Year 2022,
, 28 - 45, 27.06.2022
Sami Küçükoğlu
Elif Güneren Genç
Bu çalışmada, Türk bankacılık sektöründe 1997-2020 dönemi arasında faaliyet gösteren 37 bankanın, bankacılık sektöründe piyasa hakimiyetine etki eden faktörlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem ve konuya ilişkin literatür taramasının ardından Türkiye Bankalar Birliği (TBB) kurumundan elde edilen 1997-2020 döneminde faaliyet gösteren 37 bankanın veri seti, panel veri regresyon modelleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda elde dilen bulgularda, Türk bankacılık sektöründe, bankaların piyasa hakimiyet oranını etkileyen ekonometrik açıdan anlamlı değişkenlerin varlığı tespit edilmiştir.
- Abdelaziz, H., Mouldi, D., & Helmi, H. (2011). Financial liberalization and banking profitability: A panel data analysis for Tunisian banks. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 1(2), 19-32.
- Abedin, M., & Dawan, M. (2016). A panel data analysis for evaluating the profitability of the banking sector in Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, 3(2), 163-171.
- Adjei-Frimpong, K., Gan, C., & Hu, B. (2014). Cost efficiency of Ghana’s banking industry: A panel data analysis. . The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, 8(2), 69-86.
- Ahmad, I., & Muqaddas, M. (2016). Determinants of dividend payout policy: An empirical study of banking sector of Pakistan. . Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, 10(4-5), 101-106.
- Akbaş, H. E. (2012). Determinants of bank profitability: An investigation on Turkish banking sector. . Öneri Dergisi, 10(37), 103-110.
- Ali, M. (2015). Bank profitability and its determinants in Pakistan: A panel data analysis after financial crisis. Munich Personal RePEc Archive, 3-16.
- Almaqtari, F., Al‐Homaidi, E., Tabash, M., & Farhan, N. (2018). The determinants of profitability of Indian commercial banks: A panel data approach. . International Journal of Finance & Economics, 24(1), , 168-185.
- Arif, A., Abrar, A., & Afzal, M. (2012). Credit risk and shareholders’ value in a developing economy: Evidence from Pakistani banking system. . Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 4(2), 87-95.
- Aydın, Y. (2019). Türk bankacılık sektöründe karlılığı etkileyen faktörlerin panel veri analizi ile incelenmesi. . Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi, 10(1), 181-189.
- Bakkeri, A., & Ali, A. B. (2020). Profitability of Islamic banks: A panel data analysis. Indian Journal of Finance and Banking, 4(3), 26-38.
- Baltagi, B. (2005). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Batrancea, L., Rathnaswamy, M., & Batrancea, I. (2021). A panel data analysis on determinants of economic growth in seven non-BCBS Countries. . Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-15.
- Bokpin, G. A. (2013). Ownership structure, corporate governance and bank efficiency: an empirical analysis of panel data from the banking industry in Ghana. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society. Volume 13(3), 274-287.
- Bulut, E., & Yenipazarlı, A. (2020). Endüstri 4.0 ve Teknolojinin İstihdam Üzerindeki Etkisi, Panel Veri Analizi. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies, 15-35.
- Gökmen, A. M., & Sertçelik, Ş. (2021). İnovasyon, Beşeri Sermaye ve Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki Ampirik İlişki: OECD Ülkeleri için Panel Veri Analizi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi 8(1), 278-296.
- Guesmi, S., Youcefi, R., & Benbouziane, M. (2012). The impact of financial globalization on the Jordanian banking performance (1986–2010). . International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 1(6), 250-261.
- Güneş, N. (2014). Profitability in turkish banking sector: Panel data analysis . Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 1(1), 15-26.
- Güriş, S. (2015). Panel Veri ve Panel Veri Modelleri. İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
- Güriş, S. (2018). Uygulamalı Panel Veri Ekonometrisi. İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
- Güriş, S., & Kızılarslan, Ş. (2017). Dengesiz Panel Veri Modeli ile EM Algoritması Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması. Marmara Üniversitesi Öneri Dergisi, 15-30.
- Hausman, J., & William E. Taylor. (1981). Panel Data and Unobservable Individual Effects. Econometrica 49(6), 1377-1398.
- Horobet, A., Radulescu, M., Belascu, L., & Dita, S. M. (2021). Determinants of Bank Profitability in CEE Countries: Evidence from GMM Panel Data Estimates. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(7), 307. doi:10.3390/jrfm14070307
- Khursheed, A., Asif, M., Hussain, S., & Liaquat, M. (2021). Factors Affecting Total Risk in Banking Sector of Pakistan: Empirical Evidence from Panel Data Analysis. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences, 4(2), 431-445.
- Lee, C., Hsieh, M., & Dai, H. (2011). How does foreign bank ownership in the banking sector affect domestic bank behaviour? A dynamic panel data analysis. Bulletin of Economic Research, 64, 86-108.
