Research Article
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Year 2024, , 165 - 176, 24.12.2024


Project Number

YÖK 100/2000 scholarship and Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Scientific Research Projects Institution (Project Number: ZRF-20035)


  • Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker and A. Gokcol. 2004. Assessment of biological research on the computer. Ege University Seed Technology Center. ISBN: 973-483-607-8(2) Bornova-Izmir.
  • Akinrinlola, R. J., H.M. Kelly, T.R. Sinclair and A. Shekoofa. 2024. Heterodera glycines HG type 1.2. 5.7 causes a decrease in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) nitrogen fixation and growth variables. Journal of Crop Improvement. 1-18.
  • Alsajri, F. A., C. Wijewardana, J.T. Irby, N. Bellaloui, L.J. Krutz, B. Golden, K.R. Reddy. 2020. Developing functional relationships between temperature and soybean yield and seed quality. Agronomy Journal. 112(1): 194-204.
  • Altinyuzuk, H. 2017. Determination of yield and quality components of soybean varieties as II. product in Adana conditions. The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Selcuk University, Master Thesis (in Turkish).
  • Ashley, D.A. and W.J. Ethridge. 1978. Irrigation effects on vegetative and reproductive development of three soybeans cultivars. Agronomy Journal. 70: 467–471.
  • Ay, B. 2012. Determination of yield and quality performances of new soybean (Glycine max. L. Merrill). Varieties improved in Turkey under Middle Black Sea region conditions. The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Ondokuz Mayıs University, Master Thesis.
  • Bateman, N. R., A.L. Catchot, J. Gore, D.R. Cook, F.R. Musser, J.T. Irby. 2020. Effects of planting date for soybean growth, development, and yield in the southern USA. Agronomy. 10(4): 596.
  • Borowska, M and J. Prusiński. 2021. Effect of soybean cultivars sowing dates on seed yield and its correlation with yield parameters. Plant, Soil & Environment, 67(6).
  • Borowski, E., and S. Michałek. 2014. The effect of chilling temperature on germination and early growth of domestic and Canadian soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus. 13(2): 31-43.
  • Boydak, E., B. Kayantas, F. Acar, R. Firat. 2018. Determination of yield and yield components of some soybean (Glycine max L.) varieties at high altitudes. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science. 22 (4): 544-550 (in Turkish).
  • Cerezini, P., B.H. Kuwano, A.K. Hrunvald, M. Hungria and M.A. Nogueria. 2020. Soybean tolerance to drought depends on the associated Bradyrhizobium strain. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. 51: 1977-1986.
  • Cevheri, C. I., and A.Yilmaz. 2018. The effects of different doses of cattle manure on yield and yield components as second crop organic soybean production. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 28(3): 271-277.
  • Desclaux, D., T.T. Huynh, P. Roumet. 2000. Identification of soybean plant characteristics that indicate the timing of drought stress. Crop Sci. 40: 716–722.
  • Devi, K. N., T.B. Singh, H.S. Athokpam, N.B. Singh, D. Shamurailatpam. 2013. Influence of inorganic, biological and organic manures on nodulation and yield of soybean (Glycine max Merril L.) and soil properties. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 7(9): 1407-1415.
  • Dong, S., Y. Jiang, Y. Dong, L. Wang, W. Wang, Z. Ma and L. Liu. 2019. A study on soybean responses to drought stress and rehydration. Saudi journal of biological sciences. 26(8): 2006-2017.
  • Dornbos, D. L. 2020. Production environment and seed quality. In Seed quality. 119-152. CRC Press.
  • Feng, Y.Y, R.A. Richards, Y. Jin, K.H.M. Siddique. 2022. Yield and water-use related in traits landrace and new soybean cultivars in arid and semi-arid areas of China. Field Crops Research Journal. 283(2022).
  • Gaweda, D., M. Halınıar, R. Cieraiala, I. Klusek. 2017. Yield, weed infestation and seed quality of soybean under different tillage systems. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 25: 268-275.
  • Gibson, L. R. and R.E. Mullen, R. E. 1996. Soybean seed composition under high day and night growth temperatures. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Soc.
  • Gizlenci, S., A. Ustun, M. Acar, M. Dok and Y. Aygun. 2005. Determination of the most suitable optimum sowing time for Middle Blacksea Coastal Region. 5-9 September 2005, Türkiye IV. Field Crops Congress, 381-386, Antalya (in Turkish).
  • Gojic, B., A. Topanarova, L. Zivotic, M. Todorovic. 2018. Effect of irrigation on yield, harvest ındex and water productivity of soybean ground under different precipitation conditions in a temperature environment. Agriculture Water Management Journal. 210(2018):224-231.
