Year 2016,
, 44 - 50, 01.06.2016
Amir Shakeel
Muhammad Mansoor Sheraz
Asif Saeed
İmtiaz Alı
Wajad Nazeer
Zahid Amın
Ali Ammar
- Ahmad, I., A. Ali, M. Zubair and I.A. Khan. 2001. Mode of gene
action controlling seed cotton yield and various components
in Gossypium hirsutum L. Pak. J. Agric. Sci. 38:19-21.
- Ahuja, S.L. and L.S. Dhayal. 2007. Combining ability estimates
for yield and fiber quality traits in 4 × 13 line × tester crosses
of Gossypium hirsutum. Euphytica 153:87-98.
- Akhtar, K.P., A.I. Khan, M. Hussain, M.A. Haq, and M.S.I.
Khan. 2003. Upland cotton varietal response to cotton leaf
curl virus (CLCuV). Trop. Agric. Res. Ext. 5:29-34.
- Akhtar, K.P., M. Aslam, M. Ahsan-ul-Haq, F.F. Jamil, I. Khan
and M.T. Elahi. 2005. Resistance to Cotton Leaf Curl Virus
(CLCuV) in a Mutant Cotton Line. J. Cotton Sci. 9:175–181.
- Akhtar, K.P., M.A. Haq, M. Hussain and A.I. Khan. 2002.
Whitefly transmitted Gemini viruses and associated
disorders in cotton: A Review. Pak. J. Phyto. 14:140-150
- Ali, I., A. Shakeel, A.A. Khan and B. Sadia. 2015. Genetic basis
of variation for within- boll yield components in cotton.
Turk. J. Agri. For. DOI: 10.3906/tar-1409-117.
- Anonymous, 2012-13. Pakistan Economic Survey, Govt. of
Pakistan, Ministry of Finance, Economic Advisor’s Wing,
- Azhar, F.M. and A.H. Rana. 1993. Genetic analysis of some
quantitative plant characters in upland cotton. Pak. J. Agri.
Sci. 30:89-93.
- Baloch, M.A.A. and M.A.K. Chang. 1970. Preliminary
investigation on the combining ability in (G. hirsutum L.)
number of bolls per plant. West Pak. J. Agri. Res. 8:157-167.
- Basal, H. and I. Turgut. 2003. Heterosis and combining ability
for yield components and fiber quality parameters in a half
diallel cotton (G. hirsutum L.) Population. Turk. J. Agri. For.
- Basal, H., A. Unay, O. Canavar and I. Yavas. 2009. Combining
ability for fiber quality parameters and within-boll yield
components in intraspecific and interspecific cotton
populations. Spanish J. Agri. Res. 7:364-374.
- Braden, C., C.W. Smith, P. Thaxton. 2003. Combining ability
for near extra long fibers in Upland cotton. Beltwide cotton
conference. January 6-10, Nashville.
- Coyle, G.G. and C.W. Smith. 1997. Combining ability for
within-boll yield component in cotton, G. hirsutum L. Crop
Sci. 37:1118-1122.
- Farooq, A., J. Farooq, A. Mahmood, A. Batool, A. Rehman, A.
Shakeel, M. Riaz, M.T.H. Shahid, S. Mehboob. 2011. An
overview of cotton leaf curl virus disease (CLCuD) a serious
threat to cotton productivity. Aust. J. Crop Sci. 5:1823-1831.
- Fehr, W.R. 1987. Principles of cultivar development. Theory and
techniques. Macmillan Publishing Company Inc. New York.
- Green, C.C. and T.W. Culp. 1990. Simultaneous improvement of
yield, fiber quality, and yarn strength in upland cotton. Crop
Sci. 30:66-69.
- Griffing, B. 1956. Concept of general combining ability and
specific combining ability in relation to diallel crossing
system. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 9:463-493.
- Hameed, S., S. Khalid, E.Haq and A.A. Hashmi. 1994. Cotton
leaf curl disease in Pakistan caused by a whitefly transmitted
gemini virus. Plant. Dis. 78:529.
