Year 2018,
, 2263 - 2273, 25.06.2018
A. Belhadj
This paper presents a numerical
study of laminar forced convective flow of nanofluid-based water/Al2O3
in a two-dimensional horizontal microchannel heat sink. The governing
equations are solved by using the finite volume method based on simple
algorithm. The effect of solid nanoparticles on the heat transfer is
investigated after comparing our results with experimental data. The founding
results showed that the use of nanofluid has enhanced the heat transfer in
comparison with pure fluid, and the increasing of Al2O3
concentration enhances the thermal and dynamic parameters. Nusselt number and
friction coefficient have been enhanced with the increasing of Reynolds number.
This work contributes to ameliorate the cooling systems by integrating the
nanofluids in the next generation of microchannels heat sinks.
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