  • Gumus, Z. and V. Beyyavas. 2020. Some soybean [Glycine max. L. (Merill)] types of cultivation as a second crop in Mardin province ecological conditions. ADYUTAYAM. Volume 8, Number 2: 44-51, 2020 (in Turkish).
  • Hatfield, J.L. and J.H. Prueger. 2015. Temperature extremes: Effect on plant growth and development. Weather. Clim. Extremes. 10: 4–10.
  • He, J., Y.L. Du, T. Wang, N.C. Turner, R.P. Yang, Y. Jin and F.M. Li. 2017. Conserved water use improves the yield performance of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under drought. Agricultural Water Management. 179: 236-245.
  • Herliana, O., T. Harjose, A.H.S. Aswar, A. Fauz. 2019. The effect of Rhizobium and N fertilizer on growth and yield of Black Soybean. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Enviromental Science. 255(2019).
  • Hu, M., and P. Wiatrak. 2012. Effect of planting date on soybean growth, yield, and grain quality. Agronomy Journal. 104(3): 785-790.
  • Ilker, E., O. Tatar, and A. Gokcol. 2010. Performance of some soybean cultivars under conventional and organic agriculture conditions. Journal of Agriculture faculty of Ege University. 47(1): 87-96 (in Turkish).
  • Ilker, E. 2017. Performances of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] advances lines in second cropping under Mediterranean climatic conditions of western Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 22 (1): 104-107.
  • Istemil, H. 2015. Effect of different row spacing and nitrogen level on the yield and yield components of second crop soybean (Glycine max. l.). cultivation. Harran university Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master Thesis (in Turkish).
  • Kanber, R. 1984. Open water surface in Cukurova conditions first and second crop groundnuts by utilizing evaporation (Class A Pan) irrigation. Directorate of Soil-Water Research Institute Publications. 114 (in Turkish).
  • Kars, N. and I. Ekberli. 2021.Applicability of pedotransfer models between yield parameters and some chemical soil properties of soybean plant. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty. 18 (3): 494-507 (in Turkish).
  • Kresović, B., B. Gajić, A. Tapanarova, B. Pejić, G. Dugalić, and Z. Sredojević. 2017. Impact of deficit irrigation on yield and chemical properties of soybean seeds in temperate climate. Contemporary Agriculture. 66(1-2): 4-20.
  • Kilinc, A., H. Arioglu. 2018. The effect of different nitrogen doses on seed yield and some agronomic characteristics of soybean grown as a double crop. Cukurova University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. Vol: 35-1.
  • Kobraee, S., K. Shamsi, K., B. Rosekki. 2011. Effect of micronutrients application on yield and yield components of soybean. Scholars Research Library. 2(2): 476-482.
  • Korte, I., M. Petry and J. Kreyenschmidt .2023. Antimicrobial activity of different coatings for packaging materials containing functional extenders against selected microorganisms typical for food. Food Control. 148: 109669.
  • Kumagai, E., T. Yabiku, T. Hasegawe. 2022. A strong negative trade-off between seed number and 100-seed weight stalls genetic gains in Northen Japanese soybean cultivers in comperisen with Midwestern US Cultivers. Field Crops Research. 283 (2022).
  • Lewandowska, S., M. Łoziński, K. Marczewski, M. Kozak and K. Schmidtke. 2020. Influence of priming on germination, development, and yield of soybean varieties. Open agriculture. 5(1), 930-935.
  • Lumactud, R. A., D. Dollete, D.K. Liyanage, K. Szczyglowski, B. Hill and M.S. Thilakarathna. 2023. The effect of drought stress on nodulation, plant growth, and nitrogen fixation in soybean during early plant growth. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 209(3): 345-354.
  • Mandić, V., V. Krnjaja, Z. Tomić, Z. Bijelić, A. Simić, S. Đorđević and M. Gogić, M. 2015. Effect of water stress on soybean production. In Proceedings of the 4th International Congress New Perspectives and Challenges of Sustainable Livestock Production October 7–9, 2015 (pp. 405-414). Belgrade: Institute for Animal Husbandry.
  • Mandić, V., S. Đorđević, Z. Bijelić, V. Krnjaja, V. Pantelić, A. Simić and V. Dragičević. 2020. Agronomic responses of soybean genotypes to starter nitrogen fertilizer rate. Agronomy. 10 (4), 535.
  • Mangena, P. 2018. Water stress: morphological and anatomical changes in soybean (Glycine max L.) plants. Plant, abiotic stress and responses to climate change. 9-31.
  • Miransari, M. 2016. Abiotic and biotic stresses in soybean production: soybean production. Volume 1 (Vol. 1), Academic press.
