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Sönmüş Kireç-Diatomit-SBS Katkılarıyla Geri Dönüştürülmüş Asfalt Kaplamaların Performans Analizi

Year 2023, Volume: 34 Issue: 6, 53 - 79, 01.11.2023


Geri dönüştürülmüş asfalt kaplamalar (RAP); ekonomik ve çevresel üstünlüklere sahiptir. Sera gazı emisyonlarını ve bitüm gereksinimini azaltması, tamamen dönüşebilir olması, atık depolamayı azaltması, hammadde kaynaklarını koruması, kullanım çeşitliliği yönleriyle avantajlıdır. Sürdürülebilirlik yaklaşımlarıyla, artan oranda aşınma tabakalarında kullanılmaktadır. Bu hedeflerle, Türkiye için, saha çalışmalarına yönelik %50 RAP ile aşınma tabakası dizaynları üretilmiştir. Katkı olarak; SBS ile yaygın kullanım oranlarının çok daha düşük değerlerinde uyumlaştırıcı sönmüş kireç (HL) ve diatomit (D) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, HL ve D ile RAP karışımların su hasarı ve tekerlek izi bakımından garantili iyileştirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Diatomit kullanımı; gerek Türkiye gerekse dünya için yenilikçi bir konudur. Sabit HL-SBS içeriğinde, D%5-10 oranları ayrı ayrı kullanıldı. AASHTO T283 Modifiye Lottman ve Hamburg tekerlek izi testleri uygulandı. %50RAP eklenmiş karışımlar, seçilen katkılar ile orijinal karışımlardan daha dirençli hale gelmiştir. Modifiye Lottman testinin D, HL, SBS ve RAP’lı karışımlar için ayırt edici olduğu ve performans artışını yansıttığı görülmektedir. Sabit ve az HL oranında, D oranının %5’den %10 değerine artırılması ile su hasarı direncinin artması, HL ve D’nin birlikte performans artışı oluşturabildiğini gösterdi. HL+SBS uyumu; daha yüksek su hasarı direnci oluşturmaktadır. SBS, gerek HL gerekse de D ile uyumlu çalışmaktadır. Düşük HL- D oranlarında ve yaygın oranda %5SBS kullanımı; %50RAP karışımlarda su hasarı direnci bakımından çok yüksek iyileşme sağlamaktadır. Tüm %50RAP modifiye karışımların kontrol karışımlardan daha yüksek tekerlek izi direnci vermesi bu karışımların uygulamada başarıyla kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Williams BA, Copeland A, Ross TC. Asphalt Pavement Industry Survey on Recycled Materials and Warm-Mix Asphalt Usage: 2017 Natl. Asph. Pavement Assoc., vol. 8th Annual, no. Information Series 138 (8th edition), IS 138(8e).
  • Williams BA, Willis JR, Shacat J. Asphalt Pavement Industry Survey on Recycled Materials and Warm-Mix Asphalt Usage: 2021, Natl. Asph. Pavement Assoc., vol. 12th Annual, no. 12th Annual Asphalt Pavement Industry Survey IS 138 Produced December 2022.
  • Zaumanis M, Cavalli M C and Poulikakos LD. How not to design 100% RAP using performance-based tests, Road Mater. Pavement Des., vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1–13, 2018.
  • Tran N, Taylor A, Turner P, Holmes C and Porot L. Effect of rejuvenator on performance characteristics of high RAP mixture, Asph. Paving Technol. Assoc. Asph. Paving Technol. Tech. Sess., vol. 85, pp. 283–313, 2016.
  • Zaumanis M. 100 % Recycled Hot Mix Asphalt and the Use of Rejuvenators, Worcester Polytechnic Institute2014.
  • Tarsi G, Tataranni P, Sangiorgi C. The Challenges of Using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement for New Asphalt Mixtures: A Review, 13, 4052; doi:10.3390/ma13184052 Materials 2020.
  • Brett AW, Willis JR, Ross TC. Asphalt Pavement Industry Survey on Recycled Materials and Warm-Mix Asphalt Usage: 9th ed.; IS 138; National Asphalt Pavement Association: Greenbelt, MD, USA, 2019.
