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The effect of the Japanese Investigation Committee classification on hip joint survival after core decompression therapy in pre-collapsed avascular necrosis of the femoral head

Year 2024, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 455 - 462, 30.09.2024


Aim: This study aimed to determine the failure rate of pre-collapse avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head treated with core decompression (CD) and risk factors affecting the progression of the disease in patients by using an easily applicable staging system. .
Material and Methods: A total of 174 hips from 134 patients diagnosed with precollapse AVN and treated with CD were retrospectively examined. Each hip was classified using the Japanese Investigation Committee (JIC) classification. The endpoint for joint survival following treatment was defined as the occurrence of total hip arthroplasty (THA). The risk analysis on joint survival of various independent variables (treatment type, age, gender, etiology) and the frequency of THA 2 and 5 years after treatment was calculated.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 44.0 ± 15.0 years, with the majority being male (71.8%). THA was performed in 28.7% of treated hips within two years and 40.2% within five years. The frequency of THA application within two years was 2% for type A, 8% for type B, 40% for type C1 and 50% for type C2. Age (p=0.033), type C1 (p=0.028) and type C2 (p<0.01). The rate of post-treatment THA in patients with AVN due to steroid use was found to be significantly higher than in other etiologies (p<0.001). The average survival time of type C1 hips despite treatment is 58.5 months, while the average survival time of type C2 hips is 42.8 months.
Conclusion: In patients with type C1 and C2, hip survival times are significantly shorter than those of type A and type B hips, regardless of previous treatment, and it is a risk factor for THA. Additionally, history of steroid use and age were found to be independent risk factors that shorten hip joint survival.