- Haq, M.I. and F.M. Azhar. 2005. Genetic analysis of some
agronomic characters in upland cotton. Int. J. Agri. Biol.
- Hussain, T. and M. Ali. 1975. A Review of Cotton Diseases of
Pakistan. The Pak. Cotton 19:71-86.
- Imran, M., A. Shakeel, F.M. Azhar, J. Farooq, M.F. Saleem, A.
Saeed, W. Nazeer, M. Riaz, M. Naeem and A. Javaid. 2012.
Combining ability analysis for within-boll yield components
in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Genet. Mol. Res.
- Inam-ul-Haq and F.M. Azhar. 2004. Genetic basis of varietal
differences for seed cotton yield and its components in
hirsutum spp. Int. J. Agri. Biol. 6:904-907.
- Iqbal, K., F.M. Azhar, I.A. Khan and Ehsan-Ullah. 2011.
Variability for drought tolerance in cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum) and its genetic basis. Int. J. Agri. Biol. 13:61–66.
- Iqbal, M., R.S.A. Khan, K. Hayat and N.I. Khan. 2005. Genetic
variation and combining ability for yield and fiber traits
among cotton F1 hybrid population. J. Biol. Sci. 6:678-683.
- Irfanullah, M., A. Khan, H.A. Sadaqat and A.A. Khan. 1994.
Potentials of combining ability for yield and lint quality
traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). J. AgriRes. 32:363-
- Khan, N.U., G. Hassan, K.B. Marwat, M.B. Farhatullah. 2009.
Diallel analysis of some quantitative traits in Gossypium
hirsutum L. Pak. J. Bot. 41:3009-3022.
- Khan, N.U., G. Hassan, M.B. Kumbhar, A. Parveen, U. Aiman,
W. Ahmad, S.A. Shah and S. Ahmad. 2007. Gene action of
seed traits and oil content in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.).
Sabrao J. Breed Genet. 39:17-30.
- Kumar, K.J.Y. 2008. Combining ability and heterosis studies in
experimental hybrids of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
MSc. Thesis, Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breed. College of
Agric. Dharwad Univ. of Agric. Sci.
- Kumaresan, D., P. Senthilkumar and J. Ganesan. 1999.
Combining ability studies for quantitative traits in cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum L.). Madras Agri. J. 18:430-432.
- Liu, Y.X. and X.M. Han. 1998. Research on combining ability
and inheritance of 12 economic characters in upland cotton.
China Cotton 25:9-11.
- Mahmood, T., M. Arshad, M.I. Gill, H.T. Mahmood and M.T.
Hussain. 2003. Burewala strain of cotton leaf curl virus: A
threat to CLCuV cotton resistant varieties. Asian J. PlantSci.
- Mansoor, S., I. Amin, S. Iram, M. Hussain, Y. Zafar, K.A. Malik
and R.W. Briddon. 2003. The breakdown of resistance in
cotton to cotton leaf curl virus disease in Pakistan. New Dis.
Rep. 7.
- Mansoor, S., I. Bedford, M.S. Pinner, J. Stanley and P.G.
Markham. 1993. A whitefly transmitted geminivirus
associated with cotton leaf curl diseases in Pakistan. Pak. J.
Bot. 25:105-107.
- Meredith, W.R. and J.S. Brown. 1998. Heterosis and combining
ability of cottons originating from different regions of the United States. J.
Cotton Sci. 2:77-84.
- Mondal, M.A.A. and M.M. Hossain. 2006. Combining ability in
potato (Solanum tubersum L.). Bangladesh J. Bot. 35:125-
- Neelima, S., V.C. Reddy and A.N. Reedy. 2004. Combining
ability studies for yield and yield components in American
cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Ann. Agri. Biol. Res. 9:1-6.
- Rahman, H., S.A. Malik and M. Saleem. 2005. Inheritance of
seed physical traits in upland cotton under different
temperature regimes. Spanish J. Agri Res. 3:225-232.
- Shakeel, A., I.A. Khan and F.M. Azhar. 2001. Study pertaining
to the estimation of gene action controlling yield and related
traits in upland cotton. J. Biol Sci. 1:67-70.
