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Yeni bir viral tehdit: Enterovirüs D68

Year 2016, Volume: 73 Issue: 3, 293 - 302, 01.09.2016


Enterovirüs D68 EV-D68 genellikle solunum yolu infeksiyonlarından sorumlu olan zarfsız, tek zincirli, pozitif polariteli bir RNA virüsüdür. Picornaviridae ailesi içinde sınıflandırılır. Solunum yollarında diğer enterovirüslerin reseptörü olan α2-3 siyalik asit yerine α2-6 siyalik aside bağlanır. Özellikle çocuklarda üst solunum yolu ve alt solunum yolu infeksiyonlarının yanısıra sinir sistemi infeksiyonlarından da sorumlu olabilir. Polio benzeri felçlerle ilişkilidir. Virüs enfekte kişilerin tükürük, balgam, mukus gibi salgılarıyla bulaşır. Altta yatan solunum hastalığı ve astımı olan bebek ve çocuklarda, immunsupresif hastalarda ciddi komplikasyonlar ile ilişkilidir. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Kanada’da 2014 yılında geniş çaplı bir salgın gerçekleşmiştir. Ardından Avrupa, Tayland, Çin, Yeni Zellanda ve bazı Afrika ülkelerinde salgınlara yol açmıştır. EV-D68, 33°C’de üreyebilmesi ve aside toleransının düşük olması nedeniyle atipik bir EV olarak kabul edilir. Bu nedenle EV-D68 infeksiyonlarının mevsimsel dağılımı sonbaharın başlangıcı ve kış aylarıdır. Virüs, hücre kültürlerinde üretilebilir ancak tanıda genellikle moleküler yöntemlerden yararlanılır. Tanı için, solunum yolu örnekleri, bazen de beyin omurilik sıvısı ve kan örnekleri kullanılır. Enterovirüs D68 virüsüne yönelik henüz özel bir aşı ve ilaç bulunmamaktadır. Hafif ve orta dereceli vakalar için destekleyici tedavi yeterli olabilmektedir. Ağır vakalar ise hastaneye yatış ve yoğun bakım gerektirir. Korunma için, enfekte hastaların yediklerini, içtiklerini paylaşmaktan, bu hastaları öpmek ve sarılmaktan kaçınılması ve el hijyenine dikkat edilmesi önerilmektedir.Bu derlemede, literatür eşliğinde, EV-D68 infeksiyonlarının güncel epidemiyolojik, patojenik, klinik ve tanısal özelliklerinin özetlenmesi amaçlandı. Türkiye’de virüsün neden olduğu infeksiyonlara yönelik yeterince veri bulunmamaktadır. Sunduğumuz derleme, ülkemizde EV-D68 ile ilgili çalışmalara ışık tutacak, olası bir salgın durumunda EV-D68 infeksiyonunun erken tanısında ve yönetiminde yarar sağlayacaktır


  • 1. Oermann CM, Schuster JE, Conners GP, Newland JG, Selvarangan R, Jackson MA. Enterovirus D68: A focused review and clinical highlights from the 2014 United States outbreak. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 2015;12(5):775–81.
  • 2. Schieble JH, Fox VL, Lennette EH. A probable new human picornavirus associated with respiratory disease. Am J Epidemiol, 1967;85(2):297–310.
  • 3. Imamura T, Oshitani H. Global reemergence of enterovirus D68 as an important pathogen for acute respiratory infections. Rev Med Virol, 2015;25(2):102–14.
  • 4. Oberste MS, Maher K, Schnurr D, Flemister MR, Lovchik JC, Peters H, Sessions W, Kirk C, Chatterjee N, Fuller S, Hanauer JM, Pallansch MA. Enterovirus 68 is associated with respiratory illness and shares biological features with both the enteroviruses and the rhinoviruses. J Gen Virol,2004;85(9):2577–84.
  • 5. Principi N, Esposito S. Enterovirus D-68: An emerging cause of infection. Expert Rev. Respir Med, 2015;9(6):711-9.
  • 6. Imamura T, Okamoto M, Nakakita S, Suzuki A, Saito M, Tamaki R, Lupisan S, Roy CN, Hiramatsu H, Sugawara KE, Mizuta K, Matsuzaki Y, Suzuki Y, Oshitani H. Antigenic and receptor binding properties of enterovirus 68. J Virol, 2014;88(5):2374–84.
