Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 6, 1494 - 1508, 19.11.2024



  • [1] Narasimhan A, Reddy BVK, Dutta P. Thermal management using the bi-disperse porous medium approach. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2012;55:538546. [CrossRef]
  • [2] Chen ZQ, Cheng P, Zhao TS. An experimental study of two phase flow and boiling heat transfer in bi-dispersed porous channels. Int Comm Heat Mass Transf 2000;27:293302. [CrossRef]
  • [3] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. Forced convection in a bi-disperse porous medium channel: A conjugate problem. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2004;47:53755380. [CrossRef]
  • [4] Nield D, Kuznetsov AV. A two-velocity two-temperature model for a bi-dispersed porous medium: Forced convection in a channel. Transp Porous Med 2005;59:325339. [CrossRef]
  • [5] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. Thermally developing forced convection in a bidisperse porous medium. J Porous Med 2006;9:393402. [CrossRef]
  • [6] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. The onset of convection in a bidisperse porous medium. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2006;49:30683074. [CrossRef]
  • [7] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. The effect of combined vertical and horizontal heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a bidisperse porous medium. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2007;50:33293339. [CrossRef]
  • [8] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. Natural convection about a vertical plate embedded in a bidisperse porous medium. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2008;51:16581664. [CrossRef]
  • [9] Kuznetsov A, Nield D. Forced convection in a channel partly occupied by a bidisperse porous medium: Symmetric case. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2010;53:51675175. [CrossRef]
  • [10] Rees DAS, Nield D, Kuznetsov AV. Vertical free convective boundary-layer flow in a bidisperse porous medium. J Heat Transf 2008;130:092601. [CrossRef]
  • [11] Cheng CY. Natural convection heat transfer from an inclined wavy plate in a bidisperse porous medium. Int Comm Heat Mass Transf 2013;43:6974. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Revnic C, Grosan T, Pop I, Ingham DB. Free convection in a square cavity filled with a bidisperse porous medium. Int J Therm Sci 2009;48:18761883. [CrossRef]
  • [13] Narasimhan A, Reddy BVK. Natural convection inside a bidisperse porous medium enclosure. J Heat Transf 2010;132:012502. [CrossRef]
  • [14] Wang K, Vafai K, Cen H. Forced convection in a bidisperse porous medium embedded in a circular pipe. J Heat Transf 2017;139:102601. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Straughan B. Anisotropic bidispersive convection. Proc R Soc A 2019;475:20190206.
  • [16] Capone F, De Luca R. The effect of the Vadasz number on the onset of thermal convection in rotating bidispersive porous media. Fluids 2020;5:173. [CrossRef]
  • [17] Capone F, De Luca R. Instability of vertical throughflows in bidisperse porous media. Phys 2021;3:821828. [CrossRef]
  • [18] Wang K, Wang Q, Li P. Forced convection in a fully-filled bidisperse porous annular duct subject to asymmetric heat fluxes. Therm Sci Engineer Prog 2022;32:101328. [CrossRef]
  • [19] Siddabasappa C, Siddheshwar PG, Mallikarjunaiah SM. Analytical study of Brinkman–Bénard convection in a bidisperse porous medium: Linear and weakly nonlinear study. Therm Sci Engineer Prog 2023;39:101696. [CrossRef]
  • [20] Meza LR, Das S, Greer JR. Strong, lightweight, and recoverable three-dimensional ceramic nanolattices. Sci 2014;345:13221326. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Rys J, Valdevit L, Schaedler TA, Jacobsen AJ, Carter WB, Greer JR. Fabrication and deformation of metallic glass micro-lattices. Adv Engineer Math 2014;16:889896. [CrossRef]
  • [22] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. A three-velocity three-temperature model for a tridisperse porous medium: Forced convection in a channel. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2011;54:24902498. [CrossRef]
  • [23] Kuznetsov A, Nield D. The onset of convection in a tridisperse porous medium. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2011;54:31203127. [CrossRef]
  • [24] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. The Cheng–Minkowycz problem for natural convection about a vertical plate embedded in a tridisperse porous medium. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2011;54:34853493. [CrossRef]
  • [25] Cheng CY. Natural convection heat transfer about a vertical cone embedded in a tridisperse porous medium. Transp Porous Med 2015;107:765779. [CrossRef]
