Short Report
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Year 2023, , 942 - 953, 04.08.2023



  • REFERENCES [1] Vats K,Tiwari GN. Energy and exergy analysis of a building integrated semitransparent photovoltaic thermal (BISPVT) system. Appl Energy 2012;96:409–416. [CrossRef]
  • [2] Vats K, Tiwari GN. Effect of packing factor on the performance of a building integrated semitransparent photovoltaic thermal (BISPVT) system with duct. Energy Build 2012;53:159–165.[CrossRef]
  • [3] Whillier A. Solar energy collection and its utilization for house heating. ScD Thesis. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1953.
  • [4] Stultz JW, Wen LC. Thermal Performance Testing and Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules in Natural SunlightLSSA Project Task Report. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology1977: 5101–5131. [CrossRef]
  • [5] Kern EC, Kern Jr Russell MC. Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal solar energy systems. Sol Energy 2002;72:217234. [CrossRef]
  • [6] M. I.T. Lincoln Laboratory/U.S. Department of Energy report 1978:4577–1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory Lexington, Massachusetts. [7] Evans DL. Simplified method for predicting photovoltaic array output. Sol Energy 1981;27:555–560. [CrossRef]
  • [8] BP. Statistical Review of World Energy. Available at: review Accessed on Jul 04, 2023.
  • [9] Firor K, Whitaker CM, Jennings C. Utility use of PV system ratings. IEEE Conference on Photovoltaic Specialists; 1990 May 21–25; Kissimmee, USA: IEEE; 1990.
  • [10] Garg HP, Agarwal RK, Joshi JC. Experimental study on a hybrid solar photovoltaic thermal solar water heater and its performance predictions. Energy Convers Manag 1994;35:621–633. [CrossRef]
  • [11] Sopian K, Yigit KS, Liu HT, Kakac S, Veziroglu TN. Performance analysis of photovoltaic thermal air heaters. Energy Convers Manag 1996;37:1657–1670. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Lee WM, Infield DG, Gottschalg R. Thermal modeling of building integrated PV systems. The 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; 2001 Oct 22–26; Munich, Germany: European Commission; 2001. pp. 2754–2757.
  • [13] Tiwari A, Sodha MS. Performance evaluation of hybrid PV/thermal water/air heating system A parametric study. Renew Env 2006;31:2460–2474. [CrossRef]
  • [14] Dubey S, Tiwari GN. Thermal modeling of combined system of photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) solar water heater. Sol Energy 2008;82:602–612. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Dubey S, Sandhu GS, Tiwari GN. Analytical expression for electrical efficiency for PVT hybrid air collector. Appl Energy 2009;86:697–705. [CrossRef]
  • [16] Skoplaki E, Palyvos JA. On the temperature dependence of photovoltaic module electrical performance: a review of efficiency/power correlations. Sol Energy 2009;83:614–624. [CrossRef]
  • [17] Sarhaddi F, Farahat S, Ajam H, Behzadmehr AMIN, Adeli MM. An improved thermal and electrical model for a solar photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) air collector. Appl Energy 2010;87:2328–2339.[CrossRef]
  • [18] Tiwari GN, Mishra RK. Advanced renewable energy sources. 2nd ed. United Kingdom: RSC Publishing; 2012. [CrossRef]
  • [19] Mishra RK, Tiwari GN. Energy and exergy analysis of hybrid photovoltaic thermal water collector for constant collection temperature mode. Sol Energy 2013;90:58–67. [CrossRef]
  • [20] Tyagi V, Rahim NAA, Rahim NA, Selvaraj JAL. Progress in solar PVtechnology: Research and achievement. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2013;20:443–461. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Kapsis K, Athienitis AK. A study of the potential benefits of semi–transparent photovoltaics in commercial buildings. Sol Energy 2015;115:120–132. [CrossRef]
  • [22] Tiwari S, Tiwari GN. Thermal analysis of photo voltaic thermal (PVT) single slope roof integrated green house solar dryer. Sol Energy 2016;138:128–136. [CrossRef]
  • [23] Husain AA, Hasan WZW, Shafie S, Hamidon MN, Pandey SS. A review of transparent solar photovoltaic technologies. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2018;94:779–791. [CrossRef]
  • [24] India Meteorological Department. Climate Research & Services, Pune. Available at: Accessed on Jul 04, 2023.
  • [25] Tiwari GN, Dubey S. Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Modules and their applications. 1st ed. United Kingdom: Royal Society of Chemistry; 2010.
  • [26] Tiwari GN, Tiwari A, Shyam. Handbook of Solar energy. 1st ed. Berlin: Springer; 2016.
  • [27] Chow TT, Tiwari GN, Menezo C. Hybrid solar: a review on photovoltaic and thermal power integration. Int J Photoenergy 2012;12:1–17. [CrossRef]
  • [28] Tiwari GN, Meraj MD, Khan ME. Exergy analysis of N–photovoltaic thermal–compound parabolic concentrator (N–PVT–CPC) collector for constant collection temperature for vapor absorption refrigeration (VAR) system. Sol Energy 2018;173:1032–1042. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Dimri N, Tiwari A, Tiwari GN. Comparative study of photovoltaic thermal (PVT) integrated thermoelectric cooler (TEC) fluid collectors. Renew Energy 2019;134:343–356. [CrossRef]
  • [30] Tiwari GN, Meraj M, Khan MME, Mishra RK, Garg V. Improved Hottel–Whillier–Bliss equation for N–photovoltaic thermal–compound parabolic concentrator (N–PVT–CPC) collector. Sol Energy 2018;166:203–212. [CrossRef]
  • [31] Saini V, Tripathi R, Tiwari GN, Al–Helal IM. Electrical and thermal energy assessment of series connected N partially covered photovoltaic thermal (PVT)–compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) collector for different solar cell materials. Appl Therm Eng 2018;128:1611–1623. [CrossRef]

