Research Article
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Year 2016, , 67 - 78, 01.06.2016



  • Abdoli M. and M. Saeidi. 2013. Evaluation of water deficiency at the post anthesis and source limitation during grain filling on grain yield, yield formation, some morphological and phonological traits and gas exchange of bread wheat cultivar. Albanian J. of Agricultural Sciences 12(2), 255-265.
  • Akçura, M. 2011. The relationships of some traits in Turkish winter bread wheat landraces. Turkish J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 35(2), 115-125.
  • Al-Khatib, K. and G.M., Paulsen. 1984. Mode of high temperature injury to wheat during grain development. Physiol. Plant 61, p.363-368.
  • Allahverdiyev, T.I., J.M. Talai, I.M. Huseynova and J.A., Aliyev. 2015. Effect of drought stress on some physiological parameters, yield, yield components of durum (Triticum durum desf.) and bread (Triticum aestivum L.) wheat genotypes. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 1-1; 50-62.
  • Azhand, M., M. Saeidi and M. Abdoli. 2015. Evaluation of the relationship between gas exchange variables with grain yield in barley genotypes under terminal drought stress. International J. of Biosciences, 6-2; 366-374.
  • Bassu, S., S. Assengb and R. Richards. 2011. Yield benefits of triticale traits for wheat under current and future climates. Field Crops Research, 124, 14-24.
  • Bilgili, U., E.A. Cifci, H. Hanoglu, K. Yagdi and E. Acikgoz. 2009. Yield and quality of triticale forage. J. Food Agric. Environ. 7, 556-560.
  • Boutraa, T., A. Akhkha and A.K. Al-Shoaibi. 2015. Evaluation of growth and gas exchange rates of two local saudi wheat cultivars grown under heat stress conditions. Pakistan J. of Botany, 47(1):27-34.
  • Bunce, J.A. 1998. The Temperature dependence of the stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated carbon dioxide in wheat and barley, Journal of Experimental Botany, 49(326):1555-1561.
  • Cornic, G. 2000. Drought stress inhibits photosynthesis by decreased stomatal aperture-not by affecting ATP synthesis. Trends in Plant Science, 5:187-188.
  • Del Blanco, I.A., Rajaram, S., Kronstad, W.E., Reynolds, M.P. 2000. Physiological performnce of synthetic hexaploid wheat-derived populations. Crop Sci., 40(5):1257-1263.
  • Delfine, S., Alvino, A., Zacchini, M., Loreto, F. 1998. Consequences of salt stres on conductance to co2 diffusion, rubisco characteristics and anatomy of spinach leaves. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 25:395-402.
  • Delfine, S., Alvino, A., Concetta-Vıllani, M., Loreto, F. 1999. Restriction to carbon dioxide conductance and photosynthesis in spinach leaves recovering from salt stres. Plant Physiology. 119:1101-1106.
  • Delgado, M.I., Reynolds, M.P., Larque-Saavedra, A., Nava, S.T. 1994. Genetic diversity for photosynthesis in wheat under heat stresssed field environments and its relation to productivity. Wheat Special Report, No.30, 17 pages, Mexico.
  • Del Pozo, A., Perez, P., Morcuende, R., Alanso, A., MartinezCarrasco, R. 2005. Acclimatory responses of stomatal conductance snd photosynthesis to elevated co2 and temperature in wheat crops grown at varying levels of n supply in a mediterranean environment. Plant Science, 169:908-916.
  • Erbs, M., Franzaring, J., Hogy, P., Fangmeir, A. 2009. Free-air co2 enrichment in a wheat-weed assembly-effects on water relations. Basic and Applied Ecology, 10:358-367.
  • Evans, L.T., S. Von Caemmerer, B.A. Stetchell and G.S. Hudson. 1994. The relationship between CO2 transfer conductance and leaf anatomy in transgenic tobacco with a reduced content of Rubisco. Australian J. of Plant Physiology, 21:475-495.
  • Faostat Database, 2010.
  • Feng, X., 1998. Long term Ci/Ca response of trees in western North America to atmospheric CO2 concentration derived from carbon isotope chronologies. Oecologia, 117 :19-25.
