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Retrospective analysis of electronic medical records of Syrian immigrants admitted to a training and research hospital in Turkey

Year 2018, , 307 - 312, 28.12.2018


Aim: The
Syrian citizens mass-migrated mostly to Turkey along with Lebanon, Jordan, and
Iraq because of internal conflicts. Having access to health care is of great
importance in such crisis situations.
aim of this study is to reveal the characteristics and the frequency of
admission to health services of Syrian refugee patients, who have admitted to a
tertiary hospital in Ankara.

Material and Methods: The patients of Syrian nationality who have admitted
to Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital between 03.2014 - 02.2017 were
included irrespective of their age in this descriptive retrospective study. Medical
records were reviewed for available information such as the registered
province, age, gender, number of patients, outpatient clinic, number of
hospital admissions and emergency applications, the frequency of the diagnosis
international classification of diseases (ICD) code, surgery status, surgery
type, and the frequency of imaging requests.

Results: The total number of Syrian citizens was 2,205. The top
three ICD diagnosis codes are “Symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and
laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)”, “Factors influencing
health status and contact with health services (Z00-Z99)” and “Diseases of the
musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99)”. The most frequented
clinic was the emergency medicine.

Conclusion: Most of the
applications are the problems that could be diagnosed and treated in primary
care. It is thought to be more effective that Syrian patients could be followed
closely by family physicians, in term of patients and cost. 


  • 1. Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies. Suriye’ye komşu ülkelerde Suriyeli mültecilerin durumu: Bulgular, sonuçlar ve öneriler. ORSAM Rapor 2014; 189. http://www.orsam.org.tr/eski/tr/trUploads/Yazilar/Dosyalar/201452_189tur.pdf
  • 2. Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency. Türkiye'deki Suriyeli sığınmacılar, 2013 Saha Araştırması Sonuçları. 2013. https://www.afad.gov.tr/upload/Node/17947/xfiles/syrian-refugees-in-turkey 2013_baski_30_12_2013_tr_1_.pdf
  • 3. Yavuz Ö. The legal and ethical foundations of health assistances to Syrian refugees in Turkey. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Social Sciences Institute 2015; 30: 265-280.
  • 4. Döner P, Özkara A, Kahveci R. Syrian refugees in Turkey: numbers and emotions. Lancet 2013; 382: 764.
  • 5. Tahirbegolli B, Çavdar S, Çetinkaya Sümer E, Akdeniz SI, Vehid S. Outpatient admissions and hospital costs of Syrian refugees in a Turkish university hospital. Saudi Medical Journal 2016; 37: 809.
  • 6. Aygün O, Gökdemir Ö, Bulut Ü, Yaprak S, Güldal D. Evaluation of primary health care services which is provided to refugees within a public health center. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2016; 10: 6-12.
  • 7. Gulacti U, Lok U, Polat H. Emergency department visits of Syrian refugees and the cost of their healthcare. Pathogens and Global Health 2017; 111: 219-24.
  • 8. Oğuz S, Tuygun N, Polat E, Akça H, Karacan CD. War and children: effect of Syria civil war on a pediatric emergency department, 750 km away from the border. Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine 2016; 3: 135-39.
  • 9. Yurtseven A, Özcan G, Saz EU. Comparison of between Syrian patients and Turkish patients who admitted to the pediatric emergency department: Experince of Ege University. Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine 2015; 2: 133-36.
  • 10. Mockenhaupt F, Barbre K, Jensenius M, et al. Profile of illness in Syrian refugees: A GeoSentinel analysis, 2013 to 2015. Euro Surveill. 2016; 21: 30160.
  • 11. Kocamer Şimşek B, Dokur M, Uysal E et al. Characteristics of the injuries of Syrian refugees sustained during the civil war. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2017; 23: 199-206.
  • 12. Doğru S, Döner P. Frequency and outcomes of new patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Hatay province after Syrian civil war. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis 2017; 64: 83-88.
  • 13. Inci R, Ozturk P, Mulayim KM, Ozyurt K, Alatas ET, Inci MF. Effect of the Syrian civil war on prevalence of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Southeastern Anatolia. Med Sci Monit 2015: 2100-04.
  • 14. Koltas IS, Eroglu F, Alabaz D, Uzun S. The emergence of Leishmania major and Leishmania donovani in southern Turkey. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2014; 108: 154-58.