Project Number



  • Lespasio MJ, Sodhi N, Mont MA. Osteonecrosis of the hip: A primer. The Permanente Journal. 2019; 23: 18-100.
  • Mont MA, Cherian JJ, Sierra RJ, Jones LC, Lieberman JR. Nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: where do we stand today? a ten-year update. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2015; 97(19): 1604-1627
  • Larson E, Jones LC, Goodman SB, Koo KH, Cui Q. Early-stage osteonecrosis of the femoral head: where are we and where are we going in year 2018? International Orthopedics. 2018; 42(7): 1723-1728.
  • Mont MA, Hungerford DS. Non-traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1995; 77(3): 459-474.
  • Zalavras CG, Lieberman JR. Osteonecrosis of the femoral head: evaluation and treatment. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2014; 22(7): 455-464.
  • Mont MA, Zywiel MG, Marker DR, McGrath MS, Delanois RE. The natural history of untreated asymptomatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: a systematic literature review. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2010; 92(12): 2165-2170.
  • Liu N, Zheng C, Wang Q, Huang Z. Treatment of non traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2022; 23(5): 1-15.
  • Aggarwal AK, Poornalingam K, Jain A, Prakash M. Combining platelet-rich plasma instillation with core decompression improves functional outcome and delays progression in early-stage avascular necrosis of femoral head: a 4.5-to 6-year prospective randomized comparative study. The Journal of Arthroplasty. 2021; 36(1): 54-61.
  • Mont MA, Carbone JJ, Fairbank AC. Core decompression versus nonoperative management for osteonecrosis of the hip. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 1996; 324: 169-178.
  • Civinini R, De Biase P, Carulli C, Matassi F, Nistri L et al. The use of an injectable calcium sulphate/calcium phosphate bioceramic in the treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head. International Orthopaedics 2012; 361(8): 1583-1588.
  • Hendrich C, Franz E, Waertel G, Krebs R, Jäger M. Safety of autologous bone marrow aspiration concentrate transplantation: initial experiences in 101 patients. Orthopedic Reviews. 2009; 1(2): e32
  • Ando W, Sakai T, Fukushima W, Kaneuji A, Ueshima K et al. Japanese Orthopaedic Association 2019 Guidelines for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Journal of Orthopaedic Science. 2021; 26(1): 46-68.
  • Gehlot PS, Agrawal K, Mangal R, Sodani V. Avascular necrosis of femoral head: A retrospective study of MRI scans. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019; 13(10): TC04-TC06
  • Tan Y, He H, Wan Z, Qin J, Wen Y et al. Study on the outcome of patients with aseptic femoral head necrosis treated with percutaneous multiple small-diameter drilling core decompression: a retrospective cohort study based on magnetic resonance imaging and equivalent sphere model analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 2020; 15(1): 264
  • Baksi DP, Pal AK, Baksi DD. Long-term results of decompression and muscle-pedicle bone grafting for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. International Orthopaedics. 2009; 33(1): 41-47.
  • Aigner N, Schneider W, Eberl V, Knahr K. Core decompression in early stages of femoral head osteonecrosis–an MRI-controlled study. International Orthopaedics. 2002; 26(1): 31-35.
  • Gangji V, De Maertelaer V, Hauzeur JP. Autologous bone marrow cell implantation in the treatment of non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: Five-year follow-up of a prospective controlled study. Bone. 2011; 49(5): 1005-1009
  • Lieberman JR, Engstrom SM, Meneghini MR, SooHoo NF. Which factors influence preservation of the osteonecrotic femoral head? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2012; 47(2): 525-534.
  • Sugano N. The 2001 revised criteria for diagnosis, classification, and staging of idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Journal of Orthopaedic Science. 2002; 7(5): 601-605.
  • Mont MA, Marulanda GA, Jones LC, Saleh KJ, Gordon N et al. Systematic analysis of classification systems for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2006; 88(3): 16–26.
  • Ficat RP. Idiopathic bone necrosis of the femoral head. Early diagnosis and treatment. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Br. 1985; 67(1): 3-9.
  • Kerboul M, Thomine J, Postel M, Merle d'Aubigné R. The conservative surgical treatment of idiopathic aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Br. 1974; 56(2): 291–296.
  • Steinberg ME, Brighton CT, Steinberg DR, Tooze SE, Hayken GD. Treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head by a combination of bone grafting, decompression, and electrical stimulation. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 1984; 186: 137–153.
  • Ha YC, Jung WH, Kim JR, Seong NH, Kim SY et al. Prediction of collapse in femoral head osteonecrosis: a modified Kerboul method with use of magnetic resonance images. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2006; 88(3): 35–40.
  • Mont MA, Salem HS, Piuzzi NS, Goodman SB, Jones LC. Nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: where do we stand today? a 5-year update. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2020; 102(12): 1084–1099.
  • Moya-Angeler J, Gianakos AL, Villa JC, Ni A, Lane JM. Current concepts on osteonecrosis of the femoral head. World Journal of Orthopedics. 2015; 6(8): 590–601.
  • Gardeniers JW. A new international classification of osteonecrosis of the ARCO-committee on terminology and classification. ARCO News. 1992; 4: 41-46.
  • Gardeniers JW. ARCO committee on terminology and staging. ARCO Newsletter. 1993; 5: 79-82.
  • Takashima K, Sakai T, Hamada H, Takao M, Sugano N. Which classification system is most useful for classifying osteonecrosis of the femoral head? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2018; 476(6): 1240–1249.
  • Koo KH, Kim R. Quantifying the extent of osteonecrosis of the femoral head. A new method using MRI. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Br. 1995; 77(6): 875-880.
  • Shimizu K, Moriya H, Akita T, Sakamoto M, Suguro T. Prediction of collapse with magnetic resonance imaging of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1994; 76(2): 215–223.
  • Sultan AA, Mohamed N, Samuel LT, Chughtai M, Sodhi N et al. Classification systems of hip osteonecrosis: an updated review. International Orthopaedics. 2019; 43(5): 1089–1095.
  • Nishii T, Sugano N, Ohzono K, Sakai T, Sato Y et al. Significance of lesion size and location in the prediction of collapse of osteonecrosis of the femoral head: a new three-dimensional quantification using magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Orthopaedic Research: official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society. 2002; 20(1): 130–136.
  • Kuroda Y, Tanaka T, Miyagawa T, Kawai T, Goto K et al. Classification of osteonecrosis of the femoral head: who should have surgery? Bone & Joint Research. 2019; 8(10): 451–458.
  • Nakamura J, Kishida S, Harada Y, Iida S, Oinuma K et al. Inter-observer and intra-observer reliabilities of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare type classification system for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Modern Rheumatology. 2011; 21(5): 488–494.
  • Agarwala S, Shah SB. Ten-year follow-up of avascular necrosis of femoral head treated with alendronate for 3 years. Journal of Arthroplasty. 2011; 26(7): 1128-1134.
  • Cherian SF, Laorr A, Saleh KJ, Kuskowski MA, Bailey RF et al. Quantifying the extent of femoral head involvement in osteonecrosis. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2003; 85(2): 309–315.
  • Guggenbuhl P, Robin F, Cadiou S, Albert JD. Etiology of avascular osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Morphologie: Bulletin de l'Association des Anatomistes. 2021; 105(349): 80–84.
  • Karakaplan M, Gülabi D, Topgül H, Elmalı N. Does platelet-rich plasma have a favorable effect in the early stages of steroid-associated femoral head osteonecrosis in a rabbit model? Joint Diseases & Related Surgery. 2017; 28(2): 107–113.
  • Pepke W, Kasten P, Beckmann NA, Janicki P, Egermann M. Core decompression and autologous bone marrow concentrate for treatment of femoral head osteonecrosis: A randomized prospective study. Orthopedic Reviews. 2016; 8(1): 6162.

