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Adölesan idiopatik skolyozlu hastalarda Boston tipi korse kullanımının yaşam kalitesine etkisi

Year 2019, , 440 - 446, 31.12.2019


Amaç: AdölesanİdiopatikSkolyoz
(AİS) nedeniyle konservatif tedaviuygulanan hastalarda, korse (Boston tipi)  kullanımının yaşam kalitesine etkisiniSkolyoz
Araştırma Cemiyeti’nin Sağlık ilişkili Yaşam Kalitesi-22 (Scoliosis Research
Society- 22; SRS-22) anketi ile değerlendirmek

Gereç ve Yöntemler: Araştırma
kesitsel tipte bir çalışmadır. Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniğinde 2008 - 2017 yılları arasında tanı almış ve
en az bir yıldır AİS tanısıyla takip edilen, konservatif tedavi uygulanan, yaş
ortalaması 16,0±2,9 (min:11,00; maks:26) olan 22’si erkek (%32,4), 46’sı kadın
68hasta çalışmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Hastaların yaşam kalitesini değerlendirmek
için SRS-22 anketi kullanılmıştır.

Çalışmaya katılan hastaların23’ü (%33,8)korse ile45’iise korsesiz takip
edilmiştir.Hastaların son kontroldeki Cobb açısı dereceleri korse ile takip
edilen grupta istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0,001).
Korse ile takip edilen ve korsesiz takip edilen her iki grup arasında SRS-22
toplam skoru, ağrı, fonksiyon, ruh sağlığı ve tedaviden tatmin skorları
açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır (p>0,05). SRS-22
görünüş skorunun ise korse ile takip edilen grupta istatistiksel olarak anlamlı
düzeyde daha düşük olduğu saptanmıştır (p=0,019).

Bu çalışmada korseli hastaların yaşam kalitelerininkorsesiz takipedilenlerle
benzer olduğu saptanmıştır. Korseli grubun Cobb açı değerlerinin diğer gruba
göre daha yüksek olması nedeniyle SRS-22 görünüş skorunun korselilerde daha
düşük olduğu saptanmıştır. Korseli hastaların ağrı, fonksiyon, ruh sağlığı ve
tedaviden tatmin ile ilişkili yaşam kalitelerinin benzer olduğu ve genel olarak
yaşam kalitelerinin korseden etkilenmediği bulunmuştur. 

