Research Article
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Year 2018, , 2075 - 2082, 10.04.2018



  • [1] Payri F., Benajes J., Margot X., Gil A. (2003). CFD modeling of the in-cylinder flow indirect-injection diesel engines. Computational Fluids 33:995–1021.
  • [2] Vijayashree, Ganesan V. (2018). Application of CFD for Analysis and Design of IC Engines. In: Srivastava D., Agarwal A., Datta A., Maurya R. (eds) Advances in Internal Combustion Engine Research. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability.
  • [3] Jesus Benajes, et. al., (2016). Optimization of the combustion system of a medium duty direct injection diesel engine by combining CFD modeling with experimental validation, In Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 110, 212-229, ISSN 0196-8904.
  • [4] Amin M, Saray RK, Shafee S, Ghafouri J. (2013). Numerical study of combustion and emission characteristics of dual-fuel engines using 3D-CFD models coupled with chemical kinetics. Fuel 106:98–105.
  • [5] Choi S, Shin S, Lee J, Min K, Choi H. (2015). The effects of the combustion chamber geometry and a double-row nozzle on the diesel engine emissions. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D:J Automobile Eng; 229(5):590–8.
  • [6] Atmanli A, Yüksel B, Ileri E, Karaoglan AD. (2015). Response surface methodology based optimization of diesel–n-butanol–cotton oil ternary blend ratios to improve engine performance and exhaust emission characteristics. Energy Convers Manage; 90:383–94.
  • [7] Genzale, CL, Reitz RD, Musculus, MPB. (2008). Effects of piston bowl geometry on mixture development and late-injection low-temperature combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine. SAE technical paper.
  • [8] Cyril C, (2002), Combustion process in diesel engine. Ph.D. thesis, University of Brighton.
  • [9] Benajes J, Pastor JV, García A, Monsalve-Serrano J. (2015). An experimental investigation on the influence of piston bowl geometry on RCCI performance and emissions in a heavy-duty engine. Energy Convers Manage; 103:1019–30.
  • [10] Park SW. (2010). Optimization of combustion chamber geometry for stoichiometric diesel combustion using a micro genetic algorithm. Fuel Process Technol; 91(11):1742–52.
  • [11] Yu Li, Hailin Li, Hongsheng Guo, Yongzhi Li, Mingfa Yao, (2017).A numerical investigation on methane combustion and emissions from a natural gas-diesel dual fuel engine using CFD model, In Applied Energy, Volume 205, 153-162, ISSN 0306-2619.
  • [12] Strålin, P., (2007). Lagrangian CFD Modeling of Impinging Diesel Sprays for DI HCCI, Royal Institute of Technology.
  • [13] Möller, C., (2006). 1-D Simulation of Turbocharged SI Engines - Focusing on a New Gas Exchange System and Knock Prediction, Royal Institute of Technology.
  • [14] Courant R. K. Lewy F. H.. (1928). Uber die Partiellen Differenzengleichungen der mathematischen Physik, volume 1.
  • [15] Wilcox, D.C. (1998). Turbulence Modeling for CFD. 2nd edition, DCW Industries, Inc.
  • [16] Gosman, A.D., Tsui, Y.Y., (1986), Flow in a Model Engine with a Shrounded Valve– A Combined Experimental and Computational Study. SAE Technical Paper Series, 850498.
  • [17] Davis, G.C., Mikulec, A., Kent, (1986). Modeling the Effect of Swirl on Turbulence Intensity and Burn Rate in S.I. Engines and Comparison with Experiment. SAE Technical Paper Series.
  • [18] Huh, K.Y., and Gosman, A.D. (1991). A phenomenological model of Diesel spray atomisation, Proc. Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flows (ICMF ’91), Tsukuba, 24-27 September.
  • [19] Reitz, R.D., and Diwakar, R. (1986). Effect of drop breakup on fuel sprays, SAE Technical Paper Series 860469.
  • [20] O’Rourke, P.J. (1981). Collective Drop Effects on Vaporising Liquid Sprays. PhD Thesis, University of Princeton.
  • [21] Schmidt, D.P., and Rutland, C.J. (2000). A new droplet collision algorithm, J. Comput. Phys., 164, 62-80.
  • [22] Aamir,M.A., andWatkins, A.P. (1999). Dense propane spray analysis with a modified collision model, ILASS-Europe’99, Toulouse, France, 5-7 July 1999.
  • [23] Bai, C., and Gosman, A.D. (1995). Development of methodology for spray impingement simulation, SAE Technical Paper Series 950283.