Japon İnceleme Komitesi sınıflandırmasının, femur başı prekollaps avasküler nekrozunda kor dekompresyon tedavisi sonrası kalça eklemi sağkalımı üzerindeki etkisi

Year 2024, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 455 - 462, 30.09.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, kor dekompresyon ile tedavi edilen prekollaps femur başı avasküler nekrozunun başarısızlık oranını ve hastalarda hastalığın ilerlemesini etkileyen risk faktörlerini kolay uygulanabilir bir evreleme sistemi kullanarak belirlemeyi amaçlamadı.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Prekollaps avasküler nekroz tanısı almış ve kor dekompresyon ile tedavi edilmiş 134 hastanın 174 kalçası retrospektif olarak incelendi. Her kalça, Japon İnceleme Komitesi (JIC) sınıflandırması kullanılarak sınıflandırıldı. Tedavi sonrası eklem sağkalımının sonlanma noktası, total kalça artroplastisi yapılması olarak tanımlandı. Farklı bağımsız değişkenlerin (tedavi türü, yaş, cinsiyet, etiyoloji) eklem sağkalımına etkisi ve tedaviden sonraki 2 ve 5 yıl içinde THA sıklığı hesaplandı.
Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 44.0 ± 15.0 yıl olup, çoğunluğu erkekti (%71,8). Tedavi edilen kalçaların %28,7'sine iki yıl içinde ve %40,2'sine beş yıl içinde THA yapıldı. İki yıl içinde THA uygulanma sıklığı tip A için %2, tip B için %8, tip C1 için %40 ve tip C2 için %50 idi. Yaş (p=0,033), tip C1 (p=0,028) ve tip C2 (p<0,01) anlamlı bulundu. Steroid kullanımına bağlı AVN'li hastalarda tedavi sonrası THA oranı diğer etiyolojilere göre anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulundu (p<0,001). Tip C1 kalçaların tedaviye rağmen ortalama sağkalım süresi 58,5 ay iken, tip C2 kalçaların ortalama sağkalım süresi 42,8 aydı.
Sonuçlar: Tip C1 ve C2 olan hastalarda, kalça sağkalım süreleri, önceki tedaviden bağımsız olarak tip A ve tip B kalçalara göre anlamlı derecede daha kısadır ve bu, THA için bir risk faktörüdür. Ayrıca, steroid kullanım öyküsü ve yaş, kalça eklemi sağkalımını kısaltan bağımsız risk faktörleri olarak bulunmuştur.

