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Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand

Year 2009, Volume: 8 Issue: 15, 79 - 105, 01.06.2009



  • Basset, K., Short, J., (1980), Housing and Residental Structure, Routledge, London.
  • Bolt, G., (2002), Turkish And Moroccan Couples And Their First Steps On The Dutch Housing Market: Co-Residence Or Independence?, “Journal Of Housing And The Built Environment”, 17: 269–292.
  • Brown, B., vd, (2003), Place attachment in a revitalizing neighborhood: Individual and block levels of analysis, Journal of Enviromental Psychology, v.23, 259-271.
  • Burgers J., Musterd S., (2002), Understanding Urban Inequality: A Model Based On Existing Theories And An Empirical Illustration, International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research Volume 26, 403–413.
  • Clark, W.A.V., Deurloo, M.C., Dieleman, F.M., (1994), Tenure Changes in The Context of Micro-Level Family And Macro-Level Economic Shifts, “Urban Studies”, Vol. 31, Issue 1: 137–154. Clark W.A.V., Deurloo M.C., Dieleman F.M., (2003), Housing Careers in the United States, 1968–93: Modelling the Sequencing of Housing States, “Urban Studies”, Vol. 40, No. 1, 143–160. Dey, I., (1993), Qualitative data analysis: a user-friendly guide for social scientists, London: New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Dobb, M., (1973), Theories Of Value And Distribution Since Adam Smith: İdeology And Economic Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Fauth R.C., Leventhal, T., Brooks-Gunna J., (2004), Short-term effects of moving from public housing in poor to middle-class neighborhoods on low- income, minority adults’ outcomes, Social Science and Medicine, 59: 2271- 2284.
  • Goodchild, B., (2001), Applying Theories of Social Communication to Housing Law: Towards a workable Framework, Housing Studies, vol.16, no.1, 75-95.
  • Green, R. K., Hendershott, P.H., (2001), Home-ownership and unemployment in the U.S., Urban Studies, vol.38, no.9.
  • Guy, S., Henneberry, J., (2000), Understanding Urban development Processes: Integrating the Economic and the Social in Property Research, “Urban Studies”, vol. 37, 13, 2399–2416.
  • Hawley, A.H., (1950), Human Ecology, Ronald Press, N.Y., içinde Basset, K., Short, J., 1980. Housing and Residental Structure, Routledge, London.
  • Healey, P., vd. (eds), (1992), Rebuilding the city: property-led urban regeneration, London: E. & FN Spon.
  • Karahan, E. E., (2006), Modeling Housing Careers: A Qualitative Research Method, ENHR Young Researchers Conference, June 30th – July 2nd 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Karahan, E. E., (2008), Konut Kariyerini Etkileyen Faktörler ve Konut Talebini Açıklamaya Yönelik Kavramsal Bir Model, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yapı Bilimleri Programı.
  • Kauko, T., (2001), Combining Theoretical Approaches: The Case of Urban Land Value and Housing Market Dynamics, “Housing, Theory and Society”, 18, 167-173.
  • Kemeny, J., (1992), Housing and Social Theory, Routledge, London.
  • Kendig, H.L., (1984), Housing Careers, Life Cycle and Residential Mobility : Implications for the Housing Market, Urban Studies, 21, 271-283.
  • Maclennan, D., (1982), Housing Economics, Longman Group Limited, Essex.
  • Marshall ve Rossman, (1989), Designing Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Mayer, C., Somerville C.T., (2000), Residential Construction: Using the Urban Growth Model to Estimate Housing Supply, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol 48, Is 1, 85-109.
  • McDonald, J.F., (1979), an Empirical Test of a Theory of the Urban Housing Market, Urban Studies, 16: 291-297.
  • Megbolugbe, I.M., Marks, A.P., Schwartz, M.P., (1991), The Economic Theory of Housing Demand: A Critical Review, Journal of Real Estate Research, vol. 6, is. 3, 381–393.
  • Melvin, J., (2005), Value: Culture and Commerce, the Architectural Review, Vol. 218, Is. 1302, 87-95.
  • Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., (1994), Qualitative Data Analysis, Sage Publications, London.
  • Miron, J., (1995), Private Rental Housing: The Canadian Experience, Urban Studies, vol.32, issue.5, 579-604.
  • Özüekren A.Ş., Van Kempen R., (2002), Housing Careers Of Minority Ethnic Groups: Experiences, Explanations And Prospects, “Housing Studies”, Vol. 17, No. 3, 365–379.
  • Park, R.E., Burgess, E.W., McKenzie R.D. (eds), (1925/1972), The City, University of Chicago Pres içinde Basset, K., Short, J., 1980, Housing and Residental Structure, Routledge, London.
  • Punch, K. F., (2000), Introduction to Social Research Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, Sage Publications, London.
  • Rapoport, A., (2001), Theory, Culture and Housing, Housing, Theory and Society, no.17, 145-165.
  • Settles, B.H., (2001), Being At Home In A Global Society: A Model For Families' Mobility And Immigration Decisions, Journal Of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. 32, Issue 4.
  • Silverman, D., (2001), Interpreting Qualitative Data, Sage Publications, London.
  • Strauss, A. L., Corbin, J. (1990), Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA. içinde Yıldırım A., Şimşek, H., 2005. Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Van Kempen R., Özüekren A.Ş., (1998), Ethnic Segregation in Cities: New Forms and Explanations in a Dynamic World, Urban Studies, vol. 35, no.10, 1631–1656.
  • Verschaffel, B., (2002), The meanings of domesticity, The Journal of Architecture, Vol 7, n 3, 287 – 296. Yıldırım A., Şimşek, H., (2005), Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayınları, Ankara.

Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand

Year 2009, Volume: 8 Issue: 15, 79 - 105, 01.06.2009


Konut kavramının çok boyutlu olması, çeşitli disiplinlerden birçok bilim insanının farklı bakış açıları ve farklı yöntemlerle konut konusuna yaklaşmalarına neden olmuştur. Konut çalışmaları, sosyal, ekonomik, politik, demografik bağlamda birbirleri ile etkileşim içinde olan farklı konu alanlarını içermektedir. Konut talebinin ve konut kararlarının açıklanmaya çalışılmasında özellikle konut kariyeri kavramını kullanarak konuya yaklaşılması kavramın çok boyutluluğu açısından tercih edilmektedir. Hane halklarının konut kariyerlerinin incelenmesi, konut talebinin nasıl yönlendiğinin ortaya konmasında etkilidir. Bu çalışmada hanehalkı ve konut pazarı dinamiklerinin bütünleşik modelini geliştirmek, konut talebinin nasıl yönlendiği sorusuna yanıt bulmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla kapsamlı bir literatür araştırması ve İstanbul ilinde bir alan çalışması yapılmıştır. Modelin geliştirilmesi amacıyla alan araştırmasında, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden derinlemesine görüşme tekniği ve görüşme formu yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucu oluşturulan genel temalar ve önermeler yardımı ile model geliştirilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda ortaya konan bulgular, hane halklarını etkileyen faktörler göz önüne alındığında, çevre, toplumsal, mekânsal bağlamlarla birlikte aileye ve kişiye özgü özelliklerin ve yaşam biçiminin iç içe geçtiğini göstermektedir. Mikro faktörler makro faktörlerden daha etkili olabilmektedir. Bulguların bir kısmı literatür ile uyum içindeyken bir kısmı literatürde yer alan bulguları desteklememektedir. Bunun yanında alan çalışmasından çıkan ve literatürde yer almayan bulgulara da ulaşılmıştır


