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Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System with Biogas Engines

Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 391 - 401, 01.03.2015


In this paper, an existing cogeneration system driven by biogas internal combustion engines (ICE) is a subject of an investigation by energy and exergy analyses. The system is installed in the Varna Wastewater Treatment Plant (Varna WWTP), Bulgaria and its purpose is to utilize the methane produced as a byproduct of the solids stabilization process at Varna WWTP. Otherwise, the produced methane would pollute the environment. The presented paperhas been organised in the following way: first, in order to define the basic thermodynamic parameters on the stations of the cogeneration system streams, the energy balance equations for each component of the system are formulated. Then, the rate of exergy destruction within the the kth system component is calculated using the exergy balance equations. Moreover, according to the methodology introduced in (The European Education Tool on Cogeneration System (EDUCOGEN), 2001), energy efficiency, power to heat ratio, energy saving ratio, energy efficiency used under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA efficiency) are defined for the cogeneration system. The same thermodynamic performance efficiency) are determined on exergy base. In addition to the thermodynamic performance assessment parameters of the cogeneration system, a detailed exergy analysis on the component level is performed. To our knowledge, there has been little discussion about exergy efficiency of ICE based cogeneration systems for use with biogas from wastewater treatment plants. To address this niche in the global research work, in this investigation is suggested detailed exergy analysis


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  • Badami, M., Mura, M., 2010. Exergetic analysis of an innovative small scale combined cycle cogeneration system. Journal of Energy, 35 (6), p.2535-2543. Balli O., Aras H., 2010a. Thermoeconomic Analyses of Trigeneration (TRIGEN) System with a Gas-Diesel Engine: Part I – Methodology, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, 51, p.2252-2259. Thermodynamic and
  • Balli O., Aras H., 2010b. Thermodynamic and thermoeconomic analyses of a trigeneration (TRIGEN) system with a gas- diesel engine: Part II – An Application. Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, 51(11), p. 2260-2271.
  • Bejan A., Tsatsaronis G., 1996. Thermal Design and Optimization. New York, USA: John Willey & Sons Ltd.
  • Bilgen, E., 2000. Exergetic and engineering analyses of gas turbine based cogeneration systems. Journal of Energy, 25, p. 1215-1229.
  • Bonnet, S., Alaphillippe, M. et al., 2005. Energy, exergy and cost analysis of a micro-cogeneration system based on an Ericsson engine. International Journal of Thermal Science, 44 (12), p. 1161-1168.
  • Caliskan H., Tat M..E., Hepbasli A., and Van Gerpen J...H., 2010. Exergy analysis of engines fuelled with biodiesel from high values, International Journal of Exergy, 7, p.20-36. based on experimental
  • China Energy Conservation Investment Corporation, Energy Resources International, Inc., 2001. Market assessment of cogeneration in China. [pdf] Available at:
  • df [Accessed 11 October 2014].
  • Colpan, C., Dincer, I., Hamdullahpur, F., 2008. Exergy analysis of a SOFC based cogeneration system for buildings. Transactions of ASHRAE, Winter Meeting, New York City, January 19-23.
  • EDUCOGEN, 2001. The European Education Tool on Cogeneration de.pdf [Accessed 22 April 2012]. Available at:
  • Fagbenle, R., Oguaka, A. et al., 2007. A thermodynamic analysis of a biogas-fired integrated gasification steam injected gas turbine (BIG/STIG) plant. Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, 27 (13), p.2220–2225.
  • Huang F., 1990. Performance evaluation of selected combustion gas turbine cogeneration systems based on first and second- law analysis. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 112, p.117–121.
  • Kamboj, S., Karimi, M., 2013. The effects of compression ratios and fuels on the energetic, exergetic and ecological efficiency of an air standard Otto cycle. International Journal of Energy Science (IJES), 3 (5), p. 320-332.
  • Kyritsis D., Rakopoulos C., 2001a. Parametric study of the availability balance in an internal combustion engine cylinder. SAE paper no. 2001-01-1263. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers Inc.
  • Moran M., Shapiro H., 2006. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. 5th ed. England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • More, P., Aijaz, A., 2014. Thermal analysis of energy and exergy of back pressure steam turbine in sugar cogeneration plant. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 4 (1), p.674-682.
  • Ozkan, D., Kiziler, O. et al., 2012. Exergy Analysis of a World Cogeneration Engineering & Technology, 6 (1), p.647-651. Academy of Science,
  • Rakopoulos C., Kyritsis D., 2001b. Comparative second-law analysis of internal combustion engine operation for methane, methanol and dodecane fuels. Journal of Energy, 26, p. 705–722.
  • Sayin, C., Hosoz, M. et al., 2006. Energy and exergy analysis of gasoline engine. International Journal of Energy Research, Published online in Willy InterScince [pdf]. Available at:
  • 2011_43.47sci.pdf
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  • Sekmen P, and Yilbasi Z., 2011. Application of energy and exergy analyses to a CI engine using biodiesel fuel. Journal of Mathematical and Computational Applications, 16, p.797-808. U.S. EPA OAR, 2005. Technical Support Document for the Final Clean Air Interstate Rule: Cogeneration Unit Efficiency Calculations. EPA Docket Number: OAR-2003-0053 [pdf]. Available at:
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  • Van Gool W., 1997. Energy policy: fairy tales and factualities. Journal of Innovation and Technology, p. 93-105. Yildirim U., Gungor A., 2012. An application of exergoeconomic analysis for CHP system. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 42(1), p.250-256.
  • Гохштейн Д.П., Верхивкер Г.П., 1985. Применение метода вычитания к анализу работы энергоустановок. Киев, Вища школа. (Gohstain, D.P, Werhivker, G.P., 1985. Application of the thermodynamic analysis methods to energy conversion system, Kiev, Visha schkola)
  • Досева Н., Чакърова Д., 2012. Оценка производителността на теоретична когенерационна инсталация. Трети международен научен конгрес, 04-06 октомври, Варна, България, 5, стр. 147-153. (Doseva, N., Chakyrova, D., 2012. Performance evaluation of a theoretical cogeneration plant. 3rd International Scientific Conference, 04-06 October, Varna, Bulgaria, 5, p.147-153)
  • Тсатсаронис, Дж., 2002. Взаимодействие термодинамики и экономики энергопреобразующей системы. Одесса: ООО „Студая „Негоциант”. (Tstatsaronis, G., 2002. Combination of Exergetic and Economic Analysis inEnergy-Conversion Processes. Odessa, Studio Negociant. стоимости

Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System with Biogas Engines

Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 391 - 401, 01.03.2015



  • Abusoglu A., Kanoglu M., Thermoeconomic Analysis of Disel Engine Powered Cogeneration: Part I – Formulations, Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(2-3), p. 234-241. Exergetic and Abusoglu A., Kanoglu M., thermoeconomic analyses of diesel engine powered cogeneration: Part 2 – Application. Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, 29(2-3), p. 242-249. Exergetic and
  • Badami, M., Mura, M., 2010. Exergetic analysis of an innovative small scale combined cycle cogeneration system. Journal of Energy, 35 (6), p.2535-2543. Balli O., Aras H., 2010a. Thermoeconomic Analyses of Trigeneration (TRIGEN) System with a Gas-Diesel Engine: Part I – Methodology, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, 51, p.2252-2259. Thermodynamic and
  • Balli O., Aras H., 2010b. Thermodynamic and thermoeconomic analyses of a trigeneration (TRIGEN) system with a gas- diesel engine: Part II – An Application. Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, 51(11), p. 2260-2271.
  • Bejan A., Tsatsaronis G., 1996. Thermal Design and Optimization. New York, USA: John Willey & Sons Ltd.
  • Bilgen, E., 2000. Exergetic and engineering analyses of gas turbine based cogeneration systems. Journal of Energy, 25, p. 1215-1229.
  • Bonnet, S., Alaphillippe, M. et al., 2005. Energy, exergy and cost analysis of a micro-cogeneration system based on an Ericsson engine. International Journal of Thermal Science, 44 (12), p. 1161-1168.
  • Caliskan H., Tat M..E., Hepbasli A., and Van Gerpen J...H., 2010. Exergy analysis of engines fuelled with biodiesel from high values, International Journal of Exergy, 7, p.20-36. based on experimental
  • China Energy Conservation Investment Corporation, Energy Resources International, Inc., 2001. Market assessment of cogeneration in China. [pdf] Available at:
  • df [Accessed 11 October 2014].
  • Colpan, C., Dincer, I., Hamdullahpur, F., 2008. Exergy analysis of a SOFC based cogeneration system for buildings. Transactions of ASHRAE, Winter Meeting, New York City, January 19-23.
  • EDUCOGEN, 2001. The European Education Tool on Cogeneration de.pdf [Accessed 22 April 2012]. Available at:
  • Fagbenle, R., Oguaka, A. et al., 2007. A thermodynamic analysis of a biogas-fired integrated gasification steam injected gas turbine (BIG/STIG) plant. Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, 27 (13), p.2220–2225.
  • Huang F., 1990. Performance evaluation of selected combustion gas turbine cogeneration systems based on first and second- law analysis. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 112, p.117–121.
  • Kamboj, S., Karimi, M., 2013. The effects of compression ratios and fuels on the energetic, exergetic and ecological efficiency of an air standard Otto cycle. International Journal of Energy Science (IJES), 3 (5), p. 320-332.
  • Kyritsis D., Rakopoulos C., 2001a. Parametric study of the availability balance in an internal combustion engine cylinder. SAE paper no. 2001-01-1263. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers Inc.
  • Moran M., Shapiro H., 2006. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. 5th ed. England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • More, P., Aijaz, A., 2014. Thermal analysis of energy and exergy of back pressure steam turbine in sugar cogeneration plant. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 4 (1), p.674-682.
  • Ozkan, D., Kiziler, O. et al., 2012. Exergy Analysis of a World Cogeneration Engineering & Technology, 6 (1), p.647-651. Academy of Science,
  • Rakopoulos C., Kyritsis D., 2001b. Comparative second-law analysis of internal combustion engine operation for methane, methanol and dodecane fuels. Journal of Energy, 26, p. 705–722.