  • European Asphalt Pavement Association—EAPA. Asphalt in Figures 2018; EAPA: Brussels, Belgium, 2018.
  • Copeland, A. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in Asphalt Mixtures: State of the Practice; No. FHWA-HRT-11-021; Federal Highway Administration: McLean, VA, USA, 2011.
  • Aurangzeb Q, Al-Qadi IL, Ozer H, Yang R, Hybrid life cycle assessment for asphalt mixtures with high RAP content, Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 83 77–86, (2014)
  • Visintine BA. An investigation of various percentages of reclaimed asphalt pavement on the performance of asphalt pavements, Materials Science, 17 March 2011.
  • Li J, Xiao F, Zhang L, Amirkhanian SN. Life Cycle Assessment And Life Cycle Cost Analysis Of Recycled Solid Waste Materials İn Highway Pavement: A Review, J. Clean. Prod. 233 1182–1206,, 2019.
  • Li X, Marasteanu MO, Williams RC, Clyne TR. Effect of reclaimed asphalt pavement (proportion and type) and binder grade on asphalt mixtures, Transp. Res. Rec. 2051 (1) 90–97, 2008.
  • Zaumanis M, Mallick RB, Frank R, 100% Recycled Hot Mix Asphalt: A Review And Analysis, Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 92, 230–245, 2014.
  • Karimi MM, Jahanbakhsh H, Nejad FM. Energy-Based Approach To Characterize İnduced Heating Of Asphalt Concrete Under Electromagnetic Field, Constr. Build. Mater. 273 2021.
  • Zhang K., Huchet F, Hobbs A. A Review Of Thermal Processes İn The Production And Their İnfluences On Performance Of Asphalt Mixtures With Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), Constr. Build. Mater. 206 (2019) 609–619,
  • Kandhal PS, Mallick RB. Pavement Recycling Guidelines For State And Local Governments: Participant’s Reference Book. No. FHWA-SA-98-042, 1997.
  • Zaumanis M and Mallick RB. Review Of Very High-Content Reclaimed Asphalt Use İn Plantproduced Pavements: State Of The Art, Int. J. Pavement Eng., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 39–55 2015
  • Molenaar AAA, Hagos ET, Van de Ven MFC. Effects of Aging on the Mechanical Characteristics of Bituminous Binders in PAC, J. Mater. Civ. Eng., vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 779– 787, 2010.
  • Rathore M et al. Asphalt Recycling Technologies: A Review on Limitations and Benefits, IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 660 012046, IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/660/1/012046, 2019.
  • Anderson E, Daniel JS. Long-Term Performance Of Pavement With High Recycled Asphalt Content: Case Studies. Transportation Research Record: Journal Of The Transportation Research Board, No. 2371. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, pp 1–12. doi:10.3141/2371-01 2013.
  • Apeagyei A, Clark T, Rorrer T. Stiffness of high RAP asphalt mixtures: Virginia’s experience, J Mater Civ Eng 25(6):747–754. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533. 0000543, 2013.
  • Olita S, Ciampa D. SuPerPave® Mix Design Method of Recycled Asphalt Concrete Applied in the European Standards Context, Sustainability, 13, 9079., 2021.
  • Mangiafico S et al. Statistical Analysis Of The İnfluence of RAP And Mix Composition On Viscoelastic And Fatigue Properties Of Asphalt Mixes, Materials and Structures 48:1187–1205 DOI 10.1617/s11527-013-0225-z, 2015.
  • Cong PL, Zhou B, Chen SF. Low Temperature Rheological And Mechanistic Characteristics Of Three Different Types Of Asphalt Binders, Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol. 4 307–312, 2011.
  • Dony A, Colin J, Bruneau D, Drouadaine I, Navaro J. Reclaimed Asphalt Concretes With High Recycling Rates: Changes İn Reclaimed Binder Properties According To Rejuvenating Agent, Constr. Build. Mater. 41 175–181, 2013.
  • Gonzalez O, Munoz ME, Santamaría A. Rheology And Stability Of Bitumen/ EVA Blends, Eur. Polym. J. 40 2365–2372, 2004.
