis of spondylolysis or spondylolist- hesis. Spine. 1997;22(24):2959-67.
  • 10. Rasmussen-Barr E, Ang B, Arvidsson I, Nilsson-Wikmar L. Graded exercise for recurrent low-back pain: A randomized, controlled trial with 6-, 12-, and 36-month follow-ups. Spine. 2009;34(3):221-8.
  • 11. Jung J, Yu J, Kang H. Differences in trunk muscle activities and ratios between unstable supine and prone bridging exercises in individuals with low back pain. J Phys Ther Sci. 2012:24:889-92.
  • 12. Kim JW, Han JY, Kang MH, Ha SM, Oh JS. Comparison of pos- terior oblique sling activity during hip extension in the prone position on the floor and on a round foam roll. J Phys Ther Sci. 2013;25:977-9.
  • 13. Peterson C, Nittinger N. Connecting the core: Exercises to enhance stability. J Med Sci Tennis. 2013;18(1):13-20.
  • 14. Ferri A, Scaglioni G, Pousson M, Capodaglio P, van Hoecke J, Narici MV. Strength and power changes of the human plantar flexors and knee extensors in response to resistance training in old age. Acta Physiol Scand. 2003;177(1):69-78.
  • 15. Hakkinen K, Hakkinen A. Neuromuscular adaptations during intensive strength training in middle-aged and elderly males and females. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1995; 35(3):137- 47.
  • Hakkinen K, Newton RU, Gordon SE, McCormick M, Volek JS, Nindl BC, et al.,Changes in muscle morphology, electromyographic activity, and force production characteristics during progressive strength training in young and older men.,415-423,1998,53
  • Kryger AI, Andersen JL,Resistance training in the oldest old: Consequences for muscle strength, fiber types, fiber size, and MHC isoforms,422-430,2007,17
  • Blazevich AJ, Cannavan D, Coleman DR, Horne S,Influence of concentric and eccentric resistance training on architectural adaptation in human quadriceps muscles.,1565-1575,2007,103
  • Manini TM, Clark BC, Tracy BL, Burke J, Ploutz-Snyder LL,Resistance and functional training reduces knee extensor position fluctuations in functionally limited older adults.,436-446,2005,95
  • Tracy BL, Byrnes WC, Enoka RM,Strength training reduces force fluctuations during an isometric contractions of the quadriceps femoris muscles in old adults,1530-1540,2004,96
  • Hess JA, Woollacott M,Effect of high-intensity strength-training on functional measures of balance ability in balance-impaired older adults,582-590,2005,28
  • Ryushi T, Kumagai K, Hayase H, Abe T, Shibuya K, Ono A,Effect of resistive knee extension training on postural control measures in middle aged and elderly persons,143-149,2000,19
  • Cunha ACV, Burke TN, França FJR, Marques AP,Effect of global posture reeducation and of static stretching on pain, range of motion, and quality of life in women with chronic neck pain: a randomized clinical trial.,763-770,2008,63
  • López-Miñarro P, Muyor J, Belmonte F, Alacid F,Acute effects of hamstring stretching on sagittal spinal curvatures and pelvic tilt,69-78,2012,31
  • Carter JM, Beam WC, McMahan SG, Barr ML, Brown LE,The effects of stability ball training on spinal stability in sedentary individuals,429-435,2006,20
  • Cosio-Lima LM, Reynolds KL, Winter C, Paolone V, Jones MT,Effects of physioball and conventional floor exercises on early pha- se adaptations in back and abdominal core stability and balance in women,721-725,2003,17
  • Heitkamp HC, Horstmann T, Mayer F, Weller J, Dickhuth HH,Gain in strength and muscular balance after balance training,285-290,2001,22
  • Stanton R, Reaburn PR, Humphries B,The effect of short-term Swiss ball training on core stability and running economy,522-528,2004,18
  • Tse MA, McManus AM, Masters RSW,Development and validation of a core endurance intervention program: Implications for performance in college-age rowers.,547-552,2005,19
  • Kaji A, Sasagawa S, Kubo T, Kanehisa H,Transient effect of core stability exercises on postural sway during quiet standing,382-388,2010,24
  • Freespine,2005,
  • The Surface ElectroMyoGraphy for the Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles Project,2015,http://
  • Shumway-Cook A, Woollacott MH.,Aging and postural control,222-247,Shumway Cook, Woollacott WH,LWW,Baltimore,Motor control: theory and practical application,1997
  • Jahagirdar SS, Kenkre IR,Training elderly for mobility and strength using emgbiofeedback and swiss ball/peanut ball exercises,17-25,2010,42
  • Roger ME, Fernandez JE, Bohlken RM,Training to reduce postural sway and increase functional reach in the elderly,291-298,2001,11
  • Tsaklis PV, Grooten WJA, Franzén E,Effects of weight-shift training on balance control and weight distribution in chronic stroke: a pilot study,2012,19
  • Cheng PT, Wu SH, Liaw MY, Wong AMK, Tang FT,Symmetrical body-weight distribution training in stroke patients and its effect on fall prevention,1650-1654,2001,82
  • İnanoğlu D, Baltacı G,Nörolojik defisiti olmayan bel ağrılı hastalarda farklı bantlama tekniklerinin yaşam kalitesi ve ağrı üzerine etkisi,26-34,2014,1