- Sprague, G.F. and L.A. Tatum. 1942. General vs. specific
combining ability in single crosses of corn. Agron. J. 34:923-
- Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1997. Principles and procedures of
statistics: A biometrical Approach. 2nd Ed. Mcgraw hill book
Co., Inc., New York.
- Tang, F. and W. Xiao. 2013. Genetic effects and heterosis of
within-boll yield components in upland cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum L.). Euphytica 194:41–51.
- USDA. 2013. Foreign Agriculture Service. Global Agricultural
Information Network. GAIN Report No. PK1302.
Washington, DC, USA.
- Waldia, R.S., B.R. More and D.S. Jatasra. 1980. Line × tester
analysis for yield and economic attributes in Gossypium
hirsutum L. Indian J. Agri Sci. 50:745-747.
- Worley, S., T.W. Culp and D.C. Harrell. 1974. The relative
contributions of yield components to lint yield of upland
cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L. Euphytica 23:399-403.
- Wu, J., J.C. McCarty, J.N. Jenkins and W. R. Meredith. 2010.
Breeding potential of introgressions into upland cotton:
genetic effects and heterosis. Int. J. Plant Breed. 129:526-53.
- Yassin, A.M. and E. El-Nour. 1970. Transmission of cotton leaf
curl virus by single insect of Bemisia tabaci. Plant Dis. Rept.
Year 2016,
, 44 - 50, 01.06.2016
Amir Shakeel
Muhammad Mansoor Sheraz
Asif Saeed
İmtiaz Alı
Wajad Nazeer
Zahid Amın
Ali Ammar
Cotton leaf curling disease (CLCuD) is the major threat to cotton production and quality in many cotton
producing countries including Pakistan. The objective of current work was to identify the potential genotypes
which perform well under the disease prevalence through manipulating the within-boll yield traits. For this
purpose; six genotypes possessing broad genetic base were selected and crossed in all possible combinations.
Crossed seeds from 30 combinations and selfed seeds from 6 parental genotypes, thus produced, were grown
along with parents under field conditions in randomized complete block design replicated thrice. Analysis of
variance depicted significant differences among genotypes for all the traits under consideration. Strong
evidences for the prevalence of non-additive genetic behavior of the traits were recorded. The genotype MNH886
was found as good general combiner for lint mass per boll, seed mass per seed and CLCuD index; MNH888
for lint mass per seed and seed cotton yield while VH-61 for seed mass per boll and seed number per boll.
Results pertaining to specific combining ability effects revealed that the most desirable combinations for
various traits were; FH-113 × FH-2015 for lint mass per boll and seed number per boll, MNH-888 × IR-4 for
lint percentage and lint mass per seed, MNH-888 × VH-61 for seed cotton yield and CLCuD index. Most of the
hybrids showed greater mid parent heterosis than that of better parent. Results from the current study
supported the hypothesis that seed cotton yield and quality can be enhanced through exploitation of withinboll
yield components in CLCuD tolerant cultivars.
- Ahmad, I., A. Ali, M. Zubair and I.A. Khan. 2001. Mode of gene
action controlling seed cotton yield and various components
in Gossypium hirsutum L. Pak. J. Agric. Sci. 38:19-21.
- Ahuja, S.L. and L.S. Dhayal. 2007. Combining ability estimates
for yield and fiber quality traits in 4 × 13 line × tester crosses
of Gossypium hirsutum. Euphytica 153:87-98.
- Akhtar, K.P., A.I. Khan, M. Hussain, M.A. Haq, and M.S.I.
Khan. 2003. Upland cotton varietal response to cotton leaf
curl virus (CLCuV). Trop. Agric. Res. Ext. 5:29-34.
- Akhtar, K.P., M. Aslam, M. Ahsan-ul-Haq, F.F. Jamil, I. Khan
and M.T. Elahi. 2005. Resistance to Cotton Leaf Curl Virus
(CLCuV) in a Mutant Cotton Line. J. Cotton Sci. 9:175–181.
- Akhtar, K.P., M.A. Haq, M. Hussain and A.I. Khan. 2002.
