Analysis of Postponement Strategies in Supply Chains
Year 2006,
Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 1 - 21, 01.06.2006
Akif Asil Bulgak
Ashish Pawar
- Alderson, W., (1950), “Marketing Efficiency and The Principle of Postponement”, Cost and Profit Outlook, September 3.
- Bucklin, L.P., (1965), “Postponement Speculation and The Structure of Distribution Channels”, Journal of Marketing Research, 2, 26-31.
- Eppen, G., and Schrage, L., (1981), “Centralized Ordering Polices in A Multi- Warehouse System With Lead Times and Random Demand”, Multi-Level Production Inventory Control Systems: Theory and Practice, North Holland, Amsterdam, 51-58.
- Federgruen, A. and Zipkin, P., (1984a), “Allocation Policies and Cost Approximations for Multi-Echelon Inventory Systems”, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 31, 97-129.
- Federgruen, A. and Zipkin, P., (1984b), “Approximations of Dynamic Multilocation Production and Inventory Problems”, Management Science 30, 69-84.
- Graman, G., and Magazine, M.J., (2002), “A Numerical Analysis of Capacitated Postponement”, Production and Operations Management, 11(3), 340.
- Jackson , P.L., (1988), “Stock Allocation in a Two Echelon Distribution System or ‘What to Do Until Your Shop Comes in’”, Management Science, 34, 880-895.
- Jonsson, H., and Silver, E.A., (1986), “Overview of a Stock Allocation Model for a Two- Echelon Push System Having Identical Units at the Lower Echelon”, Multi- Stage Production Planning and Inventory Control, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Lee, H.L., and Billington, C., (1993), “Materials Management in Decentralized Supply Chains”, Operations Research, 41(5), 835-847.
- Muzumdar, M., Colehower, J., Pernat, A., and Matthews, P., (2003), “The Adaptive Supply Chain: Postponement for Profitability”, APICS International Conference and Exposition.
- Nahmias, S., (2001), “Production and Operations Analysis”, 4th edition, McGraw- Hill Irwin, New York.
- Pagh, J.D., and Cooper, M.C., (1998), “Supply Chain Postponement and Speculation Strategies: How to Choose the Right Strategy”, Journal of Business Logistics, 19, 2, 13-32.
- Rogers, D.F., and Tsubakitani, S., (1991), “Newsboy-Style Results for Multi- Echelon Inventory Problems: Backorders Optimization with Intermediate Delays”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 42/1, 57-68.
- Silver, E.A., Peterson, R., and Pyke, D.F., (1998), “Inventory Management and Production Planning and Scheduling”, 3rd Edition, John Willey and Sons, New York.
- Su, C.P., Chang, Y. L., and Ferguson, M., (2005), “Evaluation of Postponement Structures to Accommodate Mass Customization”, Journal of Operations Management, 23, 305-318.
- Van Mieghem J., (2004), “Commonality Strategies: Value Drivers and Equivalence with Flexible Capacity and Inventory Substitution”, Management Science, 50, 3, 419-424.
- Whang, S. and Lee, H., (1998), “Value of Postponement”, Product Recovery Management: Research Advances, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.
- Winston, W.L., (2004), “Introduction to Probability Models”, 4th Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Canada.
- Zinn, W., and Bowersox, D.J., (1988), “Planning Physical Distribution with the Principle of Postponement”, Journal of Business Logistics, 9, 2, 117-136.