  • Miransari, M., S. Adham, M. Miransari and A. Miransari. 2022. The physicochemical approaches of altering growth and biochemical properties of medicinal plants in saline soils. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 106(5): 1895-1904.
  • Munger, P., H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Stauss, T. Van den Boom and E. Weber. 1997. Phenological growth stages of the soybean plant (Glycine max L. Merr.): codification and description according to the BBCH Scale. Journal of Agronomy & Crop Science. 179(4).
  • Oz, M., A. Karasu, T.A. Goksoy and M, Turan. 2009. Interrelationships of agronomical characteristics in soybean (Glycine max) grown in different environments. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 11(1): 85–88.
  • Ozer, N. 2021. Determination of forage yield and some plant characteristics of soybean (Glycine max. L.) harvested in different phenological stages. Tekirdag Namik Kemal University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master Thesis (in Turkish).
  • Parkes, B., J.R. Buzan and M. Huber. 2022. Heat stress in Africa under high intensity climate change. International journal of biometeorology. 66(8): 1531-1545.
  • Poeta, F., L. Borrás, J.L. Rotundo. 2016. Variation in seed protein concentration and seed size affects soybean crop growth and development. Crop Science. 56(6): 3196–3208.
  • Ravelombola, F. S. 2022. Breeding soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr.] under reduced irrigation (Doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas).
  • Sarimurat, M. S., H. Kulaz and F. Erdin. 2022. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of some chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties cultivated in Van ecological conditions. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences. 7(1): 128-138 (in Turkish).
  • Shamima, N., and A.T.M. Farid. 2006. Sulphur uptake and yield of soybean as influenced by sulphur fertilization. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research. 19(4): 59-64.
  • Shea, Z., W.M. Singer and B. Zhang. 2024. Soybean production, versality and improvement. Legume Crops: Chapter:3, 29-50. DOI:https//
  • Soba, D., C. Arreswe-Igor, I. Aranjuela. 2022. Additive efects of heatwave and water stresses on soybean seed yield is caused by imparied carbon assimilation at pot formation but not Flowering. Plant Science. 321: 111320.
  • Sobko, O., A.Stahl, A, V. Hahn, S. Zikeli, W.Claupein and S. Gruber, S. 2020. Environmental effects on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) production in central and South Germany. Agronomy. 10(12): 1847.
  • Staniak, M., E.S. Krok and A. Kocira, A. 2023. Responses of soybean to selected abiotic stresses photoperiod, temperature and water. Agriculture. 13: 146.
  • Surgun Acar, Y. 2022. Response of soybean (Glycine max L.) seedlings to polystyrene nanoplastics: Physiological, biochemical, and molecular perspectives. Environmental Pollution. 314, 120262.
  • Temory, Z. 2014. The effects of sulfur doses, applicated from leaves on yield and quality of soybean. The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Selcuk University, Master Thesis (in Turkish).
  • Thilakarathna, M. S., D. Torkamaneh, R.W. Bruce, I. Rajcan, G. Chu, C.M. Grainger and M.N. Raizada. 2021. Testing whether pre-pod-fill symbiotic nitrogen fixation in soybean is subject to drift or selection over 100 years of soybean breeding. Frontiers in Agronomy. 3: 725813.
  • Unal I., and M. Onder. 2008. Determination of some agricultural characteristics of the soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) lines developed by hybridization method. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences. 22(45): 52-57.
  • Wysokinski, A., A. Wysokinska, C. Noulas and A. Wysokinski. 2024. Optimal nitrogen fertilizer rates soybean cultivation. Agronomy. 14: 1375.
  • Yao, X., H. Zhou, Q. Zhu, C. Li, H. Zhang, J.J. Wu and F. Xie. 2017. Photosynthetic response of soybean leaf to wide light-fluctuation in maize-soybean intercropping system. Frontiers in plant science. 8: 1695.
  • Yetkin, S.G. and H. Arioglu. 2010. Determination of yield and important plant caharacteristics of some soybean varieties and genotypes grown as a main crop in the Cukurova region. University of Cukurova Institute of Natural and Applied Science Field Crops Department, Master Thesis.
  • Yigit, A. and F. M. Chmielewski. 2024. A deeper insight into the yield formation of winter and spring barley in relation to weather and climate variability. Agronomy. 14: 1503.
  • Zhang, T., W. Dou, X. Zhang. 2021. The development history and recent updates on soy protein-based meat alternatives. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 109: 702–710.