Supporting Institution



  • 1.Weinstein SL, Dolan LA, Wright JG, Dobbs MB. Effects of bracing in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. The New England journal of medicine 2013; 369: 1512-21.
  • 2.El-Hawary R, Akbarnia BA. Early Onset Scoliosis - Time for Consensus. Spine deformity 2015; 3: 105-6.
  • 3.Negrini S, Aulisa AG, Aulisa L et al. 2011 SOSORT guidelines: Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation treatment of idiopathic scoliosis during growth. Scoliosis 2012; 7: 3.
  • 4.Labelle H, Dansereau J, Bellefleur C, Poitras B. Three-dimensional effect of the Boston brace on the thoracic spine and rib cage. Spine 1996; 21: 59-64.
  • 5.Lonstein JE. Scoliosis: surgical versus nonsurgical treatment. Clinical orthopaedics and related research 2006; 443: 248-59.
  • 6.Ohrt-Nissen S, Lastikka M, Andersen TB, Helenius I, Gehrchen M. Conservative treatment of main thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Full-time or nighttime bracing? Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong) 2019; 27: 2309499019860017.
  • 7.Smith PL, Donaldson S, Hedden D et al. Parents' and patients' perceptions of postoperative appearance in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine 2006; 31: 2367-74.
  • 8.Asher M, Min Lai S, Burton D, Manna B. The reliability and concurrent validity of the scoliosis research society-22 patient questionnaire for idiopathic scoliosis. Spine 2003; 28: 63-69.
  • 9.Botens-Helmus C, Klein R, Stephan C. The reliability of the Bad Sobernheim Stress Questionnaire (BSSQbrace) in adolescents with scoliosis during brace treatment. Scoliosis 2006; 1: 22.
  • 10.Sanders JO, Harrast JJ, Kuklo TR, et al. The Spinal Appearance Questionnaire: results of reliability, validity, and responsiveness testing in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Spine 2007; 32: 2719-22.
  • 11.Vasiliadis E, Grivas TB, Gkoltsiou K. Development and preliminary validation of Brace Questionnaire (BrQ): a new instrument for measuring quality of life of brace treated scoliotics. Scoliosis 2006; 1: 7.
  • 12.Alanay A, Cil A, Berk H, et al. Reliability and validity of adapted Turkish Version of Scoliosis Research Society-22 (SRS-22) questionnaire. Spine 2005; 30: 2464-68.
  • 13.Asher M, Min Lai S, Burton D, Manna B. Discrimination validity of the scoliosis research society-22 patient questionnaire: relationship to idiopathic scoliosis curve pattern and curve size. Spine 2003; 28: 74-78.
  • 14.Freidel K, Petermann F, Reichel D, Steiner A, Warschburger P, Weiss HR. Quality of life in women with idiopathic scoliosis. Spine 2002; 27: 87-91.
  • 15.Freidel K, Reichel D, Steiner A, Warschburger P, Petermann F, Weiss HR. Idiopathic scoliosis and quality of life. Studies in health technology and informatics 2002; 88: 24-29.
  • 16.Altaf F, Gibson A, Dannawi Z, Noordeen H. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. BMJ 2013; 346: 2508.
  • 17.Hresko MT. Clinical practice. Idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents. The New England journal of medicine 2013; 368: 834-41.
  • 18.Dolan LA, Donnelly MJ, Spratt KF, Weinstein SL. Professional opinion concerning the effectiveness of bracing relative to observation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Journal of pediatric orthopedics 2007; 27: 270-76.
  • 19.Dolan LA, Weinstein SL. Surgical rates after observation and bracing for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: an evidence-based review. Spine 2007; 32: 91-100.
  • 20.Negrini S, Minozzi S, Bettany-Saltikov J et al. Braces for Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescents. Spine 2016; 41: 1813-25.
  • 21.Goldberg CJ, Moore DP, Fogarty EE, Dowling FE. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: the effect of brace treatment on the incidence of surgery. Spine 2001; 26: 42-47.
  • 22.Noonan KJ, Weinstein SL, Jacobson WC, Dolan LA. Use of the Milwaukee brace for progressive idiopathic scoliosis. The Journal of bone and joint surgery American volume 1996; 78: 557-67.
  • 23.Weinstein SL, Dolan LA, Cheng JC, Danielsson A, Morcuende JA. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Lancet. 2008; 371: 1527-37.
  • 24.Rahman T, Sample W, Yorgova P et al. Electronic monitoring of orthopedic brace compliance. Journal of children's orthopaedics 2015; 9: 365-69.
  • 25.Carreon LY, Sanders JO, Polly DW et al. Spinal appearance questionnaire: factor analysis, scoring, reliability, and validity testing. Spine 2011; 36: 1240-44.
  • 26.Guo J, Lau AH, Chau J et al. A validation study on the traditional Chinese version of Spinal Appearance Questionnaire for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society 2016; 25: 3186-93.

The effect of Boston type corset on quality of life in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Year 2019, , 440 - 446, 31.12.2019


Aim: To
evaluate the effect of the corset (Boston type) on quality of life in patients
who underwentconservativetreatment for adolescentidiopathic scoliosis (AIS)
with Scoliosis Research Society-22 (SRS-22) questionnaire.

Material and Methods: This
is a cross-sectional study. Patients who werediagnosed with AIS between 2008
and 2017 in the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic of Gazi University Faculty
of Medicine Hospital, 
treatedconservatively and followed for at least one yearwereincluded in
the study. Therewere 68 patients; 22 male (32.4%) and 46 female.Themeanagewas16.0
± 2.9 (min: 11.00; max: 26). SRS-22 questionnaire wasused to evaluate
health-related quality of life in patients.