  • Feng, B.L., X.L. Gao, L. Zhao, J.F. Gao, C.F. Wang and S.W. Zhang. 2005. Relationships between canopy temperature and biological characters of wheat under drought conditions. Chin J. Ecol. 24 (5), 508–512 (in Chinese).
  • Fischer, R.A., F. Bidinger, J.R. Syme and P.C. Wall. 1981. Leaf photosynthesis, leaf permeability, crop growth, and yield of short spring wheat genotypes under irrigation. Crop Sci., 21(3): 367-373.
  • Fischer, R.A., D. Rees, K.D. Sayre, Z.M. Lu, A.G. Condon and A. Larque-Saavedra. 1998. Wheat yield progress associated with higher stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate, and cooler canopies. Crop Sci., 38 (6): 1467-1475.
  • Giunta, F., R. Motzo and G. Pruneddu. 2003. Comparison of temperate cereals and grain legumes in a Mediterranean environment. Agr. Med. 133, 234-248.
  • Giunta, F., R. Motzo and A. Virdis. 2001. Development of durum wheat and triticale cultivars as affected by thermophotoperiodic conditions. Austr. J. Agric. Res. 52, 387-396.
  • Gowda, M., V. Hahn, J.C. Reif, C.F.H. Longin, K. Alheit and H.P. Maurer. 2011. Potential for simultaneous improvement of grain and biomass yield in Central European winter triticale germplasm. Field Crops Research, 121, 153-157.
  • Harding, S.A., J.A. Guikema and G.M. Paulsen. 1990. Photosynthetic decline from high temperature stress during maturation of wheat. I. Interaction with senescence process. Plant Physiol. 92, 648-653.
  • Hura, T., K. Hura, M.T. Grzesiak and K. Rzepka. 2007. Effect of long-term drought stress on leaf gas Exchange and fluorescence parameters in C3 and C4 plants. Acta Physiol Plant, 29:103-113.
  • Hura, T., K. Hura and M.T. Grzesiak, 2009. The usefulness of the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in harvest prediction in 10 genotypes of winter triticale under optimal growth conditions. Plant Biosystems, 143(3):496–503.
  • Hui, Z., Z. Zhengbin, S. Hongbo, X. Ping and M.J. Foulkes. 2008. Genetic correlation and path analysis of transpiration efficiency for wheat flag leaves. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 64(1):128-134.
  • Igne B, L.R. Gibson, A. Rippke and C. R. Hurburg, 2007. Triticale moisture and protein content prediction by nearinfrared pectroscopy. Cereal Chemistry, 84: 328-330.
  • Jiang, G.M., N.B. Hao, K.Z. Bai, Q.D. Zhang, J.Z. Sun, R.J. Guo, Q.Y. Ge and T.Y. Kuang. 2000. Chain correlation between variables of gas exchange and yield potential in different winter wheat cultivars. Photosynthetica, 38(2): 227- 232.
  • Kaplan, M., M. F. Yilmaz and R. Kara, 2015. Variation in hay yield and quality of new triticale lines. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21:50-60.
  • Koç, M., C. Barutçular and I. Genç. 2003. Photosynthesis and productivity of old and modern durum wheats in a Mediterranean environment. Crop Sci., 43(3): 2089-2098.
  • Kozak, M., S. Samborski, J. Rozbicki and W. Madry. 2007. Winter triticale grain yield a comparative study of 15 genotypes. Acta Agric. Scand. 57, 263-270.
  • Kroonenberg, P.M. 1995. Introduction to biplots for G×E tables. Department of Mathematics, Research Report 51, University of Queensland.
  • Lauteri, M., A. Scartazza, M.C. Guido and E. Brugnoli. 1997. Genetic variation in photosynthetic capacity, carbon ısotope discrimination and mesophyll conductance in provenances of Castanea sativa adapted to different environments. Functional Ecology. 11:675-683.
  • Lawlor D.W., and G. Cornic. 2002. Photosynthetic carbon assimilation and associated metabolism in relation to water deficits in higher plants. Plant, Cell & Environment 25: 275- 294.
  • Lekgari, L.A., P.S. Baenziger, K.P. Vogel and D.D. Baltensperger. 2008. Identifying winter forage triticale (×Triticosecale Wittmack) strains for the central Great Plains. Crop Sci. 48, 2040-2048.