Comparison Between a Trunk Training Machine and Conventional Exercises For Trunk Extensors and Effect on Stance Weight Distribution of Young Adults: A Pilot Study.

Year 2016, Volume: 27 Issue: 2, 34 - 41, 15.08.2016


Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine if there was a difference between activities of multifi-
dus and erector spinae muscles, when trained using the same patterns through a trunk training machine
(TTM) and conventional exercises for trunk extensors (CETE), and to investigate the postural changes in
weight bearing between groups after interventions of TTM and CETE, respectively.

Methods: 20 healthy males with a mean age of 24.5±3.7 years participated in the study. First day,
muscle EMG activities were recorded while all of the participants performed TTM and CETE exercises.
Next day, they were separated into two groups. TTM (n=10) and CETE groups (n=10) were trained for 5
bouts. The body weight distribution was measured before and after the training periods.

Results: There was a significant difference between total TTM-Work output and CETE-Work output
(p<0.01). Although no significant differences were found between two legs’ weight distribution in both
groups before and after the intervention program, standard deviation and frequencies of the values in
TTM group for both legs were significantly different, and higher than CETE group (p=0.00).

Discussion: In conclusion, the TTM training appears to demand less muscle activity, thus less energy
consuming and produced better stance outcome in the same time when compared with CETE. It is sug-
gested that more participants are needed for a further research to reveal the effect of TTM intervention
on the body weight distribution clearly. It is also recommended to plan new research in this field on other
populations such as geriatrics or neurological disorders. 