Year 2024, , 165 - 176, 24.12.2024


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nodule formation and nodulation performance of Rhizobia bacteria on yield and quality in soybean roots under limited water application conditions in soybean varieties depending on climate change. In this study, 4 different irrigation applications (limited vs irrigated: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%), 2 soybean varieties (Cinsoy and Altınay) and 3 different Rhizobia inoculants (Control, AZOTEK-2, USDA-110) were applied for two years (2020-2021) in order to determine the yield and quality characteristics of soybean. The experiment was established according to randomized complete block split-split plots experimental design with 3 replications. In the experiment, the main factor was Rhizobia inoculant treatments, the first sub-factor was soybean varieties, and the second sub-factor was irrigation applications. Within the scope of the study, yield and quality parameters such as plant height (cm), first pod height (cm), number of pods plant-1, number of seeds pod-1, seed yield (kg ha-1), 1000 seed weight (g), leaf area (cm2 plant-1), seed crude protein (%) and oil content (%) were examined. It was concluded that irrigation and inoculant applications and combinations of these factors had significant effects on yield parameters of soybean varieties. The study revealed that there was no discernible nodulation development observed in soybean roots under both irrigated and limited irrigation conditions. It was determined that under conditions of limited irrigation combined with high temperature conditions, the growth of the soybean was significantly impacted, resulting in a notable reduction in yield and leaf area but this was not observed in the quality characteristics.

Ethical Statement

All authors have been personally and actively involved in substantial work leading to the paper. The paper is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.

Project Number

YÖK 100/2000 scholarship and Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Scientific Research Projects Institution (Project Number: ZRF-20035)


This study constitutes a portion of the PhD thesis of the corresponding author, N.Y. All authors (N.Y., A.Y., and O.E.) played an active role in the experimental studies, statistical analysis of the data, writing, and editing of the manuscript. The research was supported by the Turkish Council of Higher Education (YÖK) through a scholarship provided under the 100/2000 program. Additionally, financial support was provided by Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Scientific Research Projects Institution (Project Number: ZRF-20035). The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


