Research Article
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Year 2016, , 276 - 285, 15.12.2016



  • Abusuwar, A.O. 1994. Effect of seeding rates, sowing methods and fertilizer application on the performance of fodder sorghum grown on a saline-sodic soil. Uni. Khartoum J. Agric. Sci. 2(1): 28-45.
  • Abusuwar, A.O. and Hala. 2010. Effect of chicken manure on yield, quality and HCN concentration of two forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cultivars. Agric. Biol. J. North Amer. 1: 27-31.
  • Almodares, A., M. Jafarinia and M.R. Hadi. 2009. The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on chemical compositions in corn and sweet sorghum. American-Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci. 6(4): 441-446.
  • AOAC, 2002. Official Method of Analysis, Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 17th Ed. Arlington, Virginia, USA.
  • Aruna, C., M. Swarnalatha, P.P. Kumar, V. Devender, M. Suguna, M. Blümmel and J.V. Patil. 2015. Genetic options for improving fodder yield and quality in forage sorghum. Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales, 3: 49−58.
  • Ashraf, Y., S.A. Nagre and A.H. Gillani. 1995. Micro mineral contents of fodder as affected by varieties and harvesting intervals. J. Agric. Res. 33: 421-425.
  • Assefa, G. and I. Ledin. 2001. Effect of variety, soil type and fertilizer on the establishment, growth, forage yield, quality and voluntary intake by cattle of oats and vetches cultivated in pure stands and mixtures. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 92: 95-111.
  • Ayub, M., T. Asif, A. Safdar and M. Nadeem. 2002. Effect of different nitrogen levels and seed rates on growth, yield and quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) fodder. Ind. J. Agric. Sci. 72(11): 648-650.
  • Ayub, M., M. Khalid, M. Tariq, M. Elahi and M.A. Nadeem. 2012. Comparison of sorghum genotypes for forage production and quality. J. Ani. Pl. Sci. 22: 733-737.
  • Ayub, M., M.A. Nadeem, M. Tahir, A. Ghafoor, Z. Ahmed and M. Naeem. 2010. Comparative studies on the growth, forage yield and quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) varieties under irrigated conditions of Faisalabad. Pak. J. Life Soc. Sci. 8: 94-97.
  • Ayub, M., A. Tanveer, M.A. Nadeem and M. Tayyub. 2003. Fodder yield and quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) as influenced by different tillage methods and seed rates. Pak. J. Agron. 2(3): 179-184.
  • Azam, M., E.A. Waraich, A. Pervaiz and F. Nawaz. 2010. Response of a newly developed fodder sorghum (Bicolor L. Monech) variety (F-9917) to NPK application. Pak. J. Life Soc. Sci. 8(2): 117-120.
  • Bhilare, R.L. and Y.P. Joshi. 2007. Productivity and quality of oat (Avena sative L.) in relation to cutting management and nitrogen levels. Ind. J. Agron. 52(3): 247-250.
  • Bilal, M.Q., M. Abdullah and M. Lateef. 2001. Effect of mott dwarf elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) silage on dry matter intake, milk production, digestibility and rumen characteristics in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. In: Proc. 54th Annua Reciprocal Meat Conference (Vol. II). Indianapolis Indiana, USA.
  • Bose, M.S.C. and V. Balakrishnan. 2001. Forage production technologies. South Asian Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India. 253pp.
  • Carmi, A., Y. Aharoni, M. Edelstein, N. Umiel, A. Hagiladi, E. Yosef, M. Nikbachat and J. Miron. 2006. Effects of irrigation and plant density on yield, composition and in vitro digestibility of a new forage sorghum variety, Tal, at two maturity stages. J. Anim. Sci. 131:120–132.
  • Çelen, A.E. and H. Akdemir. 1998. Effects of cutting time and nitrogen fertilization on forage yield and quality of a sorghum-Sudangrass hybrid. Turk. J. Field Crops 3(1): 25- 29.
  • Chohan, M.S.M., M. Naeem, A.H. Khan and R.A. Kainth. 2006. Performance of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanumL.) varieties for forage yield. J. Agric. Res. 44: 23-27.