  • Cong P et al. Investigation Of The Properties Of Asphalt Mixtures İncorporating Reclaimed SBS Modified Asphalt Pavement, Construction and Building Materials 113 334–340, 2016.
  • Colbert B, You Z. The Properties Of Asphalt Binder Blended With Variable Quantities Of Recycled Asphalt Using Short Term And Long Term Aging Simulations, Constr. Build. Mater. 26, 552–557, 2012.
  • Yu X, Zaumanis M, Santos S, Poulikakos LD. Rheological, Microscopic, And Chemical Characterization Of The Rejuvenating Effect On Asphalt Binders, Fuel 135 162–171, 2014.
  • Valdes G, Perez-Jimenez F, Miro R, Martinez A, Botella R. Experimental Study Of Recycled Asphalt Mixtures With High Percentages Of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), Constr. Build. Mater. 23 1289–1297, 2011.
  • Shirodkar P, Mehta Y, Nolan A, Sonpal K, Norton A, Tomlinson C, Dubois E, Sullivan P, Sauber R. A Study To Determine The Degree Of Partial Blending Of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Binder For High RAP Hot Mix Asphalt, Constr. Build. Mater. 25 150–155, 2011.
  • Huang B, Li G, Vukosavljevic D, Shu X, Egan BK. Laboratory Investigation of Mixing Hot-Mix Asphalt with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1929, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington D.C. pp. 37–45. 2005.
  • Bouron S, Hammoum F, Ruat H. et al. Improving The Durability Of Asphalt Mixtures With Hydrated Lime: Field Results From Highway A84, Case Studies in Construction Materials 14 e00551 2021.
  • Cheng Y, Tao J, Jiao Y et al. Influence Of The Properties Of Filler On High And Medium Temperature Performances Of Asphalt Mastic, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 118, pp. 268–275, 2016.
  • Guo Q, Li L, Cheng Y, Jiao Y, and Xu C. Laboratory Evaluation On Performance Of Diatomite And Glass Fiber Compound Modified Asphalt Mixture, Materials and Design, vol. 66, pp. 51–59, 2015.
  • Zhou Z. Experimental Study on Mix Design of Diatomite Modified Asphalt Mixture. Master’s Thesis, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2008.
  • Li ZS. A Study on The Performance of Diatomite Modified Asphalt Mixture. Master’s Thesis, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2008.
  • Jahangiri B et al. Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Mixtures With Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement And Recycled Asphalt Shingles İn Missouri, Transp. Res. Rec. 2019.
  • AASHTO (2014). Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-induced Damage. AASHTO T 283e14. American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
  • Epps J, Berger E, and Anagnos JN. Treatments. In: Moisture Sensitivity Of Asphalt Pavements: A National Seminar. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. 117–183, 2003.
  • Yang C, Xie J, Zhou X, Liu Q, Pang L. Performance Evaluation and Improving Mechanisms of Diatomite-Modified Asphalt Mixture. Materials, 11, 686, 2018.
  • Shukry NAM, Hassan NA, Abdullah ME, Hainin MR, Yusoff NIM, Jaya RP, Mohamed A. Effect Of Various Filler Types On The Properties Of Porous Asphalt Mixture. IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 342, 012036, 2018.
  • Luo S, Chen N, Xu H, Tan B, Chen, Q. Study on Indoor Pavement Performance of Diatomite-Modified Asphalt Mixture. In Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Innovative Material Science and Technology (IMST 2016), Shenzhen, China, 19–21 August 2016.
  • Zhang H. Optimum Filler–Bitumen Ratio of Asphalt Mortar Considering Self-Healing Property, J. Mater. Civ. Eng. ©ASCE, 31-8, American Society of Civil Engineers August 2019.
  • Chen L et al. Rutting Prediction Model for Semirigid Base Asphalt Pavement Based on Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test, Int. J. Geomech., 21(11): 04021215, ASCE, 2021.
  • Cardone, F et al. Influence Of Mineral Fillers On The Rheological Response Of Polymer-Modified Bitumens And Mastics, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2 (6), 373–381, 2015.
  • Cheng Y et al. Effects of Diatomite–Limestone Powder Ratio on Mechanical and Anti-Deformation Properties of Sustainable Sand Asphalt Composite, Sustainability, 10, 808, 2018.
