Research Article
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Strengthening System Effects on the Out-Of-Plane Mechanisms Activation of Masonry Walls under Tsunami Loads

Year 2023, Volume: 34 Issue: 2, 173 - 196, 01.03.2023


The vulnerability of masonry structures against tsunami loads is a highly debated topic in the research community due to the impact in the risk evaluation. The main aim of this paper is to examine the structural response of masonry walls against tsunami loads in terms of out-of-plane local mechanism activation. Furthermore, a critical discussion is proposed about the influence of strengthening system parameters on the out-of-plane response of the masonry wall. Results of parametric analyses are shown in dimensionless form to analyse the effects of main parameters, both for masonry walls and tsunami waves, on the structural response. The analyses results are the bases to design strengthening systems with fiber-reinforced composite materials in order to reduce the vulnerability of masonry structures under tsunami loads.


  • Strunz, G., Post, J., Zosseder, K., Wegscheider, T., et al. Tsunami risk assessment in Indonesia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11, 67-82, 2011.
  • Behrens, J., Løvholt, F., Jalayer, F., et al. Probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk analysis: a review of research gaps. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9-114, 2021.
  • Rafliana, I., Jalayer, F., Cerase, A., et al. Tsunami risk communication and management: Contemporary gaps and challenges. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102771, 2022.
  • Athukorala, P.C., Resosudarmo, B.P. The Indian Ocean tsunami: Economic impact, disaster management, and lessons. Asian economic papers, 4(1), 1-39, 2005.
  • Palermo, D., Nistor, I., Saatcioglu, M., Ghobarah, A. Impact and damage to structures during the 27 February 2010 Chile tsunami. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(8), 750-758, 2013.
  • Suppasri, A., Shuto, N., Imamura, F., et al. Lessons learned from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami: Performance of tsunami countermeasures, coastal buildings, and tsunami evacuation in Japan. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170(6-8), 993-1018, 2013.
  • Lorito, S., Behrens, J., Løvholt, F., et al. From Tsunami Science to Hazard and Risk Assessment: Methods and Models, Front. Earth Sci. 9:764922, 2021.
  • ASCE/SEI 7-22 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, Reston, Virginia; 2021.
  • Fukuyama, H., Kato, H., Ishihara, T., et al. Structural design requirement on the tsunami evacuation buildings. US-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR), Tokyo; 2011.
  • Asakura, R., Iwase, K., Ikeya, T., et al. An Experimental Study on Wave Force Acting on On-Shore Structures due to Overflowing Tsunamis. In Proceedings of Coastal Engineering Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Japan, 911-915, 2000.
  • Okada, T., Sugano, T., Ishikawa, T., et al. Structural Design Method of Buildings for Tsunami Resistance. The Building Center of Japan, Japan, 2005
  • Foster, A., Rossetto, T., Allsop, W. An experimentally validated approach for evaluating tsunami inundation forces on rectangular buildings. Coastal Engineering, 128, 44-57, 2017.
  • Peiris, N., Pomonis, A. Decembre 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: vulnerability functions for loss estimation in Sri Lanka. In Proceedings of the Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation, Singapore, 2005.
  • Mallawaarachchi, R.S., Jayasinghe, C. The effects of cyclones, tsunami and earthquakes on built environments and strategies for reduced damage. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 36, 03-14, 2008.
  • Vlachakis, G., Cervera, M., Barbat, G. B., Saloustros, S. Out-of-plane seismic response and failure mechanism of masonry structures using finite elements with enhanced strain accuracy. Engineering Failure Analysis, 97, 534-555, 2019.
  • Belliazzi, S., Lignola, G.P., Prota, A. Simplified approach to assess the vulnerability of masonry buildings under tsunami loads. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings, 1-13, 2020.
  • Belliazzi, S., Lignola, G.P., Prota, A. Textile Reinforced Mortars systems: a sustainable way to retrofit structural masonry walls under tsunami loads. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, 3(3), 200-222, 2018.
