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A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion

Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 5 - SPECIAL ISSUE 1 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES ENTECH14, 367 - 380, 01.05.2015


Reaction modelling of methane/hydrogen combustion has two important aspects. First, such mixtures may be used in future in combustion devices like gas turbines and gas engines in the frame of the demand for efficient energy storage systems, where the amount of hydrogen in natural gas delivering systems may vary according to varying hydrogen production from renewable energies. Second, this can be an important aspect for safety, as such mixtures may occur in disastrous situations and calculations may allow the prediction of safety issues. Modelling of such mixed fuel combustion processes is non-trivial due to the involved preferential diffusion effects, coming from the different diffusivities of methane and hydrogen. In turbulent flame modelling, this topic is of special interest, as also thermo-diffusive instabilities and local influence of the local burning velocity near leading edges of the flame seem to be of importance even for highly turbulent flames. This numerical work deals therefore with a comparative study of five different turbulent combustion 1. INTRODUCTION Reaction modelling of turbulent methane/hydrogen combustion has two important aspects. First, such flex-fuel mixtures may be used broadly in future in combustion devices like gas turbines and gas engines. This holds especially with respect to the search for new large scale energy storage systems with respect to strongly varying energy production from renewable energies like wind and solar energy. Here, it is proposed that on peak sun or wind situations electrolytically produced hydrogen may be stored within the existing large scale natural gas delivering and storage system. This chemical energy storage option would allow the allocation of the huge energy capacity needed for the broad use of renewable energies. However, this option would require that the common combustion devices where natural gas is used, like gas turbines or gas engines, are able to operate under varying fuel conditions. For the calculation of such devices suitable reaction models are needed. Second, also safety aspects of such fuel mixtures are of significant importance. This holds for the energy storage scenario being described before, if such fuel mixtures are released uncontrolled. Even without that, hydrogen safety is a general issue for the chemical industry, for nuclear power plant failures or if the vision of hydrogen delivering systems is followed up. Though hydrogen is a potential energy carrier offering CO2 free emission during the combustion, this cannot be directly used for combustion due to its high diffusivity, reactivity and burning velocity. Instead, blending hydrogen into hydrocarbon could solve such difficulties. With that, safety issues may be important not only for pure hydrogen but also for hydrogen/methane fuel mixtures. Also here, relevant calculation methods are needed. An additional aspect is flame stability. The addition of hydrogen to natural gas or methane flames can increase the flame stability in very lean combustion modes. These are of interest for instance in stationary gas turbines due to the ultralow emission characteristics of NOx and soot. In the current study, therefore the extension of premixed turbulent reaction rate models for hydrogen/methane fuels is investigated in the frame of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation techniques. It is well known that hydrogen has a higher reactivity compared to other hydrocarbon fuels. Also the high diffusivity of hydrogen allows this fuel to diffuse faster into the reaction zone. Both effects together are included in increased laminar burning velocities for hydrogen/air flames as well as for hydrogen/hydrocarbon/air flames [1]. low swirl flames [5]. These flames operate for a broad range of conditions, as the stability limit is wide. Two approaches to models are followed. In the first group the mean turbulent reaction rate is modelled as a function of the laminar flame speed (which depends on the hydrogen content) and of turbulence parameters. It will be shown, that none of these models is sufficient to calculate the test cases with enhanced hydrogen content. In the second part of this work, a modified approach is followed therefore, taking into account additional effects from molecular diffusion. Here a rather simple modification of single fuel models with an effective Lewis number approach allows to calculate essential features of the whole set of experimental data


