Considerations on Knowledge Technologies
Year 2012,
Volume: 11 Issue: 21, 53 - 63, 01.06.2012
Osman Yazıcıoğlu
Kemal Varol
Oğuz Borat
- Abe, H., Tsumoto, S., Ohsaki, M., and Yamaguchi, T. (2008), Finding Functional Groups of Objective Rule Evaluation Indices Using PCA, 197-206. 7th International conference, PAKM 2008, Yokohama, Japan.
- Baek, S., Liebowitz, J., Prasad, S. Y., and Granger, M. (1999), Intelligent Agents for Knowledege management-Toward Intelligent Web Based Colloboration within Virtual Teams, (Ed. J. Liebowitz) CRC Press, New York.
- Balmisse, G., D. Meingan, D., and Passerini, K. (2009), Selecting the Right Knowledge ManagementTools: Software Trends and Key Evaluation Criteria, 270- 280. Ed. M. E. jennex, Knowledge Management, organizational Memory, and Transfer Behavior. Information Science Reference, New York.
- Becerra-Fernandez, I., and Sabherwal, R. (2010), Knowledge Manangent Systems and Process. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., New York.
- Becker, G. (1999), Knowledge Discovery. (Ed. J. Liebowitz) CRC Press, New York.
- Beckman, T. J. (1999), The current state of knowledge management Handbook. CRC Press, London.
- Burg, E. v., Raaij, E. v., and Berends, H. (2008), The fibres that hold an innovation network: an analysis of knowledge sharing in the Glare network. 145- 173. Ed. P. d. Man, Knowledge Management and Innovation in Networks. Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., Northamton, masseshusetts.
- Chen, C., Yan, H., and Li, X. (2008), Classifying Digital Resources in a Practical and Coherent Way with Easy-To-Get Features, 185-196, 7th International conference, PAKM 2008, Yokohama, Japan.
- Coleman, D. (1999), Groupware: Collaboration and Knowledge Shering. (Ed. J. Liebowitz) CRC Press, New York.
- Dalkir, K., (2011), Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, 2nd Ed., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.
- Davenport, T. H. and Prusak, L. (2000), Working Knowledge: How organizations Manage What They Know. Harward Business School Press. Boston, Massachusetts. Huntington, D. (1999), Knowledge-Based Systems: A Look at Rule-Based Systems. (Ed. J. Liebowitz) CRC Press, New York.
- Khoo, L. P., Tor, S., and Lee, S. (1998), The potention of intelligent software agents in the World Wide Web in automating part procurement. Int. J. Purchasing and Materials Management 34(1):46-47.
- Khoo, L.P., Zheng, Z. W., and Lim, H. Y. (2007), Maintenance planning Using Enterprise Data Mining. Recent Advances in Data Mining of Enterprise Data (Ed. T. W. Liao and E. Triantaphyllow, World Scientific.
- Koskinen, U., and Pihlanto, P. (2008), Knowledge Management in Project-Based Companies. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
- Robertson, J. (2003), Looking towards the future of content management.
- Rollet, H. (2003), Knowledge management processes and Technologies. Norwell, MA: Kluver Academic Publishers.
- Ruggles, R. (1997), Knowledge tools: Using technology to manage knowledge better. Boston: Butterworth-Heimann.
- Ruggles, R. (1998), The state of notion: Knowledge management in practice. California Management Review (40)3:80-89.
- Takahashi, K., Sugiyama, A, Shimomura, Y., Tateyama, T., Chiba, R., Yoshioka, M., and Takeda, H. (2008), Web Based Knowledge Database Construction method for Supporting Design. Practical aspects of Knowledge Management, 173-184, 7th International conference, PAKM 2008, Yokohama, Japan.
-, (2012), (erişim tarihi 28.01.2012).
- Yazıcıoğlu, O. (2011), Makine Elemanları, 4.baskı, Nobel Yay., İstanbul.
- Zaim, H. (2005), Bilginin Artan Önemi ve Bilgi Yönetimi. İşaret Yayınları, İstanbul.