  • 7. Oberste MS, Maher K, Kilpatrick DR, Pallansch MA. Molecular evolution of the human enteroviruses: Correlation of serotype with VP1 sequence and application to picornavirus classification. J Virol 1999;73(3):1941–8.
  • 8. Piralla A, Girello A, Grignani M, Gozalo-Margüello M, Marchi A, Marseglia G, Baldanti F. Phylogenetic Characterization of Enterovirus 68 Strains in Patients With Respiratory Syndromes in Italy. Journal of Medical Virology, 2014;86(9):1590–3.
  • 9. Midgley CM, Jackson MA, Selvarangan R, Turabelidze G, Obringer E, Johnson D, Giles BL, Patel A, Echols F, Oberste MS, Nix WA, Watson JT, Gerber SI. Severe respiratory illness associated with enterovirus D68- Missouri and Illinois, 2014. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 2014;63(36):798–9.
  • 10. 1Meijer A, Benschop KS, Donker GA, van der Avoort HG. Continued seasonal circulation of enterovirus D68 in The Netherlands, 2011–2014. Eur Surveill, 2014;19(42):1–6.
  • 11. Lupisan SP, Oshitani H. Molecular epidemiology of entrovirus D68 from 2013 to 2014 in Philippines. J Clin Microbiol, 2015;53(3):1015–8.
  • 12. Wylie K, Wylie TN, Overdahl A, Buller RS, Herter BN, Magrini V, Wilson RK, Storch GA. Genome sequence of enterovirus D68 from St Louis, Missuri, USA. Emerg Infect Dis, 2015;21(1):184–6.
  • 13. Vongpunsaward S, Prachayagprecha S, Chnsaenroj J, Haagmans BL, Smits SL, Poovorawan Y. Genome sequence of enterovirus D68 and clinical disease, Thailand Emerg Infect Dis, 2015;21(2):384.
  • 14. Zhang T, Ren L, Luo M, Li A, Gong C, Chen M, Xiali Y, Wu J, Deng Y, Huang F. Enterovirus D68-associated severe pneumonia, China 2014. Emerg Infect Dis, 2015;21(5):916–18.
  • 15. Reiche J, Böttcher S, Diedrich S, Buchholz U, Buda S, Haas W, Schweiger B, Wolff T. Low-level circulation of enterovirus D68-associated acute respiratory infections, Germany, 2014. Emerg Infect Dis, 2015;21(5):837–41.
  • 16. Torres J, Farfan MJ, Izquierdo G, Piemonte P, Henriquez J, O’Rayan ML. Enterovirus D68 infection, Chile, spring 2014. Emerg Infect Dis, 2015;21(4):728–9.
  • 17. Poelmann R., Schölvinck EH, Borger R, Niesters HGM., van Leer-Buter C. The emergence of enterovirus D68 in a Dutch University Medical Centre and the necessity for routinely scrrening for respiratory viruses. J Med Virol,2015;62(1):1–5.
  • 18. Midgley SE, Christiansen CB, Poulsen MW, Hansen CH, Fischer TK.Emergence of enterovirus D68 in Denmark, June 2014 to February 2015. Eur Surveill, 2015;20(17):1–6.
  • 19. Gimferrer L, Campins M, Codina MG, Esperalba J, Martin Mdel C, Fuentes F, Pumarola T, Anton A. First enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) cases detected in hospitalized patients in a tertiary care university hospital in Spain, October 2014. Enferm Infect Microbiol Clin, 2015;33(9):585–9.
  • 20. 2Esposito S, Zampiero A, Ruggiero L, Madini B, Niesters H, Principi N. Enterovirus D68-associated community-acquired pneumonia in children living in Milan, Italy. J Clin Virol, 2015;68(1):94–6.
  • 21. Drews SJ, Simmonds K, Usman HR, Yee K, Fathima S, Tipples G, Tellier R, Pabbaraju K, Wong S, Talbot J.Characterization of enterovirus activity, including that of enterovirus D68, in pediatric patients in Alberta, Canada in 2014. J Clin Microbiol, 2015:53(3):1042-5.
  • 22. Carney S, Brown D, Siqueira MM, Dias JP, da Silva EE. Enterovirus D68 detected in children with severe acute respiratory illness in Brazil. Emerg. Microbes Infect, 2015;4(10):e66.