Türkiye’de bir eğitim araştırma hastanesine başvuran Suriyeli göçmenlerin elektronik tıbbi kayıtlarının retrospektif analizi

Year 2018, , 307 - 312, 28.12.2018


Amaç: Suriyeliler iç çatışmalar sebebiyle, başta Türkiye olmak
üzere; Lübnan, Ürdün ve Irak’a yoğun ve toplu göçler gerçekleştirmişlerdir.
Sağlık hizmetlerine erişebilirlik kriz durumlarında büyük bir öneme sahiptir.
Bu çalışmada amacımız, Ankara ilinde bulunan üçüncü basamak bir hastaneye
başvuran Suriyeli mülteci hastaların özelliklerini ve sağlık hizmetlerine
erişim sıklıklarını ortaya koymaktır.

Gereç ve Yöntemler:
Retrospektif tanımlayıcı araştırmamıza, Ankara Numune
Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’ne 03.2014-02.2017 tarihleri arasında başvuran
Suriye uyruklu hastalar, yaş sınırı aranmaksızın dahil edilmiştir. Hastaların;
kayıtlı oldukları iller, yaş, cinsiyet, hasta sayısı, poliklinik, yatış ve acil
başvuru sayısı, ICD (Hastalıkların Uluslararası Sınıflaması) tanı kodu sıklığı,
ameliyat olma durumu, ameliyat grubu ve görüntüleme istenme oranları

Bulgular: Başvuran toplam Suriyeli sayısı 2205’tir. İlk 3 ICD tanı
kodu grubu “Semptomlar ve anormal klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları (R00-R99)”, Sağlık
durumu ve sağlık hizmetlerinden yararlanmayı etkileyen faktörler (Z00-Z99)” ve “Kas-iskelet
ve bağ dokusu hastalıkları (M00-M99)”dır. En sık başvurulan klinik Acil

Sonuçlar: Başvuruların çoğu birinci basamakta tanı ve tedavi
edilebilecek problemlerdir. Suriyeli
hastaların hasta ve maliyet açısından aile hekimleri tarafından yakından takip
edilebilmelerinin daha etkili olacağı düşünülmektedir. 


  • 1. Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies. Suriye’ye komşu ülkelerde Suriyeli mültecilerin durumu: Bulgular, sonuçlar ve öneriler. ORSAM Rapor 2014; 189. http://www.orsam.org.tr/eski/tr/trUploads/Yazilar/Dosyalar/201452_189tur.pdf
  • 2. Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency. Türkiye'deki Suriyeli sığınmacılar, 2013 Saha Araştırması Sonuçları. 2013. https://www.afad.gov.tr/upload/Node/17947/xfiles/syrian-refugees-in-turkey 2013_baski_30_12_2013_tr_1_.pdf
  • 3. Yavuz Ö. The legal and ethical foundations of health assistances to Syrian refugees in Turkey. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Social Sciences Institute 2015; 30: 265-280.
  • 4. Döner P, Özkara A, Kahveci R. Syrian refugees in Turkey: numbers and emotions. Lancet 2013; 382: 764.
  • 5. Tahirbegolli B, Çavdar S, Çetinkaya Sümer E, Akdeniz SI, Vehid S. Outpatient admissions and hospital costs of Syrian refugees in a Turkish university hospital. Saudi Medical Journal 2016; 37: 809.
  • 6. Aygün O, Gökdemir Ö, Bulut Ü, Yaprak S, Güldal D. Evaluation of primary health care services which is provided to refugees within a public health center. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2016; 10: 6-12.
  • 7. Gulacti U, Lok U, Polat H. Emergency department visits of Syrian refugees and the cost of their healthcare. Pathogens and Global Health 2017; 111: 219-24.
  • 8. Oğuz S, Tuygun N, Polat E, Akça H, Karacan CD. War and children: effect of Syria civil war on a pediatric emergency department, 750 km away from the border. Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine 2016; 3: 135-39.
  • 9. Yurtseven A, Özcan G, Saz EU. Comparison of between Syrian patients and Turkish patients who admitted to the pediatric emergency department: Experince of Ege University. Journal of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine 2015; 2: 133-36.
  • 10. Mockenhaupt F, Barbre K, Jensenius M, et al. Profile of illness in Syrian refugees: A GeoSentinel analysis, 2013 to 2015. Euro Surveill. 2016; 21: 30160.
  • 11. Kocamer Şimşek B, Dokur M, Uysal E et al. Characteristics of the injuries of Syrian refugees sustained during the civil war. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2017; 23: 199-206.
  • 12. Doğru S, Döner P. Frequency and outcomes of new patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Hatay province after Syrian civil war. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis 2017; 64: 83-88.
  • 13. Inci R, Ozturk P, Mulayim KM, Ozyurt K, Alatas ET, Inci MF. Effect of the Syrian civil war on prevalence of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Southeastern Anatolia. Med Sci Monit 2015: 2100-04.
  • 14. Koltas IS, Eroglu F, Alabaz D, Uzun S. The emergence of Leishmania major and Leishmania donovani in southern Turkey. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2014; 108: 154-58.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Orıgınal Artıcle