  • Lipkovich I.A. and E.P. Smith. 2002. Biplot and singular value decomposition macros for Excel©. Journal of Statistical Software, 7(5): 1-15.
  • Loggini B, A. Scartazza, E. Brugnoli and F. Navari-Izzo. 1999. Antioxidative defense system, pigment composition, and photosynthetic efficiency in two wheat cultivars subjected to drought. Plant Physiology, 119, 1091–1099.
  • Lopez-Castaneda, C. and R. Richards. 1994. Variation in temperate cereals in rainfed environments I. Grain-yield, biomass and agronomic characteristics. Field Crops Res. 37, 51-62.
  • Loreto, F., G. Di Marco, D. Tricoli and T.D. Sharkey. 1994. Measurement of mesophyll conductance, photosynthetic electron transport and alternative electron sinks of fieldgrown wheat leaves. Photosynthesis Research, 41,397-403.
  • Midmore, D.J., P.M. Cartwright and R.A. Fischer. 1982. Wheat in tropical environments. I. Phasic development and spike size. Field Crops Research, 5,185-200.
  • Monneveux, P., D. Rekika, E. Acevedo and O. Merah. 2006. Effect of drought on leaf gas exchange, carbon isotope discrimination, transpiration efficiency and productivity in field grown durum wheat genotypes. Plant Sci., 170:867- 872.
  • Motzo, R., G. Pruneddu and F. Giunta. 2013. The role of stomatal conductance for water and radiation use efficiency of durum wheat and triticale in a Mediterranean environment. European J. of Agronomy, 44:87-97.
  • Pasban Eslam, B. 2011. Evaluation of physiological ındices for ımproving water deficit tolerance in spring safflower. J. Agr. Sci. Tech., 13,327-338.
  • Qiu, G.Y., L. Wang, X. He, X. Zhang, S. Chen, J. Chen and Y. Yang. 2008. Water use efficiency and evapotranspiration of winter wheat and its response to ırrigation regime in the North China Plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148, 1848-1859.
  • Rees, D., K. Sayre, E. Acevedo, T. Navas, Z. Lu, E. Zeiger and A. Limon. 1993. Canopy temperatures of wheat: relationship with yield and potential as a technique for early generation selection, Wheat Special Report No. 10, 32 Pages, Mexico.
  • Reynolds, M.P., B.M.I. Delgado, M. Gutierrez-Rodriguez and A. Larque -Saavedra. 2000. Photosynthesis of wheat in a warm, irrigated environment I: Genetic diversity and crop productivity. Field Crops Research, 66, 37-50.
  • Richards, R., M. Watt and G. Rebetzke. 2007. Physiological traits and cereal germplasm for sustainable agricultural systems. Euphytica 154,409-425.
  • Roohi, E., Z. Tahmasebi-Sarvestanil, S. A. M. Modarres-Sanavy and A. Siosemardeh. 2013. Comparative study on the effect of soil water stress on photosynthetic function of triticale, bread wheat, and barley. J. Agr.Sci. Tech., 15: 215-228.
  • Ruuska, S., G. Rebetzke, A.F. van Herwaarden, R. Richards, N. Fettell, L. Tabe and C. Jenkins. 2006. Genotypic variation in water-soluble carbohydrate accumulation in wheat. Funct. Plant Biol. 33,799–809.
  • Rubio, J., J. I. Cubero, L. M. Martin, M. J. Suso and F. Flores. 2004. Biplot analysis of trait relations of white lupin in Spain. Euphytica, 135(2): 217-224.
  • Santiveri, F., C. Royo and I. Romagosa. 2004. Growth and yield responses of spring and winter triticale cultivated under Mediterranean conditions. Eur. J. Agron. 20, 281-292.
  • SAS Inst (1999). SAS User’s Guide: Statistic. Statistical analysis systems institute Inc., Cary, NC.
  • Scartazza, A., M. Lauteri, M.C. Guido and E. Brugnoli, 1998. Carbon ısotope discrimination in leaf and stem sugars, water use efficiency and mesophyll conductance during different developmental stages in rice subjected to drought. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 25:489-498.
