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An evaluation of mean platelet volume, sedimentation, and crp in brucellosis patients

Year 2019, , 479 - 483, 31.12.2019


Aim: Brucellosis is an important infectious disease in
Turkey and our region. Mean platelet volume(MPV) is a marker of platelet
function, production, and activation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate
the relation between epidemiological characteristics of brucellosis patients
and MPV and other inflammatory markers.

and Methods:
patients hospitalized for monitoring at the Infectious Diseases Clinic in
2007-2015 were included in the study. One hundred patients with positive tube
agglutination tests and/or with bone marrow culture growth, and 100 controls group
without diagnosis of brucellosis were enrolled. Patients’ MPV, sedimentation,
and CRP values were compared with those of the controls.

Results: Men constituted 64% of the patients were men, and the
mean age of the patient group was 37.33±16.88
years. The control group consisted of 62% men, with a mean age of 40.35±15.46.
There was no statistically significant difference between patients and controls
in terms of age or sex. CRP, MPV, and sedimentation were significantly higher
in patients with brucellosis than in the controls. 

MPV is novel, low cost, easily applied marker. It may
be of greater value when assessed together with other inflammatory markers. Our
findings suggest that MPV values may be a useful inflammation marker and
prognostic factor in brucellosis patients.


  • 1. Young EJ. Brucella species. In: Mandell GL, Bennett GE, Dolin R, eds. Princeples and practice of Infectious Diseases. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone 2010; 2669-74.
  • 2. Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman R, Smits LH. Human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis 2007; 7: 775-786.
  • 3. Karaman K, Akbayram S, Bayhan GI, Dogan M, Parlak M, Akbayram HT et al. Hematologic Findings in Children With Brucellosis: Experiences of 622 Patients in Eastern Turkey. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2016; 38: 463-66.
  • 4. Okan DH, Gökmen Z, Seyit B, Yuksel K, Cevdet Z, Deniz A. Mean platelet volume in brucellosis: correlation between brucella standard serum agglutination test results, platelet count, and C-reactive protein. Afr Health Sci 2014; 14: 797-801.
  • 5. Öztürk ZA, Sayıner H, Kuyumcu ME, Yeşil Y, Savas E, Sayıner ZA, Kısacık B, Kepekçi Y. Mean platelet volume in Assessment of Brucellosis Disease. Biomed Res India 2012; 23: 541-46.
  • 6. Gasparyan AY, Ayvazyan L, Mikhailidis DP, Kitas GD. Mean platelet volume: A link between thrombosis and inflammation? Curr Pharm Des 2011; 17: 47-58
  • 7. Aktar F, Tekin R, Bektaş MS, Güneş A, Köşker M, Ertuğrul S et al. Diagnostic role of inflamatory markers in pediatric Brucella arthritis. Ital J Pediatr 2016; 11: 3.
  • 8. Küçükbayrak A, Tas T, Tosun M, Aktaş G, Alçelik A, Hakyemez NI et al. Could thrombocyte parameters be an inflammatory marker in brucellosis? Med Glas (Zenica) 2013;10: 35-39.
  • 9. Turhan O, Coban E, Inan D, Yalcın AN. Increased mean platelet volume in chronic hepatitis B patients with inactive disease. Med Sci Monit 2010; 16: 202-205.
  • 10. Türkcü FM, Cingü AK, Yüksel H, Cınar Y, Akkurt M, Sahin M et al. Mean platelet volume in ocular Behçet’s disease. Scientific World Journal 2013: 215912.
  • 11. Erturk, E. Cure, MC. Cure, E. Parlak, A. Kurt, S. Ogullar. The association between serum YKL-40 levels, mean platelet volume, and c-reactive protein in patients with cellulitis. Indian J Med Microbiol 2015; 33: 61-66.
  • 12. Bozkurt S, Köse A, Erdogan S, Bozali GI, Ayrik C, Arpaci RB, Özgur A, Dündar GA, Turkmenoglu Ö. MPV and other inflammatory markers in diagnosing acute appendicitis. J Pak Med Assoc 2015; 65: 637-41.
  • 13. Sahin F, Yazar E, Yıldız P. Prominent features of platelet count, plateletcrit, mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width in pulmonary tuberculosis. Multidiscip Respir Med 2012; 7: 38.
  • 14. Inci A, Akman C, Kalafat UM, Ocak T. Mean platelet volume in Brucellosis patients. Acta Medica Mediterranea 2015; 31: 1157.
  • 15. Togan T, Narci H, Turan H, Ciftci O, Kursun E, Arslan H. The impact of acute brucellosis on mean platelet volume and red blood cell distribution. Jundihapur J Microbiol 2015; 8: e20039.
  • 16. Doganay M, Mese EA. Bruselloz. In: Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Mikrobiyolojisi. 3rd ed. Wilke Topcu A, Soyletir G, Doganay M, Eds. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, Istanbul, 2008; 897-909.
  • 17. Uzkeser H, Haliloğlu S, Cayir Y, Bilen N, Karaaslan Y, Kosar A, Carlioglu A. Is mean platelet volume a new activity criteria in Behçet’s disease? Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2015; 26: 836-39.
  • 18. Ozer S, Yilmaz R, Sonmezgoz E, Karaaslan E, Taskin S, Butun I, Demir O. Simple markers for subclinical inflammation in patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever. Med Sci Monit 2015; 21: 298-303
  • 19. Mete E, Akelma AZ, Cizmeci MN, Bozkaya D, Kanburoglu MK. Decreased mean platelet volume in children with acute rotavirus gastroenteritis. Platelets 2014; 25: 51-54.
  • 20. Totani L, Evangelista V. Platelet-leukocyte interactions in cardiovascular disease and beyond. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2010; 30: 2357-61
  • 21. Arévalo-Lorido JC, Carretero-Gómez J, Álvarez-Oliva A, Gutiérrez-Montaño C, Fernández-Recio JM, Najarro-Díez F. Mean platelet volume in acute phase of ischemic stroke, as predictor of mortality and functional outcome after 1 year. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 22: 297-303.
  • 22. Tsiara S, Elisaf M, Jagroop IA, Mikhailidis DP. Platelets as predictors of vascular risk: is there a practical index of plateletactivity? Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2003; 9: 177-90.
  • 23. Bath PM, Butterworth RJ. Platelet size: measurement, physiology and vascular disease. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 1996; 7: 157-61.
  • 24. Ekız F, Gurbuz Y, Basar Ö, Aytekın G, Ekız Ö, Sentürk CS, Aktas B, Yılmaz B, Altınbas A, Coban S, Sencan I. Mean platelet volume in the diagnosis and prognosis of Crieman-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2013; 19: 441-44.