- Li, Z., Liu, ,. S., Meng, ,. F., & Sathye, ,. M. (2019). Competition in the Indian banking sector: A panel data approach. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12(3), 1-16.
- Mohammad, S., Asutay, M., Dixon, R., & Platonova, ,. E. (2020). Liquidity risk exposure and its determinants in the banking sector: A comparative analysis between Islamic, conventional and hybrid banks. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 66, 101196. doi:10.1016/j.intfin.2020.101196.
- Řepková, I. (2015). Banking efficiency determinants in the Czech banking sector. . Procedia Economics and Finance, 23 , 191-196.
- Sopan, J., & Dutta, A. (2018). Determinants of liquidity risk in Indian banks: A panel data analysis. . Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance, 8(6), 47-59.
- Sufian, F. (2010). Developments in the profitability of the Thailand banking sector: panel evidence from the post Asian crisis period. . International Journal of Economics and Accounting, 1(1-2), 161-179.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2013). İleri Panel Veri Analizi Stata Uygulamalı. İstanbul.: Beta Yayınları.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2021, 10 29). Panel Veri Analizi. 10 29, 2021 tarihinde http://auzefkitap.istanbul.edu.tr/kitap/ekonometri_ue/panelverianalizi.pdf adresinden alındı
- Taysı, K. (2020). Aktif Kârlılığa Etki Eden Faktörlerin Panel Veri Analizi Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi. Journal of Original Studies, 1(1), 15-30.
- TBB/a. (2021, 09 30). İstatistiki Raporlar. www.tbb.org.tr: https://www.tbb.org.tr/tr/bankacilik/banka-ve-sektor-bilgileri/istatistiki-raporlar/59 adresinden alındı
- TBB/b. (2021, 06 10). Faaliyet Gösteren Bankalar. www.tbb.org.tr: https://www.tbb.org.tr/Content/Upload/Dokuman/1360/Faaliyet_Gosteren_Bankalar.xlsx adresinden alındı
- Trabelsi, M., & Trad, N. (2017). Profitability and risk in interest-free banking industries: a dynamic panel data analysis. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. Volume 10 Issue 4, 1-15.
- Yalama, A. (2013). The relationship between intellectual capital and banking performance in Turkey: evidence from panel data. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 10(1), 71-87.
- Yuan, Y., & Gunji, H. (2010). The impact of foreign capital on the Chinese banking market. . China Economic Journal, 2(3), 285-296.
Year 2022,
, 28 - 45, 27.06.2022
Sami Küçükoğlu
Elif Güneren Genç
In this study, it is aimed to determine the factors affecting market dominance in the banking sector of 37 banks operating in the Turkish banking sector between 1997-2020. After the literature review on the method and the subject, the data set of 37 banks operating in the 1997-2020 period, obtained from the Banks Association of Turkey (TBB), was analyzed using panel data regression models. In the findings obtained as a result of the analysis, it has been determined that there are econometrically significant variables that affect the market dominance rate in the Turkish banking sector.
- Abdelaziz, H., Mouldi, D., & Helmi, H. (2011). Financial liberalization and banking profitability: A panel data analysis for Tunisian banks. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 1(2), 19-32.
- Abedin, M., & Dawan, M. (2016). A panel data analysis for evaluating the profitability of the banking sector in Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, 3(2), 163-171.
- Adjei-Frimpong, K., Gan, C., & Hu, B. (2014). Cost efficiency of Ghana’s banking industry: A panel data analysis. . The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, 8(2), 69-86.
- Ahmad, I., & Muqaddas, M. (2016). Determinants of dividend payout policy: An empirical study of banking sector of Pakistan. . Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, 10(4-5), 101-106.
- Akbaş, H. E. (2012). Determinants of bank profitability: An investigation on Turkish banking sector. . Öneri Dergisi, 10(37), 103-110.
- Ali, M. (2015). Bank profitability and its determinants in Pakistan: A panel data analysis after financial crisis. Munich Personal RePEc Archive, 3-16.
- Almaqtari, F., Al‐Homaidi, E., Tabash, M., & Farhan, N. (2018). The determinants of profitability of Indian commercial banks: A panel data approach. . International Journal of Finance & Economics, 24(1), , 168-185.
- Arif, A., Abrar, A., & Afzal, M. (2012). Credit risk and shareholders’ value in a developing economy: Evidence from Pakistani banking system. . Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 4(2), 87-95.
- Aydın, Y. (2019). Türk bankacılık sektöründe karlılığı etkileyen faktörlerin panel veri analizi ile incelenmesi. . Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi, 10(1), 181-189.
- Bakkeri, A., & Ali, A. B. (2020). Profitability of Islamic banks: A panel data analysis. Indian Journal of Finance and Banking, 4(3), 26-38.