  • Acikgoz, N., E. Ilker and A. Gokcol. 2004. Assessment of biological research on the computer. Ege University Seed Technology Center. ISBN: 973-483-607-8(2) Bornova-Izmir.
  • Akinrinlola, R. J., H.M. Kelly, T.R. Sinclair and A. Shekoofa. 2024. Heterodera glycines HG type 1.2. 5.7 causes a decrease in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) nitrogen fixation and growth variables. Journal of Crop Improvement. 1-18.
  • Alsajri, F. A., C. Wijewardana, J.T. Irby, N. Bellaloui, L.J. Krutz, B. Golden, K.R. Reddy. 2020. Developing functional relationships between temperature and soybean yield and seed quality. Agronomy Journal. 112(1): 194-204.
  • Altinyuzuk, H. 2017. Determination of yield and quality components of soybean varieties as II. product in Adana conditions. The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Selcuk University, Master Thesis (in Turkish).
  • Ashley, D.A. and W.J. Ethridge. 1978. Irrigation effects on vegetative and reproductive development of three soybeans cultivars. Agronomy Journal. 70: 467–471.
  • Ay, B. 2012. Determination of yield and quality performances of new soybean (Glycine max. L. Merrill). Varieties improved in Turkey under Middle Black Sea region conditions. The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Ondokuz Mayıs University, Master Thesis.
  • Bateman, N. R., A.L. Catchot, J. Gore, D.R. Cook, F.R. Musser, J.T. Irby. 2020. Effects of planting date for soybean growth, development, and yield in the southern USA. Agronomy. 10(4): 596.
  • Borowska, M and J. Prusiński. 2021. Effect of soybean cultivars sowing dates on seed yield and its correlation with yield parameters. Plant, Soil & Environment, 67(6).
  • Borowski, E., and S. Michałek. 2014. The effect of chilling temperature on germination and early growth of domestic and Canadian soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus. 13(2): 31-43.
  • Boydak, E., B. Kayantas, F. Acar, R. Firat. 2018. Determination of yield and yield components of some soybean (Glycine max L.) varieties at high altitudes. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science. 22 (4): 544-550 (in Turkish).
  • Cerezini, P., B.H. Kuwano, A.K. Hrunvald, M. Hungria and M.A. Nogueria. 2020. Soybean tolerance to drought depends on the associated Bradyrhizobium strain. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. 51: 1977-1986.
  • Cevheri, C. I., and A.Yilmaz. 2018. The effects of different doses of cattle manure on yield and yield components as second crop organic soybean production. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 28(3): 271-277.
  • Desclaux, D., T.T. Huynh, P. Roumet. 2000. Identification of soybean plant characteristics that indicate the timing of drought stress. Crop Sci. 40: 716–722.
  • Devi, K. N., T.B. Singh, H.S. Athokpam, N.B. Singh, D. Shamurailatpam. 2013. Influence of inorganic, biological and organic manures on nodulation and yield of soybean (Glycine max Merril L.) and soil properties. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 7(9): 1407-1415.
  • Dong, S., Y. Jiang, Y. Dong, L. Wang, W. Wang, Z. Ma and L. Liu. 2019. A study on soybean responses to drought stress and rehydration. Saudi journal of biological sciences. 26(8): 2006-2017.
  • Dornbos, D. L. 2020. Production environment and seed quality. In Seed quality. 119-152. CRC Press.
  • Feng, Y.Y, R.A. Richards, Y. Jin, K.H.M. Siddique. 2022. Yield and water-use related in traits landrace and new soybean cultivars in arid and semi-arid areas of China. Field Crops Research Journal. 283(2022).
  • Gaweda, D., M. Halınıar, R. Cieraiala, I. Klusek. 2017. Yield, weed infestation and seed quality of soybean under different tillage systems. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 25: 268-275.
  • Gibson, L. R. and R.E. Mullen, R. E. 1996. Soybean seed composition under high day and night growth temperatures. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Soc.
  • Gizlenci, S., A. Ustun, M. Acar, M. Dok and Y. Aygun. 2005. Determination of the most suitable optimum sowing time for Middle Blacksea Coastal Region. 5-9 September 2005, Türkiye IV. Field Crops Congress, 381-386, Antalya (in Turkish).
  • Gojic, B., A. Topanarova, L. Zivotic, M. Todorovic. 2018. Effect of irrigation on yield, harvest ındex and water productivity of soybean ground under different precipitation conditions in a temperature environment. Agriculture Water Management Journal. 210(2018):224-231.