  • Clipson, N.W. and S.J. Edwards. 1994. Factors affecting crop productivity; the biotic environment. In crop productivity (Eds. Weston G.D), Botter worth, Heinenemann ltd. Jordan hall, oxford, UK.
  • Eltelib, H.A. and E.A. Eltom. 2006. Effect of time of nitrogen application on growth, yield and quality of four forage sorghum cultivars. Agric. J. 1(2): 59-63.
  • Glamoclija, D., S. Jankovic, S. Rakic, R. Maletic, J. Ikanovic and Z. Lakic. 2011. Effects of nitrogen and harvesting time on chemical composition of biomass of Sudan grass, fodder sorghum, and their hybrid. Turk. J. Agric. 35: 1-12.
  • Iptas, S. and A.R. Brohi. 2003. Effect of nitrogen rate and stubble height on dry matter yield, crude protein content and crude protein yield of a sorghum–sudangrass hybrid [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench × sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf] in the three-cutting system. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 189: 227-232.
  • Iptas, S., A.R. Brohi and H. Aslan. 2002. Effect of seeding rate and nitrogen fertilizers on forage yield and quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) x sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense) hybrid. Ind. J. Agron. 47(2): 298-303.
  • Iqbal, M.F., Z. Iqbal, M. Farooq, L. Ali and M. Fiaz. 2013. Impact nitrogenous fertilizer on yield and quality of oat. Pak. J. Sci. 65(1): 1-4.
  • Kim, D.J., S.G. Kim, S.J. Abuel, C.H. Kwon, C.N. Shin, K.H. Ko and B.G. Park. 2006. Effect of location, season and variety on yield and quality of forage oat. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 19(7): 970-977.
  • Kumar, A. and K.S. Thakur. 2006. Effect of Brassica spp., and their sowing proportions on productivity, competition and economics of wheat (Triticum aestivum) + Brassica mixed cropping system under rainfed conditions of Himachal Pradesh. Ind. J. Agron. 51: 259-262.
  • Lithourgidis, A.S., I.B. Vasilakoglou, K.V. Dhima, C.A. Dordas and M.D. Yiakoulaki. 2006. Forage yield and quality of common vetch mixtures with oat and triticale in two seeding ratios. Field Crops Res. 99: 106–113.
  • Mahmud, K., I. Ahmad and M. Ayub. 2003. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on the fodder yield and quality of two sorghum variety (Sorghum bicolor L.). Int. J. Agri. Biol. 5: 61-63.
  • Mohammed, A.A.H. and Y.N. Hameed. 1988. The effect of cutting stage, nitrogen fertilization and seeding rate on yield and quality of hybrid forage sorghum. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci. Zanco, 6: 125-138.
  • Mohammed, M.I. and M.A. Moataz. 2009. Evaluation of newly developed sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genotypes for some forage attributes. American-Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci. 6(4): 434-440.
  • Nabi, C.G., M. Riaz and G. Ahmad. 2006. Comparison of some advanced lines of Sorghum bicolor L. Monech for green fodder/dry matter yields and morpho-economic parameters. J. Agric. Res. 44: 191-198.
  • Patel, G.N., P.G. Patel and J.C. Patel. 1994. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on yield and quality of forage sorghum (sorghum bicolor L.). Ind. J. Agron. 39: 123-125.
  • Pholsen, S. And N. Somsungnoen. 2004. Effect of nitrogen and potassium rates and planting distances on growth, yield and fodder quality of a forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Pak. J. Bio. Sci. 7(10): 1793-1800.
  • Pholsen, S. and A. Suksri. 2004. Effect of organic amendment and chemical fertilizer on growth, yield and fodder quality of a forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Pak. J. Bio. Sci. 7(4): 651-657.
  • Rakić, S., Đ. Glamočlija, J. Ikanović, S. Janković and M. Živković. 2013. Morphological traits, yield and chemical composition of forage sorghum genotypes, grown under different nitrogen rates. Romanian Agric. Res. 30: 109-115.