  • Shao, H.B., Z.S. Liang, M.A. Shao, S.M. Sun and Z.M. Hu, 2005. Investigation on dynamic changes of photosynthetic characteristics of 10 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes during two vegetative-growth stages atwater deficits. Biointerfaces 43,221–227.
  • Siddique MRB, A, Hamid and M.S. Islam. 1999. Drought stress effects on photosynthetic rate and leaf gas Exchange of wheat. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 40:141-145.
  • Tan, Y., Z.S. Liang, H.B. Shao and F. Du. 2006. Effect of water deficits on the activity of anti-oxidative enzymes and osmoregulation among 3 different genotypes of Radix Astragali at seeding stage. Biointerfaces 48, 60–65.
  • Tavakoli A, A. Ahmadi, M. Saeidi and S. Madah Hossani. 2011. Study of water relation and gas exchange in drought tolerant and susceptible wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars under post-anthesis drought stress condition. 2nd Iranian Conference on Plant Physiology, Yazd, 124.
  • Tohver, M., A. Kann, R. Taht, H. Mihhalevski, J. Hakman. 2005. Quality of triticale cultivars suitable for growing and bread-making in northern conditions. Food Chem. 89, 125– 132.
  • von Caemmerer, S. and G.D. Farquhar. 1981. Some relationships between the biochemistry of photosynthesis and the gas exchange of leaves. Planta, 153:376-387.
  • Yan W. and M.S., Kang. 2003. GGE Biplot Analysis: A graphical tool for breeders, Geneticists, and Agronomists. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. 273 p.


Year 2016, , 67 - 78, 01.06.2016


The primary objective of the present study is to determine the variations for physiological traits of triticale
genotypes. Experiments were carried out in randomized complete block design with 3 replications during the
cropping years of 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. Totally 5 cultivars and 20 lines of triticale were used as the plant
material of the experiments. The relationships of grain yield with net photosynthesis rate (Pn), stomatal
conductance (gs), internal CO2 concentration/ambient CO2 ratio (Ci/Ca), mesophyll conductance (Mc),
transpiration efficiency (TE), transpiration rate (Tr) and the leaf temperature (Tl) were assessed through
correlation and biplot analyses. For all three growth stages (booting, anthesis, grain filling), significant positive
correlations were observed between Tr and Tl; gs and Tr; gs and Pn; gs and Ci/Ca and Mc and Pn, and the
greatest negative correlations were observed between TE and Tl. Current findings were not able indicate a
single physiological trait has significant correlations with grain yield in all growth stages. However, significant
negative correlations were observed between grain yield and Tl-Tr at booting and anthesis stages. It was
concluded that low temperature, high net photosynthesis rate, high Ci/Ca and low transpiration rate might be
used as reliable selection criteria in further triticale breeding programs. 


  • Abdoli M. and M. Saeidi. 2013. Evaluation of water deficiency at the post anthesis and source limitation during grain filling on grain yield, yield formation, some morphological and phonological traits and gas exchange of bread wheat cultivar. Albanian J. of Agricultural Sciences 12(2), 255-265.
  • Akçura, M. 2011. The relationships of some traits in Turkish winter bread wheat landraces. Turkish J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 35(2), 115-125.
  • Al-Khatib, K. and G.M., Paulsen. 1984. Mode of high temperature injury to wheat during grain development. Physiol. Plant 61, p.363-368.
  • Allahverdiyev, T.I., J.M. Talai, I.M. Huseynova and J.A., Aliyev. 2015. Effect of drought stress on some physiological parameters, yield, yield components of durum (Triticum durum desf.) and bread (Triticum aestivum L.) wheat genotypes. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 1-1; 50-62.
  • Azhand, M., M. Saeidi and M. Abdoli. 2015. Evaluation of the relationship between gas exchange variables with grain yield in barley genotypes under terminal drought stress. International J. of Biosciences, 6-2; 366-374.
  • Bassu, S., S. Assengb and R. Richards. 2011. Yield benefits of triticale traits for wheat under current and future climates. Field Crops Research, 124, 14-24.
  • Bilgili, U., E.A. Cifci, H. Hanoglu, K. Yagdi and E. Acikgoz. 2009. Yield and quality of triticale forage. J. Food Agric. Environ. 7, 556-560.
