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Terme ilçesinde Shilella sonnei enfeksiyonu salgını, Türkiye, Eylül 2012

Year 2019, Volume: 76 Issue: 2, 141 - 148, 01.06.2019


Amaç: Türkiye’de her yıl su kaynaklı akut gastroenterit salgınları görülmekle birlikte bunların sadece bazıları ayrıntılı olarak araştırılmaktadır. Samsun Halk Sağlığı Müdürlüğü, 24 Eylül 2012 tarihinde, Terme ilçesinde akut gastroenterit vakalarında artış olduğunu Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Kurumu’na bildirmiştir. Bu çalışmada, salgının kaynağını ve bulaş yolunu tespit etmek ve salgın ile ilgili kontrol önlemlerini almak amacı ile yapılmıştır.Yöntem: Eşleştirilmiş vaka kontrol çalışması yapılmıştır. Araştırmada olası vaka Terme ilçesinde ikamet eden, günde iki ve daha fazla ishal, kusma veya karın ağrısı, bulantı, ateş ve diğer semptomlardan iki ve daha fazlasına sahip olan kişi olarak tanımlanmıştır. Çalışmada, 15-24 Eylül tarihleri arasında hastaneye başvuran olası vakalar ve bunların 1.1 eşleştirme ile komşularından seçilen kontroller maruziyet açısından karşılaştırılmıştır. Etkenin tespit edilmesi için hastaneye başvuran vakaların 33’ünden gaita numunesi alınmış, mikrobiyolojik, viral ve parazitolojik inceleme yapılmıştır. Salgına neden olduğu düşünülen kontaminasyonun tespit edilmesi amacı ile su kaynakları, deposu ve su şebeke sistemi de incelenmiş ve su örnekleri alınmıştır. Bulgular: Akut barsak enfeksiyonu sürveyans verilerinin incelenmesinde hastaneye 4050 gastroenterit tanısı ile ilişkili ICD10 tanı kodları ile başvuru olduğu belirlenmiştir. Atak hızı %9,2’dir. Salgın incelemesinde 112 olası vakanın %65’inin kontrollerin ise %50’sinin musluk suyu içtiği ORadj=1,9; %95 GA: 1,1-3,5 , buna karşılık vakaların %39’unun kontrollerin ise %54’ünün şişe suyu içtikleri ORadj=0.51, %95 GA: 0.29-0.90 belirlenmiştir. Toplanan 33 gaita örneğinin 27’sinde kültür sonucu S. sonnei, değişik noktalardan alınan 52 su örneğinin 18’inde total koliform ve dört’ünde Escherichia coli 520 tespit edilmiştir. Çevresel incelemede, su deposunun yakınlarında kırık su borusu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Bu geniş çaplı salgın, kontamine musluk suyunun içilmesine bağlı büyük bir S. sonnei salgınıdır. Su şebeke sisteminin incelenmesi ve tamir edilmesi sağlanmıştır