  • Sarli, V. and Benedetto, A. Laminar burning velocity of hydrogen-methane/air premxied flames. Intern. J. of Hydrogen Energy, 2007. 32: p. 637-646.
  • Fairweather, M., Ormsby, M.P., Sheppard, C.G.W. and Woolley, R. Turbulent burning rates of methane and methane-hydrogen mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 2009. 156(4): p. 780-790.
  • Halter, F., Caractérisation des effets de l’ajout d’hydrogène et de la haute pression dans les flammes turbulentes de prémélange méthane/air, in Energétique - Mécanique des fluides. Doctoral Thesis 2005, l’Universite d’Orleans (France).
  • Griebel, P., Boschek, E., and Jansohn P. Flame stability and NOx emission improvements due to H2 enrichment of turbulent, lean premixed, high-pressure, methane/air flames. The Future of Gas Turbine Technology, 3rd Int. Conference, 2006. Paper No. S4 T2/1.
  • Cheng, R., Littlejohn, D., Strakey P.A., Sidwell, T. Laboratory investigations of a low-swirl injector with H2 and CH4 at gas turbine conditions. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2009. 32(2): p. 3001-3009.
  • Schefer, R.W., Wicksall, D.M., and Agrawal, A.K. Combustion of Hydrogen-Enriched Methane in a Lean Premixed Swirl-Stabilized Burner. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2002. 29: p. 843.
  • Shy, S., Chen, Y.C., Yang, C.H. Liu, C.C., Huang, C.M. Effects of H2 or CO2 addition, equivalence ratio, and turbulent straining on turbulent burning velocities for lean premixed methane combustion. Combustion and Flame, 2008. 153: p. 510-524.
  • Bell, J., Cheng, R.K., Day, M.S., Shepherd, I.G. Numerical simulation of Lewis number effects on lean Premixed Turbulent flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2007. 31(1): p. 1309-1317.
  • Chakraborty, N. and Cant, S. Influence of Lewis number on curvature effects in turbulent premixed flame propagation in the thin reaction zones regime. Physics of Fluids, 2005. 17: p. 105105-105125.
  • Hawkes, E. and Chen, J. Direct numerical simulation of hydrogen-enriched lean premixed methane-air flames. Combustion and Flame, 2004. 138(3): p. 242-258.
  • Chakraborty, N., Klein, M., and Swaminathan, N. Effects of Lewis number on reactive scalar gradient alignment with local strain rate in turbulent premixed flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2009. 32: p. 1409–1417.
  • Lipatnikov, A.N. and Chomiak, J. Lewis Number Effects in Premixed Turbulent Combustion and Highly Perturbed Laminar Flames. Combusion Science and Technology, 1998. 137: p. 277-298.
  • Dinkelacker, F., Bhuvaneswaran, M. and Muppala, S.P.R. Modelling and simulation of lean premixed turbulent methane/hydrogen/air flames with an effective Lewis number approach. Combustion and Flame, 2011. 158(9): p. 1742–1749.
  • Fluent. Computational Fluid Dynamics Software, in ANSYS Fluent Incorporated, Lebanon, NH, USA. 2009.
  • Bray, K., Turbulent Flows with Premixed Reactants, in Turbulent Reacting Flows, P.A. Libby and F.A. Williams, Editors. 1980, Springer: Berlin. p. 115-183.
  • Poinsot, T. and Veynante, D. Theoretical and Numerical Combustion. 2001, Philadelphia: Edwards.
  • Bray, K.N.C., Libby, P.A. and Moss, J.B. Flamelet crossing frequencies and mean reaction rates in premixed turbulent combustion. Combust. Sci. Technol., 1984. 41: p. 143-172.
  • Lindstedt, P. and Váos, E.M. Modelling of premixed turbulent flames with second moment methods. Combustion and Flame, 1999. 116: p. 461-485.
  • Zimont, V.L., Theory of Turbulent Combustion of a Homogeneous Fuel Mixture at High Reynolds Numbers. Combust. Expl. and Shock Waves, 1979. 15(3): p. 305- 311.
  • Zimont, V.L. and Lipatnikov, A.N. A numerical model of premixed turbulent combustion of gases. Chem. Phys. Reports, 1995. 14(7): p. 993-1025.
  • Dinkelacker, F. and Hölzler, S. Investigation of Turbulent Flame Speed Closure Approaches for Premixed Flame Calculation. Combustion Science and Technology, 2000. 158: p. 321-340.
  • Polifke, W., Flohr, P. and Brandt, M. Modeling of inhomogeneously premixed combustion with an extended TFC model. ASME, 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-0135.
  • Muppala, S.P.R., Aluri, N.K., Dinkelacker, F., Leipertz, A. Development of an algebraic reaction rate closure for the numerical calculation of turbulent premixed methane, ethylene and propane/air flames for pressures up to 1.0 MPa. Combustion and Flame, 2005. 140: p. 257-266.
  • Kobayashi, H., Y. Kawabata, and K. Maruta, Experimental Study on General Correlation of Turbulent Burning Velocity at High Pressure. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 1998. 27: p. 941-948.
  • Aluri, N., Modelling of Molecular Effects and Dynamics of Turbulent Premixed Flames at Gasturbine Operating Conditions, in Department of Mechanical Engineering. Doctoral Thesis 2007, University of Siegen (Germany).
  • Muppala, S.P.R., Nakahara, M., Aluri, N.K., Kido, H., Wen, J.X. and Papalexandris, M.V. Experimental and analytical investigation of the turbulent burning velocity of two-component fuel mixtures of ydrogen, methane and propane. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009. 34: p. 9258-9265.
  • Aluri, N.K., Muppala, S.P.R. and Dinkelacker, F. Large- Eddy Simulation of Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames of Three Different Combustion Configurations using a Novel Reaction Closure. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 2008. 80: p. 207.
  • Zel'dovich, Y.B., Barenblatt, G.I., Librovich, V.B., and Makhviladze, G.M. The Mathematical Theory of Combustion and Explosions. New York: Plenum, 1985.
  • Kuznetsov, V.R. and Sabel'nikov, V.A. Turbulence and Combustion. New York: Hemisphere, 1990.
  • Law, C.K., Jomaas, G. and Bechtold, J.K. Cellular instabilities of expanding hydrogen/propane spherical flames at elevated pressure: theory and experiment. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2005. 30: p. 159-167.
  • Aluri, N., Muppala, S.P.R., and Dinkelacker, F. Substantiating a Fractal-based Algebraic Reaction Closure of Premixed Turbulent Combustion for High-Pressure and the Lewis Number Effects. Combustion and Flame, 2006. 145: p. 663-674.