An allusive realization on the performance analysis of glass to glass, glass to tedlar and aluminum base flexible photovoltaic (PV) module

Year 2023, , 942 - 953, 04.08.2023


The photovoltaic effect plays a significant role in power generation by using solar PV modules. The two most popular types of PV panels majorly available in the market: Glass-to-Tedlar (G-T) and Glass-to-Glass (G-G) type. Both G-T and G-G type of modules are rigid in structure due to the involvement of transparent glass cover on the top of the module. In order to have non rig-id or flexible type of module, a module structure with aluminum as base and transparent plastic sheet at the top has been taken which is known as flexible type of PV module (F-Al). The use of plastic and aluminum makes these modules more flexible and lighter in weight as compared with G-T and G-G type of PV modules. The advantage of using F-Al PV module is that it can easily be modified into desired shapes. Initially, the mathematical modeling of F-Al PV module has been developed on Simulink. The different set of data for these three types of modules has been taken for analyzing the performance of these modules. The performance analysis of G-T type, G-G type and F-Al type of PV modules have been compared in terms of efficiency, cell temperature, daily energy production. The maximum electrical efficiency has been observed with G-G PV module. It is also observed that being with flexible nature, efficiencies of F-Al PV modules are almost comparable with G-T modules. The cell temperature of F-Al PV module and G-T PV module is found to be larger than G-G module. The daily electrical energy produc-tion was found to be more with G-G module in comparison to G-T and F-Al PV modules for a typical day in the month of April, 2019. It is also observed that due to flexible nature of F-Al module, efficiency is also converging faster towards regression line in comparison to G-G and G-T module. Further, efficiency and daily energy consumption of all three modules of PV panel are realized through artificial neural network (ANN). It is observed that least mean square error (MSE) is obtained with F-Al in comparison to G-G and G-T under the implication of ANN. Therefore, additional feature of least MSE for F-Al makes its preferable over others.