  • Pickering LK, Baker JC, Long SS, McMillian JA. Red Book :2006 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases American Academy of Pediatrics 1. 27th ed. Elk Grove Village, II, Sigma Publishing. 2006.
  • Heymann DL. Control of communicable diseases manual. American Public Health Association. 2008.
  • Nicolas X, Granier H, Le Guen P. Shigellosis or bacillary dysentery, La Presse Médicale, 2007; 36: 1606–1618.
  • Lee JC, Jeong YS, Oh JY, Kang HY, Kim KH, Kim J et al. Epidemiology of shigellosis in Korea. J Bacteriol Virology, 2006; 36: 41-49.
  • Arias C, Sala MR, Dominguez A, Bartolome R, Benavente A, Veciana P et al. Waterborne epidemic outbreak of Shigella sonnei gastroenteritis in Santa Maria de Palautordera, Catalonia, Spain, Epidemiol Infect, 2006; 134: 598–604.
  • Koutsotoli AD, Papassava ME, Maipa VE, Alamanos YP. Comparing shigella waterborne outbreaks in four different areas in Greece: common features and differences. Epidemiol Infect, 2006; 134: 157–162.
  • Kothary MH, Babu US. Infective dose of foodborne pathogens in volunteers: a review, J Food Safety, 2001; 2: 49–68.
  • Sur D, Ramamurthy T, Deen J, Bhattacharya SK. Shigellosis : challenges & management issues. Indian J Med Res, 2004; 120: 454–462.
  • Gutiérrez GI, Naranjo M, Forier A, Hendricks R, Schrıjver KDE, Bertrand S, et al. Shigellosis outbreak linked to canteen-food consumption in a public institution: a matched case-control study,. Epidemiol Infect, 2011; 139: 1956–1964.
  • Guzman-Herrador, BR, Nilsen E, Cudjoe KS, Jensvoll L, Kwamme JM, Lindegard Aanstad A, et al. Shigella sonnei outbreak traced to imported basil- -the importance of good typing tools and produce traceability systems, Norway, 2011. Euro Surveill, 2013; 18:49.
  • Pullukçu H, Aydemir Ş, Sipahi OR, Yamazhan T, Tünger A. Species distribution and antibacterial resistance patterns of 439 shigella spp. strains isolated from stool cultures between 1999-2006. ANKEM, 2007; 21(3): 137–141.
  • Çelik C, Bakıcı MZ, Gözel MG, Dayı F, Kaygusuz R. Shigella species and antibiotic resistance distributions isolated from fecal samples between 2002-2011. ANKEM, 2012; 26: 143–147.
  • Kuzucu Ç, Baktır E, Acar N. Antibiotic susceptibilities of salmonella and shigella strains isolated between 1998-1999. Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene and Experimental Biology, 2001; 58(1): 11–14.
  • Alamanos Y, Maipa V, Levidiotou S, Gessouli E. A community waterborne outbreak of gastro-enteritis attributed to Shigella sonnei. Epidemiol Infect, 2000; 12: 499–503.
  • Levy DA, Bens MS, Craun GF, Calderon RL. Surveillance for waterborne-disease outbreaks -United States, 1995-1996. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ, 1998; 47: 1–34.
  • Black RE, Craun GF, Blake PA. Epidemiology of common-source outbreaks of shigellosis in the United States, 1961-1975. Am J Epidemiol,1978; 108: 47–52.
  • Arnell B, Bennett J, Chehey R, Greenblatt J. Shigella sonnei outbreak associated with contaminated drinking water--Island Park, Idaho, August 1995. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 1996; 45: 229–231.
  • Lampel KA, Shigella species. In: Lampel KA., Khaldi SA, Cahill SM, (eds.). Bad Bug Book. Foodborne Pat- hogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins. Vol.2. 2012;22-25. Available from: fety/foodborneillness/foodborneillnessfoodborne- pathogensnaturaltoxins/badbugbook/ucm297627. pdf, [Cited at: 24.09.2018 ].
  • World Health Organization. Guidelines for Drinking- Water Quality Incorporating 1st and 2nd Addenda, vol.1, Recommendations 3rd edition, volume 2, Health Criteria and other Supporting Information. WHO 2008. Available from: URL: http://www.who. int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/fulltext.pdf, [Cited at: 24.09.2018].
  • Akın L. Control of Water and Foodborne Diseases. In: Güler Ç, Akın L, (eds.). Public Health Basic Information. Volume 3, 2nd Edition. Hacettepe University, 2012; 1388-1403.
  • Maurer AM, Sturchler D. A waterborne outbreak of small round structured virus, campylobacter and shigella co-infections in la Neuveville, Switzerland, 1998. Epidemiol Infect, 2000; 12: 325–332.
  • Egoz N, Shmilovitz M, Kretzer B, Lucian M, Porat V, Raz R. An outbreak of shigella sonnei infection due to contamination of a municipal water supply in northern Israel. J Infect, 1991; 22(1): 87–93.
  • Alcoba-Flórez J, Pérz-Roth E, González-Linares S, Méndez-Alvarez S. Outbreak of shigella sonnei in a rural hotel in la Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain. Int Microbiol Off J Span Soc Microbiol, 2005; 8(2): 133–136.
  • Yalçın AN, Turhan Ö. Evaluation of patients with acute diarrhea. J Int Med, 2004; 11 (4): 182–193.
  • Safe Drinking Water Foundation. Source Water Protection. Source Water Protection Fact Sheet. sheets-1/2017/1/23/source-water-protection, Access date: 24.09.2018). /
  • WHO. Optimizing regulatory frameworks for safe and clean drinking-water. Available from: http:// sheet4.pdf, (Access date: 24.09.2018).
  • Samonis G, Elting L, Skoulika E, Maraki S, Tselentis Y. An outbreak of diarrhoeal disease attributed to shigella sonnei. Epidemiol Infect, 1994; 112: 235– 45.