  • 23. Messacar K, Abzug MJ, Dominguez SR. 2014 outbreak of enterovirus D68 in North America. J Med Virol, 2015;21(10). doi: 10.1002/jmv.24410.
  • 24. Midgley CM., Watson JT, Nix WA, Curns AT, Rogers SL, Brown BA, Conover C, Dominguez SR, Feikin DR., Gray S, et al. Severe respiratory illness associated with a nationwide outbreak of enterovirus D68 in the USA (2014): a descriptive epidemiological investigation. Lancet Respir Med, 2015;3(11):879– 87.
  • 25. Greninger A, Naccarche SN, Messacar K, Clayton A, Yu G, Somasekar S, Federman S, Stryke D, Anderson C, Yagi S, et al. A novel outbreak enterovirus D68 strain associated with acute flaccid myelitis cases in the USA (2012–14): A retrospective cohort study. Lancet Infect Dis, 2015;15(6):1–12.
  • 26. Pfeiffer HC, Bragstad K, Skram MK, Dahl H, Knudsen PK, Chawla MS, Holberg-Petersen M., Vainio K, Dudman SG, Kran AM, et al. Two cases of acute severe flaccid myelitis associated with enterovirus D68 infection in children, Norway, autumn 2014. Eur Surveill, 2015;20(10):1–5.
  • 27. Lang M, Mirand A, Savy N, Henquell C, Maridet S, Perignon R, Labbé A, Peigue-Lafeuille H. Acute flaccid paralysis following enterovirus D68 associated pneumonia, France, 2014. Eur Surveill, 2014;6(19):1–5.
  • 28. Calvo C, Cuevas MT, Pozo F, García-García ML, Molinero M, Calderón A, Gonzalez-Esguevillas M, Pérez-Sautu U, Casas I. Respiratory Infections by Enterovirus D68 in Outpatients and Inpatients Spanish Children. Pediatr Infect Dis J, 2016;35(1):45-9.
  • 29. Bragstad K, Jakobsen K, Rojahn AE, Skram MK, Vainio K, Holberg-Petersen M., Hungnes O, Dudman SG, Kran AM. High frequentcy of enterovirus D68 in children hospitalized with respiratory illness in Norway, autumn 2014. Influenza Other Respir Viruses, 2015;9(2):59–63.
  • 30. Meijer A, van der Sanden S, Snijders BE, JaramilloGutierrez G, Bont L, van der Ent CK, Overduin P, Jenny SL, Jusic E, van der Avoort HG, et al. Emergence and epidemic occurrence of enterovirus 68 respiratory infections in the Netherlands in 2010. Virology, 2012;423(1):1952–8.
  • 31. Shaw J, Welch TR, Milstone AM. The Role of Syndromic Surveillance in Directing the Public Health Response to the Enterovirus D68 Epidemic. JAMA Pediatr, 2014;168(11):981-2.
  • 32. Poelman R, Schuffenecker I, Van Leer-Buter C, Josset L, Niesters HG, Lina B; ESCV-ECDC EV-D68 study group. European surveillance for enterovirus D68 during the emerging North-American outbreak in 2014. J Clin. Virol, 2015;71:1–9.
  • 33. html (24.1.2016).
  • 34. Tokarz R, Firth C, Madhi SA, Howie SR, Wu W, Sall AA, Haq S, Briese T, Lipkin WI. Worldwide emergence of multiple clades of enterovirus 68. J Gen Virol, 2012; 93(Pt 9):1952-8.
  • 35. Blomqvist S, Savolainen C, Råman L, Roivainen M, Hovi T. Human rhinovirus 87 and enterovirus 68 represent a unique serotype with rhinovirus and enterovirus features. J Clin Microbiol,2002; 40(11):4218-23.
  • 36. 36. icd10/browse/2016/en#/B97.1 (19.04.2016)
  • 37. Mc Allister SC, Schleiss MR, Arbefeville S, Steiner ME, Hanson RS, Pollock C, Ferrieri P. Epidemic 2014 enterovirus D68 cross-reacts with human rhinovirus on a respiratory molecular diagnostic platform. PloS one, 2015;10(3): e0118529.