  • [26] Ghalambaz M, Hendizadeh H, Zargartalebi H, Pop I. Free convection in a square cavity filled with a tridisperse porous medium. Transp Porous Med 2017;116:379392. [CrossRef]
  • [27] Umavathi J, Sheremet M. Onset of double-diffusive convection of a sparsely packed micropolar fluid in a porous medium layer saturated with a nanofluid. Microfluid Nanofluid 2017;21:128. [CrossRef]
  • [28] Aly AM, Mohamed E, El-Amin M, Alsedais N. Double-diffusive convection between two different phases in a porous infinite-shaped enclosure suspended by nano encapsulated phase change materials. Case Stud Therm Engineer 2021;26:101016. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Habibi MR, Zahmatkesh I. Double-diffusive natural and mixed convection of binary nanofluids in porous cavities. J Porous Med 2020;23:955967. [CrossRef]
  • [30] Zahmatkesh I, Shandiz MRH. MHD double-diffusive mixed convection of binary nanofluids through a vertical porous annulus considering Buongiorno’s two-phase model. J Therm Anal Calorim 2022;147:17931807. [CrossRef]
  • [31] Ghalambaz M, Moattar F, Sheremet M, Pop I. Triple-diffusive natural convection in a square porous cavity. Transp Porous Med 2016;111:5979. [CrossRef]
  • [32] Ghalambaz M, Moattar F, Karbassi AR, Sheremet M, Pop I. Triple-diffusive mixed convection in a porous open cavity. Transp Porous Med 2017;116:473491. [CrossRef]
  • [33] Khan Z, Khan W, Sheremet M. Enhancement of heat and mass transfer rates through various porous cavities for triple convective-diffusive free convection. Energy 2020;201:117702. [CrossRef]
  • [34] Straughan B. Effect of inertia on double diffusive bidispersive convection. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2019;129:389396. [CrossRef]
  • [35] Wang Q, Wang K. Forced convective heat and mass transfer in a bidisperse porous parallel-plate channel with a first order reaction on the wall. Therm Sci Engineer Prog 2019;13:100369. [CrossRef]
  • [36] Badday AJ, Harfash AJ. Double-diffusive convection in bidispersive porous medium with chemical reaction and magnetic field effects. Transp Porous Med 2021;139:4566. [CrossRef]
  • [37] Badday AJ, Harfash AJ. Thermosolutal convection in a bidisperse porous medium with chemical reaction effect and relatively large macropores. J Porous Med 2023;26:3149. [CrossRef]
  • [38] Ramchandraiah C, Kishan N, Reddy GSK, Paidipati KK, Chesneau C. Double-diffusive convection in bidispersive porous medium with coriolis effect. Math Comp Appl 2022;27:56. [CrossRef]
  • [39] Wakif A, Boulahia Z, Sehaqui R. Numerical analysis of the onset of longitudinal convective rolls in a porous medium saturated by an electrically conducting nanofluid in the presence of an external magnetic field. Results Phys 2017;7:21342152. [CrossRef]
  • [40] Sheremet MA, Astanina MS, Pop I. MHD natural convection in a square porous cavity filled with a water-based magnetic fluid in the presence of geothermal viscosity. Int J Numeri Meth Heat Fluid Flow 2018;28:21112131. [CrossRef]
  • [41] Krishna MV, Chamkha AJ. Hall and ion slip effects on MHD rotating boundary layer flow of nanofluid past an infinite vertical plate embedded in a porous medium. Results Phys 2019;15:102652. [CrossRef]
  • [42] Ghalambaz M, Sabour M, Pop I, Wen D. Free convection heat transfer of MgO-MWCNTs/EG hybrid nanofluid in a porous complex shaped cavity with MHD and thermal radiation effects. Int J Numeri Meth Heat Fluid Flow 2019;29:43494376. [CrossRef]
  • [43] Zahmatkesh I, Shandiz MRH. Optimum constituents for MHD heat transfer of nanofluids within porous cavities. J Therm Anal Calorim 2019;138:16691681. [CrossRef]
  • [44] Zahmatkesh I, Ardekani RA. Effect of magnetic field orientation on nanofluid free convection in a porous cavity: a heat visualization study. J Therm Engineer 2020;6:170186. [CrossRef]
  • [45] Ragupathi P, Muhammad T, Islam S, Wakif. Application of Arrhenius kinetics on MHD radiative Von Kármán Casson nanofluid flow occurring in a Darcy-Forchheimer porous medium in the presence of an adjustable heat source. Phys Script 2021:96:125228. [CrossRef]
  • [46] Ouni M, Selimefendigil F, Hatem B, Kolsi L, Omri M. Utilization of wavy porous layer, magnetic field and hybrid nanofluid with slot jet impingement on the cooling performance of conductive panel. Int J Numeri Meth Heat Fluid Flow 2023;33:360384. [CrossRef]
  • [47] Paul A, Nath JM, Das TK. An investigation of the MHD Cu-Al2O3/H2O hybrid-nanofluid in a porous medium across a vertically stretching cylinder incorporating thermal stratification impact. J Therm Engineer 2023;9:799810. [CrossRef]