Bilgi Yönetimi Teknolojileri
Year 2012,
Volume: 11 Issue: 21, 53 - 63, 01.06.2012
Osman Yazıcıoğlu
Kemal Varol
Oğuz Borat
Bilgi depolama, sunma ve kullanma için çeşitli bilgi teknolojileri vardır. Veri madenciliği disiplinler arası olan bilgi yönetiminde bir alet olarak kullanılabilmektedir. Büyük miktardaki verilerden yeni paternlerin elde edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bilgi teknolojileri bilgi toplama ve/veya oluşturma, bilgi paylaşma ve yayma ve bilgi toplama ve uygulama olarak üç ana grupta toplanmaktadır. Aşırı enformasyon problemini çözmek için enformasyon filtreleme ajanlarının kullanılması gerekli olmaktadır
- Abe, H., Tsumoto, S., Ohsaki, M., and Yamaguchi, T. (2008), Finding Functional Groups of Objective Rule Evaluation Indices Using PCA, 197-206. 7th International conference, PAKM 2008, Yokohama, Japan.
- Baek, S., Liebowitz, J., Prasad, S. Y., and Granger, M. (1999), Intelligent Agents for Knowledege management-Toward Intelligent Web Based Colloboration within Virtual Teams, (Ed. J. Liebowitz) CRC Press, New York.
- Balmisse, G., D. Meingan, D., and Passerini, K. (2009), Selecting the Right Knowledge ManagementTools: Software Trends and Key Evaluation Criteria, 270- 280. Ed. M. E. jennex, Knowledge Management, organizational Memory, and Transfer Behavior. Information Science Reference, New York.
- Becerra-Fernandez, I., and Sabherwal, R. (2010), Knowledge Manangent Systems and Process. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., New York.
- Becker, G. (1999), Knowledge Discovery. (Ed. J. Liebowitz) CRC Press, New York.
- Beckman, T. J. (1999), The current state of knowledge management Handbook. CRC Press, London.
- Burg, E. v., Raaij, E. v., and Berends, H. (2008), The fibres that hold an innovation network: an analysis of knowledge sharing in the Glare network. 145- 173. Ed. P. d. Man, Knowledge Management and Innovation in Networks. Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., Northamton, masseshusetts.
- Chen, C., Yan, H., and Li, X. (2008), Classifying Digital Resources in a Practical and Coherent Way with Easy-To-Get Features, 185-196, 7th International conference, PAKM 2008, Yokohama, Japan.
- Coleman, D. (1999), Groupware: Collaboration and Knowledge Shering. (Ed. J. Liebowitz) CRC Press, New York.
- Dalkir, K., (2011), Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, 2nd Ed., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.
- Davenport, T. H. and Prusak, L. (2000), Working Knowledge: How organizations Manage What They Know. Harward Business School Press. Boston, Massachusetts. Huntington, D. (1999), Knowledge-Based Systems: A Look at Rule-Based Systems. (Ed. J. Liebowitz) CRC Press, New York.
- Khoo, L. P., Tor, S., and Lee, S. (1998), The potention of intelligent software agents in the World Wide Web in automating part procurement. Int. J. Purchasing and Materials Management 34(1):46-47.
- Khoo, L.P., Zheng, Z. W., and Lim, H. Y. (2007), Maintenance planning Using Enterprise Data Mining. Recent Advances in Data Mining of Enterprise Data (Ed. T. W. Liao and E. Triantaphyllow, World Scientific.
- Koskinen, U., and Pihlanto, P. (2008), Knowledge Management in Project-Based Companies. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
- Robertson, J. (2003), Looking towards the future of content management.
- Rollet, H. (2003), Knowledge management processes and Technologies. Norwell, MA: Kluver Academic Publishers.
- Ruggles, R. (1997), Knowledge tools: Using technology to manage knowledge better. Boston: Butterworth-Heimann.
- Ruggles, R. (1998), The state of notion: Knowledge management in practice. California Management Review (40)3:80-89.
- Takahashi, K., Sugiyama, A, Shimomura, Y., Tateyama, T., Chiba, R., Yoshioka, M., and Takeda, H. (2008), Web Based Knowledge Database Construction method for Supporting Design. Practical aspects of Knowledge Management, 173-184, 7th International conference, PAKM 2008, Yokohama, Japan.
-, (2012), (erişim tarihi 28.01.2012).
- Yazıcıoğlu, O. (2011), Makine Elemanları, 4.baskı, Nobel Yay., İstanbul.
- Zaim, H. (2005), Bilginin Artan Önemi ve Bilgi Yönetimi. İşaret Yayınları, İstanbul.