  • Gumus, Z. and V. Beyyavas. 2020. Some soybean [Glycine max. L. (Merill)] types of cultivation as a second crop in Mardin province ecological conditions. ADYUTAYAM. Volume 8, Number 2: 44-51, 2020 (in Turkish).
  • Hatfield, J.L. and J.H. Prueger. 2015. Temperature extremes: Effect on plant growth and development. Weather. Clim. Extremes. 10: 4–10.
  • He, J., Y.L. Du, T. Wang, N.C. Turner, R.P. Yang, Y. Jin and F.M. Li. 2017. Conserved water use improves the yield performance of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under drought. Agricultural Water Management. 179: 236-245.
  • Herliana, O., T. Harjose, A.H.S. Aswar, A. Fauz. 2019. The effect of Rhizobium and N fertilizer on growth and yield of Black Soybean. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Enviromental Science. 255(2019).
  • Hu, M., and P. Wiatrak. 2012. Effect of planting date on soybean growth, yield, and grain quality. Agronomy Journal. 104(3): 785-790.
  • Ilker, E., O. Tatar, and A. Gokcol. 2010. Performance of some soybean cultivars under conventional and organic agriculture conditions. Journal of Agriculture faculty of Ege University. 47(1): 87-96 (in Turkish).
  • Ilker, E. 2017. Performances of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] advances lines in second cropping under Mediterranean climatic conditions of western Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 22 (1): 104-107.
  • Istemil, H. 2015. Effect of different row spacing and nitrogen level on the yield and yield components of second crop soybean (Glycine max. l.). cultivation. Harran university Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master Thesis (in Turkish).
  • Kanber, R. 1984. Open water surface in Cukurova conditions first and second crop groundnuts by utilizing evaporation (Class A Pan) irrigation. Directorate of Soil-Water Research Institute Publications. 114 (in Turkish).
  • Kars, N. and I. Ekberli. 2021.Applicability of pedotransfer models between yield parameters and some chemical soil properties of soybean plant. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty. 18 (3): 494-507 (in Turkish).
  • Kresović, B., B. Gajić, A. Tapanarova, B. Pejić, G. Dugalić, and Z. Sredojević. 2017. Impact of deficit irrigation on yield and chemical properties of soybean seeds in temperate climate. Contemporary Agriculture. 66(1-2): 4-20.
  • Kilinc, A., H. Arioglu. 2018. The effect of different nitrogen doses on seed yield and some agronomic characteristics of soybean grown as a double crop. Cukurova University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. Vol: 35-1.
  • Kobraee, S., K. Shamsi, K., B. Rosekki. 2011. Effect of micronutrients application on yield and yield components of soybean. Scholars Research Library. 2(2): 476-482.
  • Korte, I., M. Petry and J. Kreyenschmidt .2023. Antimicrobial activity of different coatings for packaging materials containing functional extenders against selected microorganisms typical for food. Food Control. 148: 109669.
  • Kumagai, E., T. Yabiku, T. Hasegawe. 2022. A strong negative trade-off between seed number and 100-seed weight stalls genetic gains in Northen Japanese soybean cultivers in comperisen with Midwestern US Cultivers. Field Crops Research. 283 (2022).
  • Lewandowska, S., M. Łoziński, K. Marczewski, M. Kozak and K. Schmidtke. 2020. Influence of priming on germination, development, and yield of soybean varieties. Open agriculture. 5(1), 930-935.
  • Lumactud, R. A., D. Dollete, D.K. Liyanage, K. Szczyglowski, B. Hill and M.S. Thilakarathna. 2023. The effect of drought stress on nodulation, plant growth, and nitrogen fixation in soybean during early plant growth. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 209(3): 345-354.
  • Mandić, V., V. Krnjaja, Z. Tomić, Z. Bijelić, A. Simić, S. Đorđević and M. Gogić, M. 2015. Effect of water stress on soybean production. In Proceedings of the 4th International Congress New Perspectives and Challenges of Sustainable Livestock Production October 7–9, 2015 (pp. 405-414). Belgrade: Institute for Animal Husbandry.
  • Mandić, V., S. Đorđević, Z. Bijelić, V. Krnjaja, V. Pantelić, A. Simić and V. Dragičević. 2020. Agronomic responses of soybean genotypes to starter nitrogen fertilizer rate. Agronomy. 10 (4), 535.