  • REFERENCES [1] Vats K,Tiwari GN. Energy and exergy analysis of a building integrated semitransparent photovoltaic thermal (BISPVT) system. Appl Energy 2012;96:409–416. [CrossRef]
  • [2] Vats K, Tiwari GN. Effect of packing factor on the performance of a building integrated semitransparent photovoltaic thermal (BISPVT) system with duct. Energy Build 2012;53:159–165.[CrossRef]
  • [3] Whillier A. Solar energy collection and its utilization for house heating. ScD Thesis. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1953.
  • [4] Stultz JW, Wen LC. Thermal Performance Testing and Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules in Natural SunlightLSSA Project Task Report. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology1977: 5101–5131. [CrossRef]
  • [5] Kern EC, Kern Jr Russell MC. Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal solar energy systems. Sol Energy 2002;72:217234. [CrossRef]
  • [6] M. I.T. Lincoln Laboratory/U.S. Department of Energy report 1978:4577–1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory Lexington, Massachusetts. [7] Evans DL. Simplified method for predicting photovoltaic array output. Sol Energy 1981;27:555–560. [CrossRef]
  • [8] BP. Statistical Review of World Energy. Available at: review Accessed on Jul 04, 2023.
  • [9] Firor K, Whitaker CM, Jennings C. Utility use of PV system ratings. IEEE Conference on Photovoltaic Specialists; 1990 May 21–25; Kissimmee, USA: IEEE; 1990.
  • [10] Garg HP, Agarwal RK, Joshi JC. Experimental study on a hybrid solar photovoltaic thermal solar water heater and its performance predictions. Energy Convers Manag 1994;35:621–633. [CrossRef]
  • [11] Sopian K, Yigit KS, Liu HT, Kakac S, Veziroglu TN. Performance analysis of photovoltaic thermal air heaters. Energy Convers Manag 1996;37:1657–1670. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Lee WM, Infield DG, Gottschalg R. Thermal modeling of building integrated PV systems. The 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; 2001 Oct 22–26; Munich, Germany: European Commission; 2001. pp. 2754–2757.
  • [13] Tiwari A, Sodha MS. Performance evaluation of hybrid PV/thermal water/air heating system A parametric study. Renew Env 2006;31:2460–2474. [CrossRef]
  • [14] Dubey S, Tiwari GN. Thermal modeling of combined system of photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) solar water heater. Sol Energy 2008;82:602–612. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Dubey S, Sandhu GS, Tiwari GN. Analytical expression for electrical efficiency for PVT hybrid air collector. Appl Energy 2009;86:697–705. [CrossRef]
  • [16] Skoplaki E, Palyvos JA. On the temperature dependence of photovoltaic module electrical performance: a review of efficiency/power correlations. Sol Energy 2009;83:614–624. [CrossRef]
  • [17] Sarhaddi F, Farahat S, Ajam H, Behzadmehr AMIN, Adeli MM. An improved thermal and electrical model for a solar photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) air collector. Appl Energy 2010;87:2328–2339.[CrossRef]
  • [18] Tiwari GN, Mishra RK. Advanced renewable energy sources. 2nd ed. United Kingdom: RSC Publishing; 2012. [CrossRef]
  • [19] Mishra RK, Tiwari GN. Energy and exergy analysis of hybrid photovoltaic thermal water collector for constant collection temperature mode. Sol Energy 2013;90:58–67. [CrossRef]
  • [20] Tyagi V, Rahim NAA, Rahim NA, Selvaraj JAL. Progress in solar PVtechnology: Research and achievement. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2013;20:443–461. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Kapsis K, Athienitis AK. A study of the potential benefits of semi–transparent photovoltaics in commercial buildings. Sol Energy 2015;115:120–132. [CrossRef]
  • [22] Tiwari S, Tiwari GN. Thermal analysis of photo voltaic thermal (PVT) single slope roof integrated green house solar dryer. Sol Energy 2016;138:128–136. [CrossRef]
  • [23] Husain AA, Hasan WZW, Shafie S, Hamidon MN, Pandey SS. A review of transparent solar photovoltaic technologies. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2018;94:779–791. [CrossRef]
  • [24] India Meteorological Department. Climate Research & Services, Pune. Available at: Accessed on Jul 04, 2023.
  • [25] Tiwari GN, Dubey S. Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Modules and their applications. 1st ed. United Kingdom: Royal Society of Chemistry; 2010.
  • [26] Tiwari GN, Tiwari A, Shyam. Handbook of Solar energy. 1st ed. Berlin: Springer; 2016.
  • [27] Chow TT, Tiwari GN, Menezo C. Hybrid solar: a review on photovoltaic and thermal power integration. Int J Photoenergy 2012;12:1–17. [CrossRef]
  • [28] Tiwari GN, Meraj MD, Khan ME. Exergy analysis of N–photovoltaic thermal–compound parabolic concentrator (N–PVT–CPC) collector for constant collection temperature for vapor absorption refrigeration (VAR) system. Sol Energy 2018;173:1032–1042. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Dimri N, Tiwari A, Tiwari GN. Comparative study of photovoltaic thermal (PVT) integrated thermoelectric cooler (TEC) fluid collectors. Renew Energy 2019;134:343–356. [CrossRef]
  • [30] Tiwari GN, Meraj M, Khan MME, Mishra RK, Garg V. Improved Hottel–Whillier–Bliss equation for N–photovoltaic thermal–compound parabolic concentrator (N–PVT–CPC) collector. Sol Energy 2018;166:203–212. [CrossRef]
  • [31] Saini V, Tripathi R, Tiwari GN, Al–Helal IM. Electrical and thermal energy assessment of series connected N partially covered photovoltaic thermal (PVT)–compound parabolic concentrator (CPC) collector for different solar cell materials. Appl Therm Eng 2018;128:1611–1623. [CrossRef]
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
Journal Section Articles