Ethical Statement

The study was approved by the Ankara Etlik City Hospital Clinical Research Ethics Committee (24/01/2024 - No: 2023-777).

Project Number



  • Lespasio MJ, Sodhi N, Mont MA. Osteonecrosis of the hip: A primer. The Permanente Journal. 2019; 23: 18-100.
  • Mont MA, Cherian JJ, Sierra RJ, Jones LC, Lieberman JR. Nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: where do we stand today? a ten-year update. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2015; 97(19): 1604-1627
  • Larson E, Jones LC, Goodman SB, Koo KH, Cui Q. Early-stage osteonecrosis of the femoral head: where are we and where are we going in year 2018? International Orthopedics. 2018; 42(7): 1723-1728.
  • Mont MA, Hungerford DS. Non-traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1995; 77(3): 459-474.
  • Zalavras CG, Lieberman JR. Osteonecrosis of the femoral head: evaluation and treatment. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2014; 22(7): 455-464.
  • Mont MA, Zywiel MG, Marker DR, McGrath MS, Delanois RE. The natural history of untreated asymptomatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: a systematic literature review. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2010; 92(12): 2165-2170.
  • Liu N, Zheng C, Wang Q, Huang Z. Treatment of non traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2022; 23(5): 1-15.
  • Aggarwal AK, Poornalingam K, Jain A, Prakash M. Combining platelet-rich plasma instillation with core decompression improves functional outcome and delays progression in early-stage avascular necrosis of femoral head: a 4.5-to 6-year prospective randomized comparative study. The Journal of Arthroplasty. 2021; 36(1): 54-61.
  • Mont MA, Carbone JJ, Fairbank AC. Core decompression versus nonoperative management for osteonecrosis of the hip. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 1996; 324: 169-178.
  • Civinini R, De Biase P, Carulli C, Matassi F, Nistri L et al. The use of an injectable calcium sulphate/calcium phosphate bioceramic in the treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head. International Orthopaedics 2012; 361(8): 1583-1588.
  • Hendrich C, Franz E, Waertel G, Krebs R, Jäger M. Safety of autologous bone marrow aspiration concentrate transplantation: initial experiences in 101 patients. Orthopedic Reviews. 2009; 1(2): e32
  • Ando W, Sakai T, Fukushima W, Kaneuji A, Ueshima K et al. Japanese Orthopaedic Association 2019 Guidelines for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Journal of Orthopaedic Science. 2021; 26(1): 46-68.
  • Gehlot PS, Agrawal K, Mangal R, Sodani V. Avascular necrosis of femoral head: A retrospective study of MRI scans. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019; 13(10): TC04-TC06
  • Tan Y, He H, Wan Z, Qin J, Wen Y et al. Study on the outcome of patients with aseptic femoral head necrosis treated with percutaneous multiple small-diameter drilling core decompression: a retrospective cohort study based on magnetic resonance imaging and equivalent sphere model analysis. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 2020; 15(1): 264
  • Baksi DP, Pal AK, Baksi DD. Long-term results of decompression and muscle-pedicle bone grafting for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. International Orthopaedics. 2009; 33(1): 41-47.
  • Aigner N, Schneider W, Eberl V, Knahr K. Core decompression in early stages of femoral head osteonecrosis–an MRI-controlled study. International Orthopaedics. 2002; 26(1): 31-35.
  • Gangji V, De Maertelaer V, Hauzeur JP. Autologous bone marrow cell implantation in the treatment of non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: Five-year follow-up of a prospective controlled study. Bone. 2011; 49(5): 1005-1009
  • Lieberman JR, Engstrom SM, Meneghini MR, SooHoo NF. Which factors influence preservation of the osteonecrotic femoral head? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2012; 47(2): 525-534.
  • Sugano N. The 2001 revised criteria for diagnosis, classification, and staging of idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Journal of Orthopaedic Science. 2002; 7(5): 601-605.
  • Mont MA, Marulanda GA, Jones LC, Saleh KJ, Gordon N et al. Systematic analysis of classification systems for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2006; 88(3): 16–26.