- Baltagi, B. (2005). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Batrancea, L., Rathnaswamy, M., & Batrancea, I. (2021). A panel data analysis on determinants of economic growth in seven non-BCBS Countries. . Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-15.
- Bokpin, G. A. (2013). Ownership structure, corporate governance and bank efficiency: an empirical analysis of panel data from the banking industry in Ghana. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society. Volume 13(3), 274-287.
- Bulut, E., & Yenipazarlı, A. (2020). Endüstri 4.0 ve Teknolojinin İstihdam Üzerindeki Etkisi, Panel Veri Analizi. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies, 15-35.
- Gökmen, A. M., & Sertçelik, Ş. (2021). İnovasyon, Beşeri Sermaye ve Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki Ampirik İlişki: OECD Ülkeleri için Panel Veri Analizi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi 8(1), 278-296.
- Guesmi, S., Youcefi, R., & Benbouziane, M. (2012). The impact of financial globalization on the Jordanian banking performance (1986–2010). . International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 1(6), 250-261.
- Güneş, N. (2014). Profitability in turkish banking sector: Panel data analysis . Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 1(1), 15-26.
- Güriş, S. (2015). Panel Veri ve Panel Veri Modelleri. İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
- Güriş, S. (2018). Uygulamalı Panel Veri Ekonometrisi. İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
- Güriş, S., & Kızılarslan, Ş. (2017). Dengesiz Panel Veri Modeli ile EM Algoritması Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması. Marmara Üniversitesi Öneri Dergisi, 15-30.
- Hausman, J., & William E. Taylor. (1981). Panel Data and Unobservable Individual Effects. Econometrica 49(6), 1377-1398.
- Horobet, A., Radulescu, M., Belascu, L., & Dita, S. M. (2021). Determinants of Bank Profitability in CEE Countries: Evidence from GMM Panel Data Estimates. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(7), 307. doi:10.3390/jrfm14070307
- Khursheed, A., Asif, M., Hussain, S., & Liaquat, M. (2021). Factors Affecting Total Risk in Banking Sector of Pakistan: Empirical Evidence from Panel Data Analysis. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences, 4(2), 431-445.
- Lee, C., Hsieh, M., & Dai, H. (2011). How does foreign bank ownership in the banking sector affect domestic bank behaviour? A dynamic panel data analysis. Bulletin of Economic Research, 64, 86-108.
- Li, Z., Liu, ,. S., Meng, ,. F., & Sathye, ,. M. (2019). Competition in the Indian banking sector: A panel data approach. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12(3), 1-16.
- Mohammad, S., Asutay, M., Dixon, R., & Platonova, ,. E. (2020). Liquidity risk exposure and its determinants in the banking sector: A comparative analysis between Islamic, conventional and hybrid banks. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 66, 101196. doi:10.1016/j.intfin.2020.101196.
- Řepková, I. (2015). Banking efficiency determinants in the Czech banking sector. . Procedia Economics and Finance, 23 , 191-196.
- Sopan, J., & Dutta, A. (2018). Determinants of liquidity risk in Indian banks: A panel data analysis. . Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance, 8(6), 47-59.
- Sufian, F. (2010). Developments in the profitability of the Thailand banking sector: panel evidence from the post Asian crisis period. . International Journal of Economics and Accounting, 1(1-2), 161-179.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2013). İleri Panel Veri Analizi Stata Uygulamalı. İstanbul.: Beta Yayınları.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2021, 10 29). Panel Veri Analizi. 10 29, 2021 tarihinde http://auzefkitap.istanbul.edu.tr/kitap/ekonometri_ue/panelverianalizi.pdf adresinden alındı
- Taysı, K. (2020). Aktif Kârlılığa Etki Eden Faktörlerin Panel Veri Analizi Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi. Journal of Original Studies, 1(1), 15-30.
- TBB/a. (2021, 09 30). İstatistiki Raporlar. www.tbb.org.tr: https://www.tbb.org.tr/tr/bankacilik/banka-ve-sektor-bilgileri/istatistiki-raporlar/59 adresinden alındı
- TBB/b. (2021, 06 10). Faaliyet Gösteren Bankalar. www.tbb.org.tr: https://www.tbb.org.tr/Content/Upload/Dokuman/1360/Faaliyet_Gosteren_Bankalar.xlsx adresinden alındı
- Trabelsi, M., & Trad, N. (2017). Profitability and risk in interest-free banking industries: a dynamic panel data analysis. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. Volume 10 Issue 4, 1-15.
- Yalama, A. (2013). The relationship between intellectual capital and banking performance in Turkey: evidence from panel data. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 10(1), 71-87.
- Yuan, Y., & Gunji, H. (2010). The impact of foreign capital on the Chinese banking market. . China Economic Journal, 2(3), 285-296.