Results: Twenty-three
(33.8%) of the patientswerefollowed by corset and 45 of the
patientswerefollowed without the corset. Cobb angledegrees at the
lastfollow-upweresignificantlyhigher in the corsetgroup (p <0.001).
Therewasnostatisticallysignificantdifferencebetween SRS-22 total score, pain,
function, mental health and satisfaction with managementscoresbetween the
twogroupsfollowed by the corset and without corset (p> 0.05). SRS-22 self-imagescorewasfound
to be significantly lower in the corsetgroup (p = 0.019).

Conclusion: In
this study, the quality of life of the patients with corsetswasfound to be
similar to patients without corsets. Because of the Cobb anglevalues of the
corsetgroupwerehigherthan the other group, the SRS-22 self- imagescorewasfound
to be lower in the corsets. It wasfound that the quality of life associated
with pain, function, mental health, and satisfaction with managementwassimilar
in patients with corsets and overall quality of life was not affected by the


  • 1.Weinstein SL, Dolan LA, Wright JG, Dobbs MB. Effects of bracing in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. The New England journal of medicine 2013; 369: 1512-21.
  • 2.El-Hawary R, Akbarnia BA. Early Onset Scoliosis - Time for Consensus. Spine deformity 2015; 3: 105-6.
  • 3.Negrini S, Aulisa AG, Aulisa L et al. 2011 SOSORT guidelines: Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation treatment of idiopathic scoliosis during growth. Scoliosis 2012; 7: 3.
  • 4.Labelle H, Dansereau J, Bellefleur C, Poitras B. Three-dimensional effect of the Boston brace on the thoracic spine and rib cage. Spine 1996; 21: 59-64.
  • 5.Lonstein JE. Scoliosis: surgical versus nonsurgical treatment. Clinical orthopaedics and related research 2006; 443: 248-59.
  • 6.Ohrt-Nissen S, Lastikka M, Andersen TB, Helenius I, Gehrchen M. Conservative treatment of main thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Full-time or nighttime bracing? Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong) 2019; 27: 2309499019860017.
  • 7.Smith PL, Donaldson S, Hedden D et al. Parents' and patients' perceptions of postoperative appearance in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine 2006; 31: 2367-74.
  • 8.Asher M, Min Lai S, Burton D, Manna B. The reliability and concurrent validity of the scoliosis research society-22 patient questionnaire for idiopathic scoliosis. Spine 2003; 28: 63-69.
  • 9.Botens-Helmus C, Klein R, Stephan C. The reliability of the Bad Sobernheim Stress Questionnaire (BSSQbrace) in adolescents with scoliosis during brace treatment. Scoliosis 2006; 1: 22.
  • 10.Sanders JO, Harrast JJ, Kuklo TR, et al. The Spinal Appearance Questionnaire: results of reliability, validity, and responsiveness testing in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Spine 2007; 32: 2719-22.
  • 11.Vasiliadis E, Grivas TB, Gkoltsiou K. Development and preliminary validation of Brace Questionnaire (BrQ): a new instrument for measuring quality of life of brace treated scoliotics. Scoliosis 2006; 1: 7.
  • 12.Alanay A, Cil A, Berk H, et al. Reliability and validity of adapted Turkish Version of Scoliosis Research Society-22 (SRS-22) questionnaire. Spine 2005; 30: 2464-68.
  • 13.Asher M, Min Lai S, Burton D, Manna B. Discrimination validity of the scoliosis research society-22 patient questionnaire: relationship to idiopathic scoliosis curve pattern and curve size. Spine 2003; 28: 74-78.
  • 14.Freidel K, Petermann F, Reichel D, Steiner A, Warschburger P, Weiss HR. Quality of life in women with idiopathic scoliosis. Spine 2002; 27: 87-91.
  • 15.Freidel K, Reichel D, Steiner A, Warschburger P, Petermann F, Weiss HR. Idiopathic scoliosis and quality of life. Studies in health technology and informatics 2002; 88: 24-29.
  • 16.Altaf F, Gibson A, Dannawi Z, Noordeen H. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. BMJ 2013; 346: 2508.
  • 17.Hresko MT. Clinical practice. Idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents. The New England journal of medicine 2013; 368: 834-41.
  • 18.Dolan LA, Donnelly MJ, Spratt KF, Weinstein SL. Professional opinion concerning the effectiveness of bracing relative to observation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Journal of pediatric orthopedics 2007; 27: 270-76.
  • 19.Dolan LA, Weinstein SL. Surgical rates after observation and bracing for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: an evidence-based review. Spine 2007; 32: 91-100.
  • 20.Negrini S, Minozzi S, Bettany-Saltikov J et al. Braces for Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescents. Spine 2016; 41: 1813-25.
  • 21.Goldberg CJ, Moore DP, Fogarty EE, Dowling FE. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: the effect of brace treatment on the incidence of surgery. Spine 2001; 26: 42-47.
  • 22.Noonan KJ, Weinstein SL, Jacobson WC, Dolan LA. Use of the Milwaukee brace for progressive idiopathic scoliosis. The Journal of bone and joint surgery American volume 1996; 78: 557-67.
  • 23.Weinstein SL, Dolan LA, Cheng JC, Danielsson A, Morcuende JA. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Lancet. 2008; 371: 1527-37.
  • 24.Rahman T, Sample W, Yorgova P et al. Electronic monitoring of orthopedic brace compliance. Journal of children's orthopaedics 2015; 9: 365-69.
  • 25.Carreon LY, Sanders JO, Polly DW et al. Spinal appearance questionnaire: factor analysis, scoring, reliability, and validity testing. Spine 2011; 36: 1240-44.
  • 26.Guo J, Lau AH, Chau J et al. A validation study on the traditional Chinese version of Spinal Appearance Questionnaire for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society 2016; 25: 3186-93.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Orıgınal Artıcle

