Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 12/31/23

Year: 2023

Purpose of Publication: Tini-SOS journal is to carry scientific, research articles which are especially new in social sciences, analyze an application with new methods or apply it in different fields. In this sense, to announce the work of scientists and as a result to help the development of science, and to contribute to the welfare of our country and the people of the world in general.
While doing this, in order to motivate young researchers' willingness to research, applied research will be evaluated on examples of similar studies in different application areas.
The vision of tini-sos is to be a respected scientific journal throughout the world.

Scope of the Journal
The International New Issues in Social Sciences, is international, Scientific, peer-reviewed Journal.
Tini-SOS journal is to evaluate scientific articles in the field of social sciences, especially based on field studies structured in accordance with scientific criteria, and conducts studies to publish studies that provide appropriate measures.

TINI-SOS Editorial Terms
1. The International Journal of New Issues in Social Sciences (tini) is an international referee journal published in print and electronic media annually published (https://dergipark.org.tr/tinisos). Articles can be sent in Turkish, English and Russian.
2. Articles submitted to timbre magazine should not have been published anywhere before and submitted to any other printed/electronic media for publication. If such a situation is determined, the process is cancelled. Article presentation fee is non-refundable.
3. Articles must be entered into the system by the authors through Dergipark. All communication regarding the journal editorial and article submission and evaluation processes should be done via e-mail. In case of any problems in the system, an e-mail should be sent to (tinissues@hotmail.com or kucuktr@hotmail.com). No information is given over the phone.
4. Articles submitted to tini journal are subject to preliminary review primarily in terms of shape and content, and articles found appropriate are presented to at least 2 referees.
5. It is concluded within two weeks whether the articles submitted to Tini will enter the refereeing process. As a result of the preliminary examination, the price of the article presentation for the articles decided to be returned is returned.
6. If the articles reviewed by the editorial board are found to be appropriate, the referee/s are appointed. In accordance with the reports from the referee/s, it is decided that the article will be published, the author/s will be asked for correction, additional information and shortening within the framework of the report or it will not be published and this decision will be notified to the author/s.
7. 1 line spacing, paragraph spacing before 0 nk after 6 nk, tables and shapes with up to 25 pages, A4 or A5 not special size 16x24 cm page size, 3 cm from the top and bottom, from left and from the right 2 cm. there should be space. Writing 10 Punto, abstract 9,5 Punto Palatino Linotype, left-leaning, should be prepared using Turkish font. Articles that do not comply with the terms of the form or the content of the Journal are returned to the authors/s without being sent to the referees by Tini Journal after the preliminary examination.
8. The figures, graphics, and tables of the articles submitted to tin are required to conform to the format specified by the journal. Footnotes, charts and tables should be included on the cited page as much as possible or immediately afterwards. The tables that are put into the text should not be put as software program output, the authors should make the results themselves into tables. Graphics, shapes and tables should be the size of the journal spelling.
9. Table and Article names should be placed at the top, shape and graphic names should be placed at the bottom. Writing size and indentations are the same as spelling rules. Figure 1. or Table 1: format can be used.
10. At the beginning of all the articles submitted, Turkish title, Turkish abstract, English title, English abstract should be included. The summary parts should be between 120-150 words. In the summaries, care should be taken to include objective, scope, method, findings and conclusion information. Keywords should be written in English/Russian and Turkish below the summary sections. Abbreviations should not be used in abstracts.
11. The articles to be sent to tini-SOS should be uploaded to the Dergipark system in two word files, with the author's name and without the author's name. Plagiarism Report (maximum 20%) and, if necessary, Ethics Committee Report should be attached to the same page with the copyright form.
12. The names of the authors should be placed immediately below the title of the article and the career, institution, address and mail information should be given in this order in the footnote.
13. Articles submitted must be classified at least one (e.g., Q11) and up to three (journal of economic literature) at a two-figure level. For gel classifications to be selected according to the topic of the article
http://www.aeaweb.org/journal/jel_class_system.html available at.
14. All articles must be written in accordance with the writing principles stated in the source "The publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition), 2001", published by the American Psychological Association (APA). This resource is generally readily available in university libraries, and there are numerous examples of spelling rules.
15. In the articles, the Turkish language institution (TDK spelling guide and spelling rules should be taken as an example. For more information, see TDK's Web page: www.tdk.gov.tr . Instead of foreign words, Turkish dictionaries should be used as much as possible. When using unconventional words in Turkish, its equivalent in foreign language can be given in parentheses where it first appears.
16. The name (date) format should be followed when referring to sources in the text, and the format should be followed when referring to sources (name, date: Page no) (Küçük, 2015: 327). If more than one work is referred to, all resources must be written one after the other, separated by commas in the same parenthesis. For the Mirror author's second and Third work in the same year, letters must be put in the form (2010a) and (2010b). In references with more than one author, If there are two authors, the genealogical names of the two authors should be co-authored (iron and Noble, 2015: 45), while in references with three and more authors (Efe et al., 2015: 43) in the format notation should be essential.
17. In addition, at the end of the article, A Bibliography should be prepared in which the surname, name, date, working name, published work and place information are included in this order.
Küçük, Orhan (2014) Lojistik İlkeleri ve Yönetimi, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Demirdöğen, Osman ve Küçük, Orhan (2014), Üretim İşlem Yönetimi, 3. Baskı, Ankara: Detay Yayınevi.
Pervaiz, Ahmed K. and Mohammed Rafiq, (1998), “Integrated Benchmarking: A Holistic Examination of Select Techniques For Benchmarking Analysis”, Benchmarking For Quality Management & Technology, MCB University Press, Vol: 5, No. 3, ss. 201-225.
Fidan, Yılmaz ve diğerleri (2009), Sorulu Cevaplı Temel Dini Bilgiler, İstanbul: Mart Matbaacılık Yayınları.
Bayram, Güngör ve Şentürk, Suat Hayri (2003), “Hazar Enerji Kaynakları ve Bölge Ekonomileri Açısından Önemi”, Yakın Dönem Güç Mücadeleleri Işığında Orta Asya Gerçeği, (67-90), Ankara: Gündoğan Yayınları. (Kitapta bölüm)
Karancı, Ahmet (Ed.) (1997), Farklılıkla Yaşamak Aile ve Toplumun Farklı Gereksinimleri Olan Bireylerle Birlikteliği, Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları.
Müellif: Saîd b. Ali el-Kahtânî (2009), Kitap ve Sünnet’ten Şifa Duaları (Çev.: M. Rahmi Telkenaroğlu), Tercüme ve Tahric Çalışması, Konya: Hüner Yayınları.
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (1996), Küçük Ölçekli İmalat Sanayi İstatistikleri, Ankara: TÜİK Matbaası.
Dumlu, Emrullah, (2010), “İslam’ın İlk Dönemlerindeki Uygulamalar Ekseninde Kamusal Bir Gelir Olarak Zekât”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 33, 91- 116.
Schellhase, R. and others (2000), “Customer Satisfaction in Business-to-Business Marketing: The Case of Retail Organizations and Their Suppliers”, Journal of Busıness & Industrial Marketıng, 15, 2/3.
Şimşek, Selami (2005), “Keşanlı Süleyman Zâtî ve XVIII. Asırda Celvetîlik”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
Güllüpunar, Hasan (2010), “Halkla İlişkiler Sosyal Sorumluluk İlkesi: Kamu Kuruluşları Yaklaşımı Bakımından Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Örnekleri”, Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi, 1(1), http://sbedergi.gumushane.edu.tr/sayi1ocakk.html, (12.12.2011).
Yayla, Yıldızhan (1991), “Anayasa” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi içinde, 3, (164-194), İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı.
Bazı Alacakların Yeniden Yapılandırılması İle Sosyal Sigortalar Ve Genel Sağlık Sigortası Kanunu ve Diğer Bazı Kanun ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun (2011), T.C. Resmi Gazete, 6111, 25 Şubat 2011.
Kılıç, Adem - Şafak, Burhan Asaf (Yapımcı), Kılıç, Adem (Yönetmen) (2011), Sümela’nın Şifresi Temel, Türkiye: Üçgen Yapım Evi.
18. The article presentation cost is TL 350 for the year 2023 and should be taken into account as soon as the article is sent to the journal. The presentation fee of the articles submitted to Timi and submitted to the refereeing process shall not be refunded until the article has been published.
19. It’s authors are responsible for the thoughts expressed in the articles.
20. All publication rights in written and electronic media of the articles that are accepted to be published in the journal belong to Tini. The source can be cited only by showing.