  • Ficat RP. Idiopathic bone necrosis of the femoral head. Early diagnosis and treatment. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Br. 1985; 67(1): 3-9.
  • Kerboul M, Thomine J, Postel M, Merle d'Aubigné R. The conservative surgical treatment of idiopathic aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Br. 1974; 56(2): 291–296.
  • Steinberg ME, Brighton CT, Steinberg DR, Tooze SE, Hayken GD. Treatment of avascular necrosis of the femoral head by a combination of bone grafting, decompression, and electrical stimulation. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 1984; 186: 137–153.
  • Ha YC, Jung WH, Kim JR, Seong NH, Kim SY et al. Prediction of collapse in femoral head osteonecrosis: a modified Kerboul method with use of magnetic resonance images. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2006; 88(3): 35–40.
  • Mont MA, Salem HS, Piuzzi NS, Goodman SB, Jones LC. Nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: where do we stand today? a 5-year update. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2020; 102(12): 1084–1099.
  • Moya-Angeler J, Gianakos AL, Villa JC, Ni A, Lane JM. Current concepts on osteonecrosis of the femoral head. World Journal of Orthopedics. 2015; 6(8): 590–601.
  • Gardeniers JW. A new international classification of osteonecrosis of the ARCO-committee on terminology and classification. ARCO News. 1992; 4: 41-46.
  • Gardeniers JW. ARCO committee on terminology and staging. ARCO Newsletter. 1993; 5: 79-82.
  • Takashima K, Sakai T, Hamada H, Takao M, Sugano N. Which classification system is most useful for classifying osteonecrosis of the femoral head? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2018; 476(6): 1240–1249.
  • Koo KH, Kim R. Quantifying the extent of osteonecrosis of the femoral head. A new method using MRI. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Br. 1995; 77(6): 875-880.
  • Shimizu K, Moriya H, Akita T, Sakamoto M, Suguro T. Prediction of collapse with magnetic resonance imaging of avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1994; 76(2): 215–223.
  • Sultan AA, Mohamed N, Samuel LT, Chughtai M, Sodhi N et al. Classification systems of hip osteonecrosis: an updated review. International Orthopaedics. 2019; 43(5): 1089–1095.
  • Nishii T, Sugano N, Ohzono K, Sakai T, Sato Y et al. Significance of lesion size and location in the prediction of collapse of osteonecrosis of the femoral head: a new three-dimensional quantification using magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Orthopaedic Research: official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society. 2002; 20(1): 130–136.
  • Kuroda Y, Tanaka T, Miyagawa T, Kawai T, Goto K et al. Classification of osteonecrosis of the femoral head: who should have surgery? Bone & Joint Research. 2019; 8(10): 451–458.
  • Nakamura J, Kishida S, Harada Y, Iida S, Oinuma K et al. Inter-observer and intra-observer reliabilities of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare type classification system for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Modern Rheumatology. 2011; 21(5): 488–494.
  • Agarwala S, Shah SB. Ten-year follow-up of avascular necrosis of femoral head treated with alendronate for 3 years. Journal of Arthroplasty. 2011; 26(7): 1128-1134.
  • Cherian SF, Laorr A, Saleh KJ, Kuskowski MA, Bailey RF et al. Quantifying the extent of femoral head involvement in osteonecrosis. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2003; 85(2): 309–315.
  • Guggenbuhl P, Robin F, Cadiou S, Albert JD. Etiology of avascular osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Morphologie: Bulletin de l'Association des Anatomistes. 2021; 105(349): 80–84.
  • Karakaplan M, Gülabi D, Topgül H, Elmalı N. Does platelet-rich plasma have a favorable effect in the early stages of steroid-associated femoral head osteonecrosis in a rabbit model? Joint Diseases & Related Surgery. 2017; 28(2): 107–113.
  • Pepke W, Kasten P, Beckmann NA, Janicki P, Egermann M. Core decompression and autologous bone marrow concentrate for treatment of femoral head osteonecrosis: A randomized prospective study. Orthopedic Reviews. 2016; 8(1): 6162.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Orthopaedics
Journal Section Research Article

