Research Article
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Year 2018, , 62 - 71, 15.06.2018



  • Anonymous. 2012. 2012. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Czechoslovakia.
  • Anonymous. 2017a. The meteorological data for Adana. The Turkish State Meteorological Service Adana Regional Directorship, 2016 and 2017.
  • Anonymous. 2017b. The Meteorological Data for Adana. Faculty of Agriculture Meteorological Station.
  • Arıoglu, H., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu, C. Kurt and B. Onat. 2016. The determination of important agronomic and quality characteristics of some peanut varieties grown in main crop conditions. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 25 (Special issue 2):24-29.
  • Arioglu, H.H. and T. Ersoy. 1987. The effect of high temperature at growing period on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] yield. J. of Natural Science 11(2):262-268.
  • Awal, M. A. and T. Ikeda. 2002. Effects of changes in soil temperature on seedling emergence and phenological development in field-grown stands of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Environ. Exp. Bot. 47:101-113.
  • Caliskan, S., M.E. Caliskan, M. Arslan and H. Arioglu. 2008. Effects of sowing date and growth duration on growth and yield of groundnut in a Mediterranean-type environment in Turkey. Field Crops Res. 105:131-140.
  • Canavar, O. and M.A. Kaynak. 2008. Effect of different planting dates on yield and yield components of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 32:521-528.
  • Cox, F.R. 1979. Effects of temperature on peanut vegetative and fruit growth. Peanut Science 6:14-17.
  • Dreyer, J., W.G Duncan and D.E. McClaud.1981. Fruit temperature growth and yield of peanut. Crop Sci. 21: 686-688.
  • Dufault, R.J., B. Ward and R.L. Hassell. 2009. Dynamic relationships between field temperatures and romaine lettuce yield and head quality. Sci. Hortic. 120: 452-459.
  • Golombek, S.D., and C. Johansen. 1997. Effect of soil temperature on vegetative and reproductive growth and development in three Spanish genotype of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Peanut Sci. 24: 67-72. Gulluoglu L. 2011. Effects of regulator applications on pod yield and some agronomic characters of peanut in Mediterranean region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(2): 210-214.
  • Gulluoglu L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt and H. Arioglu. 2016. The Effect of harvesting dates on yield and some agronomic and quality characteristics of peanut grown in Mediterranean region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 21(2): 224-232.
  • Gulluoglu L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt and H. Arioglu. 2017. Comparison of agronomic and quality characteristics of some peanut (Arachis hypogeae L.) varieties grown as main and double crop in Mediterranean region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(2): 166-177, DOI:10.17557/TJFC.356208.
  • Hatfield, J.L. and J.H. Prueger. 2015. Temperature Extremes: Effect on plant growth and development. Weather and Climate Extremes 10: 4-10.
  • IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2007. Climate Change 2007: The physical science basis, contribution of working group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (S. Solomon et al., Eds.) Cambridge Univ, p. 996. Press, Cambridge, U. K.
  • Ishag, H.M. 2000. Phenotypic and yield response of irrigated groundnut cultivars in a hot environment. Exp. Agric., 36:303-312.
  • Kaba, J.S., K. Ofori and F.K. Kumaga. 2014. Inter-relationships of yield and components of yield at different stages of maturity in three groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties. International J. of Life Science Research 2(1): 43-48
  • Ketring, D. L. 1984. Temperature effects on vegetative and reproductive development of peanut. Crop Sci. 24: 877-882.
  • Ketring, D.L., R.H. Brown, G.A. Sullivan and B.B. Johnson. 1982. Growth Physiology. Peanut Science and Technology, Chapter 11, pp 411-457 (Eds. H.E. Pattee and C.T. Young). American Peanut Research and Education Society, Texas, USA.
  • Kurt, C., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu and H. Arioglu. 2017. The Effect of twin row planting pattern and plant population on yield and yield components of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) at main crop planting in Cukurova region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(1): 24-31, DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.301768.
  • Lim, E.S and O. Hamdan.1984. The Reproductive character of four varieties of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). Pertanica 7: 25-31.