  • [24] Duclos, J.M., Zolver, M., Baritaud, T. (1999). 3D modelling of combustion for DI-SI engines. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, Vol.54.
  • [25] Colin O. and Benkenida A., (2004), The 3-Zones Extended Coherent Flame Model (ECFM3Z) for Computing Premixed/Diffusion Combustion, Oil & Gas Sci. Tech., 59, 593–609.
  • [26] Ayaz E., (2017). Numerical Investigation of in-cylinder flow structure of TLM16V185 type heavy-duty CI engine, MSc Thesis, ITU.
  • [27] Song, Y.S., Hong, J.W. and Lee, J.T.. (2000). The turbulence measurement during the intake and compression process for high-turbulence generation around spark timing, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 215, 493-501.
  • [28] Zur Loye, S. O., Siebers D. L., Mckinley T. L., Ng H. K. and Primus R. J., (1989). Cycle-resolved LDV measurements in a motored Diesel engine and comparison with k- epsilon model predictions, SAE Paper 890618.
  • [29] Kono, S., Terashita, T. T. and Kudo, H., (1999). Study of the swirl effects on spray formation in DI engines by 3D numerical calculations”, SAE Paper 910264.
  • [30] Chen, Y.S., and Kim, S.W. (1987), ‘Computation of turbulent flows using an extended k-ε turbulence closure model, NASA CR-179204.
  • [31] Launder, B.E., and Spalding, D.B. (1974). The numerical computation of turbulent flows, Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. and Eng., 3, 269-289.
  • [32] Morel, T. and Mansour, N. N., (1982). Modeling of Turbulence in Internal Combustion Engines, SAE Technical Paper Series, 820040, International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Mich., February 22-26, 1982.
  • [33] Speziale, C. G. (1987). On nonlinear k-l and k-ε models of turbulence, J. Fluid Mech., 178, 459-475.
  • [34] Versteeg HK, Malalasekera W, (1995). An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics – The Finite Volume Method, Longman Group Ltd. London, United Kingdom.
  • [35] Yakhot, V., and Orszag, S.A. (1986). Renormalization group analysis of turbulence-I: Basic theory, J. Scientific Computing, 1, 1–51.
  • [36] Shi, X., Li, G., and Zhou, L., (2007). DI Diesel Engine Combustion Modeling Based on ECFM-3Z Model, SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-4138.
  • [37] Priesching, P., Ramusch, G., Ruetz, J., and Tatschl, R., (2007). 3D-CFD Modeling of Conventional and Alternative Diesel Combustion and Pollutant Formation - A Validation Study, SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-1907.
  • [38] Fonseca, L., Braga, R., Morais, L., Huebner, R. et al., (2016). Tuning the Parameters of ECFM-3Z Combustion Model for CFD 3D Simulation of a Two Valve Engine fueled with Ethanol, SAE Technical Paper 2016-36-0383.
  • [39] Mohamed Morsy, Andi Sudarma (2017). RANS Numerical Simulation of Lean Premixed Bluff Body Stabilized Combustor: Comparison of Turbulence Models, Journal of Thermal Engineering, 2017, Volume: 3, Issue: 6, 1561-1573.
  • [40] G. Najafi, (2018). Diesel engine combustion characteristics using nano-particles in biodiesel-diesel blends, Fuel, Volume 212, 668-678, ISSN 0016-2361.
  • [41] Raouf Mobasheri, Mahdi Seddiq, Zhijun Peng, (2018). Separate and combined effects of hydrogen and nitrogen additions on diesel engine combustion, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 43, Issue 3, 1875-1893, ISSN 0360-3199.


Year 2018, , 2075 - 2082, 10.04.2018


In this study, large-bore diesel engine combustion was
modeled using development combustion model Extended Coherent Flame Models 3
Zones (ECFM-3Z). During this work, the study was made about an engine
configuration with compression, spray injection, combustion and emission of the
diesel engine. Prediction of in-cylinder combustion
phenomenon, effects of turbulence
levels, flow structures and emission modeling have an importance in designing
efficient engines. Effects of in-cylinder flow structures, fuel injection and
design parameters were investigated for the engine performance and emission
results. The results agree broadly with experimental and computational studies.
As a result, it is aimed to find out the flow structure, spray, combustion and
emission characteristics of the large-bore diesel engine. In a precombustion
chamber structure, it is seen that controlled combustion starts and then
high-pressure gas mixture uniformly spreads into the main combustion chamber. 


  • [1] Payri F., Benajes J., Margot X., Gil A. (2003). CFD modeling of the in-cylinder flow indirect-injection diesel engines. Computational Fluids 33:995–1021.