  • Sayin, C., Hosoz, M. et al., 2006. Energy and exergy analysis of gasoline engine. International Journal of Energy Research, Published online in Willy InterScince [pdf]. Available at:
  • 2011_43.47sci.pdf
  • [Accessed 05 October 2014]
  • Sekmen P, and Yilbasi Z., 2011. Application of energy and exergy analyses to a CI engine using biodiesel fuel. Journal of Mathematical and Computational Applications, 16, p.797-808. U.S. EPA OAR, 2005. Technical Support Document for the Final Clean Air Interstate Rule: Cogeneration Unit Efficiency Calculations. EPA Docket Number: OAR-2003-0053 [pdf]. Available at:
  • [Accessed 18 October 2014]
  • Van Gool W., 1997. Energy policy: fairy tales and factualities. Journal of Innovation and Technology, p. 93-105. Yildirim U., Gungor A., 2012. An application of exergoeconomic analysis for CHP system. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 42(1), p.250-256.
  • Гохштейн Д.П., Верхивкер Г.П., 1985. Применение метода вычитания к анализу работы энергоустановок. Киев, Вища школа. (Gohstain, D.P, Werhivker, G.P., 1985. Application of the thermodynamic analysis methods to energy conversion system, Kiev, Visha schkola)
  • Досева Н., Чакърова Д., 2012. Оценка производителността на теоретична когенерационна инсталация. Трети международен научен конгрес, 04-06 октомври, Варна, България, 5, стр. 147-153. (Doseva, N., Chakyrova, D., 2012. Performance evaluation of a theoretical cogeneration plant. 3rd International Scientific Conference, 04-06 October, Varna, Bulgaria, 5, p.147-153)
  • Тсатсаронис, Дж., 2002. Взаимодействие термодинамики и экономики энергопреобразующей системы. Одесса: ООО „Студая „Негоциант”. (Tstatsaronis, G., 2002. Combination of Exergetic and Economic Analysis inEnergy-Conversion Processes. Odessa, Studio Negociant. стоимости
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Nadezhda Doseva This is me

Daniela Chakyrova This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2015
Submission Date May 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Doseva, N., & Chakyrova, D. (2015). Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System with Biogas Engines. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 1(3), 391-401.
AMA Doseva N, Chakyrova D. Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System with Biogas Engines. Journal of Thermal Engineering. March 2015;1(3):391-401. doi:10.18186/jte.75021
Chicago Doseva, Nadezhda, and Daniela Chakyrova. “Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System With Biogas Engines”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 1, no. 3 (March 2015): 391-401.
EndNote Doseva N, Chakyrova D (March 1, 2015) Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System with Biogas Engines. Journal of Thermal Engineering 1 3 391–401.
IEEE N. Doseva and D. Chakyrova, “Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System with Biogas Engines”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 391–401, 2015, doi: 10.18186/jte.75021.
ISNAD Doseva, Nadezhda - Chakyrova, Daniela. “Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System With Biogas Engines”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 1/3 (March 2015), 391-401.
JAMA Doseva N, Chakyrova D. Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System with Biogas Engines. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2015;1:391–401.
MLA Doseva, Nadezhda and Daniela Chakyrova. “Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System With Biogas Engines”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 1, no. 3, 2015, pp. 391-0, doi:10.18186/jte.75021.
Vancouver Doseva N, Chakyrova D. Energy and Exergy Analysis of Cogeration System with Biogas Engines. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2015;1(3):391-40.

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