A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion

Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 5 - SPECIAL ISSUE 1 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES ENTECH14, 367 - 380, 01.05.2015



  • Sarli, V. and Benedetto, A. Laminar burning velocity of hydrogen-methane/air premxied flames. Intern. J. of Hydrogen Energy, 2007. 32: p. 637-646.
  • Fairweather, M., Ormsby, M.P., Sheppard, C.G.W. and Woolley, R. Turbulent burning rates of methane and methane-hydrogen mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 2009. 156(4): p. 780-790.
  • Halter, F., Caractérisation des effets de l’ajout d’hydrogène et de la haute pression dans les flammes turbulentes de prémélange méthane/air, in Energétique - Mécanique des fluides. Doctoral Thesis 2005, l’Universite d’Orleans (France).
  • Griebel, P., Boschek, E., and Jansohn P. Flame stability and NOx emission improvements due to H2 enrichment of turbulent, lean premixed, high-pressure, methane/air flames. The Future of Gas Turbine Technology, 3rd Int. Conference, 2006. Paper No. S4 T2/1.
  • Cheng, R., Littlejohn, D., Strakey P.A., Sidwell, T. Laboratory investigations of a low-swirl injector with H2 and CH4 at gas turbine conditions. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2009. 32(2): p. 3001-3009.
  • Schefer, R.W., Wicksall, D.M., and Agrawal, A.K. Combustion of Hydrogen-Enriched Methane in a Lean Premixed Swirl-Stabilized Burner. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2002. 29: p. 843.
  • Shy, S., Chen, Y.C., Yang, C.H. Liu, C.C., Huang, C.M. Effects of H2 or CO2 addition, equivalence ratio, and turbulent straining on turbulent burning velocities for lean premixed methane combustion. Combustion and Flame, 2008. 153: p. 510-524.
  • Bell, J., Cheng, R.K., Day, M.S., Shepherd, I.G. Numerical simulation of Lewis number effects on lean Premixed Turbulent flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2007. 31(1): p. 1309-1317.
  • Chakraborty, N. and Cant, S. Influence of Lewis number on curvature effects in turbulent premixed flame propagation in the thin reaction zones regime. Physics of Fluids, 2005. 17: p. 105105-105125.
  • Hawkes, E. and Chen, J. Direct numerical simulation of hydrogen-enriched lean premixed methane-air flames. Combustion and Flame, 2004. 138(3): p. 242-258.
  • Chakraborty, N., Klein, M., and Swaminathan, N. Effects of Lewis number on reactive scalar gradient alignment with local strain rate in turbulent premixed flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2009. 32: p. 1409–1417.
  • Lipatnikov, A.N. and Chomiak, J. Lewis Number Effects in Premixed Turbulent Combustion and Highly Perturbed Laminar Flames. Combusion Science and Technology, 1998. 137: p. 277-298.
  • Dinkelacker, F., Bhuvaneswaran, M. and Muppala, S.P.R. Modelling and simulation of lean premixed turbulent methane/hydrogen/air flames with an effective Lewis number approach. Combustion and Flame, 2011. 158(9): p. 1742–1749.
  • Fluent. Computational Fluid Dynamics Software, in ANSYS Fluent Incorporated, Lebanon, NH, USA. 2009.
  • Bray, K., Turbulent Flows with Premixed Reactants, in Turbulent Reacting Flows, P.A. Libby and F.A. Williams, Editors. 1980, Springer: Berlin. p. 115-183.
  • Poinsot, T. and Veynante, D. Theoretical and Numerical Combustion. 2001, Philadelphia: Edwards.
  • Bray, K.N.C., Libby, P.A. and Moss, J.B. Flamelet crossing frequencies and mean reaction rates in premixed turbulent combustion. Combust. Sci. Technol., 1984. 41: p. 143-172.
  • Lindstedt, P. and Váos, E.M. Modelling of premixed turbulent flames with second moment methods. Combustion and Flame, 1999. 116: p. 461-485.
  • Zimont, V.L., Theory of Turbulent Combustion of a Homogeneous Fuel Mixture at High Reynolds Numbers. Combust. Expl. and Shock Waves, 1979. 15(3): p. 305- 311.
  • Zimont, V.L. and Lipatnikov, A.N. A numerical model of premixed turbulent combustion of gases. Chem. Phys. Reports, 1995. 14(7): p. 993-1025.
  • Dinkelacker, F. and Hölzler, S. Investigation of Turbulent Flame Speed Closure Approaches for Premixed Flame Calculation. Combustion Science and Technology, 2000. 158: p. 321-340.
  • Polifke, W., Flohr, P. and Brandt, M. Modeling of inhomogeneously premixed combustion with an extended TFC model. ASME, 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-0135.
  • Muppala, S.P.R., Aluri, N.K., Dinkelacker, F., Leipertz, A. Development of an algebraic reaction rate closure for the numerical calculation of turbulent premixed methane, ethylene and propane/air flames for pressures up to 1.0 MPa. Combustion and Flame, 2005. 140: p. 257-266.
  • Kobayashi, H., Y. Kawabata, and K. Maruta, Experimental Study on General Correlation of Turbulent Burning Velocity at High Pressure. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 1998. 27: p. 941-948.
  • Aluri, N., Modelling of Molecular Effects and Dynamics of Turbulent Premixed Flames at Gasturbine Operating Conditions, in Department of Mechanical Engineering. Doctoral Thesis 2007, University of Siegen (Germany).
  • Muppala, S.P.R., Nakahara, M., Aluri, N.K., Kido, H., Wen, J.X. and Papalexandris, M.V. Experimental and analytical investigation of the turbulent burning velocity of two-component fuel mixtures of ydrogen, methane and propane. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009. 34: p. 9258-9265.
  • Aluri, N.K., Muppala, S.P.R. and Dinkelacker, F. Large- Eddy Simulation of Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames of Three Different Combustion Configurations using a Novel Reaction Closure. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 2008. 80: p. 207.
  • Zel'dovich, Y.B., Barenblatt, G.I., Librovich, V.B., and Makhviladze, G.M. The Mathematical Theory of Combustion and Explosions. New York: Plenum, 1985.
  • Kuznetsov, V.R. and Sabel'nikov, V.A. Turbulence and Combustion. New York: Hemisphere, 1990.
  • Law, C.K., Jomaas, G. and Bechtold, J.K. Cellular instabilities of expanding hydrogen/propane spherical flames at elevated pressure: theory and experiment. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2005. 30: p. 159-167.
  • Aluri, N., Muppala, S.P.R., and Dinkelacker, F. Substantiating a Fractal-based Algebraic Reaction Closure of Premixed Turbulent Combustion for High-Pressure and the Lewis Number Effects. Combustion and Flame, 2006. 145: p. 663-674.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