  • Marshall, H.G. 1982. Breeding for tolerance to heat and cold. In breeding plants for less favorable environments. Eds M.N. Christiansen and C.F. Lewis. pp 47-70 Jhon Wiley and sons, New York, USA.
  • McKeown, A., J. Warland and M.R. McDonald. 2005. Long-term marketable yields of horticultural crops in southern Ontario in relation to seasonal climate. Can. J. Plant Sci. 85: 431-438.
  • Onat B., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu, H. Arioglu. 2017. The effects of high temperature at the growing period on yield and yield components of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] varieties. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 22(2):178-186, DOI:10.17557/TJFC. 356210.
  • Ong, C. K. 1984. The influence of temperature and water deficits on the partitioning of dry matter in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). J. Exp. Bot., 35:746-755.
  • Ono, Y. 1979. Flowering and fruiting of peanut plants. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 13: 226-229.
  • Ono, Y., K. Nakayama, and M. Kubota. 1974. Effects of soil temperature and soil moisture in podding zone on pod development of peanut plants. Proceedings of the Crop Science Society of Japan 43: 247-251.
  • Ong, C.K. 1986. Agroclimatological factors affecting phenology of peanut. pp.115-125. In Agrometerology of Groundnut. Proceeding Int. Symp. 21-26 Agust 1985. ICRISAT Sahelian Center, Niamey.
  • Patel, D. and K.A. Franklin. 2009. Temperature-regulation of plant architecture. Plant Signaling and Behavior Journal 4: 577-579.
  • Paulsen, G.M. 1994. High temperature responses of crop plants. In physiology and determination of crop yield. Eds K.J. Boote, J.M. Bennett, T.R. Sinclair and G.M. Paulsen. pp 365-389. American Society of Agronomy, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Prasad, P.V.V., P.Q. Craufurd and R.J. Summerfield. 1999a. Fruit number in relation to pollen production and viability in groundnut exposed to short episodes of heat stress. Ann. Bot. 84:381-386.
  • Prasad, P.V.V., P.Q. Craufurd and R.J. Summerfield. 1999b. Sensitivity of peanut to timing of heat stress during reproductive development. Crop Sci. 39:1352-1357.
  • Prasad, P.V.V., P.Q. Craufurd and RJ. Summerfield. 2000. Effect of high air and soil temperature on dry matter production, pod yield and yield components of groundnut. Plant Soil 222:231-239.
  • Prasad, P.V.V., K.J. Boote, L.H. Allen Jr and J.M.G. Thomas. 2003. Super-optimal temperatures are detrimental to peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) reproductive processes and yield at both ambient and elevated carbon dioxide. Global Change Biology 9:1775-1787.
  • Prasad, P.V.V., K.J. Boote, J.M.K. Thomas, L.H. Allen Jr and D.W. Gorbet. 2006. Influence of soil temperature on seedling emergence and early growth of peanut cultivars in field conditions. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 192:168-177.
  • Pressman, E., M.M. Peet and D.M. Pharr. 2002. The effect of heat stress on tomato pollen characteristics is associated with changes in carbohydrate concentration in the developing anthers. Ann. Bot. 90:631-636.
  • Sønsteby, A and O.M. Heide. 2008. Temperature responses, flowering and fruit yield of the June-bearing strawberry cultivars florence, frida and korona. Sci. Hortic. 119:49-54
  • Tai, P.Y.P and R.O. Hammons. 1978. Genotype-environment interaction effects in peanut variety evaluation. Peanut science 5:72-74.
  • Talwar, H.S. 1997. Physiological basis for heat tolerance during flowering and pod setting stages in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). JIRCAS Visiting Fellowship Report 1996-97. Okinawa: JIRCAS.
  • Talwar, H.S., H. Takeda, S. Yashima and T. Senboku. 1999. Growth and photosynthetic responses of groundnut genotypes to high temperature. Crop Sci. 39(2):460-466
  • Williams, J.H., J.H. Wilson and G.C. Bate. 1975. The growth of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. Makulu Red) at three altitudes. Rhodosian Journal of Agricultural Research 13:33-43.
  • Williams, J.G., G.L. Hilderbrand and J.R. Tattersfield. 1978. The effect of weather and genotype x environment inreraction on the yields of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) Rhod. J. Agric. Res. 16:193-204.
  • Wynne, J.C and T.G. Isleib. 1978. Cultivar x environment interaction in peanut yield tests. Peanut science 5:102-105.
  • Yadava, T.P and P. Kumar. 1978. Stability analysis for pod yield and maturity in bunch group of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Indian J. Agri. Res. 12:1-4.