  • 38. Launes C, Armero G, Anton A, Hernandez L, Gimferrer L, Cisneros C, Jordan I, Muñoz-Almagro C. Molecular epidemiology of severe respiratory disease by human rhinoviruses and enteroviruses at a tertiary paediatric hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Clin Microbiol Infect, 2015;21(8):799:5-7.
  • 39. Massacar K, Schreiner TL, Maloney JA, Wallace A, Ludke J, Oberste MS, Nix WA, Robinson CC, Gladé MP, Abzug MJ, et al. A cluster of acute flaccid paralysis and cranial nerve dysfunction temporally associated with an outbreak of enterovirus D68 in children in Colorado, USA. Lancet, 2015;385(9978):1662–71.
  • 40. Ozkaya E, Uysal G, Atak T, Alkan M. Serotype distribution of enteroviruses isolated from paediatric cases prediagnosed as aseptic meningitis between 2001-2004 period. Mikrobiyol Bul, 2005;39(1):43-51.
  • 41. Jeong, J. H., Kim, K. H., Jeong, S. H., Park, J. W., Lee, S. M., & Seo, Y. H. (2014). Comparison of sputum and nasopharyngeal swabs for detection of respiratory viruses. J Med Virol, 2014;86(12):2122- 7.
  • 42. Hatchette TF, Drews SJ, Grudeski E, Booth T, Martineau C, Dust K. Detection of Enterovirus D68 in Canadian Laboratories. J Clin Microbiol 2015, 53(5):1748-51.
  • 43. (10.05.2016)
  • 44. Rhoden E, Zhang M, Nix WA, Oberste MS. In vitro efficacy of antiviral compounds against enterovirus D68. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2015;59(12):7779-81.
  • 45. Sun L, Meijer A, Froeyen M, Zhang L, Thibaut HJ, Baggen J, George S, Vernachio J, van Kuppeveld FJ, Leyssen P, et al. Antiviral activity of broad-spectrum and enterovirus-specific inhibitors against clinical isolates of enterovirus D68. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2015;59(12):7782-5.

A new viral threat: Enterovirus D68

Year 2016, Volume: 73 Issue: 3, 293 - 302, 01.09.2016


Enterovirus D68 EV-D68 is a non-enveloped singlestranded RNA virus with positive polarity that usually leads to respiratory tract infections. It is classified in the Picornaviridae family. It binds to α2-6 sialic acid instead of α2-3 sialic acid which is an EV receptor in respiratory tract. It may be responsible for the central nervous system infections especially in children, as well as the upper respiratory tract, and lower respiratory tract infections. It is associated with poliolike paralysis. The virus is transmitted by secretions of infected people such as saliva, sputum, and mucus. It is associated with serious complications in infants and children with the underlying respiratory disease and asthma, and immunosuppressive patients. In United States and Canada, in 2014, a large-scale outbreak occurred. Then, it led to outbreak in Europe, Thailand, China, New Zealand and in some African countries. EVD68, due to reproduce at 33 °C and the low tolerance to the acid is considered an atypical EV. Therefore, seasonal distribution of EV-D68 infection is beginning of the autumn and winter months. The virus can be isolated in cell culture, but the diagnosis is often based on molecular methods. For diagnosis, respiratory samples, and sometimes cerebrospinal fluid and blood samples can be used. Currently, there is no specific vaccine and drug for EV-D68. Supportive treatment may be sufficient for mild and moderate cases. Severe cases require hospitalization and intensive care. For protection, it is recommended to avoid to share foods or drinks with infected patients and avoid to kiss them and to pay attention to hand hygiene. The aim of this review was to summarise the current epidemiological, pathogenic, clinical, diagnostic features of EV-D68 infections. There was no available data for infections caused by this virus in Turkey. This review will lead the studies on EV-D68 and it will provide benefits for early diagnosis and management of infections in a possible outbreak.


  • 1. Oermann CM, Schuster JE, Conners GP, Newland JG, Selvarangan R, Jackson MA. Enterovirus D68: A focused review and clinical highlights from the 2014 United States outbreak. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 2015;12(5):775–81.
  • 2. Schieble JH, Fox VL, Lennette EH. A probable new human picornavirus associated with respiratory disease. Am J Epidemiol, 1967;85(2):297–310.
  • 3. Imamura T, Oshitani H. Global reemergence of enterovirus D68 as an important pathogen for acute respiratory infections. Rev Med Virol, 2015;25(2):102–14.