  • Rana, A.S., A.H. Ahmad, N. Saleem, A. Nawaz, T. Hussian and M. Saad. 2014. Differential response of sorghum cultivars for fodder yield and quality. J. Glob. Innov. Agric. Soc. Sci. 2(1): 6-10.
  • Sarfraz, M., N. Ahmad, U. Farooq, A. Ali and K. Hussain. 2012. Evaluation of sorghum varieties/lines for Hydrocyanic acid and crude protein contents. J. Agric. Res. 50(1): 39-47.
  • Sher, A., M. Ansar, A. Manaf, A. Qayyum, M. F. Saeed and M. Irfan. 2014. Hydrocyanic acid and sugar content dynamics under nitrogen and sulphur application to forage sorghum cultivars. Turk. J. Field Crops 19(1): 46-52.
  • Sher, A., F.U. Hassan, H. Ali and W. Hassan. 2016. Seed rate and nitrogen application effects on production and brix value of forage sorghum cultivars. Grassland Sci. 62: 119-127.
  • Shobha, V., B. Kasturiba, R.K. Naik and N. Yenagi. 2008. Nutritive value and quality characteristics of sorghum genotypes. Karnataka J. Agric. Sci. 20: 586-588.


Year 2016, , 276 - 285, 15.12.2016


In this study, change in proximate composition in forage sorghum cultivars as influenced by nitrogen (N)
fertilization and seed rate harvested at different growth stages was planned through field experiments during
consecutive years. Three forage sorghum cultivars viz., JS-2002, JS-263 and Chakwal sorghum were sown
under three N levels (0, 60 and 120 kg ha-1
) by using three seed rates i.e. 75, 100 and 125 kg ha-1
. Results
showed that all individual effect of treatments had a variable influence on quality of sorghum cultivars. JS2002
had higher crude protein content (CP), crude protein yield (CPY), crude fibre (CF), crude fibre yield
(CFY), ether extractable fats (EE), total ash content (TA) and organic matter (OM) whilst JS-263 produced
greater nitrogen free extract (NFE) than other cultivars. Increasing N rates (0 to 120 kg ha-1
) raised all above
mention bio-chemical attributes but not NFE. Similarly, increased seed rate enhanced accumulation of CP,
CF, EE, TA, CPY and CFY while caused reduction of OM and NFE. Genotypic variations may have
influenced the accumulations of these traits however, differences were not significant. In conclusion, sorghum
cultivar JS-2002 seeded at 75 kg ha-1 with 120 kg N ha-1 application produced better quality forage under subtropical


  • Abusuwar, A.O. 1994. Effect of seeding rates, sowing methods and fertilizer application on the performance of fodder sorghum grown on a saline-sodic soil. Uni. Khartoum J. Agric. Sci. 2(1): 28-45.
  • Abusuwar, A.O. and Hala. 2010. Effect of chicken manure on yield, quality and HCN concentration of two forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cultivars. Agric. Biol. J. North Amer. 1: 27-31.
  • Almodares, A., M. Jafarinia and M.R. Hadi. 2009. The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on chemical compositions in corn and sweet sorghum. American-Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci. 6(4): 441-446.
  • AOAC, 2002. Official Method of Analysis, Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 17th Ed. Arlington, Virginia, USA.
  • Aruna, C., M. Swarnalatha, P.P. Kumar, V. Devender, M. Suguna, M. Blümmel and J.V. Patil. 2015. Genetic options for improving fodder yield and quality in forage sorghum. Tropical Grasslands – Forrajes Tropicales, 3: 49−58.
  • Ashraf, Y., S.A. Nagre and A.H. Gillani. 1995. Micro mineral contents of fodder as affected by varieties and harvesting intervals. J. Agric. Res. 33: 421-425.
  • Assefa, G. and I. Ledin. 2001. Effect of variety, soil type and fertilizer on the establishment, growth, forage yield, quality and voluntary intake by cattle of oats and vetches cultivated in pure stands and mixtures. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 92: 95-111.
  • Ayub, M., T. Asif, A. Safdar and M. Nadeem. 2002. Effect of different nitrogen levels and seed rates on growth, yield and quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) fodder. Ind. J. Agric. Sci. 72(11): 648-650.