Brucelloz hastalarında ortalama platelet volumu, sedimentasyon ve crp değerlendirilmesi

Year 2019, , 479 - 483, 31.12.2019


Amaç: Bruselloz, Türkiye'de ve bölgemizde önemli bir
enfeksiyöz hastalıktır. Ortalama trombosit hacmi (MPV) trombosit fonksiyonunun,
üretiminin ve aktivasyonunun bir belirtecidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bruselloz
hastalarının epidemiyolojik özelliklerinin MPV ve diğer inflamatuvar belirteçlerle
arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmektir.

Gereç ve Yöntemler: 2007-2015 yıllarında Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları
Kliniği'nde izlenmesi için yatırılan Bruselloz hastaları çalışmaya dahil
edildi. Pozitif tüp aglütinasyon testi ve / veya kemik iliği kültürü üremesi
olan 100 hasta ve bruselloz tanısı olmayan 100 kontrol grubu alındı. Hastaların
MPV, sedimantasyon ve CRP değerleri kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldı.

Bulgular:  Hastalrın %
64'ü erkek ve  yaş ortalamaları 37.33 ±
16.88 yıl idi. Kontrol grubu yaş ortalaması 40.35 ± 15.46 ve % 62’si erkek  idi. Hasta ve kontrol grubu arasında yaş ve
cinsiyet açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark yoktu. CRP, MPV ve
sedimantasyon değerleri brusellozlu hastalarda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı
derecede yüksekti.