Outbreak of Shigella sonnei infection in Terme City, Turkey, September 2012

Year 2019, Volume: 76 Issue: 2, 141 - 148, 01.06.2019


Objective: Waterborne outbreaks occur in Turkey every year; however, few have been thoroughly investigated. On 24 September 2012, an increase in gastroenteritis cases in Terme City, Samsun Province was reported to the Public Health Institution of Turkey. We investigated this outbreak to determine its source and mode of transmission, and to recommend control measures.Methods: A matched case control investigation was conducted. A probable case had onset of diarrhoea ≥2/day and vomiting plus ≥2 of the following symptoms in a Terme City resident: abdominal pain, nausea, perceived fever. In the study, we compared exposures during 15-24 September, of probable cases and 1:1 matched neighbourhood control-persons. We took stool samples of 33 cases to identify the agent and for bacteriological, viral and parasitological tests. We inspected the water sources, water distribution system and tanks for possible cause of contamination and collected water samples.Results: We identified 4050 hospital admissions with gastroenteritis-related ICD codes from acute gastroenteritis surveillance data. The attack rate was verilerinin incelenmesinde hastaneye 4050 gastroenterit tanısı ile ilişkili ICD10 tanı kodları ile başvuru olduğu belirlenmiştir. Atak hızı %9,2’dir. Salgın incelemesinde 112 olası vakanın %65’inin kontrollerin ise %50’sinin musluk suyu içtiği ORadj=1,9; %95 GA: 1,1-3,5 , buna karşılık vakaların %39’unun kontrollerin ise %54’ünün şişe suyu içtikleri ORadj=0.51, %95 GA: 0.29-0.90 belirlenmiştir. Toplanan 33 gaita örneğinin 27’sinde kültür sonucu S. sonnei, değişik noktalardan alınan 52 su örneğinin 18’inde total koliform ve dört’ünde Escherichia coli 520 tespit edilmiştir. Çevresel incelemede, su deposunun yakınlarında kırık su borusu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Bu geniş çaplı salgın, kontamine musluk suyunun içilmesine bağlı büyük bir S. sonnei salgınıdır. Su şebeke sisteminin incelenmesi ve tamir edilmesi sağlanmıştır