Vivek Chopra This is me 0000-0003-4057-6170

Rajeev Kumar Mıshra This is me 0000-0002-6933-3618

Vijay Kumar Dwıvedı This is me 0000-0002-7228-9670

Baibaswata Mohapatra This is me 0000-0003-1060-2796

Publication Date August 4, 2023
Submission Date July 6, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Chopra, V., Mıshra, R. K., Dwıvedı, V. K., Mohapatra, B. (2023). An allusive realization on the performance analysis of glass to glass, glass to tedlar and aluminum base flexible photovoltaic (PV) module. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 9(4), 942-953.
AMA Chopra V, Mıshra RK, Dwıvedı VK, Mohapatra B. An allusive realization on the performance analysis of glass to glass, glass to tedlar and aluminum base flexible photovoltaic (PV) module. Journal of Thermal Engineering. August 2023;9(4):942-953. doi:10.18186/thermal.1331944
Chicago Chopra, Vivek, Rajeev Kumar Mıshra, Vijay Kumar Dwıvedı, and Baibaswata Mohapatra. “An Allusive Realization on the Performance Analysis of Glass to Glass, Glass to Tedlar and Aluminum Base Flexible Photovoltaic (PV) Module”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 9, no. 4 (August 2023): 942-53.
EndNote Chopra V, Mıshra RK, Dwıvedı VK, Mohapatra B (August 1, 2023) An allusive realization on the performance analysis of glass to glass, glass to tedlar and aluminum base flexible photovoltaic (PV) module. Journal of Thermal Engineering 9 4 942–953.
IEEE V. Chopra, R. K. Mıshra, V. K. Dwıvedı, and B. Mohapatra, “An allusive realization on the performance analysis of glass to glass, glass to tedlar and aluminum base flexible photovoltaic (PV) module”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 942–953, 2023, doi: 10.18186/thermal.1331944.
ISNAD Chopra, Vivek et al. “An Allusive Realization on the Performance Analysis of Glass to Glass, Glass to Tedlar and Aluminum Base Flexible Photovoltaic (PV) Module”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 9/4 (August 2023), 942-953.
JAMA Chopra V, Mıshra RK, Dwıvedı VK, Mohapatra B. An allusive realization on the performance analysis of glass to glass, glass to tedlar and aluminum base flexible photovoltaic (PV) module. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2023;9:942–953.
MLA Chopra, Vivek et al. “An Allusive Realization on the Performance Analysis of Glass to Glass, Glass to Tedlar and Aluminum Base Flexible Photovoltaic (PV) Module”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 9, no. 4, 2023, pp. 942-53, doi:10.18186/thermal.1331944.
Vancouver Chopra V, Mıshra RK, Dwıvedı VK, Mohapatra B. An allusive realization on the performance analysis of glass to glass, glass to tedlar and aluminum base flexible photovoltaic (PV) module. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2023;9(4):942-53.