Research Article
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Year 2024, , 218 - 225, 24.12.2024


The storage of the harvested sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) before the processing stage is crucial, particularly
regarding quality and durability. To maintain the quality of the beet prior to processing, appropriate storage
conditions must be provided. Although siloing is a standard method for beet storage, this process may have some
negative effects. Given the limited information on the impact of siloing on yield and quality, it is essential to
determine the optimal duration of siloing. This study investigated the effect of different siloing periods on the
root and weight and quality criteria of sugar beet in 2020 and 2021. Four siloing periods (immediately after
harvest, ten days after harvest, 20 days after harvest, and 30 days after harvest) were analyzed. The siloing
periods significantly affected both the root weight and quality criteria in both years of research. It was
determined that the examined characteristics were significantly influenced by the treatments, with weight loss,
dry matter content, sugar content, and sugar yield of roots increasing with the length of the siloing period. The
results highlight the importance of the waiting time during the siloing period for sugar beet stored in silos after
harvest. To minimize losses in the examined characteristics, it is recommended that the processing occur
immediately after harvest. If it must be delayed processing is recommended between 10-20 days post-harvest.


  • Abdollahian-Noghabi, M. and M.O. Zadeh. 2005. Effect of harvesting operation procedure duration on the yield loss of sugar beet in Dezful, Iran. International Sugar Journal 107(1278): 354-356.
  • Ada, R. and F. Akinerdem. 2006. The Effect of Siloing Period on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet Harvested and Ensiled at Different Times. Journal of Selcuk University Faculty of Agriculture 20(39): 77-83.
  • Barna, O., O. Baston and A. Daraba. 2011. Impact of temperature and storage time on sucrose content in sugar beet. Food Environ Safety-Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University 10(2): 44-47.
  • Batu, A. 2002. Losses during siloing of sugar beet and their effects on sugar quality. Third National Sugar Production Technology Symposium. Türkiye Sugar Factories A.S. Yenisehir, Ankara.
  • Cakmakci, R. and N. Tingir. 2001. The effect of vegetation period length on the development, yield and quality of sugar beet. Journal of Ataturk University Faculty of Agriculture, 32(1): 41-49.
  • Dadkhah, A.R. 2005. Response of root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) to salt stress. Iran Agricultural Research 23(2): 33-42.
  • Demirel, D. and F. Akinerdem. 2016. The Effect of Storage Duration on The Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet, Harvested and Storaged in Field Different Times. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 3(2): 143-156.
  • Haagenson, D.M., K.L. Klotz, L.G. CampeII and M.E.R. Khan. 2006. Relationship between Root Size and Postharvest Respiration Rate. J. Sugar Beet Res 43(4): 129-143.
  • Kavas, M.F. and M.J. Leblebici. 2004. Quality and Operational Control Laboratories Handbook. General Directorate of Turkish Sugar Factories A.S. Publication, Ankara, Turkey, pp.85-196.