  • Pickering LK, Baker JC, Long SS, McMillian JA. Red Book :2006 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases American Academy of Pediatrics 1. 27th ed. Elk Grove Village, II, Sigma Publishing. 2006.
  • Heymann DL. Control of communicable diseases manual. American Public Health Association. 2008.
  • Nicolas X, Granier H, Le Guen P. Shigellosis or bacillary dysentery, La Presse Médicale, 2007; 36: 1606–1618.
  • Lee JC, Jeong YS, Oh JY, Kang HY, Kim KH, Kim J et al. Epidemiology of shigellosis in Korea. J Bacteriol Virology, 2006; 36: 41-49.
  • Arias C, Sala MR, Dominguez A, Bartolome R, Benavente A, Veciana P et al. Waterborne epidemic outbreak of Shigella sonnei gastroenteritis in Santa Maria de Palautordera, Catalonia, Spain, Epidemiol Infect, 2006; 134: 598–604.
  • Koutsotoli AD, Papassava ME, Maipa VE, Alamanos YP. Comparing shigella waterborne outbreaks in four different areas in Greece: common features and differences. Epidemiol Infect, 2006; 134: 157–162.
  • Kothary MH, Babu US. Infective dose of foodborne pathogens in volunteers: a review, J Food Safety, 2001; 2: 49–68.
  • Sur D, Ramamurthy T, Deen J, Bhattacharya SK. Shigellosis : challenges & management issues. Indian J Med Res, 2004; 120: 454–462.
  • Gutiérrez GI, Naranjo M, Forier A, Hendricks R, Schrıjver KDE, Bertrand S, et al. Shigellosis outbreak linked to canteen-food consumption in a public institution: a matched case-control study,. Epidemiol Infect, 2011; 139: 1956–1964.
  • Guzman-Herrador, BR, Nilsen E, Cudjoe KS, Jensvoll L, Kwamme JM, Lindegard Aanstad A, et al. Shigella sonnei outbreak traced to imported basil- -the importance of good typing tools and produce traceability systems, Norway, 2011. Euro Surveill, 2013; 18:49.
  • Pullukçu H, Aydemir Ş, Sipahi OR, Yamazhan T, Tünger A. Species distribution and antibacterial resistance patterns of 439 shigella spp. strains isolated from stool cultures between 1999-2006. ANKEM, 2007; 21(3): 137–141.
  • Çelik C, Bakıcı MZ, Gözel MG, Dayı F, Kaygusuz R. Shigella species and antibiotic resistance distributions isolated from fecal samples between 2002-2011. ANKEM, 2012; 26: 143–147.
  • Kuzucu Ç, Baktır E, Acar N. Antibiotic susceptibilities of salmonella and shigella strains isolated between 1998-1999. Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene and Experimental Biology, 2001; 58(1): 11–14.
  • Alamanos Y, Maipa V, Levidiotou S, Gessouli E. A community waterborne outbreak of gastro-enteritis attributed to Shigella sonnei. Epidemiol Infect, 2000; 12: 499–503.
  • Levy DA, Bens MS, Craun GF, Calderon RL. Surveillance for waterborne-disease outbreaks -United States, 1995-1996. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ, 1998; 47: 1–34.
  • Black RE, Craun GF, Blake PA. Epidemiology of common-source outbreaks of shigellosis in the United States, 1961-1975. Am J Epidemiol,1978; 108: 47–52.
  • Arnell B, Bennett J, Chehey R, Greenblatt J. Shigella sonnei outbreak associated with contaminated drinking water--Island Park, Idaho, August 1995. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 1996; 45: 229–231.
  • Lampel KA, Shigella species. In: Lampel KA., Khaldi SA, Cahill SM, (eds.). Bad Bug Book. Foodborne Pat- hogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins. Vol.2. 2012;22-25. Available from: fety/foodborneillness/foodborneillnessfoodborne- pathogensnaturaltoxins/badbugbook/ucm297627. pdf, [Cited at: 24.09.2018 ].
  • World Health Organization. Guidelines for Drinking- Water Quality Incorporating 1st and 2nd Addenda, vol.1, Recommendations 3rd edition, volume 2, Health Criteria and other Supporting Information. WHO 2008. Available from: URL: http://www.who. int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/fulltext.pdf, [Cited at: 24.09.2018].
  • Akın L. Control of Water and Foodborne Diseases. In: Güler Ç, Akın L, (eds.). Public Health Basic Information. Volume 3, 2nd Edition. Hacettepe University, 2012; 1388-1403.
  • Maurer AM, Sturchler D. A waterborne outbreak of small round structured virus, campylobacter and shigella co-infections in la Neuveville, Switzerland, 1998. Epidemiol Infect, 2000; 12: 325–332.
  • Egoz N, Shmilovitz M, Kretzer B, Lucian M, Porat V, Raz R. An outbreak of shigella sonnei infection due to contamination of a municipal water supply in northern Israel. J Infect, 1991; 22(1): 87–93.
  • Alcoba-Flórez J, Pérz-Roth E, González-Linares S, Méndez-Alvarez S. Outbreak of shigella sonnei in a rural hotel in la Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain. Int Microbiol Off J Span Soc Microbiol, 2005; 8(2): 133–136.
  • Yalçın AN, Turhan Ö. Evaluation of patients with acute diarrhea. J Int Med, 2004; 11 (4): 182–193.
  • Safe Drinking Water Foundation. Source Water Protection. Source Water Protection Fact Sheet. sheets-1/2017/1/23/source-water-protection, Access date: 24.09.2018). /
  • WHO. Optimizing regulatory frameworks for safe and clean drinking-water. Available from: http:// sheet4.pdf, (Access date: 24.09.2018).
  • Samonis G, Elting L, Skoulika E, Maraki S, Tselentis Y. An outbreak of diarrhoeal disease attributed to shigella sonnei. Epidemiol Infect, 1994; 112: 235– 45.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Selmur Topal This is me