  • 4. Oberste MS, Maher K, Schnurr D, Flemister MR, Lovchik JC, Peters H, Sessions W, Kirk C, Chatterjee N, Fuller S, Hanauer JM, Pallansch MA. Enterovirus 68 is associated with respiratory illness and shares biological features with both the enteroviruses and the rhinoviruses. J Gen Virol,2004;85(9):2577–84.
  • 5. Principi N, Esposito S. Enterovirus D-68: An emerging cause of infection. Expert Rev. Respir Med, 2015;9(6):711-9.
  • 6. Imamura T, Okamoto M, Nakakita S, Suzuki A, Saito M, Tamaki R, Lupisan S, Roy CN, Hiramatsu H, Sugawara KE, Mizuta K, Matsuzaki Y, Suzuki Y, Oshitani H. Antigenic and receptor binding properties of enterovirus 68. J Virol, 2014;88(5):2374–84.
  • 7. Oberste MS, Maher K, Kilpatrick DR, Pallansch MA. Molecular evolution of the human enteroviruses: Correlation of serotype with VP1 sequence and application to picornavirus classification. J Virol 1999;73(3):1941–8.
  • 8. Piralla A, Girello A, Grignani M, Gozalo-Margüello M, Marchi A, Marseglia G, Baldanti F. Phylogenetic Characterization of Enterovirus 68 Strains in Patients With Respiratory Syndromes in Italy. Journal of Medical Virology, 2014;86(9):1590–3.
  • 9. Midgley CM, Jackson MA, Selvarangan R, Turabelidze G, Obringer E, Johnson D, Giles BL, Patel A, Echols F, Oberste MS, Nix WA, Watson JT, Gerber SI. Severe respiratory illness associated with enterovirus D68- Missouri and Illinois, 2014. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 2014;63(36):798–9.
  • 10. 1Meijer A, Benschop KS, Donker GA, van der Avoort HG. Continued seasonal circulation of enterovirus D68 in The Netherlands, 2011–2014. Eur Surveill, 2014;19(42):1–6.
  • 11. Lupisan SP, Oshitani H. Molecular epidemiology of entrovirus D68 from 2013 to 2014 in Philippines. J Clin Microbiol, 2015;53(3):1015–8.
  • 12. Wylie K, Wylie TN, Overdahl A, Buller RS, Herter BN, Magrini V, Wilson RK, Storch GA. Genome sequence of enterovirus D68 from St Louis, Missuri, USA. Emerg Infect Dis, 2015;21(1):184–6.
  • 13. Vongpunsaward S, Prachayagprecha S, Chnsaenroj J, Haagmans BL, Smits SL, Poovorawan Y. Genome sequence of enterovirus D68 and clinical disease, Thailand Emerg Infect Dis, 2015;21(2):384.
  • 14. Zhang T, Ren L, Luo M, Li A, Gong C, Chen M, Xiali Y, Wu J, Deng Y, Huang F. Enterovirus D68-associated severe pneumonia, China 2014. Emerg Infect Dis, 2015;21(5):916–18.
  • 15. Reiche J, Böttcher S, Diedrich S, Buchholz U, Buda S, Haas W, Schweiger B, Wolff T. Low-level circulation of enterovirus D68-associated acute respiratory infections, Germany, 2014. Emerg Infect Dis, 2015;21(5):837–41.
  • 16. Torres J, Farfan MJ, Izquierdo G, Piemonte P, Henriquez J, O’Rayan ML. Enterovirus D68 infection, Chile, spring 2014. Emerg Infect Dis, 2015;21(4):728–9.
  • 17. Poelmann R., Schölvinck EH, Borger R, Niesters HGM., van Leer-Buter C. The emergence of enterovirus D68 in a Dutch University Medical Centre and the necessity for routinely scrrening for respiratory viruses. J Med Virol,2015;62(1):1–5.
  • 18. Midgley SE, Christiansen CB, Poulsen MW, Hansen CH, Fischer TK.Emergence of enterovirus D68 in Denmark, June 2014 to February 2015. Eur Surveill, 2015;20(17):1–6.
  • 19. Gimferrer L, Campins M, Codina MG, Esperalba J, Martin Mdel C, Fuentes F, Pumarola T, Anton A. First enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) cases detected in hospitalized patients in a tertiary care university hospital in Spain, October 2014. Enferm Infect Microbiol Clin, 2015;33(9):585–9.