Whitefly transmitted Gemini viruses and associated
disorders in cotton: A Review. Pak. J. Phyto. 14:140-150
- Ali, I., A. Shakeel, A.A. Khan and B. Sadia. 2015. Genetic basis
of variation for within- boll yield components in cotton.
Turk. J. Agri. For. DOI: 10.3906/tar-1409-117.
- Anonymous, 2012-13. Pakistan Economic Survey, Govt. of
Pakistan, Ministry of Finance, Economic Advisor’s Wing,
- Azhar, F.M. and A.H. Rana. 1993. Genetic analysis of some
quantitative plant characters in upland cotton. Pak. J. Agri.
Sci. 30:89-93.
- Baloch, M.A.A. and M.A.K. Chang. 1970. Preliminary
investigation on the combining ability in (G. hirsutum L.)
number of bolls per plant. West Pak. J. Agri. Res. 8:157-167.
- Basal, H. and I. Turgut. 2003. Heterosis and combining ability
for yield components and fiber quality parameters in a half
diallel cotton (G. hirsutum L.) Population. Turk. J. Agri. For.
- Basal, H., A. Unay, O. Canavar and I. Yavas. 2009. Combining
ability for fiber quality parameters and within-boll yield
components in intraspecific and interspecific cotton
populations. Spanish J. Agri. Res. 7:364-374.
- Braden, C., C.W. Smith, P. Thaxton. 2003. Combining ability
for near extra long fibers in Upland cotton. Beltwide cotton
conference. January 6-10, Nashville.
- Coyle, G.G. and C.W. Smith. 1997. Combining ability for
within-boll yield component in cotton, G. hirsutum L. Crop
Sci. 37:1118-1122.
- Farooq, A., J. Farooq, A. Mahmood, A. Batool, A. Rehman, A.
Shakeel, M. Riaz, M.T.H. Shahid, S. Mehboob. 2011. An
overview of cotton leaf curl virus disease (CLCuD) a serious
threat to cotton productivity. Aust. J. Crop Sci. 5:1823-1831.
- Fehr, W.R. 1987. Principles of cultivar development. Theory and
techniques. Macmillan Publishing Company Inc. New York.
- Green, C.C. and T.W. Culp. 1990. Simultaneous improvement of
yield, fiber quality, and yarn strength in upland cotton. Crop
Sci. 30:66-69.
- Griffing, B. 1956. Concept of general combining ability and
specific combining ability in relation to diallel crossing
system. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 9:463-493.
- Hameed, S., S. Khalid, E.Haq and A.A. Hashmi. 1994. Cotton
leaf curl disease in Pakistan caused by a whitefly transmitted
gemini virus. Plant. Dis. 78:529.
- Haq, M.I. and F.M. Azhar. 2005. Genetic analysis of some
agronomic characters in upland cotton. Int. J. Agri. Biol.
- Hussain, T. and M. Ali. 1975. A Review of Cotton Diseases of
Pakistan. The Pak. Cotton 19:71-86.
- Imran, M., A. Shakeel, F.M. Azhar, J. Farooq, M.F. Saleem, A.
Saeed, W. Nazeer, M. Riaz, M. Naeem and A. Javaid. 2012.
Combining ability analysis for within-boll yield components
in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Genet. Mol. Res.
- Inam-ul-Haq and F.M. Azhar. 2004. Genetic basis of varietal
differences for seed cotton yield and its components in
hirsutum spp. Int. J. Agri. Biol. 6:904-907.
- Iqbal, K., F.M. Azhar, I.A. Khan and Ehsan-Ullah. 2011.
Variability for drought tolerance in cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum) and its genetic basis. Int. J. Agri. Biol. 13:61–66.
- Iqbal, M., R.S.A. Khan, K. Hayat and N.I. Khan. 2005. Genetic
variation and combining ability for yield and fiber traits
among cotton F1 hybrid population. J. Biol. Sci. 6:678-683.
- Irfanullah, M., A. Khan, H.A. Sadaqat and A.A. Khan. 1994.