Analysis of Postponement Strategies in Supply Chains
Year 2006,
Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 1 - 21, 01.06.2006
Akif Asil Bulgak
Ashish Pawar
Envanter hem maliyeti hem de servis kalitesini doğrudan etkilediğinden tedarik zinciri yönetiminin önemli bir parçasını oluşturur. Talep bir ölçűde belirsiz olduğu ve űrűnlerin űretimi ve teslimi belli bir zaman aldığı için, tedarik zincirinde bir miktar envanter bulundurmak műşteriye gerekli servisi verebilmek için gereklidir. Tedarik zincirindeki envanteri artırmak műşteri hizmetini artırarak sonunda gelirleri de artırır; ancak envanter daha bűyűk bir maliyet te gerektirir. Tedarik zinciri envanter yönetiminin amacı daha gelişmiş envanter stratejileri ve tedarik zincirinin yeniden tasarlanması yoluyla envanter miktarlarını ve műşteri hizmetleri eğrisini eniyilemektir. Bu makalenin amacı tedarik zinciri ortamında çeşitli faktörlerin ertelemenin olduğu veya olmadığı hallerde etkinliğini anlamaktir. Bu faktörlerin analizi bizim tedarik zincirlerini daha iyi anlamamızı ve bu sistemleri daha etkin bir sekilde tasarlamamızı sağlayacaktır. Arena yazılım programı kullanılarak geliştirilen ve sistem dinamiğini ve olasılık dağılımlarını modelleyen benzetim programı yoluyla hangi değişkenlerin önemli olduğu ve bu değişkenlerin aralarındaki etkileşimin nasıl olduğu yolunda daha iyi bir anlayışa sahip olunmuştur. ĺki seviyeli kısmi faktöriyel deney tasarımları kullanılarak servis ve envanter seviyelerinin performansı ve hangi değişkenlerin bu performans űzerinde en fazla etkili olduğu araştırılmıştır
- Alderson, W., (1950), “Marketing Efficiency and The Principle of Postponement”, Cost and Profit Outlook, September 3.
- Bucklin, L.P., (1965), “Postponement Speculation and The Structure of Distribution Channels”, Journal of Marketing Research, 2, 26-31.
- Eppen, G., and Schrage, L., (1981), “Centralized Ordering Polices in A Multi- Warehouse System With Lead Times and Random Demand”, Multi-Level Production Inventory Control Systems: Theory and Practice, North Holland, Amsterdam, 51-58.
- Federgruen, A. and Zipkin, P., (1984a), “Allocation Policies and Cost Approximations for Multi-Echelon Inventory Systems”, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 31, 97-129.
- Federgruen, A. and Zipkin, P., (1984b), “Approximations of Dynamic Multilocation Production and Inventory Problems”, Management Science 30, 69-84.
- Graman, G., and Magazine, M.J., (2002), “A Numerical Analysis of Capacitated Postponement”, Production and Operations Management, 11(3), 340.
- Jackson , P.L., (1988), “Stock Allocation in a Two Echelon Distribution System or ‘What to Do Until Your Shop Comes in’”, Management Science, 34, 880-895.
- Jonsson, H., and Silver, E.A., (1986), “Overview of a Stock Allocation Model for a Two- Echelon Push System Having Identical Units at the Lower Echelon”, Multi- Stage Production Planning and Inventory Control, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
- Lee, H.L., and Billington, C., (1993), “Materials Management in Decentralized Supply Chains”, Operations Research, 41(5), 835-847.
- Muzumdar, M., Colehower, J., Pernat, A., and Matthews, P., (2003), “The Adaptive Supply Chain: Postponement for Profitability”, APICS International Conference and Exposition.
- Nahmias, S., (2001), “Production and Operations Analysis”, 4th edition, McGraw- Hill Irwin, New York.
- Pagh, J.D., and Cooper, M.C., (1998), “Supply Chain Postponement and Speculation Strategies: How to Choose the Right Strategy”, Journal of Business Logistics, 19, 2, 13-32.
- Rogers, D.F., and Tsubakitani, S., (1991), “Newsboy-Style Results for Multi- Echelon Inventory Problems: Backorders Optimization with Intermediate Delays”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 42/1, 57-68.
- Silver, E.A., Peterson, R., and Pyke, D.F., (1998), “Inventory Management and Production Planning and Scheduling”, 3rd Edition, John Willey and Sons, New York.
- Su, C.P., Chang, Y. L., and Ferguson, M., (2005), “Evaluation of Postponement Structures to Accommodate Mass Customization”, Journal of Operations Management, 23, 305-318.
- Van Mieghem J., (2004), “Commonality Strategies: Value Drivers and Equivalence with Flexible Capacity and Inventory Substitution”, Management Science, 50, 3, 419-424.
- Whang, S. and Lee, H., (1998), “Value of Postponement”, Product Recovery Management: Research Advances, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.
- Winston, W.L., (2004), “Introduction to Probability Models”, 4th Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Canada.
- Zinn, W., and Bowersox, D.J., (1988), “Planning Physical Distribution with the Principle of Postponement”, Journal of Business Logistics, 9, 2, 117-136.