  • 20. 2Esposito S, Zampiero A, Ruggiero L, Madini B, Niesters H, Principi N. Enterovirus D68-associated community-acquired pneumonia in children living in Milan, Italy. J Clin Virol, 2015;68(1):94–6.
  • 21. Drews SJ, Simmonds K, Usman HR, Yee K, Fathima S, Tipples G, Tellier R, Pabbaraju K, Wong S, Talbot J.Characterization of enterovirus activity, including that of enterovirus D68, in pediatric patients in Alberta, Canada in 2014. J Clin Microbiol, 2015:53(3):1042-5.
  • 22. Carney S, Brown D, Siqueira MM, Dias JP, da Silva EE. Enterovirus D68 detected in children with severe acute respiratory illness in Brazil. Emerg. Microbes Infect, 2015;4(10):e66.
  • 23. Messacar K, Abzug MJ, Dominguez SR. 2014 outbreak of enterovirus D68 in North America. J Med Virol, 2015;21(10). doi: 10.1002/jmv.24410.
  • 24. Midgley CM., Watson JT, Nix WA, Curns AT, Rogers SL, Brown BA, Conover C, Dominguez SR, Feikin DR., Gray S, et al. Severe respiratory illness associated with a nationwide outbreak of enterovirus D68 in the USA (2014): a descriptive epidemiological investigation. Lancet Respir Med, 2015;3(11):879– 87.
  • 25. Greninger A, Naccarche SN, Messacar K, Clayton A, Yu G, Somasekar S, Federman S, Stryke D, Anderson C, Yagi S, et al. A novel outbreak enterovirus D68 strain associated with acute flaccid myelitis cases in the USA (2012–14): A retrospective cohort study. Lancet Infect Dis, 2015;15(6):1–12.
  • 26. Pfeiffer HC, Bragstad K, Skram MK, Dahl H, Knudsen PK, Chawla MS, Holberg-Petersen M., Vainio K, Dudman SG, Kran AM, et al. Two cases of acute severe flaccid myelitis associated with enterovirus D68 infection in children, Norway, autumn 2014. Eur Surveill, 2015;20(10):1–5.
  • 27. Lang M, Mirand A, Savy N, Henquell C, Maridet S, Perignon R, Labbé A, Peigue-Lafeuille H. Acute flaccid paralysis following enterovirus D68 associated pneumonia, France, 2014. Eur Surveill, 2014;6(19):1–5.
  • 28. Calvo C, Cuevas MT, Pozo F, García-García ML, Molinero M, Calderón A, Gonzalez-Esguevillas M, Pérez-Sautu U, Casas I. Respiratory Infections by Enterovirus D68 in Outpatients and Inpatients Spanish Children. Pediatr Infect Dis J, 2016;35(1):45-9.
  • 29. Bragstad K, Jakobsen K, Rojahn AE, Skram MK, Vainio K, Holberg-Petersen M., Hungnes O, Dudman SG, Kran AM. High frequentcy of enterovirus D68 in children hospitalized with respiratory illness in Norway, autumn 2014. Influenza Other Respir Viruses, 2015;9(2):59–63.
  • 30. Meijer A, van der Sanden S, Snijders BE, JaramilloGutierrez G, Bont L, van der Ent CK, Overduin P, Jenny SL, Jusic E, van der Avoort HG, et al. Emergence and epidemic occurrence of enterovirus 68 respiratory infections in the Netherlands in 2010. Virology, 2012;423(1):1952–8.
  • 31. Shaw J, Welch TR, Milstone AM. The Role of Syndromic Surveillance in Directing the Public Health Response to the Enterovirus D68 Epidemic. JAMA Pediatr, 2014;168(11):981-2.
  • 32. Poelman R, Schuffenecker I, Van Leer-Buter C, Josset L, Niesters HG, Lina B; ESCV-ECDC EV-D68 study group. European surveillance for enterovirus D68 during the emerging North-American outbreak in 2014. J Clin. Virol, 2015;71:1–9.
  • 33. html (24.1.2016).
  • 34. Tokarz R, Firth C, Madhi SA, Howie SR, Wu W, Sall AA, Haq S, Briese T, Lipkin WI. Worldwide emergence of multiple clades of enterovirus 68. J Gen Virol, 2012; 93(Pt 9):1952-8.