  • 1. Ridder E, van Oosterwijck JO, Vleeming A, Vanderstraeten GG, Danneels LA. Posterior muscle chain activity during various ex- tension exercises: An observational study. BMC Musculoskel Dis. 2013;14(1):1-11.
  • 2. Hibbs AE, Thompson KG, French D, Wrigley A, Spears I. Optimi- zing performance by improving core stability and core strength. Sports Med. 2008;38(12):995–1008.
  • 3. Young W, Rath DA. Enhancing foot velocity in football kicking: The role of strength training. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25:561– 6.
  • 4. Durall CJ, Udermann BE, Johansen DR, Gibson B, Reineke DM, Reuteman P. The effects of preseason trunk muscle training on low-back pain occurrence in women collegiate gymnasts. J Strength Cond Res. 2009;23(2):86–92.
  • 5. Imai A, Kaneoka K, Okubo Y, Shiina I, Tatsumuna M, Izumi S, et al. Trunk muscle activity during lumbar stabilization exercises on both a stable and unstable surface. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2010;40(6):369-75.
  • 6. Axler CT, McGill SM. Low back loads over a variety of abdominal exercises: Searching for the safest abdominal challenge. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1997;29(6):804-11.
  • 7. Butcher SJ, Craven BR, Chilibeck PD, Spink KS, Grona SL, Spri- gings EJ. The effect of trunk stability training on vertical takeoff velocity. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007;37(5):223-31.
  • 8. Leetun DT, Ireland ML, Willson JD, Ballantyne BT, Davis IM. Core stability measures as risk factors for lower extremity injury in athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004;36(6):926-34.
  • 9. O’Sullivan PB, Phyty GD, Twomey LT, Allison GT. Evaluation of specific stabilizing exercise in the treatment of chronic low back pain with radiologic diagnosis of spondylolysis or spondylolist- hesis. Spine. 1997;22(24):2959-67.
  • 10. Rasmussen-Barr E, Ang B, Arvidsson I, Nilsson-Wikmar L. Graded exercise for recurrent low-back pain: A randomized, controlled trial with 6-, 12-, and 36-month follow-ups. Spine. 2009;34(3):221-8.
  • 11. Jung J, Yu J, Kang H. Differences in trunk muscle activities and ratios between unstable supine and prone bridging exercises in individuals with low back pain. J Phys Ther Sci. 2012:24:889-92.
  • 12. Kim JW, Han JY, Kang MH, Ha SM, Oh JS. Comparison of pos- terior oblique sling activity during hip extension in the prone position on the floor and on a round foam roll. J Phys Ther Sci. 2013;25:977-9.
  • 13. Peterson C, Nittinger N. Connecting the core: Exercises to enhance stability. J Med Sci Tennis. 2013;18(1):13-20.
  • 14. Ferri A, Scaglioni G, Pousson M, Capodaglio P, van Hoecke J, Narici MV. Strength and power changes of the human plantar flexors and knee extensors in response to resistance training in old age. Acta Physiol Scand. 2003;177(1):69-78.
  • 15. Hakkinen K, Hakkinen A. Neuromuscular adaptations during intensive strength training in middle-aged and elderly males and females. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1995; 35(3):137- 47.
  • Hakkinen K, Newton RU, Gordon SE, McCormick M, Volek JS, Nindl BC, et al.,Changes in muscle morphology, electromyographic activity, and force production characteristics during progressive strength training in young and older men.,415-423,1998,53
  • Kryger AI, Andersen JL,Resistance training in the oldest old: Consequences for muscle strength, fiber types, fiber size, and MHC isoforms,422-430,2007,17
  • Blazevich AJ, Cannavan D, Coleman DR, Horne S,Influence of concentric and eccentric resistance training on architectural adaptation in human quadriceps muscles.,1565-1575,2007,103
  • Manini TM, Clark BC, Tracy BL, Burke J, Ploutz-Snyder LL,Resistance and functional training reduces knee extensor position fluctuations in functionally limited older adults.,436-446,2005,95
  • Tracy BL, Byrnes WC, Enoka RM,Strength training reduces force fluctuations during an isometric contractions of the quadriceps femoris muscles in old adults,1530-1540,2004,96
  • Hess JA, Woollacott M,Effect of high-intensity strength-training on functional measures of balance ability in balance-impaired older adults,582-590,2005,28
  • Ryushi T, Kumagai K, Hayase H, Abe T, Shibuya K, Ono A,Effect of resistive knee extension training on postural control measures in middle aged and elderly persons,143-149,2000,19
  • Cunha ACV, Burke TN, França FJR, Marques AP,Effect of global posture reeducation and of static stretching on pain, range of motion, and quality of life in women with chronic neck pain: a randomized clinical trial.,763-770,2008,63
  • López-Miñarro P, Muyor J, Belmonte F, Alacid F,Acute effects of hamstring stretching on sagittal spinal curvatures and pelvic tilt,69-78,2012,31
  • Carter JM, Beam WC, McMahan SG, Barr ML, Brown LE,The effects of stability ball training on spinal stability in sedentary individuals,429-435,2006,20
  • Cosio-Lima LM, Reynolds KL, Winter C, Paolone V, Jones MT,Effects of physioball and conventional floor exercises on early pha- se adaptations in back and abdominal core stability and balance in women,721-725,2003,17
  • Heitkamp HC, Horstmann T, Mayer F, Weller J, Dickhuth HH,Gain in strength and muscular balance after balance training,285-290,2001,22
  • Stanton R, Reaburn PR, Humphries B,The effect of short-term Swiss ball training on core stability and running economy,522-528,2004,18
  • Tse MA, McManus AM, Masters RSW,Development and validation of a core endurance intervention program: Implications for performance in college-age rowers.,547-552,2005,19
  • Kaji A, Sasagawa S, Kubo T, Kanehisa H,Transient effect of core stability exercises on postural sway during quiet standing,382-388,2010,24
  • Freespine,2005,
  • The Surface ElectroMyoGraphy for the Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles Project,2015,http://
  • Shumway-Cook A, Woollacott MH.,Aging and postural control,222-247,Shumway Cook, Woollacott WH,LWW,Baltimore,Motor control: theory and practical application,1997
  • Jahagirdar SS, Kenkre IR,Training elderly for mobility and strength using emgbiofeedback and swiss ball/peanut ball exercises,17-25,2010,42
  • Roger ME, Fernandez JE, Bohlken RM,Training to reduce postural sway and increase functional reach in the elderly,291-298,2001,11
  • Tsaklis PV, Grooten WJA, Franzén E,Effects of weight-shift training on balance control and weight distribution in chronic stroke: a pilot study,2012,19
  • Cheng PT, Wu SH, Liaw MY, Wong AMK, Tang FT,Symmetrical body-weight distribution training in stroke patients and its effect on fall prevention,1650-1654,2001,82
  • İnanoğlu D, Baltacı G,Nörolojik defisiti olmayan bel ağrılı hastalarda farklı bantlama tekniklerinin yaşam kalitesi ve ağrı üzerine etkisi,26-34,2014,1
There are 38 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Güzin Kara This is me