Year 2018, , 62 - 71, 15.06.2018


This research was conducted as a main crop in University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture Field Crops Department in 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of high air and soil temperature on pod yield and some yield component of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) breeding lines in main crop growing season in Mediterranean region in Turkey. In this study, 22 peanut lines (F6 and F7) belonging to Brantley x Halisbey crossing and NC-7 variety (st) were used as a plant material. The experimental design was a Randomized Complete Block with three replications. The main yield component such as pod number, pod weight, 100-seed weight, and pod yield per hectare values of lines were investigated. The maximum air temperature data was recorded day by day during the growing period in both years and average daily maximum air temperatures were higher in 2017 than in 2016. When the pod yield compared in 2016 and 2017, it is found that the pod yield was lower (21.5%) in 2017 than in 2016. The high air and soil temperature was negatively affected the pod yield of peanut breeding lines. It was found that the breeding lines differ in their sensitivity to high temperatures.


  • Anonymous. 2012. 2012. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Czechoslovakia.
  • Anonymous. 2017a. The meteorological data for Adana. The Turkish State Meteorological Service Adana Regional Directorship, 2016 and 2017.
  • Anonymous. 2017b. The Meteorological Data for Adana. Faculty of Agriculture Meteorological Station.
  • Arıoglu, H., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu, C. Kurt and B. Onat. 2016. The determination of important agronomic and quality characteristics of some peanut varieties grown in main crop conditions. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 25 (Special issue 2):24-29.
  • Arioglu, H.H. and T. Ersoy. 1987. The effect of high temperature at growing period on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] yield. J. of Natural Science 11(2):262-268.
  • Awal, M. A. and T. Ikeda. 2002. Effects of changes in soil temperature on seedling emergence and phenological development in field-grown stands of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Environ. Exp. Bot. 47:101-113.
  • Caliskan, S., M.E. Caliskan, M. Arslan and H. Arioglu. 2008. Effects of sowing date and growth duration on growth and yield of groundnut in a Mediterranean-type environment in Turkey. Field Crops Res. 105:131-140.
  • Canavar, O. and M.A. Kaynak. 2008. Effect of different planting dates on yield and yield components of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 32:521-528.
  • Cox, F.R. 1979. Effects of temperature on peanut vegetative and fruit growth. Peanut Science 6:14-17.
  • Dreyer, J., W.G Duncan and D.E. McClaud.1981. Fruit temperature growth and yield of peanut. Crop Sci. 21: 686-688.
  • Dufault, R.J., B. Ward and R.L. Hassell. 2009. Dynamic relationships between field temperatures and romaine lettuce yield and head quality. Sci. Hortic. 120: 452-459.
  • Golombek, S.D., and C. Johansen. 1997. Effect of soil temperature on vegetative and reproductive growth and development in three Spanish genotype of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Peanut Sci. 24: 67-72. Gulluoglu L. 2011. Effects of regulator applications on pod yield and some agronomic characters of peanut in Mediterranean region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(2): 210-214.
  • Gulluoglu L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt and H. Arioglu. 2016. The Effect of harvesting dates on yield and some agronomic and quality characteristics of peanut grown in Mediterranean region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 21(2): 224-232.
  • Gulluoglu L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt and H. Arioglu. 2017. Comparison of agronomic and quality characteristics of some peanut (Arachis hypogeae L.) varieties grown as main and double crop in Mediterranean region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(2): 166-177, DOI:10.17557/TJFC.356208.
  • Hatfield, J.L. and J.H. Prueger. 2015. Temperature Extremes: Effect on plant growth and development. Weather and Climate Extremes 10: 4-10.
  • IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2007. Climate Change 2007: The physical science basis, contribution of working group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (S. Solomon et al., Eds.) Cambridge Univ, p. 996. Press, Cambridge, U. K.
  • Ishag, H.M. 2000. Phenotypic and yield response of irrigated groundnut cultivars in a hot environment. Exp. Agric., 36:303-312.
  • Kaba, J.S., K. Ofori and F.K. Kumaga. 2014. Inter-relationships of yield and components of yield at different stages of maturity in three groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties. International J. of Life Science Research 2(1): 43-48
  • Ketring, D. L. 1984. Temperature effects on vegetative and reproductive development of peanut. Crop Sci. 24: 877-882.
  • Ketring, D.L., R.H. Brown, G.A. Sullivan and B.B. Johnson. 1982. Growth Physiology. Peanut Science and Technology, Chapter 11, pp 411-457 (Eds. H.E. Pattee and C.T. Young). American Peanut Research and Education Society, Texas, USA.
  • Kurt, C., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu and H. Arioglu. 2017. The Effect of twin row planting pattern and plant population on yield and yield components of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) at main crop planting in Cukurova region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(1): 24-31, DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.301768.