S. Muppala This is me

B. Manickam This is me

F. Dinkelacker This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2015
Submission Date May 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 1 Issue: 5 - SPECIAL ISSUE 1 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES ENTECH14


APA Muppala, S., Manickam, B., & Dinkelacker, F. (2015). A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 1(5), 367-380.
AMA Muppala S, Manickam B, Dinkelacker F. A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion. Journal of Thermal Engineering. May 2015;1(5):367-380. doi:10.18186/jte.60394
Chicago Muppala, S., B. Manickam, and F. Dinkelacker. “A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 1, no. 5 (May 2015): 367-80.
EndNote Muppala S, Manickam B, Dinkelacker F (May 1, 2015) A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion. Journal of Thermal Engineering 1 5 367–380.
IEEE S. Muppala, B. Manickam, and F. Dinkelacker, “A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 367–380, 2015, doi: 10.18186/jte.60394.
ISNAD Muppala, S. et al. “A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 1/5 (May 2015), 367-380.
JAMA Muppala S, Manickam B, Dinkelacker F. A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2015;1:367–380.
MLA Muppala, S. et al. “A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 1, no. 5, 2015, pp. 367-80, doi:10.18186/jte.60394.
Vancouver Muppala S, Manickam B, Dinkelacker F. A Comparative Study of Different Reaction Models for Turbulent Methane/Hydrogen/Air Combustion. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2015;1(5):367-80.