  • Boutraa, T., A. Akhkha and A.K. Al-Shoaibi. 2015. Evaluation of growth and gas exchange rates of two local saudi wheat cultivars grown under heat stress conditions. Pakistan J. of Botany, 47(1):27-34.
  • Bunce, J.A. 1998. The Temperature dependence of the stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated carbon dioxide in wheat and barley, Journal of Experimental Botany, 49(326):1555-1561.
  • Cornic, G. 2000. Drought stress inhibits photosynthesis by decreased stomatal aperture-not by affecting ATP synthesis. Trends in Plant Science, 5:187-188.
  • Del Blanco, I.A., Rajaram, S., Kronstad, W.E., Reynolds, M.P. 2000. Physiological performnce of synthetic hexaploid wheat-derived populations. Crop Sci., 40(5):1257-1263.
  • Delfine, S., Alvino, A., Zacchini, M., Loreto, F. 1998. Consequences of salt stres on conductance to co2 diffusion, rubisco characteristics and anatomy of spinach leaves. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 25:395-402.
  • Delfine, S., Alvino, A., Concetta-Vıllani, M., Loreto, F. 1999. Restriction to carbon dioxide conductance and photosynthesis in spinach leaves recovering from salt stres. Plant Physiology. 119:1101-1106.
  • Delgado, M.I., Reynolds, M.P., Larque-Saavedra, A., Nava, S.T. 1994. Genetic diversity for photosynthesis in wheat under heat stresssed field environments and its relation to productivity. Wheat Special Report, No.30, 17 pages, Mexico.
  • Del Pozo, A., Perez, P., Morcuende, R., Alanso, A., MartinezCarrasco, R. 2005. Acclimatory responses of stomatal conductance snd photosynthesis to elevated co2 and temperature in wheat crops grown at varying levels of n supply in a mediterranean environment. Plant Science, 169:908-916.
  • Erbs, M., Franzaring, J., Hogy, P., Fangmeir, A. 2009. Free-air co2 enrichment in a wheat-weed assembly-effects on water relations. Basic and Applied Ecology, 10:358-367.
  • Evans, L.T., S. Von Caemmerer, B.A. Stetchell and G.S. Hudson. 1994. The relationship between CO2 transfer conductance and leaf anatomy in transgenic tobacco with a reduced content of Rubisco. Australian J. of Plant Physiology, 21:475-495.
  • Faostat Database, 2010.
  • Feng, X., 1998. Long term Ci/Ca response of trees in western North America to atmospheric CO2 concentration derived from carbon isotope chronologies. Oecologia, 117 :19-25.
  • Feng, B.L., X.L. Gao, L. Zhao, J.F. Gao, C.F. Wang and S.W. Zhang. 2005. Relationships between canopy temperature and biological characters of wheat under drought conditions. Chin J. Ecol. 24 (5), 508–512 (in Chinese).
  • Fischer, R.A., F. Bidinger, J.R. Syme and P.C. Wall. 1981. Leaf photosynthesis, leaf permeability, crop growth, and yield of short spring wheat genotypes under irrigation. Crop Sci., 21(3): 367-373.
  • Fischer, R.A., D. Rees, K.D. Sayre, Z.M. Lu, A.G. Condon and A. Larque-Saavedra. 1998. Wheat yield progress associated with higher stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate, and cooler canopies. Crop Sci., 38 (6): 1467-1475.
  • Giunta, F., R. Motzo and G. Pruneddu. 2003. Comparison of temperate cereals and grain legumes in a Mediterranean environment. Agr. Med. 133, 234-248.
  • Giunta, F., R. Motzo and A. Virdis. 2001. Development of durum wheat and triticale cultivars as affected by thermophotoperiodic conditions. Austr. J. Agric. Res. 52, 387-396.
  • Gowda, M., V. Hahn, J.C. Reif, C.F.H. Longin, K. Alheit and H.P. Maurer. 2011. Potential for simultaneous improvement of grain and biomass yield in Central European winter triticale germplasm. Field Crops Research, 121, 153-157.
  • Harding, S.A., J.A. Guikema and G.M. Paulsen. 1990. Photosynthetic decline from high temperature stress during maturation of wheat. I. Interaction with senescence process. Plant Physiol. 92, 648-653.