  • Cong P, Chen S, Chen H. Effects Of Diatomite On The Properties Of Asphalt Binder, Constr. Build. Mater. 30, 495–499, 2012.
  • Cong P, Liu N, Tian Y, Zhang Y. Effects Of Long-Term Aging On The Properties Of Asphalt Binder Containing Diatoms. Constr. Build. Mater. 123, 534–540, 2016.
  • Shukrya NAM et al. Influence Of Diatomite Filler On Rheological Properties Of Porous Asphalt Mastic, International Journal Of Pavement Engineering, VOL. 21, NO. 4, 428–436, 2020.
  • Wang YD. Research On The Anti-Ageing Mechanism And Mechanical Properties Of Diatomite Modified Asphalt Binder [Master’s thesis], Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2015.
  • Zhu DP, Zhang JZ, Chen JB, Yuan K, Cheng C. Experiment On Road Performance Of Diatomite Modified Asphalt Mixture in Permafrost Regions, China Journal of Highway and Transport, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 23–28, 2013.

Performance Analysis of Recycled Asphalt Pavements with Hydrated Lime-Diatomite-SBS Additives

Year 2023, Volume: 34 Issue: 6, 53 - 79, 01.11.2023


Reclaimed asphalt pavements (RAP); has economic and environmental advantages. It is advantageous in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and bitumen requirement, being completely recyclable, reducing waste storage, protecting raw material resources, and diversity of use. With sustainability approaches, it is increasingly used in wear layers. With these objectives, wearing layer designs with 50% RAP for field studies were produced for Turkey. As an additive materials; compatibilizer hydrated lime (HL) and diatomite (D) were used at much lower values than the common usage rates with SBS. It was aimed to obtain guaranteed improvement of RAP mixtures with HL and D in terms of water damage and rutting. Using of diatomite is one of the innovative issues for both Turkey and the world. 5-10% ratios of D were used separately for the constant HL-SBS content. AASHTO T283 Modified Lottman and Hamburg rutting tests were performed. Mixtures with 50%RAP added became more resistant than the original mixtures with the selected additives. It is seen that the modified Lottman test is distinctive for mixtures with D, HL, SBS and RAP and reflects the performances successfully. Increased water damage resistance at a constant low HL ratio with the increasing the D ratio from 5% to 10% indicate that HL and D together can produce performance improvement. HL+SBS compliance provides higher water damage resistance. SBS works in harmony with both HL and D. Low HL-D rates and widespread use of 5%SBS provides very high improvement in water damage resistance in mixtures with 50%RAP. The fact that all 50%RAP modified mixtures gave higher rutting resistance than control mixtures shows that these mixtures can be used successfully in practice.


  • Williams BA, Copeland A, Ross TC. Asphalt Pavement Industry Survey on Recycled Materials and Warm-Mix Asphalt Usage: 2017 Natl. Asph. Pavement Assoc., vol. 8th Annual, no. Information Series 138 (8th edition), IS 138(8e).
  • Williams BA, Willis JR, Shacat J. Asphalt Pavement Industry Survey on Recycled Materials and Warm-Mix Asphalt Usage: 2021, Natl. Asph. Pavement Assoc., vol. 12th Annual, no. 12th Annual Asphalt Pavement Industry Survey IS 138 Produced December 2022.
  • Zaumanis M, Cavalli M C and Poulikakos LD. How not to design 100% RAP using performance-based tests, Road Mater. Pavement Des., vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1–13, 2018.
  • Tran N, Taylor A, Turner P, Holmes C and Porot L. Effect of rejuvenator on performance characteristics of high RAP mixture, Asph. Paving Technol. Assoc. Asph. Paving Technol. Tech. Sess., vol. 85, pp. 283–313, 2016.
  • Zaumanis M. 100 % Recycled Hot Mix Asphalt and the Use of Rejuvenators, Worcester Polytechnic Institute2014.
  • Tarsi G, Tataranni P, Sangiorgi C. The Challenges of Using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement for New Asphalt Mixtures: A Review, 13, 4052; doi:10.3390/ma13184052 Materials 2020.