  • Lim, E.S and O. Hamdan.1984. The Reproductive character of four varieties of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). Pertanica 7: 25-31.
  • Marshall, H.G. 1982. Breeding for tolerance to heat and cold. In breeding plants for less favorable environments. Eds M.N. Christiansen and C.F. Lewis. pp 47-70 Jhon Wiley and sons, New York, USA.
  • McKeown, A., J. Warland and M.R. McDonald. 2005. Long-term marketable yields of horticultural crops in southern Ontario in relation to seasonal climate. Can. J. Plant Sci. 85: 431-438.
  • Onat B., H. Bakal, L. Gulluoglu, H. Arioglu. 2017. The effects of high temperature at the growing period on yield and yield components of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] varieties. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 22(2):178-186, DOI:10.17557/TJFC. 356210.
  • Ong, C. K. 1984. The influence of temperature and water deficits on the partitioning of dry matter in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). J. Exp. Bot., 35:746-755.
  • Ono, Y. 1979. Flowering and fruiting of peanut plants. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 13: 226-229.
  • Ono, Y., K. Nakayama, and M. Kubota. 1974. Effects of soil temperature and soil moisture in podding zone on pod development of peanut plants. Proceedings of the Crop Science Society of Japan 43: 247-251.
  • Ong, C.K. 1986. Agroclimatological factors affecting phenology of peanut. pp.115-125. In Agrometerology of Groundnut. Proceeding Int. Symp. 21-26 Agust 1985. ICRISAT Sahelian Center, Niamey.
  • Patel, D. and K.A. Franklin. 2009. Temperature-regulation of plant architecture. Plant Signaling and Behavior Journal 4: 577-579.
  • Paulsen, G.M. 1994. High temperature responses of crop plants. In physiology and determination of crop yield. Eds K.J. Boote, J.M. Bennett, T.R. Sinclair and G.M. Paulsen. pp 365-389. American Society of Agronomy, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Prasad, P.V.V., P.Q. Craufurd and R.J. Summerfield. 1999a. Fruit number in relation to pollen production and viability in groundnut exposed to short episodes of heat stress. Ann. Bot. 84:381-386.
  • Prasad, P.V.V., P.Q. Craufurd and R.J. Summerfield. 1999b. Sensitivity of peanut to timing of heat stress during reproductive development. Crop Sci. 39:1352-1357.
  • Prasad, P.V.V., P.Q. Craufurd and RJ. Summerfield. 2000. Effect of high air and soil temperature on dry matter production, pod yield and yield components of groundnut. Plant Soil 222:231-239.
  • Prasad, P.V.V., K.J. Boote, L.H. Allen Jr and J.M.G. Thomas. 2003. Super-optimal temperatures are detrimental to peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) reproductive processes and yield at both ambient and elevated carbon dioxide. Global Change Biology 9:1775-1787.
  • Prasad, P.V.V., K.J. Boote, J.M.K. Thomas, L.H. Allen Jr and D.W. Gorbet. 2006. Influence of soil temperature on seedling emergence and early growth of peanut cultivars in field conditions. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 192:168-177.
  • Pressman, E., M.M. Peet and D.M. Pharr. 2002. The effect of heat stress on tomato pollen characteristics is associated with changes in carbohydrate concentration in the developing anthers. Ann. Bot. 90:631-636.
  • Sønsteby, A and O.M. Heide. 2008. Temperature responses, flowering and fruit yield of the June-bearing strawberry cultivars florence, frida and korona. Sci. Hortic. 119:49-54
  • Tai, P.Y.P and R.O. Hammons. 1978. Genotype-environment interaction effects in peanut variety evaluation. Peanut science 5:72-74.
  • Talwar, H.S. 1997. Physiological basis for heat tolerance during flowering and pod setting stages in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). JIRCAS Visiting Fellowship Report 1996-97. Okinawa: JIRCAS.
  • Talwar, H.S., H. Takeda, S. Yashima and T. Senboku. 1999. Growth and photosynthetic responses of groundnut genotypes to high temperature. Crop Sci. 39(2):460-466
  • Williams, J.H., J.H. Wilson and G.C. Bate. 1975. The growth of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. Makulu Red) at three altitudes. Rhodosian Journal of Agricultural Research 13:33-43.
  • Williams, J.G., G.L. Hilderbrand and J.R. Tattersfield. 1978. The effect of weather and genotype x environment inreraction on the yields of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) Rhod. J. Agric. Res. 16:193-204.
  • Wynne, J.C and T.G. Isleib. 1978. Cultivar x environment interaction in peanut yield tests. Peanut science 5:102-105.
  • Yadava, T.P and P. Kumar. 1978. Stability analysis for pod yield and maturity in bunch group of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Indian J. Agri. Res. 12:1-4.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Leyla Gulluoglu This is me

Halis Arıoglu

Halil Bakal This is me

Bihter Onat This is me

Publication Date June 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Gulluoglu, L., Arıoglu, H., Bakal, H., Onat, B. (2018). EFFECT OF HIGH AIR AND SOIL TEMPERATURE ON YIELD AND SOME YIELD COMPONENTS OF PEANUT (Arachis hypogaea L.). Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 23(1), 62-71.

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Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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