Potentials of combining ability for yield and lint quality
traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). J. AgriRes. 32:363-
- Khan, N.U., G. Hassan, K.B. Marwat, M.B. Farhatullah. 2009.
Diallel analysis of some quantitative traits in Gossypium
hirsutum L. Pak. J. Bot. 41:3009-3022.
- Khan, N.U., G. Hassan, M.B. Kumbhar, A. Parveen, U. Aiman,
W. Ahmad, S.A. Shah and S. Ahmad. 2007. Gene action of
seed traits and oil content in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.).
Sabrao J. Breed Genet. 39:17-30.
- Kumar, K.J.Y. 2008. Combining ability and heterosis studies in
experimental hybrids of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
MSc. Thesis, Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breed. College of
Agric. Dharwad Univ. of Agric. Sci.
- Kumaresan, D., P. Senthilkumar and J. Ganesan. 1999.
Combining ability studies for quantitative traits in cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum L.). Madras Agri. J. 18:430-432.
- Liu, Y.X. and X.M. Han. 1998. Research on combining ability
and inheritance of 12 economic characters in upland cotton.
China Cotton 25:9-11.
- Mahmood, T., M. Arshad, M.I. Gill, H.T. Mahmood and M.T.
Hussain. 2003. Burewala strain of cotton leaf curl virus: A
threat to CLCuV cotton resistant varieties. Asian J. PlantSci.
- Mansoor, S., I. Amin, S. Iram, M. Hussain, Y. Zafar, K.A. Malik
and R.W. Briddon. 2003. The breakdown of resistance in
cotton to cotton leaf curl virus disease in Pakistan. New Dis.
Rep. 7.
- Mansoor, S., I. Bedford, M.S. Pinner, J. Stanley and P.G.
Markham. 1993. A whitefly transmitted geminivirus
associated with cotton leaf curl diseases in Pakistan. Pak. J.
Bot. 25:105-107.
- Meredith, W.R. and J.S. Brown. 1998. Heterosis and combining
ability of cottons originating from different regions of the United States. J.
Cotton Sci. 2:77-84.
- Mondal, M.A.A. and M.M. Hossain. 2006. Combining ability in
potato (Solanum tubersum L.). Bangladesh J. Bot. 35:125-
- Neelima, S., V.C. Reddy and A.N. Reedy. 2004. Combining
ability studies for yield and yield components in American
cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Ann. Agri. Biol. Res. 9:1-6.
- Rahman, H., S.A. Malik and M. Saleem. 2005. Inheritance of
seed physical traits in upland cotton under different
temperature regimes. Spanish J. Agri Res. 3:225-232.
- Shakeel, A., I.A. Khan and F.M. Azhar. 2001. Study pertaining
to the estimation of gene action controlling yield and related
traits in upland cotton. J. Biol Sci. 1:67-70.
- Sprague, G.F. and L.A. Tatum. 1942. General vs. specific
combining ability in single crosses of corn. Agron. J. 34:923-
- Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1997. Principles and procedures of
statistics: A biometrical Approach. 2nd Ed. Mcgraw hill book
Co., Inc., New York.
- Tang, F. and W. Xiao. 2013. Genetic effects and heterosis of
within-boll yield components in upland cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum L.). Euphytica 194:41–51.
- USDA. 2013. Foreign Agriculture Service. Global Agricultural
Information Network. GAIN Report No. PK1302.
Washington, DC, USA.
- Waldia, R.S., B.R. More and D.S. Jatasra. 1980. Line × tester
analysis for yield and economic attributes in Gossypium
hirsutum L. Indian J. Agri Sci. 50:745-747.
- Worley, S., T.W. Culp and D.C. Harrell. 1974. The relative
contributions of yield components to lint yield of upland
cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L. Euphytica 23:399-403.
- Wu, J., J.C. McCarty, J.N. Jenkins and W. R. Meredith. 2010.
Breeding potential of introgressions into upland cotton:
genetic effects and heterosis. Int. J. Plant Breed. 129:526-53.
- Yassin, A.M. and E. El-Nour. 1970. Transmission of cotton leaf
curl virus by single insect of Bemisia tabaci. Plant Dis. Rept.