  • 35. Blomqvist S, Savolainen C, Råman L, Roivainen M, Hovi T. Human rhinovirus 87 and enterovirus 68 represent a unique serotype with rhinovirus and enterovirus features. J Clin Microbiol,2002; 40(11):4218-23.
  • 36. 36. icd10/browse/2016/en#/B97.1 (19.04.2016)
  • 37. Mc Allister SC, Schleiss MR, Arbefeville S, Steiner ME, Hanson RS, Pollock C, Ferrieri P. Epidemic 2014 enterovirus D68 cross-reacts with human rhinovirus on a respiratory molecular diagnostic platform. PloS one, 2015;10(3): e0118529.
  • 38. Launes C, Armero G, Anton A, Hernandez L, Gimferrer L, Cisneros C, Jordan I, Muñoz-Almagro C. Molecular epidemiology of severe respiratory disease by human rhinoviruses and enteroviruses at a tertiary paediatric hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Clin Microbiol Infect, 2015;21(8):799:5-7.
  • 39. Massacar K, Schreiner TL, Maloney JA, Wallace A, Ludke J, Oberste MS, Nix WA, Robinson CC, Gladé MP, Abzug MJ, et al. A cluster of acute flaccid paralysis and cranial nerve dysfunction temporally associated with an outbreak of enterovirus D68 in children in Colorado, USA. Lancet, 2015;385(9978):1662–71.
  • 40. Ozkaya E, Uysal G, Atak T, Alkan M. Serotype distribution of enteroviruses isolated from paediatric cases prediagnosed as aseptic meningitis between 2001-2004 period. Mikrobiyol Bul, 2005;39(1):43-51.
  • 41. Jeong, J. H., Kim, K. H., Jeong, S. H., Park, J. W., Lee, S. M., & Seo, Y. H. (2014). Comparison of sputum and nasopharyngeal swabs for detection of respiratory viruses. J Med Virol, 2014;86(12):2122- 7.
  • 42. Hatchette TF, Drews SJ, Grudeski E, Booth T, Martineau C, Dust K. Detection of Enterovirus D68 in Canadian Laboratories. J Clin Microbiol 2015, 53(5):1748-51.
  • 43. (10.05.2016)
  • 44. Rhoden E, Zhang M, Nix WA, Oberste MS. In vitro efficacy of antiviral compounds against enterovirus D68. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2015;59(12):7779-81.
  • 45. Sun L, Meijer A, Froeyen M, Zhang L, Thibaut HJ, Baggen J, George S, Vernachio J, van Kuppeveld FJ, Leyssen P, et al. Antiviral activity of broad-spectrum and enterovirus-specific inhibitors against clinical isolates of enterovirus D68. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2015;59(12):7782-5.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Collection

Mustafa Altındiş This is me

Tuba Dal This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 73 Issue: 3


APA Altındiş, M., & Dal, T. (2016). Yeni bir viral tehdit: Enterovirüs D68. Türk Hijyen Ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, 73(3), 293-302.
AMA Altındiş M, Dal T. Yeni bir viral tehdit: Enterovirüs D68. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. September 2016;73(3):293-302.
Chicago Altındiş, Mustafa, and Tuba Dal. “Yeni Bir Viral Tehdit: Enterovirüs D68”. Türk Hijyen Ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi 73, no. 3 (September 2016): 293-302.
EndNote Altındiş M, Dal T (September 1, 2016) Yeni bir viral tehdit: Enterovirüs D68. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi 73 3 293–302.
IEEE M. Altındiş and T. Dal, “Yeni bir viral tehdit: Enterovirüs D68”, Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 293–302, 2016.
ISNAD Altındiş, Mustafa - Dal, Tuba. “Yeni Bir Viral Tehdit: Enterovirüs D68”. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi 73/3 (September 2016), 293-302.
JAMA Altındiş M, Dal T. Yeni bir viral tehdit: Enterovirüs D68. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. 2016;73:293–302.
MLA Altındiş, Mustafa and Tuba Dal. “Yeni Bir Viral Tehdit: Enterovirüs D68”. Türk Hijyen Ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, vol. 73, no. 3, 2016, pp. 293-02.
Vancouver Altındiş M, Dal T. Yeni bir viral tehdit: Enterovirüs D68. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. 2016;73(3):293-302.