  • Ayub, M., M. Khalid, M. Tariq, M. Elahi and M.A. Nadeem. 2012. Comparison of sorghum genotypes for forage production and quality. J. Ani. Pl. Sci. 22: 733-737.
  • Ayub, M., M.A. Nadeem, M. Tahir, A. Ghafoor, Z. Ahmed and M. Naeem. 2010. Comparative studies on the growth, forage yield and quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) varieties under irrigated conditions of Faisalabad. Pak. J. Life Soc. Sci. 8: 94-97.
  • Ayub, M., A. Tanveer, M.A. Nadeem and M. Tayyub. 2003. Fodder yield and quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) as influenced by different tillage methods and seed rates. Pak. J. Agron. 2(3): 179-184.
  • Azam, M., E.A. Waraich, A. Pervaiz and F. Nawaz. 2010. Response of a newly developed fodder sorghum (Bicolor L. Monech) variety (F-9917) to NPK application. Pak. J. Life Soc. Sci. 8(2): 117-120.
  • Bhilare, R.L. and Y.P. Joshi. 2007. Productivity and quality of oat (Avena sative L.) in relation to cutting management and nitrogen levels. Ind. J. Agron. 52(3): 247-250.
  • Bilal, M.Q., M. Abdullah and M. Lateef. 2001. Effect of mott dwarf elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) silage on dry matter intake, milk production, digestibility and rumen characteristics in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. In: Proc. 54th Annua Reciprocal Meat Conference (Vol. II). Indianapolis Indiana, USA.
  • Bose, M.S.C. and V. Balakrishnan. 2001. Forage production technologies. South Asian Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India. 253pp.
  • Carmi, A., Y. Aharoni, M. Edelstein, N. Umiel, A. Hagiladi, E. Yosef, M. Nikbachat and J. Miron. 2006. Effects of irrigation and plant density on yield, composition and in vitro digestibility of a new forage sorghum variety, Tal, at two maturity stages. J. Anim. Sci. 131:120–132.
  • Çelen, A.E. and H. Akdemir. 1998. Effects of cutting time and nitrogen fertilization on forage yield and quality of a sorghum-Sudangrass hybrid. Turk. J. Field Crops 3(1): 25- 29.
  • Chohan, M.S.M., M. Naeem, A.H. Khan and R.A. Kainth. 2006. Performance of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanumL.) varieties for forage yield. J. Agric. Res. 44: 23-27.
  • Clipson, N.W. and S.J. Edwards. 1994. Factors affecting crop productivity; the biotic environment. In crop productivity (Eds. Weston G.D), Botter worth, Heinenemann ltd. Jordan hall, oxford, UK.
  • Eltelib, H.A. and E.A. Eltom. 2006. Effect of time of nitrogen application on growth, yield and quality of four forage sorghum cultivars. Agric. J. 1(2): 59-63.
  • Glamoclija, D., S. Jankovic, S. Rakic, R. Maletic, J. Ikanovic and Z. Lakic. 2011. Effects of nitrogen and harvesting time on chemical composition of biomass of Sudan grass, fodder sorghum, and their hybrid. Turk. J. Agric. 35: 1-12.
  • Iptas, S. and A.R. Brohi. 2003. Effect of nitrogen rate and stubble height on dry matter yield, crude protein content and crude protein yield of a sorghum–sudangrass hybrid [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench × sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf] in the three-cutting system. J. Agron. Crop Sci. 189: 227-232.
  • Iptas, S., A.R. Brohi and H. Aslan. 2002. Effect of seeding rate and nitrogen fertilizers on forage yield and quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) x sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense) hybrid. Ind. J. Agron. 47(2): 298-303.
  • Iqbal, M.F., Z. Iqbal, M. Farooq, L. Ali and M. Fiaz. 2013. Impact nitrogenous fertilizer on yield and quality of oat. Pak. J. Sci. 65(1): 1-4.