  • [48] Zahmatkesh I. On the importance of thermal boundary conditions in heat transfer and entropy generation for natural convection inside a porous enclosure. Int J Therm Sci 2008;47:339346. [CrossRef]

A three-velocity three-temperature three-concentration description for MHD double-diffusive free convection in a cavity occupied by a tridisperse porous medium

Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 6, 1494 - 1508, 19.11.2024


This work proposes a three-velocity three-temperature three-concentration (3V-3T-3C) model to describe the momentum, energy, and mass transfer in the macro-pores, meso-pores, and micro-pores in a tridisperse porous medium (TDPM), in the attendance of magnetic field imposition. Thereafter, the system of these highly coupled equations is solved numerically to scrutinize MHD double-diffusive free convection heat transfer in a square cavity occupied by a TDPM, for the first time. Finally, features of the pertinent parameters on the flow strength as well as heat and mass transfer are disclosed through contour plots and tables. The simulation results suggest that the elimination of the magnetic field as well as increase in the double-diffusion ratio boosts up the flow strength and embellishes the heat and mass transfer, in all scales of porosity of the TDPM. It is also scrutinized that rise in the Lewis number is accompanied by small declination in the flow strength and the heat transfer and substantial elevation in the mass transfer, in all scales of porosity. Meanwhile, the consequences of the magnetic field imposition, the double-diffusion ratio, and the Lewis number are detected to be more intense in the macro-pores, as compared with the other scales of porosity of the TDPM. Additionally, it is elucidated that change in the macro-porosity is more likely to alter the heat and mass transfer performances, as compared with the meso-porosity or micro-porosity.


  • [1] Narasimhan A, Reddy BVK, Dutta P. Thermal management using the bi-disperse porous medium approach. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2012;55:538546. [CrossRef]
  • [2] Chen ZQ, Cheng P, Zhao TS. An experimental study of two phase flow and boiling heat transfer in bi-dispersed porous channels. Int Comm Heat Mass Transf 2000;27:293302. [CrossRef]
  • [3] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. Forced convection in a bi-disperse porous medium channel: A conjugate problem. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2004;47:53755380. [CrossRef]
  • [4] Nield D, Kuznetsov AV. A two-velocity two-temperature model for a bi-dispersed porous medium: Forced convection in a channel. Transp Porous Med 2005;59:325339. [CrossRef]
  • [5] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. Thermally developing forced convection in a bidisperse porous medium. J Porous Med 2006;9:393402. [CrossRef]
  • [6] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. The onset of convection in a bidisperse porous medium. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2006;49:30683074. [CrossRef]
  • [7] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. The effect of combined vertical and horizontal heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a bidisperse porous medium. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2007;50:33293339. [CrossRef]
  • [8] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. Natural convection about a vertical plate embedded in a bidisperse porous medium. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2008;51:16581664. [CrossRef]
  • [9] Kuznetsov A, Nield D. Forced convection in a channel partly occupied by a bidisperse porous medium: Symmetric case. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2010;53:51675175. [CrossRef]
  • [10] Rees DAS, Nield D, Kuznetsov AV. Vertical free convective boundary-layer flow in a bidisperse porous medium. J Heat Transf 2008;130:092601. [CrossRef]
  • [11] Cheng CY. Natural convection heat transfer from an inclined wavy plate in a bidisperse porous medium. Int Comm Heat Mass Transf 2013;43:6974. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Revnic C, Grosan T, Pop I, Ingham DB. Free convection in a square cavity filled with a bidisperse porous medium. Int J Therm Sci 2009;48:18761883. [CrossRef]
  • [13] Narasimhan A, Reddy BVK. Natural convection inside a bidisperse porous medium enclosure. J Heat Transf 2010;132:012502. [CrossRef]
  • [14] Wang K, Vafai K, Cen H. Forced convection in a bidisperse porous medium embedded in a circular pipe. J Heat Transf 2017;139:102601. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Straughan B. Anisotropic bidispersive convection. Proc R Soc A 2019;475:20190206.