Sonuç: MPV yeni, düşük maliyetli ve kolay uygulanabilir bir
belirteçdir. Diğer inflamatuvar belirteçlerle birlikte değerlendirildiğinde
daha değerli olabilir. Bulgularımız, brusellozlu hastalarda MPV değerlerinin
yararlı bir inflamasyon belirteci ve prognostik faktör olabileceğini


  • 1. Young EJ. Brucella species. In: Mandell GL, Bennett GE, Dolin R, eds. Princeples and practice of Infectious Diseases. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone 2010; 2669-74.
  • 2. Franco MP, Mulder M, Gilman R, Smits LH. Human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis 2007; 7: 775-786.
  • 3. Karaman K, Akbayram S, Bayhan GI, Dogan M, Parlak M, Akbayram HT et al. Hematologic Findings in Children With Brucellosis: Experiences of 622 Patients in Eastern Turkey. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2016; 38: 463-66.
  • 4. Okan DH, Gökmen Z, Seyit B, Yuksel K, Cevdet Z, Deniz A. Mean platelet volume in brucellosis: correlation between brucella standard serum agglutination test results, platelet count, and C-reactive protein. Afr Health Sci 2014; 14: 797-801.
  • 5. Öztürk ZA, Sayıner H, Kuyumcu ME, Yeşil Y, Savas E, Sayıner ZA, Kısacık B, Kepekçi Y. Mean platelet volume in Assessment of Brucellosis Disease. Biomed Res India 2012; 23: 541-46.
  • 6. Gasparyan AY, Ayvazyan L, Mikhailidis DP, Kitas GD. Mean platelet volume: A link between thrombosis and inflammation? Curr Pharm Des 2011; 17: 47-58
  • 7. Aktar F, Tekin R, Bektaş MS, Güneş A, Köşker M, Ertuğrul S et al. Diagnostic role of inflamatory markers in pediatric Brucella arthritis. Ital J Pediatr 2016; 11: 3.
  • 8. Küçükbayrak A, Tas T, Tosun M, Aktaş G, Alçelik A, Hakyemez NI et al. Could thrombocyte parameters be an inflammatory marker in brucellosis? Med Glas (Zenica) 2013;10: 35-39.
  • 9. Turhan O, Coban E, Inan D, Yalcın AN. Increased mean platelet volume in chronic hepatitis B patients with inactive disease. Med Sci Monit 2010; 16: 202-205.
  • 10. Türkcü FM, Cingü AK, Yüksel H, Cınar Y, Akkurt M, Sahin M et al. Mean platelet volume in ocular Behçet’s disease. Scientific World Journal 2013: 215912.
  • 11. Erturk, E. Cure, MC. Cure, E. Parlak, A. Kurt, S. Ogullar. The association between serum YKL-40 levels, mean platelet volume, and c-reactive protein in patients with cellulitis. Indian J Med Microbiol 2015; 33: 61-66.
  • 12. Bozkurt S, Köse A, Erdogan S, Bozali GI, Ayrik C, Arpaci RB, Özgur A, Dündar GA, Turkmenoglu Ö. MPV and other inflammatory markers in diagnosing acute appendicitis. J Pak Med Assoc 2015; 65: 637-41.
  • 13. Sahin F, Yazar E, Yıldız P. Prominent features of platelet count, plateletcrit, mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width in pulmonary tuberculosis. Multidiscip Respir Med 2012; 7: 38.
  • 14. Inci A, Akman C, Kalafat UM, Ocak T. Mean platelet volume in Brucellosis patients. Acta Medica Mediterranea 2015; 31: 1157.
  • 15. Togan T, Narci H, Turan H, Ciftci O, Kursun E, Arslan H. The impact of acute brucellosis on mean platelet volume and red blood cell distribution. Jundihapur J Microbiol 2015; 8: e20039.
  • 16. Doganay M, Mese EA. Bruselloz. In: Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Mikrobiyolojisi. 3rd ed. Wilke Topcu A, Soyletir G, Doganay M, Eds. Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, Istanbul, 2008; 897-909.
  • 17. Uzkeser H, Haliloğlu S, Cayir Y, Bilen N, Karaaslan Y, Kosar A, Carlioglu A. Is mean platelet volume a new activity criteria in Behçet’s disease? Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2015; 26: 836-39.
  • 18. Ozer S, Yilmaz R, Sonmezgoz E, Karaaslan E, Taskin S, Butun I, Demir O. Simple markers for subclinical inflammation in patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever. Med Sci Monit 2015; 21: 298-303
  • 19. Mete E, Akelma AZ, Cizmeci MN, Bozkaya D, Kanburoglu MK. Decreased mean platelet volume in children with acute rotavirus gastroenteritis. Platelets 2014; 25: 51-54.
  • 20. Totani L, Evangelista V. Platelet-leukocyte interactions in cardiovascular disease and beyond. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2010; 30: 2357-61
  • 21. Arévalo-Lorido JC, Carretero-Gómez J, Álvarez-Oliva A, Gutiérrez-Montaño C, Fernández-Recio JM, Najarro-Díez F. Mean platelet volume in acute phase of ischemic stroke, as predictor of mortality and functional outcome after 1 year. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 22: 297-303.
  • 22. Tsiara S, Elisaf M, Jagroop IA, Mikhailidis DP. Platelets as predictors of vascular risk: is there a practical index of plateletactivity? Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2003; 9: 177-90.
  • 23. Bath PM, Butterworth RJ. Platelet size: measurement, physiology and vascular disease. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 1996; 7: 157-61.
  • 24. Ekız F, Gurbuz Y, Basar Ö, Aytekın G, Ekız Ö, Sentürk CS, Aktas B, Yılmaz B, Altınbas A, Coban S, Sencan I. Mean platelet volume in the diagnosis and prognosis of Crieman-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2013; 19: 441-44.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Orıgınal Artıcle