Aliekber Yapar 0000-0003-2227-2173

Alpaslan Şenköylü 0000-0001-6870-5515

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Yapar, A., & Şenköylü, A. (2019). Adölesan idiopatik skolyozlu hastalarda Boston tipi korse kullanımının yaşam kalitesine etkisi. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, 10(4), 440-446. https://doi.org/10.18663/tjcl.626226
AMA Yapar A, Şenköylü A. Adölesan idiopatik skolyozlu hastalarda Boston tipi korse kullanımının yaşam kalitesine etkisi. TJCL. December 2019;10(4):440-446. doi:10.18663/tjcl.626226
Chicago Yapar, Aliekber, and Alpaslan Şenköylü. “Adölesan Idiopatik Skolyozlu Hastalarda Boston Tipi Korse kullanımının yaşam Kalitesine Etkisi”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10, no. 4 (December 2019): 440-46. https://doi.org/10.18663/tjcl.626226.
EndNote Yapar A, Şenköylü A (December 1, 2019) Adölesan idiopatik skolyozlu hastalarda Boston tipi korse kullanımının yaşam kalitesine etkisi. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10 4 440–446.
IEEE A. Yapar and A. Şenköylü, “Adölesan idiopatik skolyozlu hastalarda Boston tipi korse kullanımının yaşam kalitesine etkisi”, TJCL, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 440–446, 2019, doi: 10.18663/tjcl.626226.
ISNAD Yapar, Aliekber - Şenköylü, Alpaslan. “Adölesan Idiopatik Skolyozlu Hastalarda Boston Tipi Korse kullanımının yaşam Kalitesine Etkisi”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 10/4 (December 2019), 440-446. https://doi.org/10.18663/tjcl.626226.
JAMA Yapar A, Şenköylü A. Adölesan idiopatik skolyozlu hastalarda Boston tipi korse kullanımının yaşam kalitesine etkisi. TJCL. 2019;10:440–446.
MLA Yapar, Aliekber and Alpaslan Şenköylü. “Adölesan Idiopatik Skolyozlu Hastalarda Boston Tipi Korse kullanımının yaşam Kalitesine Etkisi”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, vol. 10, no. 4, 2019, pp. 440-6, doi:10.18663/tjcl.626226.
Vancouver Yapar A, Şenköylü A. Adölesan idiopatik skolyozlu hastalarda Boston tipi korse kullanımının yaşam kalitesine etkisi. TJCL. 2019;10(4):440-6.

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