  • Brett AW, Willis JR, Ross TC. Asphalt Pavement Industry Survey on Recycled Materials and Warm-Mix Asphalt Usage: 9th ed.; IS 138; National Asphalt Pavement Association: Greenbelt, MD, USA, 2019.
  • European Asphalt Pavement Association—EAPA. Asphalt in Figures 2018; EAPA: Brussels, Belgium, 2018.
  • Copeland, A. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in Asphalt Mixtures: State of the Practice; No. FHWA-HRT-11-021; Federal Highway Administration: McLean, VA, USA, 2011.
  • Aurangzeb Q, Al-Qadi IL, Ozer H, Yang R, Hybrid life cycle assessment for asphalt mixtures with high RAP content, Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 83 77–86, (2014)
  • Visintine BA. An investigation of various percentages of reclaimed asphalt pavement on the performance of asphalt pavements, Materials Science, 17 March 2011.
  • Li J, Xiao F, Zhang L, Amirkhanian SN. Life Cycle Assessment And Life Cycle Cost Analysis Of Recycled Solid Waste Materials İn Highway Pavement: A Review, J. Clean. Prod. 233 1182–1206,, 2019.
  • Li X, Marasteanu MO, Williams RC, Clyne TR. Effect of reclaimed asphalt pavement (proportion and type) and binder grade on asphalt mixtures, Transp. Res. Rec. 2051 (1) 90–97, 2008.
  • Zaumanis M, Mallick RB, Frank R, 100% Recycled Hot Mix Asphalt: A Review And Analysis, Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 92, 230–245, 2014.
  • Karimi MM, Jahanbakhsh H, Nejad FM. Energy-Based Approach To Characterize İnduced Heating Of Asphalt Concrete Under Electromagnetic Field, Constr. Build. Mater. 273 2021.
  • Zhang K., Huchet F, Hobbs A. A Review Of Thermal Processes İn The Production And Their İnfluences On Performance Of Asphalt Mixtures With Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), Constr. Build. Mater. 206 (2019) 609–619,
  • Kandhal PS, Mallick RB. Pavement Recycling Guidelines For State And Local Governments: Participant’s Reference Book. No. FHWA-SA-98-042, 1997.
  • Zaumanis M and Mallick RB. Review Of Very High-Content Reclaimed Asphalt Use İn Plantproduced Pavements: State Of The Art, Int. J. Pavement Eng., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 39–55 2015
  • Molenaar AAA, Hagos ET, Van de Ven MFC. Effects of Aging on the Mechanical Characteristics of Bituminous Binders in PAC, J. Mater. Civ. Eng., vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 779– 787, 2010.
  • Rathore M et al. Asphalt Recycling Technologies: A Review on Limitations and Benefits, IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 660 012046, IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/660/1/012046, 2019.
  • Anderson E, Daniel JS. Long-Term Performance Of Pavement With High Recycled Asphalt Content: Case Studies. Transportation Research Record: Journal Of The Transportation Research Board, No. 2371. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, pp 1–12. doi:10.3141/2371-01 2013.
  • Apeagyei A, Clark T, Rorrer T. Stiffness of high RAP asphalt mixtures: Virginia’s experience, J Mater Civ Eng 25(6):747–754. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533. 0000543, 2013.
  • Olita S, Ciampa D. SuPerPave® Mix Design Method of Recycled Asphalt Concrete Applied in the European Standards Context, Sustainability, 13, 9079., 2021.
  • Mangiafico S et al. Statistical Analysis Of The İnfluence of RAP And Mix Composition On Viscoelastic And Fatigue Properties Of Asphalt Mixes, Materials and Structures 48:1187–1205 DOI 10.1617/s11527-013-0225-z, 2015.
  • Cong PL, Zhou B, Chen SF. Low Temperature Rheological And Mechanistic Characteristics Of Three Different Types Of Asphalt Binders, Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol. 4 307–312, 2011.
  • Dony A, Colin J, Bruneau D, Drouadaine I, Navaro J. Reclaimed Asphalt Concretes With High Recycling Rates: Changes İn Reclaimed Binder Properties According To Rejuvenating Agent, Constr. Build. Mater. 41 175–181, 2013.