  • Kazaz, S., Erbaş, S. and Baydar, H. 2009. The effects of storage temperature and duration on essential oil content and composition oil rose (Rosa damascena Mill.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 14(2): 89-96.
  • Kenter, C. and C. Hoffmann. 2006. Qualitätsveränderungen bei der Lagerung frostgeschädigter Zuckerrüben in Abhängigkeit von Temperatur und Sorte. Zuckerindustrie, 131(10): 85-91.
  • Kenter, C. and C.M. Hoffmann. 2009. Changes in the processing quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) during long‐term storage under controlled conditions. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 44(5): 910-917.
  • Ketizmen, H. 1987. Effect of ensiling on quality in sugar beet, Increasing yield and quality in sugar beet, 1st National Sugar Beet Production Symposium, Turkish Sugar Factories Inc., Etimesgut, Ankara.
  • Kocak, S.F., E.G. Kulan and M.D. Kaya. 2019. Effects of Different Harvest Times and Field Storage Periods on Yield and Sugar Ratio in Sugar Beet. Cukurova University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 7(2): 313-321.
  • Lejealle, F. and D. Cie. 1999. Sugar Beet Diseases and Pests. Special Edition: Ses Europe N.V. 50th Anniversary, Paris, France.
  • Ozgur, O.E. 2014. The Sugar Beet Crop. Filiz Printing Industry and Trade Ltd., Ankara, p. 228.
  • Ozturk, E. and Polat, T. 2016. The effect of long term storage on physical and chemical properties of potato. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 21(2): 218-223.
  • Peterson, C.L., D.J. Traveller and M.C. Hall. 1980. Loss of sucrose during controlled and conventional storage. J. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet and Technol 20: 517-530.
  • Sarwar, M.A., F. Hussain, A. Ghaffar, M.A. Nadeem, M.M. Ahmad, M. Bilal, A.A. Chattha and M. Sarwar. 2008. postharvest studies in sugar beet. Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences 4(2): 89-91.
  • Scalon, S.D.P.Q., H. Scalon Filho, T.A. Sandre, E.F.D. Silva and E.C.D. Krewer. 2000. Quality evaluation and sugar beet postharvest conservation under modified atmosphere. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 43(2): 181-184.
  • Sefaoglu, F., C. Kaya, A. Karakus. 2016. The determination of yield and yield components of sugarbeet genotypes (Beta vulgaris saccharifera L.) harvested at different dates. Journal of Central Research Institute for Field Crops 25(2): 61-66.
  • Sohrabi, Y. and G. Heidari. 2008. Influence of Withholding Irrigation and Harvest Times on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 10(4): 427-431.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach. 2nd edition. McGrawHill, New York, USA, pp. 20-90.
  • Steensen, J.K. and E. Augustinussen. 2002. Influence of harvest injury on sugar loss by washing and during storage of sugar beets. In Proc. 65th IIRB congress, Brussels, pp. 337-348.
  • Wills, R.B.H., W.B. McGlasson, D. Graham and D.C. Joyce 2007. Introduction. In Postharvest. An introduction to the physiology andhandling of fruit, vegetables and ornamentals (5th ed.). University of New South Wales Press Ltd.
  • Yilmaz, S. 1987. The Effect of Receipt and Ensiling on Yield and Quality. 1st National Sugar Beet Production Symposium. Turkish Sugar Factories Inc. Etimesgut, Ankara.
Year 2024, , 218 - 225, 24.12.2024