  • [2] Vijayashree, Ganesan V. (2018). Application of CFD for Analysis and Design of IC Engines. In: Srivastava D., Agarwal A., Datta A., Maurya R. (eds) Advances in Internal Combustion Engine Research. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability.
  • [3] Jesus Benajes, et. al., (2016). Optimization of the combustion system of a medium duty direct injection diesel engine by combining CFD modeling with experimental validation, In Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 110, 212-229, ISSN 0196-8904.
  • [4] Amin M, Saray RK, Shafee S, Ghafouri J. (2013). Numerical study of combustion and emission characteristics of dual-fuel engines using 3D-CFD models coupled with chemical kinetics. Fuel 106:98–105.
  • [5] Choi S, Shin S, Lee J, Min K, Choi H. (2015). The effects of the combustion chamber geometry and a double-row nozzle on the diesel engine emissions. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D:J Automobile Eng; 229(5):590–8.
  • [6] Atmanli A, Yüksel B, Ileri E, Karaoglan AD. (2015). Response surface methodology based optimization of diesel–n-butanol–cotton oil ternary blend ratios to improve engine performance and exhaust emission characteristics. Energy Convers Manage; 90:383–94.
  • [7] Genzale, CL, Reitz RD, Musculus, MPB. (2008). Effects of piston bowl geometry on mixture development and late-injection low-temperature combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine. SAE technical paper.
  • [8] Cyril C, (2002), Combustion process in diesel engine. Ph.D. thesis, University of Brighton.
  • [9] Benajes J, Pastor JV, García A, Monsalve-Serrano J. (2015). An experimental investigation on the influence of piston bowl geometry on RCCI performance and emissions in a heavy-duty engine. Energy Convers Manage; 103:1019–30.
  • [10] Park SW. (2010). Optimization of combustion chamber geometry for stoichiometric diesel combustion using a micro genetic algorithm. Fuel Process Technol; 91(11):1742–52.
  • [11] Yu Li, Hailin Li, Hongsheng Guo, Yongzhi Li, Mingfa Yao, (2017).A numerical investigation on methane combustion and emissions from a natural gas-diesel dual fuel engine using CFD model, In Applied Energy, Volume 205, 153-162, ISSN 0306-2619.
  • [12] Strålin, P., (2007). Lagrangian CFD Modeling of Impinging Diesel Sprays for DI HCCI, Royal Institute of Technology.
  • [13] Möller, C., (2006). 1-D Simulation of Turbocharged SI Engines - Focusing on a New Gas Exchange System and Knock Prediction, Royal Institute of Technology.
  • [14] Courant R. K. Lewy F. H.. (1928). Uber die Partiellen Differenzengleichungen der mathematischen Physik, volume 1.
  • [15] Wilcox, D.C. (1998). Turbulence Modeling for CFD. 2nd edition, DCW Industries, Inc.
  • [16] Gosman, A.D., Tsui, Y.Y., (1986), Flow in a Model Engine with a Shrounded Valve– A Combined Experimental and Computational Study. SAE Technical Paper Series, 850498.
  • [17] Davis, G.C., Mikulec, A., Kent, (1986). Modeling the Effect of Swirl on Turbulence Intensity and Burn Rate in S.I. Engines and Comparison with Experiment. SAE Technical Paper Series.
  • [18] Huh, K.Y., and Gosman, A.D. (1991). A phenomenological model of Diesel spray atomisation, Proc. Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flows (ICMF ’91), Tsukuba, 24-27 September.
  • [19] Reitz, R.D., and Diwakar, R. (1986). Effect of drop breakup on fuel sprays, SAE Technical Paper Series 860469.
  • [20] O’Rourke, P.J. (1981). Collective Drop Effects on Vaporising Liquid Sprays. PhD Thesis, University of Princeton.
  • [21] Schmidt, D.P., and Rutland, C.J. (2000). A new droplet collision algorithm, J. Comput. Phys., 164, 62-80.
  • [22] Aamir,M.A., andWatkins, A.P. (1999). Dense propane spray analysis with a modified collision model, ILASS-Europe’99, Toulouse, France, 5-7 July 1999.
  • [23] Bai, C., and Gosman, A.D. (1995). Development of methodology for spray impingement simulation, SAE Technical Paper Series 950283.
  • [24] Duclos, J.M., Zolver, M., Baritaud, T. (1999). 3D modelling of combustion for DI-SI engines. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, Vol.54.
  • [25] Colin O. and Benkenida A., (2004), The 3-Zones Extended Coherent Flame Model (ECFM3Z) for Computing Premixed/Diffusion Combustion, Oil & Gas Sci. Tech., 59, 593–609.