Ethical Rule: Tini-SOS magazine publishes articles prepared in accordance with the rules of publication ethics through appropriate refereeing processes and complies with the ethical rules in this process. Ethics Committee Report is requested from the articles as required by the ethics committee decision. Research and Publication Ethics are followed in the articles.
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) standards are observed.
1. Study design and ethical approval: Research should be well justified, well planned,
properly designed and ethically approved.
2. Appropriate analysis of data: Data should be collected without abuse and analyzed without tampering.
3. Authorship: A certain amount of contribution should be made to a certain part of the study.
4. Conflicts of interest: It should not contain situations that authors will not accept when they occur later.
5. Peer Review: The editors may appoint experts to submit written comments outside the arbitral tribunal.
6. Redundant publication: A published publication is not republished, even in another language.
7. Plagiarism: It is strictly forbidden to take the work of another author completely or partially without referring to it.
8. Duties of the editors: Our main goal is to have a stronger magazine management on our existing structure and to make it sustainable.
9. Media relations: Efforts are made to ensure the visibility of tini-SOS in local and national media, particularly in social media.
10. Advertisement: Tini-SOS is being promoted in the scientific community, and journals are sent to university libraries.

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The International New Issues in Social Sciences, is international, Scientific, peer-reviewed Journal.
Tini-SOS journal is to evaluate scientific articles in the field of social sciences, especially based on field studies structured in accordance with scientific criteria, and conducts studies to publish studies that provide appropriate measures.