  • Mangena, P. 2018. Water stress: morphological and anatomical changes in soybean (Glycine max L.) plants. Plant, abiotic stress and responses to climate change. 9-31.
  • Miransari, M. 2016. Abiotic and biotic stresses in soybean production: soybean production. Volume 1 (Vol. 1), Academic press.
  • Miransari, M., S. Adham, M. Miransari and A. Miransari. 2022. The physicochemical approaches of altering growth and biochemical properties of medicinal plants in saline soils. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 106(5): 1895-1904.
  • Munger, P., H. Bleiholder, H. Hack, M. Hess, R. Stauss, T. Van den Boom and E. Weber. 1997. Phenological growth stages of the soybean plant (Glycine max L. Merr.): codification and description according to the BBCH Scale. Journal of Agronomy & Crop Science. 179(4).
  • Oz, M., A. Karasu, T.A. Goksoy and M, Turan. 2009. Interrelationships of agronomical characteristics in soybean (Glycine max) grown in different environments. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 11(1): 85–88.
  • Ozer, N. 2021. Determination of forage yield and some plant characteristics of soybean (Glycine max. L.) harvested in different phenological stages. Tekirdag Namik Kemal University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Master Thesis (in Turkish).
  • Parkes, B., J.R. Buzan and M. Huber. 2022. Heat stress in Africa under high intensity climate change. International journal of biometeorology. 66(8): 1531-1545.
  • Poeta, F., L. Borrás, J.L. Rotundo. 2016. Variation in seed protein concentration and seed size affects soybean crop growth and development. Crop Science. 56(6): 3196–3208.
  • Ravelombola, F. S. 2022. Breeding soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr.] under reduced irrigation (Doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas).
  • Sarimurat, M. S., H. Kulaz and F. Erdin. 2022. Determination of yield and quality characteristics of some chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties cultivated in Van ecological conditions. MAS Journal of Applied Sciences. 7(1): 128-138 (in Turkish).
  • Shamima, N., and A.T.M. Farid. 2006. Sulphur uptake and yield of soybean as influenced by sulphur fertilization. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research. 19(4): 59-64.
  • Shea, Z., W.M. Singer and B. Zhang. 2024. Soybean production, versality and improvement. Legume Crops: Chapter:3, 29-50. DOI:https//
  • Soba, D., C. Arreswe-Igor, I. Aranjuela. 2022. Additive efects of heatwave and water stresses on soybean seed yield is caused by imparied carbon assimilation at pot formation but not Flowering. Plant Science. 321: 111320.
  • Sobko, O., A.Stahl, A, V. Hahn, S. Zikeli, W.Claupein and S. Gruber, S. 2020. Environmental effects on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) production in central and South Germany. Agronomy. 10(12): 1847.
  • Staniak, M., E.S. Krok and A. Kocira, A. 2023. Responses of soybean to selected abiotic stresses photoperiod, temperature and water. Agriculture. 13: 146.
  • Surgun Acar, Y. 2022. Response of soybean (Glycine max L.) seedlings to polystyrene nanoplastics: Physiological, biochemical, and molecular perspectives. Environmental Pollution. 314, 120262.
  • Temory, Z. 2014. The effects of sulfur doses, applicated from leaves on yield and quality of soybean. The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science of Selcuk University, Master Thesis (in Turkish).
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There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cereals and Legumes
Journal Section Articles

Nermin Yaraşır 0000-0001-7748-9375

Ali Yiğit 0000-0003-3303-5122

Osman Erekul 0000-0002-0276-4843

Project Number YÖK 100/2000 scholarship and Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Scientific Research Projects Institution (Project Number: ZRF-20035)
Publication Date December 24, 2024
Submission Date September 15, 2024
Acceptance Date October 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Yaraşır, N., Yiğit, A., & Erekul, O. (2024). YIELD AND QUALITY RESPONSES OF SOYBEAN (Glycine max. L. Merr.) VARIETIES INOCULATED WITH RHIZOBIA STRAINS UNDER DROUGHT STRESS. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 29(2), 165-176.

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER
Address : 848 sok. 2. Beyler İşhanı No:72, Kat:3 D.313 35000 Konak-Izmir, TURKEY
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