Emine Parlak 0000-0001-8912-6360

Handan Alay

Fatma Kesmez Can This is me

Mehmet Parlak

Zahide Koşan This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Parlak, E., Alay, H., Kesmez Can, F., Parlak, M., et al. (2019). An evaluation of mean platelet volume, sedimentation, and crp in brucellosis patients. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, 10(4), 479-483. https://doi.org/10.18663/tjcl.476643
AMA Parlak E, Alay H, Kesmez Can F, Parlak M, Koşan Z. An evaluation of mean platelet volume, sedimentation, and crp in brucellosis patients. TJCL. December 2019;10(4):479-483. doi:10.18663/tjcl.476643
Chicago Parlak, Emine, Handan Alay, Fatma Kesmez Can, Mehmet Parlak, and Zahide Koşan. “An Evaluation of Mean Platelet Volume, Sedimentation, and Crp in Brucellosis Patients”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10, no. 4 (December 2019): 479-83. https://doi.org/10.18663/tjcl.476643.
EndNote Parlak E, Alay H, Kesmez Can F, Parlak M, Koşan Z (December 1, 2019) An evaluation of mean platelet volume, sedimentation, and crp in brucellosis patients. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10 4 479–483.
IEEE E. Parlak, H. Alay, F. Kesmez Can, M. Parlak, and Z. Koşan, “An evaluation of mean platelet volume, sedimentation, and crp in brucellosis patients”, TJCL, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 479–483, 2019, doi: 10.18663/tjcl.476643.
ISNAD Parlak, Emine et al. “An Evaluation of Mean Platelet Volume, Sedimentation, and Crp in Brucellosis Patients”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10/4 (December 2019), 479-483. https://doi.org/10.18663/tjcl.476643.
JAMA Parlak E, Alay H, Kesmez Can F, Parlak M, Koşan Z. An evaluation of mean platelet volume, sedimentation, and crp in brucellosis patients. TJCL. 2019;10:479–483.
MLA Parlak, Emine et al. “An Evaluation of Mean Platelet Volume, Sedimentation, and Crp in Brucellosis Patients”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, vol. 10, no. 4, 2019, pp. 479-83, doi:10.18663/tjcl.476643.
Vancouver Parlak E, Alay H, Kesmez Can F, Parlak M, Koşan Z. An evaluation of mean platelet volume, sedimentation, and crp in brucellosis patients. TJCL. 2019;10(4):479-83.

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