  • [16] Capone F, De Luca R. The effect of the Vadasz number on the onset of thermal convection in rotating bidispersive porous media. Fluids 2020;5:173. [CrossRef]
  • [17] Capone F, De Luca R. Instability of vertical throughflows in bidisperse porous media. Phys 2021;3:821828. [CrossRef]
  • [18] Wang K, Wang Q, Li P. Forced convection in a fully-filled bidisperse porous annular duct subject to asymmetric heat fluxes. Therm Sci Engineer Prog 2022;32:101328. [CrossRef]
  • [19] Siddabasappa C, Siddheshwar PG, Mallikarjunaiah SM. Analytical study of Brinkman–Bénard convection in a bidisperse porous medium: Linear and weakly nonlinear study. Therm Sci Engineer Prog 2023;39:101696. [CrossRef]
  • [20] Meza LR, Das S, Greer JR. Strong, lightweight, and recoverable three-dimensional ceramic nanolattices. Sci 2014;345:13221326. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Rys J, Valdevit L, Schaedler TA, Jacobsen AJ, Carter WB, Greer JR. Fabrication and deformation of metallic glass micro-lattices. Adv Engineer Math 2014;16:889896. [CrossRef]
  • [22] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. A three-velocity three-temperature model for a tridisperse porous medium: Forced convection in a channel. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2011;54:24902498. [CrossRef]
  • [23] Kuznetsov A, Nield D. The onset of convection in a tridisperse porous medium. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2011;54:31203127. [CrossRef]
  • [24] Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV. The Cheng–Minkowycz problem for natural convection about a vertical plate embedded in a tridisperse porous medium. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2011;54:34853493. [CrossRef]
  • [25] Cheng CY. Natural convection heat transfer about a vertical cone embedded in a tridisperse porous medium. Transp Porous Med 2015;107:765779. [CrossRef]
  • [26] Ghalambaz M, Hendizadeh H, Zargartalebi H, Pop I. Free convection in a square cavity filled with a tridisperse porous medium. Transp Porous Med 2017;116:379392. [CrossRef]
  • [27] Umavathi J, Sheremet M. Onset of double-diffusive convection of a sparsely packed micropolar fluid in a porous medium layer saturated with a nanofluid. Microfluid Nanofluid 2017;21:128. [CrossRef]
  • [28] Aly AM, Mohamed E, El-Amin M, Alsedais N. Double-diffusive convection between two different phases in a porous infinite-shaped enclosure suspended by nano encapsulated phase change materials. Case Stud Therm Engineer 2021;26:101016. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Habibi MR, Zahmatkesh I. Double-diffusive natural and mixed convection of binary nanofluids in porous cavities. J Porous Med 2020;23:955967. [CrossRef]
  • [30] Zahmatkesh I, Shandiz MRH. MHD double-diffusive mixed convection of binary nanofluids through a vertical porous annulus considering Buongiorno’s two-phase model. J Therm Anal Calorim 2022;147:17931807. [CrossRef]
  • [31] Ghalambaz M, Moattar F, Sheremet M, Pop I. Triple-diffusive natural convection in a square porous cavity. Transp Porous Med 2016;111:5979. [CrossRef]
  • [32] Ghalambaz M, Moattar F, Karbassi AR, Sheremet M, Pop I. Triple-diffusive mixed convection in a porous open cavity. Transp Porous Med 2017;116:473491. [CrossRef]
  • [33] Khan Z, Khan W, Sheremet M. Enhancement of heat and mass transfer rates through various porous cavities for triple convective-diffusive free convection. Energy 2020;201:117702. [CrossRef]
  • [34] Straughan B. Effect of inertia on double diffusive bidispersive convection. Int J Heat Mass Transf 2019;129:389396. [CrossRef]
  • [35] Wang Q, Wang K. Forced convective heat and mass transfer in a bidisperse porous parallel-plate channel with a first order reaction on the wall. Therm Sci Engineer Prog 2019;13:100369. [CrossRef]
  • [36] Badday AJ, Harfash AJ. Double-diffusive convection in bidispersive porous medium with chemical reaction and magnetic field effects. Transp Porous Med 2021;139:4566. [CrossRef]
  • [37] Badday AJ, Harfash AJ. Thermosolutal convection in a bidisperse porous medium with chemical reaction effect and relatively large macropores. J Porous Med 2023;26:3149. [CrossRef]
  • [38] Ramchandraiah C, Kishan N, Reddy GSK, Paidipati KK, Chesneau C. Double-diffusive convection in bidispersive porous medium with coriolis effect. Math Comp Appl 2022;27:56. [CrossRef]
  • [39] Wakif A, Boulahia Z, Sehaqui R. Numerical analysis of the onset of longitudinal convective rolls in a porous medium saturated by an electrically conducting nanofluid in the presence of an external magnetic field. Results Phys 2017;7:21342152. [CrossRef]