  • Basset, K., Short, J., (1980), Housing and Residental Structure, Routledge, London.
  • Bolt, G., (2002), Turkish And Moroccan Couples And Their First Steps On The Dutch Housing Market: Co-Residence Or Independence?, “Journal Of Housing And The Built Environment”, 17: 269–292.
  • Brown, B., vd, (2003), Place attachment in a revitalizing neighborhood: Individual and block levels of analysis, Journal of Enviromental Psychology, v.23, 259-271.
  • Burgers J., Musterd S., (2002), Understanding Urban Inequality: A Model Based On Existing Theories And An Empirical Illustration, International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research Volume 26, 403–413.
  • Clark, W.A.V., Deurloo, M.C., Dieleman, F.M., (1994), Tenure Changes in The Context of Micro-Level Family And Macro-Level Economic Shifts, “Urban Studies”, Vol. 31, Issue 1: 137–154. Clark W.A.V., Deurloo M.C., Dieleman F.M., (2003), Housing Careers in the United States, 1968–93: Modelling the Sequencing of Housing States, “Urban Studies”, Vol. 40, No. 1, 143–160. Dey, I., (1993), Qualitative data analysis: a user-friendly guide for social scientists, London: New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Dobb, M., (1973), Theories Of Value And Distribution Since Adam Smith: İdeology And Economic Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Fauth R.C., Leventhal, T., Brooks-Gunna J., (2004), Short-term effects of moving from public housing in poor to middle-class neighborhoods on low- income, minority adults’ outcomes, Social Science and Medicine, 59: 2271- 2284.
  • Goodchild, B., (2001), Applying Theories of Social Communication to Housing Law: Towards a workable Framework, Housing Studies, vol.16, no.1, 75-95.
  • Green, R. K., Hendershott, P.H., (2001), Home-ownership and unemployment in the U.S., Urban Studies, vol.38, no.9.
  • Guy, S., Henneberry, J., (2000), Understanding Urban development Processes: Integrating the Economic and the Social in Property Research, “Urban Studies”, vol. 37, 13, 2399–2416.
  • Hawley, A.H., (1950), Human Ecology, Ronald Press, N.Y., içinde Basset, K., Short, J., 1980. Housing and Residental Structure, Routledge, London.
  • Healey, P., vd. (eds), (1992), Rebuilding the city: property-led urban regeneration, London: E. & FN Spon.
  • Karahan, E. E., (2006), Modeling Housing Careers: A Qualitative Research Method, ENHR Young Researchers Conference, June 30th – July 2nd 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Karahan, E. E., (2008), Konut Kariyerini Etkileyen Faktörler ve Konut Talebini Açıklamaya Yönelik Kavramsal Bir Model, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yapı Bilimleri Programı.
  • Kauko, T., (2001), Combining Theoretical Approaches: The Case of Urban Land Value and Housing Market Dynamics, “Housing, Theory and Society”, 18, 167-173.
  • Kemeny, J., (1992), Housing and Social Theory, Routledge, London.
  • Kendig, H.L., (1984), Housing Careers, Life Cycle and Residential Mobility : Implications for the Housing Market, Urban Studies, 21, 271-283.
  • Maclennan, D., (1982), Housing Economics, Longman Group Limited, Essex.
  • Marshall ve Rossman, (1989), Designing Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Mayer, C., Somerville C.T., (2000), Residential Construction: Using the Urban Growth Model to Estimate Housing Supply, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol 48, Is 1, 85-109.
  • McDonald, J.F., (1979), an Empirical Test of a Theory of the Urban Housing Market, Urban Studies, 16: 291-297.
  • Megbolugbe, I.M., Marks, A.P., Schwartz, M.P., (1991), The Economic Theory of Housing Demand: A Critical Review, Journal of Real Estate Research, vol. 6, is. 3, 381–393.
  • Melvin, J., (2005), Value: Culture and Commerce, the Architectural Review, Vol. 218, Is. 1302, 87-95.
  • Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., (1994), Qualitative Data Analysis, Sage Publications, London.
  • Miron, J., (1995), Private Rental Housing: The Canadian Experience, Urban Studies, vol.32, issue.5, 579-604.
  • Özüekren A.Ş., Van Kempen R., (2002), Housing Careers Of Minority Ethnic Groups: Experiences, Explanations And Prospects, “Housing Studies”, Vol. 17, No. 3, 365–379.
  • Park, R.E., Burgess, E.W., McKenzie R.D. (eds), (1925/1972), The City, University of Chicago Pres içinde Basset, K., Short, J., 1980, Housing and Residental Structure, Routledge, London.
  • Punch, K. F., (2000), Introduction to Social Research Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, Sage Publications, London.
  • Rapoport, A., (2001), Theory, Culture and Housing, Housing, Theory and Society, no.17, 145-165.
  • Settles, B.H., (2001), Being At Home In A Global Society: A Model For Families' Mobility And Immigration Decisions, Journal Of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. 32, Issue 4.
  • Silverman, D., (2001), Interpreting Qualitative Data, Sage Publications, London.
  • Strauss, A. L., Corbin, J. (1990), Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA. içinde Yıldırım A., Şimşek, H., 2005. Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Van Kempen R., Özüekren A.Ş., (1998), Ethnic Segregation in Cities: New Forms and Explanations in a Dynamic World, Urban Studies, vol. 35, no.10, 1631–1656.
  • Verschaffel, B., (2002), The meanings of domesticity, The Journal of Architecture, Vol 7, n 3, 287 – 296. Yıldırım A., Şimşek, H., (2005), Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayınları, Ankara.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Ebru ERGÖZ –karahan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2009
Submission Date August 10, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 8 Issue: 15


APA –karahan, E. E. (2009). Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(15), 79-105.
AMA –karahan EE. Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. June 2009;8(15):79-105.
Chicago –karahan, Ebru ERGÖZ. “Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi Ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand”. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 8, no. 15 (June 2009): 79-105.
EndNote –karahan EE (June 1, 2009) Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 8 15 79–105.
IEEE E. E. –karahan, “Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand”, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 15, pp. 79–105, 2009.
ISNAD –karahan, Ebru ERGÖZ. “Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi Ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand”. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 8/15 (June 2009), 79-105.
JAMA –karahan EE. Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2009;8:79–105.
MLA –karahan, Ebru ERGÖZ. “Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi Ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand”. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 15, 2009, pp. 79-105.
Vancouver –karahan EE. Konut Talebinin Modellenmesi ve Konut Kariyeri Kavramı Housing Career Concept For Explaining Housing Demand. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2009;8(15):79-105.