Ezgi Ağadayı 0000-0001-9546-2483

Emine Özer Küçük 0000-0002-0082-5307

Aybüke Demir Alsancak This is me 0000-0002-8433-2437

Seval Gönderen Çakmak 0000-0003-2980-7804

Rabia Kahveci 0000-0002-9541-8412

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Ağadayı, E., Özer Küçük, E., Demir Alsancak, A., Gönderen Çakmak, S., et al. (2018). Retrospective analysis of electronic medical records of Syrian immigrants admitted to a training and research hospital in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, 9(4), 307-312. https://doi.org/10.18663/tjcl.400029
AMA Ağadayı E, Özer Küçük E, Demir Alsancak A, Gönderen Çakmak S, Kahveci R. Retrospective analysis of electronic medical records of Syrian immigrants admitted to a training and research hospital in Turkey. TJCL. December 2018;9(4):307-312. doi:10.18663/tjcl.400029
Chicago Ağadayı, Ezgi, Emine Özer Küçük, Aybüke Demir Alsancak, Seval Gönderen Çakmak, and Rabia Kahveci. “Retrospective Analysis of Electronic Medical Records of Syrian Immigrants Admitted to a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 9, no. 4 (December 2018): 307-12. https://doi.org/10.18663/tjcl.400029.
EndNote Ağadayı E, Özer Küçük E, Demir Alsancak A, Gönderen Çakmak S, Kahveci R (December 1, 2018) Retrospective analysis of electronic medical records of Syrian immigrants admitted to a training and research hospital in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 9 4 307–312.
IEEE E. Ağadayı, E. Özer Küçük, A. Demir Alsancak, S. Gönderen Çakmak, and R. Kahveci, “Retrospective analysis of electronic medical records of Syrian immigrants admitted to a training and research hospital in Turkey”, TJCL, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 307–312, 2018, doi: 10.18663/tjcl.400029.
ISNAD Ağadayı, Ezgi et al. “Retrospective Analysis of Electronic Medical Records of Syrian Immigrants Admitted to a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 9/4 (December 2018), 307-312. https://doi.org/10.18663/tjcl.400029.
JAMA Ağadayı E, Özer Küçük E, Demir Alsancak A, Gönderen Çakmak S, Kahveci R. Retrospective analysis of electronic medical records of Syrian immigrants admitted to a training and research hospital in Turkey. TJCL. 2018;9:307–312.
MLA Ağadayı, Ezgi et al. “Retrospective Analysis of Electronic Medical Records of Syrian Immigrants Admitted to a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, vol. 9, no. 4, 2018, pp. 307-12, doi:10.18663/tjcl.400029.
Vancouver Ağadayı E, Özer Küçük E, Demir Alsancak A, Gönderen Çakmak S, Kahveci R. Retrospective analysis of electronic medical records of Syrian immigrants admitted to a training and research hospital in Turkey. TJCL. 2018;9(4):307-12.

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