  • Gonzalez O, Munoz ME, Santamaría A. Rheology And Stability Of Bitumen/ EVA Blends, Eur. Polym. J. 40 2365–2372, 2004.
  • Cong P et al. Investigation Of The Properties Of Asphalt Mixtures İncorporating Reclaimed SBS Modified Asphalt Pavement, Construction and Building Materials 113 334–340, 2016.
  • Colbert B, You Z. The Properties Of Asphalt Binder Blended With Variable Quantities Of Recycled Asphalt Using Short Term And Long Term Aging Simulations, Constr. Build. Mater. 26, 552–557, 2012.
  • Yu X, Zaumanis M, Santos S, Poulikakos LD. Rheological, Microscopic, And Chemical Characterization Of The Rejuvenating Effect On Asphalt Binders, Fuel 135 162–171, 2014.
  • Valdes G, Perez-Jimenez F, Miro R, Martinez A, Botella R. Experimental Study Of Recycled Asphalt Mixtures With High Percentages Of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), Constr. Build. Mater. 23 1289–1297, 2011.
  • Shirodkar P, Mehta Y, Nolan A, Sonpal K, Norton A, Tomlinson C, Dubois E, Sullivan P, Sauber R. A Study To Determine The Degree Of Partial Blending Of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Binder For High RAP Hot Mix Asphalt, Constr. Build. Mater. 25 150–155, 2011.
  • Huang B, Li G, Vukosavljevic D, Shu X, Egan BK. Laboratory Investigation of Mixing Hot-Mix Asphalt with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement. In Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1929, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington D.C. pp. 37–45. 2005.
  • Bouron S, Hammoum F, Ruat H. et al. Improving The Durability Of Asphalt Mixtures With Hydrated Lime: Field Results From Highway A84, Case Studies in Construction Materials 14 e00551 2021.
  • Cheng Y, Tao J, Jiao Y et al. Influence Of The Properties Of Filler On High And Medium Temperature Performances Of Asphalt Mastic, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 118, pp. 268–275, 2016.
  • Guo Q, Li L, Cheng Y, Jiao Y, and Xu C. Laboratory Evaluation On Performance Of Diatomite And Glass Fiber Compound Modified Asphalt Mixture, Materials and Design, vol. 66, pp. 51–59, 2015.
  • Zhou Z. Experimental Study on Mix Design of Diatomite Modified Asphalt Mixture. Master’s Thesis, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2008.
  • Li ZS. A Study on The Performance of Diatomite Modified Asphalt Mixture. Master’s Thesis, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2008.
  • Jahangiri B et al. Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Mixtures With Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement And Recycled Asphalt Shingles İn Missouri, Transp. Res. Rec. 2019.
  • AASHTO (2014). Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-induced Damage. AASHTO T 283e14. American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
  • Epps J, Berger E, and Anagnos JN. Treatments. In: Moisture Sensitivity Of Asphalt Pavements: A National Seminar. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. 117–183, 2003.
  • Yang C, Xie J, Zhou X, Liu Q, Pang L. Performance Evaluation and Improving Mechanisms of Diatomite-Modified Asphalt Mixture. Materials, 11, 686, 2018.
  • Shukry NAM, Hassan NA, Abdullah ME, Hainin MR, Yusoff NIM, Jaya RP, Mohamed A. Effect Of Various Filler Types On The Properties Of Porous Asphalt Mixture. IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 342, 012036, 2018.
  • Luo S, Chen N, Xu H, Tan B, Chen, Q. Study on Indoor Pavement Performance of Diatomite-Modified Asphalt Mixture. In Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Innovative Material Science and Technology (IMST 2016), Shenzhen, China, 19–21 August 2016.
  • Zhang H. Optimum Filler–Bitumen Ratio of Asphalt Mortar Considering Self-Healing Property, J. Mater. Civ. Eng. ©ASCE, 31-8, American Society of Civil Engineers August 2019.
  • Chen L et al. Rutting Prediction Model for Semirigid Base Asphalt Pavement Based on Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test, Int. J. Geomech., 21(11): 04021215, ASCE, 2021.