  • [40] Sheremet MA, Astanina MS, Pop I. MHD natural convection in a square porous cavity filled with a water-based magnetic fluid in the presence of geothermal viscosity. Int J Numeri Meth Heat Fluid Flow 2018;28:21112131. [CrossRef]
  • [41] Krishna MV, Chamkha AJ. Hall and ion slip effects on MHD rotating boundary layer flow of nanofluid past an infinite vertical plate embedded in a porous medium. Results Phys 2019;15:102652. [CrossRef]
  • [42] Ghalambaz M, Sabour M, Pop I, Wen D. Free convection heat transfer of MgO-MWCNTs/EG hybrid nanofluid in a porous complex shaped cavity with MHD and thermal radiation effects. Int J Numeri Meth Heat Fluid Flow 2019;29:43494376. [CrossRef]
  • [43] Zahmatkesh I, Shandiz MRH. Optimum constituents for MHD heat transfer of nanofluids within porous cavities. J Therm Anal Calorim 2019;138:16691681. [CrossRef]
  • [44] Zahmatkesh I, Ardekani RA. Effect of magnetic field orientation on nanofluid free convection in a porous cavity: a heat visualization study. J Therm Engineer 2020;6:170186. [CrossRef]
  • [45] Ragupathi P, Muhammad T, Islam S, Wakif. Application of Arrhenius kinetics on MHD radiative Von Kármán Casson nanofluid flow occurring in a Darcy-Forchheimer porous medium in the presence of an adjustable heat source. Phys Script 2021:96:125228. [CrossRef]
  • [46] Ouni M, Selimefendigil F, Hatem B, Kolsi L, Omri M. Utilization of wavy porous layer, magnetic field and hybrid nanofluid with slot jet impingement on the cooling performance of conductive panel. Int J Numeri Meth Heat Fluid Flow 2023;33:360384. [CrossRef]
  • [47] Paul A, Nath JM, Das TK. An investigation of the MHD Cu-Al2O3/H2O hybrid-nanofluid in a porous medium across a vertically stretching cylinder incorporating thermal stratification impact. J Therm Engineer 2023;9:799810. [CrossRef]
  • [48] Zahmatkesh I. On the importance of thermal boundary conditions in heat transfer and entropy generation for natural convection inside a porous enclosure. Int J Therm Sci 2008;47:339346. [CrossRef]
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
Journal Section Articles

Iman Zahmatkesh This is me 0000-0003-2573-6789

Publication Date November 19, 2024
Submission Date September 12, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 10 Issue: 6


APA Zahmatkesh, I. (2024). A three-velocity three-temperature three-concentration description for MHD double-diffusive free convection in a cavity occupied by a tridisperse porous medium. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 10(6), 1494-1508.
AMA Zahmatkesh I. A three-velocity three-temperature three-concentration description for MHD double-diffusive free convection in a cavity occupied by a tridisperse porous medium. Journal of Thermal Engineering. November 2024;10(6):1494-1508.
Chicago Zahmatkesh, Iman. “A Three-Velocity Three-Temperature Three-Concentration Description for MHD Double-Diffusive Free Convection in a Cavity Occupied by a Tridisperse Porous Medium”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 10, no. 6 (November 2024): 1494-1508.
EndNote Zahmatkesh I (November 1, 2024) A three-velocity three-temperature three-concentration description for MHD double-diffusive free convection in a cavity occupied by a tridisperse porous medium. Journal of Thermal Engineering 10 6 1494–1508.
IEEE I. Zahmatkesh, “A three-velocity three-temperature three-concentration description for MHD double-diffusive free convection in a cavity occupied by a tridisperse porous medium”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 1494–1508, 2024.
ISNAD Zahmatkesh, Iman. “A Three-Velocity Three-Temperature Three-Concentration Description for MHD Double-Diffusive Free Convection in a Cavity Occupied by a Tridisperse Porous Medium”. Journal of Thermal Engineering 10/6 (November 2024), 1494-1508.
JAMA Zahmatkesh I. A three-velocity three-temperature three-concentration description for MHD double-diffusive free convection in a cavity occupied by a tridisperse porous medium. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2024;10:1494–1508.
MLA Zahmatkesh, Iman. “A Three-Velocity Three-Temperature Three-Concentration Description for MHD Double-Diffusive Free Convection in a Cavity Occupied by a Tridisperse Porous Medium”. Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 10, no. 6, 2024, pp. 1494-08.
Vancouver Zahmatkesh I. A three-velocity three-temperature three-concentration description for MHD double-diffusive free convection in a cavity occupied by a tridisperse porous medium. Journal of Thermal Engineering. 2024;10(6):1494-508.