  • Kim, D.J., S.G. Kim, S.J. Abuel, C.H. Kwon, C.N. Shin, K.H. Ko and B.G. Park. 2006. Effect of location, season and variety on yield and quality of forage oat. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 19(7): 970-977.
  • Kumar, A. and K.S. Thakur. 2006. Effect of Brassica spp., and their sowing proportions on productivity, competition and economics of wheat (Triticum aestivum) + Brassica mixed cropping system under rainfed conditions of Himachal Pradesh. Ind. J. Agron. 51: 259-262.
  • Lithourgidis, A.S., I.B. Vasilakoglou, K.V. Dhima, C.A. Dordas and M.D. Yiakoulaki. 2006. Forage yield and quality of common vetch mixtures with oat and triticale in two seeding ratios. Field Crops Res. 99: 106–113.
  • Mahmud, K., I. Ahmad and M. Ayub. 2003. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on the fodder yield and quality of two sorghum variety (Sorghum bicolor L.). Int. J. Agri. Biol. 5: 61-63.
  • Mohammed, A.A.H. and Y.N. Hameed. 1988. The effect of cutting stage, nitrogen fertilization and seeding rate on yield and quality of hybrid forage sorghum. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci. Zanco, 6: 125-138.
  • Mohammed, M.I. and M.A. Moataz. 2009. Evaluation of newly developed sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genotypes for some forage attributes. American-Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci. 6(4): 434-440.
  • Nabi, C.G., M. Riaz and G. Ahmad. 2006. Comparison of some advanced lines of Sorghum bicolor L. Monech for green fodder/dry matter yields and morpho-economic parameters. J. Agric. Res. 44: 191-198.
  • Patel, G.N., P.G. Patel and J.C. Patel. 1994. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on yield and quality of forage sorghum (sorghum bicolor L.). Ind. J. Agron. 39: 123-125.
  • Pholsen, S. And N. Somsungnoen. 2004. Effect of nitrogen and potassium rates and planting distances on growth, yield and fodder quality of a forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Pak. J. Bio. Sci. 7(10): 1793-1800.
  • Pholsen, S. and A. Suksri. 2004. Effect of organic amendment and chemical fertilizer on growth, yield and fodder quality of a forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Pak. J. Bio. Sci. 7(4): 651-657.
  • Rakić, S., Đ. Glamočlija, J. Ikanović, S. Janković and M. Živković. 2013. Morphological traits, yield and chemical composition of forage sorghum genotypes, grown under different nitrogen rates. Romanian Agric. Res. 30: 109-115.
  • Rana, A.S., A.H. Ahmad, N. Saleem, A. Nawaz, T. Hussian and M. Saad. 2014. Differential response of sorghum cultivars for fodder yield and quality. J. Glob. Innov. Agric. Soc. Sci. 2(1): 6-10.
  • Sarfraz, M., N. Ahmad, U. Farooq, A. Ali and K. Hussain. 2012. Evaluation of sorghum varieties/lines for Hydrocyanic acid and crude protein contents. J. Agric. Res. 50(1): 39-47.
  • Sher, A., M. Ansar, A. Manaf, A. Qayyum, M. F. Saeed and M. Irfan. 2014. Hydrocyanic acid and sugar content dynamics under nitrogen and sulphur application to forage sorghum cultivars. Turk. J. Field Crops 19(1): 46-52.
  • Sher, A., F.U. Hassan, H. Ali and W. Hassan. 2016. Seed rate and nitrogen application effects on production and brix value of forage sorghum cultivars. Grassland Sci. 62: 119-127.
  • Shobha, V., B. Kasturiba, R.K. Naik and N. Yenagi. 2008. Nutritive value and quality characteristics of sorghum genotypes. Karnataka J. Agric. Sci. 20: 586-588.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ahmad Sher This is me

Muhammad Ansar This is me

Muhammad Ijaz This is me

Abdul Sattar This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Sher, A., Ansar, M., Ijaz, M., Sattar, A. (2016). PROXIMATE ANALYSIS OF FORAGE SORGHUM CULTIVARS WITH DIFFERENT DOSES OF NITROGEN AND SEED RATE. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 21(2), 276-285.

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