  • Cardone, F et al. Influence Of Mineral Fillers On The Rheological Response Of Polymer-Modified Bitumens And Mastics, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2 (6), 373–381, 2015.
  • Cheng Y et al. Effects of Diatomite–Limestone Powder Ratio on Mechanical and Anti-Deformation Properties of Sustainable Sand Asphalt Composite, Sustainability, 10, 808, 2018.
  • Cong P, Chen S, Chen H. Effects Of Diatomite On The Properties Of Asphalt Binder, Constr. Build. Mater. 30, 495–499, 2012.
  • Cong P, Liu N, Tian Y, Zhang Y. Effects Of Long-Term Aging On The Properties Of Asphalt Binder Containing Diatoms. Constr. Build. Mater. 123, 534–540, 2016.
  • Shukrya NAM et al. Influence Of Diatomite Filler On Rheological Properties Of Porous Asphalt Mastic, International Journal Of Pavement Engineering, VOL. 21, NO. 4, 428–436, 2020.
  • Wang YD. Research On The Anti-Ageing Mechanism And Mechanical Properties Of Diatomite Modified Asphalt Binder [Master’s thesis], Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2015.
  • Zhu DP, Zhang JZ, Chen JB, Yuan K, Cheng C. Experiment On Road Performance Of Diatomite Modified Asphalt Mixture in Permafrost Regions, China Journal of Highway and Transport, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 23–28, 2013.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Transportation Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Burak Korzay 0000-0001-8401-2153

Atakan Aksoy 0000-0001-5232-6465

Mehmet Emre Tekin 0000-0003-1582-4232

Publication Date November 1, 2023
Submission Date November 8, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 34 Issue: 6


APA Korzay, B., Aksoy, A., & Tekin, M. E. (2023). Sönmüş Kireç-Diatomit-SBS Katkılarıyla Geri Dönüştürülmüş Asfalt Kaplamaların Performans Analizi. Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering, 34(6), 53-79.
AMA Korzay B, Aksoy A, Tekin ME. Sönmüş Kireç-Diatomit-SBS Katkılarıyla Geri Dönüştürülmüş Asfalt Kaplamaların Performans Analizi. TJCE. November 2023;34(6):53-79. doi:10.18400/tjce.1363595
Chicago Korzay, Burak, Atakan Aksoy, and Mehmet Emre Tekin. “Sönmüş Kireç-Diatomit-SBS Katkılarıyla Geri Dönüştürülmüş Asfalt Kaplamaların Performans Analizi”. Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering 34, no. 6 (November 2023): 53-79.
EndNote Korzay B, Aksoy A, Tekin ME (November 1, 2023) Sönmüş Kireç-Diatomit-SBS Katkılarıyla Geri Dönüştürülmüş Asfalt Kaplamaların Performans Analizi. Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering 34 6 53–79.
IEEE B. Korzay, A. Aksoy, and M. E. Tekin, “Sönmüş Kireç-Diatomit-SBS Katkılarıyla Geri Dönüştürülmüş Asfalt Kaplamaların Performans Analizi”, TJCE, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 53–79, 2023, doi: 10.18400/tjce.1363595.
ISNAD Korzay, Burak et al. “Sönmüş Kireç-Diatomit-SBS Katkılarıyla Geri Dönüştürülmüş Asfalt Kaplamaların Performans Analizi”. Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering 34/6 (November 2023), 53-79.
JAMA Korzay B, Aksoy A, Tekin ME. Sönmüş Kireç-Diatomit-SBS Katkılarıyla Geri Dönüştürülmüş Asfalt Kaplamaların Performans Analizi. TJCE. 2023;34:53–79.
MLA Korzay, Burak et al. “Sönmüş Kireç-Diatomit-SBS Katkılarıyla Geri Dönüştürülmüş Asfalt Kaplamaların Performans Analizi”. Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 34, no. 6, 2023, pp. 53-79, doi:10.18400/tjce.1363595.
Vancouver Korzay B, Aksoy A, Tekin ME. Sönmüş Kireç-Diatomit-SBS Katkılarıyla Geri Dönüştürülmüş Asfalt Kaplamaların Performans Analizi. TJCE. 2023;34(6):53-79.