Huseyın Celık This is me

Şenol Yılmaz This is me

Erdinç Özoğlu This is me

Okan Karaoğlanoğlu This is me

Fehminaz Temel This is me

Hulya Sırın This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 76 Issue: 2


APA Topal, S., Celık, H., Yılmaz, Ş., Özoğlu, E., et al. (2019). Outbreak of Shigella sonnei infection in Terme City, Turkey, September 2012. Türk Hijyen Ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, 76(2), 141-148.
AMA Topal S, Celık H, Yılmaz Ş, Özoğlu E, Karaoğlanoğlu O, Temel F, Sırın H. Outbreak of Shigella sonnei infection in Terme City, Turkey, September 2012. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. June 2019;76(2):141-148.
Chicago Topal, Selmur, Huseyın Celık, Şenol Yılmaz, Erdinç Özoğlu, Okan Karaoğlanoğlu, Fehminaz Temel, and Hulya Sırın. “Outbreak of Shigella Sonnei Infection in Terme City, Turkey, September 2012”. Türk Hijyen Ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi 76, no. 2 (June 2019): 141-48.
EndNote Topal S, Celık H, Yılmaz Ş, Özoğlu E, Karaoğlanoğlu O, Temel F, Sırın H (June 1, 2019) Outbreak of Shigella sonnei infection in Terme City, Turkey, September 2012. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi 76 2 141–148.
IEEE S. Topal, “Outbreak of Shigella sonnei infection in Terme City, Turkey, September 2012”, Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 141–148, 2019.
ISNAD Topal, Selmur et al. “Outbreak of Shigella Sonnei Infection in Terme City, Turkey, September 2012”. Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi 76/2 (June 2019), 141-148.
JAMA Topal S, Celık H, Yılmaz Ş, Özoğlu E, Karaoğlanoğlu O, Temel F, Sırın H. Outbreak of Shigella sonnei infection in Terme City, Turkey, September 2012. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. 2019;76:141–148.
MLA Topal, Selmur et al. “Outbreak of Shigella Sonnei Infection in Terme City, Turkey, September 2012”. Türk Hijyen Ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, vol. 76, no. 2, 2019, pp. 141-8.
Vancouver Topal S, Celık H, Yılmaz Ş, Özoğlu E, Karaoğlanoğlu O, Temel F, Sırın H. Outbreak of Shigella sonnei infection in Terme City, Turkey, September 2012. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. 2019;76(2):141-8.