  • Ai, F., Comfort, L. K., Dong, Y., Znati, T. A dynamic decision support system based on geographical information and mobile social networks: A model for tsunami risk mitigation in Padang, Indonesia. Safety science, 90, 62-74, 2016.
  • Fabbrocino, F., Belliazzi, S., Ramaglia, G., Lignola, G.P., Prota, A. Masonry walls retrofitted with natural fibers under tsunami loads. Materials and Structures, 54(3), 1-15, 2021.
  • Belliazzi, S., Lignola, G.P., & Prota, A. Retrofit of Masonry Walls with Composites to Reduce Vulnerability to Tsunami Loads. In Proceedings of International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 2021.
  • Borri, A.; Corradi, M.; De Maria, A. The Failure of Masonry Walls by Disaggregation and the Masonry Quality Index. Heritage, 3, 1162-1198, 2020.
  • Belliazzi, S., Lignola, G.P., Di Ludovico, M., Prota, A. Preliminary tsunami analytical fragility functions proposal for Italian coastal residential masonry buildings. Structures, 31, 68-79, 2021.
  • Lloyd, T. O. An experimental investigation of tsunami forces on coastal structures (Doctoral dissertation, UCL (University College London)), 2016.
  • Qi, Z.X., Eames, I., Johnson, E.R. Force acting on a square cylinder fixed in a free-surface channel flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 756, 716-727, 2014.
  • Eurocode 6 - Design of Masonry Structures; EN 1996. Design of Masonry Structures, part 1.1: General Rules for Reinforced and Unreinforced Masonry Structures, Brussels, Belgium. 2006.
  • de Felice, G., Aiello, M.A., Caggegi, C., et al. Recommendation of RILEM Technical Committee 250-CSM: Test method for Textile Reinforced Mortar to substrate bond characterization. Materials and Structures, 51 (4), 95, 2018.
  • CNR DT 200R1/2013 Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Existing Structures, Rome, Italy. 2014.
  • CNR DT 215/2018 Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fibre Reinforced Inorganic Matrix Systems for Strengthening Existing Structures, Rome, Italy. 2020.
  • Zinno, A., Lignola, G.P., Prota, A., et al. Influence of free edge stress concentration on effectiveness of FRP confinement. Composites Part B: Engineering, 41(7), 523-532, 2010.
  • Belliazzi, S., Ramaglia, G., Lignola, G.P., Prota, A. Out-of-plane retrofit of masonry with fiber-reinforced polymer and fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix systems: normalized interaction diagrams and effects on mechanisms activation. Journal of Composites for Construction, 04020081, 25 (1), 2021.
  • Priestley, M. J. N., Seible, F. Design of seismic retrofit measures for concrete and masonry structures. Construction and Building Materials, 9(6), 365-377, 1995.
  • D'Ayala, D., Speranza, E. Definition of collapse mechanisms and seismic vulnerability of historic masonry buildings. Earthquake Spectra, 19(3), 479-509, 2003.
  • Milano, G., Lourenço, P., Tralli, A. Homogenization Approach for the Limit Analysis of Out-of-Plane Loaded Masonry Walls. Journal of Structural Engineering. 132 (10), 1650-1663, 2006.
  • De Lorenzis, L. Strengthening of masonry structures with fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Civil Infrastructures Using Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites. Woodhead Publishing, eds Hollaway LC and Teng JG: 235-266, 2008.
  • Guadagnuolo, M., Faella, G. The friction in the out-of-plane failure mechanisms of masonry walls. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference. Sydney: Cracow University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology and Wroclaw University of Technology, 2008
  • D’Altri, A. M., De Miranda, S., Castellazzi, G., Sarhosis, V. A 3D detailed micro-model for the in-plane and out-of-plane numerical analysis of masonry panels. Computers and Structures, 18-30, 206, 2016.
  • Harish, S., Sriram, V., Schüttrumpf, H., Sannasiraj, S. A. Tsunami-like flow induced forces on the structure: Dependence of the hydrodynamic force coefficients on Froude number and flow channel width in quasi-steady flow phase. Coastal Engineering, 168, 103938, 2021.
  • D’Antino, T., Calabrese, A. S., Poggi, C. Experimental procedures for the mechanical characterization of composite reinforced mortar (CRM) systems for retrofitting of masonry structures. Materials and Structures, 53(4), 1-18, 2020.
  • de Santis, S., de Felice, G., Di Noia, G. L., Meriggi, P., Volpe, M. Shake table tests on a masonry structure retrofitted with composite reinforced mortar. Key Engineering Materials, 817, 342-349, 2019.
Year 2023, Volume: 34 Issue: 2, 173 - 196, 01.03.2023