  • Hura, T., K. Hura, M.T. Grzesiak and K. Rzepka. 2007. Effect of long-term drought stress on leaf gas Exchange and fluorescence parameters in C3 and C4 plants. Acta Physiol Plant, 29:103-113.
  • Hura, T., K. Hura and M.T. Grzesiak, 2009. The usefulness of the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in harvest prediction in 10 genotypes of winter triticale under optimal growth conditions. Plant Biosystems, 143(3):496–503.
  • Hui, Z., Z. Zhengbin, S. Hongbo, X. Ping and M.J. Foulkes. 2008. Genetic correlation and path analysis of transpiration efficiency for wheat flag leaves. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 64(1):128-134.
  • Igne B, L.R. Gibson, A. Rippke and C. R. Hurburg, 2007. Triticale moisture and protein content prediction by nearinfrared pectroscopy. Cereal Chemistry, 84: 328-330.
  • Jiang, G.M., N.B. Hao, K.Z. Bai, Q.D. Zhang, J.Z. Sun, R.J. Guo, Q.Y. Ge and T.Y. Kuang. 2000. Chain correlation between variables of gas exchange and yield potential in different winter wheat cultivars. Photosynthetica, 38(2): 227- 232.
  • Kaplan, M., M. F. Yilmaz and R. Kara, 2015. Variation in hay yield and quality of new triticale lines. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21:50-60.
  • Koç, M., C. Barutçular and I. Genç. 2003. Photosynthesis and productivity of old and modern durum wheats in a Mediterranean environment. Crop Sci., 43(3): 2089-2098.
  • Kozak, M., S. Samborski, J. Rozbicki and W. Madry. 2007. Winter triticale grain yield a comparative study of 15 genotypes. Acta Agric. Scand. 57, 263-270.
  • Kroonenberg, P.M. 1995. Introduction to biplots for G×E tables. Department of Mathematics, Research Report 51, University of Queensland.
  • Lauteri, M., A. Scartazza, M.C. Guido and E. Brugnoli. 1997. Genetic variation in photosynthetic capacity, carbon ısotope discrimination and mesophyll conductance in provenances of Castanea sativa adapted to different environments. Functional Ecology. 11:675-683.
  • Lawlor D.W., and G. Cornic. 2002. Photosynthetic carbon assimilation and associated metabolism in relation to water deficits in higher plants. Plant, Cell & Environment 25: 275- 294.
  • Lekgari, L.A., P.S. Baenziger, K.P. Vogel and D.D. Baltensperger. 2008. Identifying winter forage triticale (×Triticosecale Wittmack) strains for the central Great Plains. Crop Sci. 48, 2040-2048.
  • Lipkovich I.A. and E.P. Smith. 2002. Biplot and singular value decomposition macros for Excel©. Journal of Statistical Software, 7(5): 1-15.
  • Loggini B, A. Scartazza, E. Brugnoli and F. Navari-Izzo. 1999. Antioxidative defense system, pigment composition, and photosynthetic efficiency in two wheat cultivars subjected to drought. Plant Physiology, 119, 1091–1099.
  • Lopez-Castaneda, C. and R. Richards. 1994. Variation in temperate cereals in rainfed environments I. Grain-yield, biomass and agronomic characteristics. Field Crops Res. 37, 51-62.
  • Loreto, F., G. Di Marco, D. Tricoli and T.D. Sharkey. 1994. Measurement of mesophyll conductance, photosynthetic electron transport and alternative electron sinks of fieldgrown wheat leaves. Photosynthesis Research, 41,397-403.
  • Midmore, D.J., P.M. Cartwright and R.A. Fischer. 1982. Wheat in tropical environments. I. Phasic development and spike size. Field Crops Research, 5,185-200.
  • Monneveux, P., D. Rekika, E. Acevedo and O. Merah. 2006. Effect of drought on leaf gas exchange, carbon isotope discrimination, transpiration efficiency and productivity in field grown durum wheat genotypes. Plant Sci., 170:867- 872.
  • Motzo, R., G. Pruneddu and F. Giunta. 2013. The role of stomatal conductance for water and radiation use efficiency of durum wheat and triticale in a Mediterranean environment. European J. of Agronomy, 44:87-97.