Erkan Akgün 0000-0002-7461-3526

İbrahim Kaya 0000-0001-8205-6515

Ahmet Topçuoğlu 0009-0006-4887-9095

Hüseyin Emre Tepedelenlioğlu 0000-0002-3946-8554

Ahmet Fırat 0000-0001-9182-7270

Project Number 2023-777
Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date September 6, 2024
Acceptance Date September 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 15 Issue: 3


APA Akgün, E., Kaya, İ., Topçuoğlu, A., Tepedelenlioğlu, H. E., et al. (2024). The effect of the Japanese Investigation Committee classification on hip joint survival after core decompression therapy in pre-collapsed avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, 15(3), 455-462.
AMA Akgün E, Kaya İ, Topçuoğlu A, Tepedelenlioğlu HE, Fırat A. The effect of the Japanese Investigation Committee classification on hip joint survival after core decompression therapy in pre-collapsed avascular necrosis of the femoral head. TJCL. September 2024;15(3):455-462. doi:10.18663/tjcl.1544925
Chicago Akgün, Erkan, İbrahim Kaya, Ahmet Topçuoğlu, Hüseyin Emre Tepedelenlioğlu, and Ahmet Fırat. “The Effect of the Japanese Investigation Committee Classification on Hip Joint Survival After Core Decompression Therapy in Pre-Collapsed Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 15, no. 3 (September 2024): 455-62.
EndNote Akgün E, Kaya İ, Topçuoğlu A, Tepedelenlioğlu HE, Fırat A (September 1, 2024) The effect of the Japanese Investigation Committee classification on hip joint survival after core decompression therapy in pre-collapsed avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 15 3 455–462.
IEEE E. Akgün, İ. Kaya, A. Topçuoğlu, H. E. Tepedelenlioğlu, and A. Fırat, “The effect of the Japanese Investigation Committee classification on hip joint survival after core decompression therapy in pre-collapsed avascular necrosis of the femoral head”, TJCL, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 455–462, 2024, doi: 10.18663/tjcl.1544925.
ISNAD Akgün, Erkan et al. “The Effect of the Japanese Investigation Committee Classification on Hip Joint Survival After Core Decompression Therapy in Pre-Collapsed Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory 15/3 (September 2024), 455-462.
JAMA Akgün E, Kaya İ, Topçuoğlu A, Tepedelenlioğlu HE, Fırat A. The effect of the Japanese Investigation Committee classification on hip joint survival after core decompression therapy in pre-collapsed avascular necrosis of the femoral head. TJCL. 2024;15:455–462.
MLA Akgün, Erkan et al. “The Effect of the Japanese Investigation Committee Classification on Hip Joint Survival After Core Decompression Therapy in Pre-Collapsed Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head”. Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory, vol. 15, no. 3, 2024, pp. 455-62, doi:10.18663/tjcl.1544925.
Vancouver Akgün E, Kaya İ, Topçuoğlu A, Tepedelenlioğlu HE, Fırat A. The effect of the Japanese Investigation Committee classification on hip joint survival after core decompression therapy in pre-collapsed avascular necrosis of the femoral head. TJCL. 2024;15(3):455-62.

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