  • Strunz, G., Post, J., Zosseder, K., Wegscheider, T., et al. Tsunami risk assessment in Indonesia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11, 67-82, 2011.
  • Behrens, J., Løvholt, F., Jalayer, F., et al. Probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk analysis: a review of research gaps. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9-114, 2021.
  • Rafliana, I., Jalayer, F., Cerase, A., et al. Tsunami risk communication and management: Contemporary gaps and challenges. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102771, 2022.
  • Athukorala, P.C., Resosudarmo, B.P. The Indian Ocean tsunami: Economic impact, disaster management, and lessons. Asian economic papers, 4(1), 1-39, 2005.
  • Palermo, D., Nistor, I., Saatcioglu, M., Ghobarah, A. Impact and damage to structures during the 27 February 2010 Chile tsunami. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 40(8), 750-758, 2013.
  • Suppasri, A., Shuto, N., Imamura, F., et al. Lessons learned from the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami: Performance of tsunami countermeasures, coastal buildings, and tsunami evacuation in Japan. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170(6-8), 993-1018, 2013.
  • Lorito, S., Behrens, J., Løvholt, F., et al. From Tsunami Science to Hazard and Risk Assessment: Methods and Models, Front. Earth Sci. 9:764922, 2021.
  • ASCE/SEI 7-22 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, Reston, Virginia; 2021.
  • Fukuyama, H., Kato, H., Ishihara, T., et al. Structural design requirement on the tsunami evacuation buildings. US-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR), Tokyo; 2011.
  • Asakura, R., Iwase, K., Ikeya, T., et al. An Experimental Study on Wave Force Acting on On-Shore Structures due to Overflowing Tsunamis. In Proceedings of Coastal Engineering Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Japan, 911-915, 2000.
  • Okada, T., Sugano, T., Ishikawa, T., et al. Structural Design Method of Buildings for Tsunami Resistance. The Building Center of Japan, Japan, 2005
  • Foster, A., Rossetto, T., Allsop, W. An experimentally validated approach for evaluating tsunami inundation forces on rectangular buildings. Coastal Engineering, 128, 44-57, 2017.
  • Peiris, N., Pomonis, A. Decembre 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: vulnerability functions for loss estimation in Sri Lanka. In Proceedings of the Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation, Singapore, 2005.
  • Mallawaarachchi, R.S., Jayasinghe, C. The effects of cyclones, tsunami and earthquakes on built environments and strategies for reduced damage. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 36, 03-14, 2008.
  • Vlachakis, G., Cervera, M., Barbat, G. B., Saloustros, S. Out-of-plane seismic response and failure mechanism of masonry structures using finite elements with enhanced strain accuracy. Engineering Failure Analysis, 97, 534-555, 2019.
  • Belliazzi, S., Lignola, G.P., Prota, A. Simplified approach to assess the vulnerability of masonry buildings under tsunami loads. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings, 1-13, 2020.
  • Belliazzi, S., Lignola, G.P., Prota, A. Textile Reinforced Mortars systems: a sustainable way to retrofit structural masonry walls under tsunami loads. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, 3(3), 200-222, 2018.
  • Ai, F., Comfort, L. K., Dong, Y., Znati, T. A dynamic decision support system based on geographical information and mobile social networks: A model for tsunami risk mitigation in Padang, Indonesia. Safety science, 90, 62-74, 2016.
  • Fabbrocino, F., Belliazzi, S., Ramaglia, G., Lignola, G.P., Prota, A. Masonry walls retrofitted with natural fibers under tsunami loads. Materials and Structures, 54(3), 1-15, 2021.
  • Belliazzi, S., Lignola, G.P., & Prota, A. Retrofit of Masonry Walls with Composites to Reduce Vulnerability to Tsunami Loads. In Proceedings of International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 2021.
  • Borri, A.; Corradi, M.; De Maria, A. The Failure of Masonry Walls by Disaggregation and the Masonry Quality Index. Heritage, 3, 1162-1198, 2020.
  • Belliazzi, S., Lignola, G.P., Di Ludovico, M., Prota, A. Preliminary tsunami analytical fragility functions proposal for Italian coastal residential masonry buildings. Structures, 31, 68-79, 2021.
  • Lloyd, T. O. An experimental investigation of tsunami forces on coastal structures (Doctoral dissertation, UCL (University College London)), 2016.
  • Qi, Z.X., Eames, I., Johnson, E.R. Force acting on a square cylinder fixed in a free-surface channel flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 756, 716-727, 2014.
  • Eurocode 6 - Design of Masonry Structures; EN 1996. Design of Masonry Structures, part 1.1: General Rules for Reinforced and Unreinforced Masonry Structures, Brussels, Belgium. 2006.
  • de Felice, G., Aiello, M.A., Caggegi, C., et al. Recommendation of RILEM Technical Committee 250-CSM: Test method for Textile Reinforced Mortar to substrate bond characterization. Materials and Structures, 51 (4), 95, 2018.
  • CNR DT 200R1/2013 Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Existing Structures, Rome, Italy. 2014.
  • CNR DT 215/2018 Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fibre Reinforced Inorganic Matrix Systems for Strengthening Existing Structures, Rome, Italy. 2020.
  • Zinno, A., Lignola, G.P., Prota, A., et al. Influence of free edge stress concentration on effectiveness of FRP confinement. Composites Part B: Engineering, 41(7), 523-532, 2010.
  • Belliazzi, S., Ramaglia, G., Lignola, G.P., Prota, A. Out-of-plane retrofit of masonry with fiber-reinforced polymer and fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix systems: normalized interaction diagrams and effects on mechanisms activation. Journal of Composites for Construction, 04020081, 25 (1), 2021.
  • Priestley, M. J. N., Seible, F. Design of seismic retrofit measures for concrete and masonry structures. Construction and Building Materials, 9(6), 365-377, 1995.
  • D'Ayala, D., Speranza, E. Definition of collapse mechanisms and seismic vulnerability of historic masonry buildings. Earthquake Spectra, 19(3), 479-509, 2003.
  • Milano, G., Lourenço, P., Tralli, A. Homogenization Approach for the Limit Analysis of Out-of-Plane Loaded Masonry Walls. Journal of Structural Engineering. 132 (10), 1650-1663, 2006.
  • De Lorenzis, L. Strengthening of masonry structures with fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Civil Infrastructures Using Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites. Woodhead Publishing, eds Hollaway LC and Teng JG: 235-266, 2008.
  • Guadagnuolo, M., Faella, G. The friction in the out-of-plane failure mechanisms of masonry walls. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference. Sydney: Cracow University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology and Wroclaw University of Technology, 2008
  • D’Altri, A. M., De Miranda, S., Castellazzi, G., Sarhosis, V. A 3D detailed micro-model for the in-plane and out-of-plane numerical analysis of masonry panels. Computers and Structures, 18-30, 206, 2016.
  • Harish, S., Sriram, V., Schüttrumpf, H., Sannasiraj, S. A. Tsunami-like flow induced forces on the structure: Dependence of the hydrodynamic force coefficients on Froude number and flow channel width in quasi-steady flow phase. Coastal Engineering, 168, 103938, 2021.
  • D’Antino, T., Calabrese, A. S., Poggi, C. Experimental procedures for the mechanical characterization of composite reinforced mortar (CRM) systems for retrofitting of masonry structures. Materials and Structures, 53(4), 1-18, 2020.
  • de Santis, S., de Felice, G., Di Noia, G. L., Meriggi, P., Volpe, M. Shake table tests on a masonry structure retrofitted with composite reinforced mortar. Key Engineering Materials, 817, 342-349, 2019.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Civil Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Stefano Bellıazzı This is me 0000-0002-0471-3601