  • [26] Ayaz E., (2017). Numerical Investigation of in-cylinder flow structure of TLM16V185 type heavy-duty CI engine, MSc Thesis, ITU.
  • [27] Song, Y.S., Hong, J.W. and Lee, J.T.. (2000). The turbulence measurement during the intake and compression process for high-turbulence generation around spark timing, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 215, 493-501.
  • [28] Zur Loye, S. O., Siebers D. L., Mckinley T. L., Ng H. K. and Primus R. J., (1989). Cycle-resolved LDV measurements in a motored Diesel engine and comparison with k- epsilon model predictions, SAE Paper 890618.
  • [29] Kono, S., Terashita, T. T. and Kudo, H., (1999). Study of the swirl effects on spray formation in DI engines by 3D numerical calculations”, SAE Paper 910264.
  • [30] Chen, Y.S., and Kim, S.W. (1987), ‘Computation of turbulent flows using an extended k-ε turbulence closure model, NASA CR-179204.
  • [31] Launder, B.E., and Spalding, D.B. (1974). The numerical computation of turbulent flows, Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. and Eng., 3, 269-289.
  • [32] Morel, T. and Mansour, N. N., (1982). Modeling of Turbulence in Internal Combustion Engines, SAE Technical Paper Series, 820040, International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Mich., February 22-26, 1982.
  • [33] Speziale, C. G. (1987). On nonlinear k-l and k-ε models of turbulence, J. Fluid Mech., 178, 459-475.
  • [34] Versteeg HK, Malalasekera W, (1995). An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics – The Finite Volume Method, Longman Group Ltd. London, United Kingdom.
  • [35] Yakhot, V., and Orszag, S.A. (1986). Renormalization group analysis of turbulence-I: Basic theory, J. Scientific Computing, 1, 1–51.
  • [36] Shi, X., Li, G., and Zhou, L., (2007). DI Diesel Engine Combustion Modeling Based on ECFM-3Z Model, SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-4138.
  • [37] Priesching, P., Ramusch, G., Ruetz, J., and Tatschl, R., (2007). 3D-CFD Modeling of Conventional and Alternative Diesel Combustion and Pollutant Formation - A Validation Study, SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-1907.
  • [38] Fonseca, L., Braga, R., Morais, L., Huebner, R. et al., (2016). Tuning the Parameters of ECFM-3Z Combustion Model for CFD 3D Simulation of a Two Valve Engine fueled with Ethanol, SAE Technical Paper 2016-36-0383.
  • [39] Mohamed Morsy, Andi Sudarma (2017). RANS Numerical Simulation of Lean Premixed Bluff Body Stabilized Combustor: Comparison of Turbulence Models, Journal of Thermal Engineering, 2017, Volume: 3, Issue: 6, 1561-1573.
  • [40] G. Najafi, (2018). Diesel engine combustion characteristics using nano-particles in biodiesel-diesel blends, Fuel, Volume 212, 668-678, ISSN 0016-2361.
  • [41] Raouf Mobasheri, Mahdi Seddiq, Zhijun Peng, (2018). Separate and combined effects of hydrogen and nitrogen additions on diesel engine combustion, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 43, Issue 3, 1875-1893, ISSN 0360-3199.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Hasan Köten

Publication Date April 10, 2018
Submission Date December 13, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Köten, H. (2018). PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A DIESEL ENGINE WITHIN A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 4(4), 2075-2082.
AMA Köten H. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A DIESEL ENGINE WITHIN A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK. Journal of Thermal Engineering. April 2018;4(4):2075-2082. doi:10.18186/journal-of-thermal-engineering.414153
Chicago Köten, Hasan. “PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A DIESEL ENGINE WITHIN A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 4, no. 4 (April 2018): 2075-82.
EndNote Köten H (April 1, 2018) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A DIESEL ENGINE WITHIN A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK. Journal of Thermal Engineering 4 4 2075–2082.
IEEE H. Köten, “PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A DIESEL ENGINE WITHIN A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 2075–2082, 2018, doi: 10.18186/journal-of-thermal-engineering.414153.
ISNAD Köten, Hasan. “PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A DIESEL ENGINE WITHIN A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 4/4 (April 2018), 2075-2082.
MLA Köten, Hasan. “PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A DIESEL ENGINE WITHIN A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 4, no. 4, 2018, pp. 2075-82, doi:10.18186/journal-of-thermal-engineering.414153.
Vancouver Köten H. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A DIESEL ENGINE WITHIN A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2018;4(4):2075-82.

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