  • Abdollahian-Noghabi, M. and M.O. Zadeh. 2005. Effect of harvesting operation procedure duration on the yield loss of sugar beet in Dezful, Iran. International Sugar Journal 107(1278): 354-356.
  • Ada, R. and F. Akinerdem. 2006. The Effect of Siloing Period on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet Harvested and Ensiled at Different Times. Journal of Selcuk University Faculty of Agriculture 20(39): 77-83.
  • Barna, O., O. Baston and A. Daraba. 2011. Impact of temperature and storage time on sucrose content in sugar beet. Food Environ Safety-Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University 10(2): 44-47.
  • Batu, A. 2002. Losses during siloing of sugar beet and their effects on sugar quality. Third National Sugar Production Technology Symposium. Türkiye Sugar Factories A.S. Yenisehir, Ankara.
  • Cakmakci, R. and N. Tingir. 2001. The effect of vegetation period length on the development, yield and quality of sugar beet. Journal of Ataturk University Faculty of Agriculture, 32(1): 41-49.
  • Dadkhah, A.R. 2005. Response of root yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) to salt stress. Iran Agricultural Research 23(2): 33-42.
  • Demirel, D. and F. Akinerdem. 2016. The Effect of Storage Duration on The Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet, Harvested and Storaged in Field Different Times. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 3(2): 143-156.
  • Haagenson, D.M., K.L. Klotz, L.G. CampeII and M.E.R. Khan. 2006. Relationship between Root Size and Postharvest Respiration Rate. J. Sugar Beet Res 43(4): 129-143.
  • Kavas, M.F. and M.J. Leblebici. 2004. Quality and Operational Control Laboratories Handbook. General Directorate of Turkish Sugar Factories A.S. Publication, Ankara, Turkey, pp.85-196.
  • Kazaz, S., Erbaş, S. and Baydar, H. 2009. The effects of storage temperature and duration on essential oil content and composition oil rose (Rosa damascena Mill.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 14(2): 89-96.
  • Kenter, C. and C. Hoffmann. 2006. Qualitätsveränderungen bei der Lagerung frostgeschädigter Zuckerrüben in Abhängigkeit von Temperatur und Sorte. Zuckerindustrie, 131(10): 85-91.
  • Kenter, C. and C.M. Hoffmann. 2009. Changes in the processing quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) during long‐term storage under controlled conditions. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 44(5): 910-917.
  • Ketizmen, H. 1987. Effect of ensiling on quality in sugar beet, Increasing yield and quality in sugar beet, 1st National Sugar Beet Production Symposium, Turkish Sugar Factories Inc., Etimesgut, Ankara.
  • Kocak, S.F., E.G. Kulan and M.D. Kaya. 2019. Effects of Different Harvest Times and Field Storage Periods on Yield and Sugar Ratio in Sugar Beet. Cukurova University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 7(2): 313-321.
  • Lejealle, F. and D. Cie. 1999. Sugar Beet Diseases and Pests. Special Edition: Ses Europe N.V. 50th Anniversary, Paris, France.
  • Ozgur, O.E. 2014. The Sugar Beet Crop. Filiz Printing Industry and Trade Ltd., Ankara, p. 228.
  • Ozturk, E. and Polat, T. 2016. The effect of long term storage on physical and chemical properties of potato. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 21(2): 218-223.
  • Peterson, C.L., D.J. Traveller and M.C. Hall. 1980. Loss of sucrose during controlled and conventional storage. J. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet and Technol 20: 517-530.
  • Sarwar, M.A., F. Hussain, A. Ghaffar, M.A. Nadeem, M.M. Ahmad, M. Bilal, A.A. Chattha and M. Sarwar. 2008. postharvest studies in sugar beet. Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences 4(2): 89-91.
  • Scalon, S.D.P.Q., H. Scalon Filho, T.A. Sandre, E.F.D. Silva and E.C.D. Krewer. 2000. Quality evaluation and sugar beet postharvest conservation under modified atmosphere. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 43(2): 181-184.
  • Sefaoglu, F., C. Kaya, A. Karakus. 2016. The determination of yield and yield components of sugarbeet genotypes (Beta vulgaris saccharifera L.) harvested at different dates. Journal of Central Research Institute for Field Crops 25(2): 61-66.
  • Sohrabi, Y. and G. Heidari. 2008. Influence of Withholding Irrigation and Harvest Times on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 10(4): 427-431.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. A Biometrical Approach. 2nd edition. McGrawHill, New York, USA, pp. 20-90.
  • Steensen, J.K. and E. Augustinussen. 2002. Influence of harvest injury on sugar loss by washing and during storage of sugar beets. In Proc. 65th IIRB congress, Brussels, pp. 337-348.
  • Wills, R.B.H., W.B. McGlasson, D. Graham and D.C. Joyce 2007. Introduction. In Postharvest. An introduction to the physiology andhandling of fruit, vegetables and ornamentals (5th ed.). University of New South Wales Press Ltd.
  • Yilmaz, S. 1987. The Effect of Receipt and Ensiling on Yield and Quality. 1st National Sugar Beet Production Symposium. Turkish Sugar Factories Inc. Etimesgut, Ankara.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Industrial Crops
Journal Section Articles

Umut Yildiz This is me 0000-0002-2744-490X

Erdoğan Öztürk 0000-0001-8746-3005

Fırat Sefaoğlu 0000-0002-8485-6564

Volkan Gül 0000-0003-4899-2822

Zehra Toktay This is me 0000-0003-2580-9781

Publication Date December 24, 2024
Submission Date July 28, 2024
Acceptance Date November 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
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