Gian Piero Lıgnola This is me 0000-0001-6027-9291

Andrea Prota This is me 0000-0003-3820-663X

Publication Date March 1, 2023
Submission Date August 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 34 Issue: 2


APA Bellıazzı, S., Lıgnola, G. P., & Prota, A. (2023). Strengthening System Effects on the Out-Of-Plane Mechanisms Activation of Masonry Walls under Tsunami Loads. Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering, 34(2), 173-196.
AMA Bellıazzı S, Lıgnola GP, Prota A. Strengthening System Effects on the Out-Of-Plane Mechanisms Activation of Masonry Walls under Tsunami Loads. TJCE. March 2023;34(2):173-196. doi:10.18400/tjce.1247194
Chicago Bellıazzı, Stefano, Gian Piero Lıgnola, and Andrea Prota. “Strengthening System Effects on the Out-Of-Plane Mechanisms Activation of Masonry Walls under Tsunami Loads”. Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering 34, no. 2 (March 2023): 173-96.
EndNote Bellıazzı S, Lıgnola GP, Prota A (March 1, 2023) Strengthening System Effects on the Out-Of-Plane Mechanisms Activation of Masonry Walls under Tsunami Loads. Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering 34 2 173–196.
IEEE S. Bellıazzı, G. P. Lıgnola, and A. Prota, “Strengthening System Effects on the Out-Of-Plane Mechanisms Activation of Masonry Walls under Tsunami Loads”, TJCE, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 173–196, 2023, doi: 10.18400/tjce.1247194.
ISNAD Bellıazzı, Stefano et al. “Strengthening System Effects on the Out-Of-Plane Mechanisms Activation of Masonry Walls under Tsunami Loads”. Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering 34/2 (March 2023), 173-196.
JAMA Bellıazzı S, Lıgnola GP, Prota A. Strengthening System Effects on the Out-Of-Plane Mechanisms Activation of Masonry Walls under Tsunami Loads. TJCE. 2023;34:173–196.
MLA Bellıazzı, Stefano et al. “Strengthening System Effects on the Out-Of-Plane Mechanisms Activation of Masonry Walls under Tsunami Loads”. Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 34, no. 2, 2023, pp. 173-96, doi:10.18400/tjce.1247194.
Vancouver Bellıazzı S, Lıgnola GP, Prota A. Strengthening System Effects on the Out-Of-Plane Mechanisms Activation of Masonry Walls under Tsunami Loads. TJCE. 2023;34(2):173-96.