  • Pasban Eslam, B. 2011. Evaluation of physiological ındices for ımproving water deficit tolerance in spring safflower. J. Agr. Sci. Tech., 13,327-338.
  • Qiu, G.Y., L. Wang, X. He, X. Zhang, S. Chen, J. Chen and Y. Yang. 2008. Water use efficiency and evapotranspiration of winter wheat and its response to ırrigation regime in the North China Plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148, 1848-1859.
  • Rees, D., K. Sayre, E. Acevedo, T. Navas, Z. Lu, E. Zeiger and A. Limon. 1993. Canopy temperatures of wheat: relationship with yield and potential as a technique for early generation selection, Wheat Special Report No. 10, 32 Pages, Mexico.
  • Reynolds, M.P., B.M.I. Delgado, M. Gutierrez-Rodriguez and A. Larque -Saavedra. 2000. Photosynthesis of wheat in a warm, irrigated environment I: Genetic diversity and crop productivity. Field Crops Research, 66, 37-50.
  • Richards, R., M. Watt and G. Rebetzke. 2007. Physiological traits and cereal germplasm for sustainable agricultural systems. Euphytica 154,409-425.
  • Roohi, E., Z. Tahmasebi-Sarvestanil, S. A. M. Modarres-Sanavy and A. Siosemardeh. 2013. Comparative study on the effect of soil water stress on photosynthetic function of triticale, bread wheat, and barley. J. Agr.Sci. Tech., 15: 215-228.
  • Ruuska, S., G. Rebetzke, A.F. van Herwaarden, R. Richards, N. Fettell, L. Tabe and C. Jenkins. 2006. Genotypic variation in water-soluble carbohydrate accumulation in wheat. Funct. Plant Biol. 33,799–809.
  • Rubio, J., J. I. Cubero, L. M. Martin, M. J. Suso and F. Flores. 2004. Biplot analysis of trait relations of white lupin in Spain. Euphytica, 135(2): 217-224.
  • Santiveri, F., C. Royo and I. Romagosa. 2004. Growth and yield responses of spring and winter triticale cultivated under Mediterranean conditions. Eur. J. Agron. 20, 281-292.
  • SAS Inst (1999). SAS User’s Guide: Statistic. Statistical analysis systems institute Inc., Cary, NC.
  • Scartazza, A., M. Lauteri, M.C. Guido and E. Brugnoli, 1998. Carbon ısotope discrimination in leaf and stem sugars, water use efficiency and mesophyll conductance during different developmental stages in rice subjected to drought. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology. 25:489-498.
  • Shao, H.B., Z.S. Liang, M.A. Shao, S.M. Sun and Z.M. Hu, 2005. Investigation on dynamic changes of photosynthetic characteristics of 10 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes during two vegetative-growth stages atwater deficits. Biointerfaces 43,221–227.
  • Siddique MRB, A, Hamid and M.S. Islam. 1999. Drought stress effects on photosynthetic rate and leaf gas Exchange of wheat. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 40:141-145.
  • Tan, Y., Z.S. Liang, H.B. Shao and F. Du. 2006. Effect of water deficits on the activity of anti-oxidative enzymes and osmoregulation among 3 different genotypes of Radix Astragali at seeding stage. Biointerfaces 48, 60–65.
  • Tavakoli A, A. Ahmadi, M. Saeidi and S. Madah Hossani. 2011. Study of water relation and gas exchange in drought tolerant and susceptible wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars under post-anthesis drought stress condition. 2nd Iranian Conference on Plant Physiology, Yazd, 124.
  • Tohver, M., A. Kann, R. Taht, H. Mihhalevski, J. Hakman. 2005. Quality of triticale cultivars suitable for growing and bread-making in northern conditions. Food Chem. 89, 125– 132.
  • von Caemmerer, S. and G.D. Farquhar. 1981. Some relationships between the biochemistry of photosynthesis and the gas exchange of leaves. Planta, 153:376-387.
  • Yan W. and M.S., Kang. 2003. GGE Biplot Analysis: A graphical tool for breeders, Geneticists, and Agronomists. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. 273 p.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Rukiye Kara

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016



Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
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