A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of Zn and mycorrhiza on enrichment possibility of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under preharvest drought stress condition. The treatments included irrigation (A1: normal irrigation, A2: preharvest drought stress) as the main plots and the combinations of zinc (Zn1: 0 kg ha-1 and Zn2: 2 kg ha-1) and mycorrhiza (Mc1: 0 kg ha-1 and Mc2: 200 kg ha-1) as the subplots. The results indicated that grain phosphorus, grain phytic acid, phytic acid to zinc ratio, grain yield and grain filling period decreased under drought stress condition. A significant reduction was observed in grain phosphorus, grain phytic acid, phytic acid (Phy) to zinc ratio and grain filling rate with application of Zn (2 kg ha-1). Grain zinc, protein, yield and final grain weight were higher at 200 kg ha-1 mycorrhiza than the control (0 kg ha-1). Finally, considering drought crisis in some developing countries, the treatment of preharvest drought stress with Zn (2 kg ha-1) saved 450 m3ha-1 of water, produced the second highest grain yield, the highest protein content and the lowest phytic acid and Phy/Zn ratio. Therefore, this treatment can be recommended as a suitable and practical approach to improve wheat grain yield and quality.
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Bruckner, P.L and R.C. Frohberg. 1987. Rate and duration of
grain fill in spring wheat. Crop Sci. 27: 451-455.
Cakmak, I., W.H. Pfeiffer and B. McClafferty. 2010.
Biofortification of durum wheat with zinc and iron. Cereal
Chem. 87: 10-20.
Daei, G., M.R. Ardekani, F. Rejali, S. Teimuri and M. Miransari.
2009. Alleviation of salinity stress on wheat yield, yield
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mycorrhizal fungi under field conditions. J. Plant Physiol.
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FAO, 2013. Food Outlook. Biannual report on global food
market. pp: 132
Graham, J.H. and L.K. Abbott. 2000. Wheat responses to
aggressive and non-aggressive arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
Plant Soil. 220: 207-218.
Grewal, H.S. and R. Williams. 2000. Zinc nutrition affects
alfalfa responses to water stress and excessive moisture. J.
plant Nutr. 23: 949-962.
Huang, J., C. Pray and S. Rozelle. 2002. Enhancing the crops to
feed the poor. Nature. 418: 678-684.
Jiao, Y., C.A. Grant and L.D. Bailey. 2007. Growth and nutrient
response of flax and durum wheat to phosphorus and zinc
fertilizers. Can. J. Plant Sci. 87: 461-470.
Jones, C.A., J.S. Jaeobsen and J.M. Wraith. 2005. Response of
malt barley to phosphorus fertilization under drought
conditions. J. Plant Nut. Soil Sci. 28: 1605-1618.
Jorge, E.M., H.P. Wolfgang and B. Peter. 2008. Biofortified
crops to alleviate micronutrient malnutrition. Curr. Opin.
Plant Biol. 11: 166-170.
Khan, M.B., M. Farooq, M. Hussain, M.H. Shahnawaz and G.
Shabir. 2010. Foliar application of micronutrients improves
the wheat yield and net economic return. Int. J. Agri. Biol.
12: 953-956.
Kitson, R.E. and M.G. Mellon. 1944. Colorimetric determination
of phosphorus as molybdivan adophosphoric acid. Ind. Eng.
Chem. 16: 379-383.
Li, H.Y., Y.G. Zhu, P. Marschner, F.A. Smith and S.E. Smith.
2005. Wheat responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a
highly calcareous soil differ from those of clover, and
change with plant development and P supply. Plant and Soil.
277: 221-232.
Liang, J., B.Z. Han, L.Z. Han, M.J. Robert Nout and R.J. Hamer.
2007. Iron, zinc and phytic acid content of selected rice
varieties from China. J. Sci. Food Agri. 87: 504-510.
Murray, D.R. and M.D. Collier. 1977. Acid phosphatase
activities in developing seeds of Pisum sativum L. Func.
Plant Biol. 4: 843-848.
Pandey, N., B. Gupta and G.C. Pathak. 2012. Enhanced yield
and nutritional enrichment of seeds of Pisum sativum L.
through foliar application of zinc. Sci. Hortic.164: 474-483.
Romheld, V and H. Marschner. 1991. Genotypic differences
among graminaceous species in release of phyto
siderophores and uptake of iron of phyto siderophores. Plant
Soil. 123: 147-153.
Sakano, K., Y. Yazaki and T. Mimura. 1992. Cytoplasmic
acidification induced by inorganic phosphate uptake in
suspension cultured Catharanthus roseus cells: Measurement
with Fluorescent pH Indicator and P-Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance. Plant Physiol. 99: 672-680.
Šramková, Z., E. Gregová and E. Šturdík. 2009. Chemical
composition and nutritional quality of wheat grain. Acta
Chim. Slov. 1: 115-138.
Van Sanford, D.A. and C.T. Mackown. 1985. Cultivar
differences in nitrogen remobilization during grain fill in soft
red winter wheat. Crop Sci. 27: 295-300.
WHO. 1996. Trace elements intakes in human nutrition and
health. Geneva. Switzerland.
Weaver, C.M. and S. Kannan. 2002. Phytate and mineral
bioavailability. In: Reddy, N.R., Sathe, S.K. (Eds.), Food
Phytate. CRC Press, Boka Raton. pp. 211-223.
Yadav, R.S., A.M. Patel, I.N. Dodia, A.V. Aglodiya, G.A. Patel
and N. Augustine. 2011. Agronomic bio-fortification of
wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) through iron and zinc enriched
organics. J. Wheat Res. 3: 46-51.
Zhang, Y.Q., Y.X. Sun and Y.L. Ye. 2012. Zinc biofortification
of wheat through fertilizer applications in different locations
of China. Field Crops Res. 125: 1-7.
Zhu, Y.G. and R.M. Miller. 2003. Carbon cycling by arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi in soil plant systems. Trends Plant Sci. 8:
Farahbakhsh, H., & Khasse Sırjanı, A. (2019). ENRICHMENT OF WHEAT BY ZINC FERTILIZER, MYCORRHIZA AND PREHARVEST DROUGHT STRESS. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 24(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.17557/tjfc.562627
Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year. Owner : Prof. Dr. Behçet KIR Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Emre ILKER Address : 848 sok. 2. Beyler İşhanı No:72, Kat:3 D.313 35000 Konak-Izmir, TURKEY Email : turkishjournaloffieldcrops@gmail.com contact@field-crops.org Tel : +90 232 3112679 Tel/Fax : : +90 232 3432474