Kazakos Kyrıakos This is me

Panagiotis Tsaklıs

Publication Date August 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 27 Issue: 2


APA Kara, G., Kyrıakos, K., & Tsaklıs, P. (2016). Comparison Between a Trunk Training Machine and Conventional Exercises For Trunk Extensors and Effect on Stance Weight Distribution of Young Adults: A Pilot Study. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon, 27(2), 34-41.
AMA Kara G, Kyrıakos K, Tsaklıs P. Comparison Between a Trunk Training Machine and Conventional Exercises For Trunk Extensors and Effect on Stance Weight Distribution of Young Adults: A Pilot Study. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon. August 2016;27(2):34-41. doi:10.21653/tfrd.272964
Chicago Kara, Güzin, Kazakos Kyrıakos, and Panagiotis Tsaklıs. “Comparison Between a Trunk Training Machine and Conventional Exercises For Trunk Extensors and Effect on Stance Weight Distribution of Young Adults: A Pilot Study”. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon 27, no. 2 (August 2016): 34-41.
EndNote Kara G, Kyrıakos K, Tsaklıs P (August 1, 2016) Comparison Between a Trunk Training Machine and Conventional Exercises For Trunk Extensors and Effect on Stance Weight Distribution of Young Adults: A Pilot Study. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon 27 2 34–41.
IEEE G. Kara, K. Kyrıakos, and P. Tsaklıs, “Comparison Between a Trunk Training Machine and Conventional Exercises For Trunk Extensors and Effect on Stance Weight Distribution of Young Adults: A Pilot Study”., Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 34–41, 2016, doi: 10.21653/tfrd.272964.
ISNAD Kara, Güzin et al. “Comparison Between a Trunk Training Machine and Conventional Exercises For Trunk Extensors and Effect on Stance Weight Distribution of Young Adults: A Pilot Study”. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon 27/2 (August 2016), 34-41.
JAMA Kara G, Kyrıakos K, Tsaklıs P. Comparison Between a Trunk Training Machine and Conventional Exercises For Trunk Extensors and Effect on Stance Weight Distribution of Young Adults: A Pilot Study. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon. 2016;27:34–41.
MLA Kara, Güzin et al. “Comparison Between a Trunk Training Machine and Conventional Exercises For Trunk Extensors and Effect on Stance Weight Distribution of Young Adults: A Pilot Study”. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon, vol. 27, no. 2, 2016, pp. 34-41, doi:10.21653/tfrd.272964.
Vancouver Kara G, Kyrıakos K, Tsaklıs P. Comparison Between a Trunk Training Machine and Conventional Exercises For Trunk Extensors and Effect on Stance Weight Distribution of Young Adults: A Pilot Study. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon. 2016;27(2):34-41.